Chapter 10: In the Nick of Time ~Luna~


[……Go in.]

[Eh, wait……th,this is, the female locker room you know?]

[……A place where others can’t see us, this is the only place that came into my mind……it’s fine right?]

(A,Appeal is……isn’t it completely about inviting……!)

In a situation where a person couldn’t help but do Appeal, I now understood well how frightening it was. Luna’s action which from a while ago was a continuous Provocation, when it was replaced by Appeal――already, the likes of a brake wasn’t effective anymore.

[N,no wait, it’s a place where men is prohibited……!]

[……you’re hating that much? About me, you hate me that much……?]

(Weren’t you that one who was hating me a little while ago……though I was wrong, I’m not in the wrong right!)

However Luna’s persuasion using her tears, it displayed an instantaneous effect on me. Although I’m reaping what I sowed, I need to overcome and resist her Appeal――although I understood that, it was a situation where nothing could be done.

>Authenticating Magic Power Pattern……OK
>Releasing the door’s lock.

Luna authenticated and opened the door of the female locker room, and let me pa.s.s through. There wasn’t any problem if I was together with a girl――then was there still meaning to having that security?

I entered the room, and right there was a sacred ground. It was a place where a man should never set his foot in, I who was reincarnated invaded it for the first time. It was as if I was stepping on newly fallen snow, for an instant I was full with an immoral feeling which mixed together with joy.

[……Second Lieutenant Yuuki, how do you think, about me?]

――What came after feeling deeply moved, was speech number three which were the words that I couldn’t hear even if I wanted to.
Second place was [Today, my family won’t come back until late], and first place was [There’s something I want to talk about with you, please wait for me behind the gym]. Though the order of things was different, either way it doesn’t change the things that I couldn’t hear, so something like ranking doesn’t matter.

[S,saying how……a,about me, I wonder if you hate me……]

[……The two men in our corps, I planned to never lose to them. Although Second Lieutenant Jio was similar to me who could only avoid the bullets of the enemies, Second Lieutenant Yuuki……]

[Ah……I,I’ve, gotten promoted. To First Lieutenant……]

Though I thought that that wasn’t the situation where I should be saying that, Luna obediently nodded, and corrected her own statement.

[……First Lieutenant Yuuki, saved us. I understand that, by I couldn’t become honest. If I think that I was protected……th,though I’m aware of it……]

――I see.

The brainwashing kind of action that I did, I was afraid that I would be coercing my colleague to do an embarra.s.sing deed――but one thing which exceeded my expectations occurred.

She who was in the course of doing 『Appeal』, was openly telling me her real thoughts.
Her Command List which was covered with Provocation, it was only because she couldn’t become honest. If I interpret it that way, though it was still forceful, it was still consistent.

[……When I become conscious of my fellow colleagues, I become a bother to them……i,if it was case, that soon, I’ll be hated by First Lieutenant Yuuki, then I thought that it’s fine to be an unpleasant child……and then……]

This tsundere, had displayed her whole reason about being tsun――then I wonder what will happen. It was as if she cancelled her weapon and became defenseless, her whole image made a reversal.

I should again restore her Command List, though it was scary for it to become 『Provocation』 100%, since it should be originally that, then I will return it to its proper form.

――However, If I continue to let her be.

A colleague that was supposed to be tsuntsun, who was far from being constantly dere, won’t she at every opportunity invite me to a place with no people, and continue to give her dazzling Appeal.

(B,but that is……more than being the world’s manager, I would be greatly off from the road as a person……!)

[……First Lieutenant Yuuki, would you consider someone, who isn’t like Amriel-sama, who is graceful, and perfect girl……?]

Then I realized, that Luna was one year younger than me. In other words a kouhai, which was why she suddenly started using polite language――that was again, a display of the strong effect of 『Appeal』.

[C,consider……in what kind of meaning……?]

[It’s being seen as a girl……I’m also, already an adult you know……?]

Currently I was 15 years old, Luna was 14 years old――Considering her age, her physical growth, slightly exceeded Amriel.

[Although I’m no match against Roza, because of exercising I’m sufficiently tight……and then, when I think of modulating my voice……]

(M,modulation……I, I want to see. Not that, is 180 seconds this long……!)

>Until it becomes possible for the next rewriting, there is 57 seconds left.

[……Not losing to a man, I’ve always thought of that. But, if it’s First Lieutenant Yuuki……then I……]

The zipper that was holding the front of the military uniform, Luna slowly lowered that.
What she was wearing under that, was a simple shirt. Of all things, for her to roll it up herself that high――during this time, I even forgot to breath.

(She’s not wearing……a bra……h,huh? What’s that……it’s white and big……is it a pudding? It’s different from a pudding, since it doesn’t have caramel sauce.)

I saw her twin hills appear under her rolled up shirt, and I became dazed.
Some time ago, Amriel, told me that if I wanted to see under her suit then I need to put effort.
――Though I didn’t exert effort, I had seen it. I wasn’t allowed to see it even if I wanted to, and on one of the extremes of that, I had seen b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Their size reached Large (D), and they seemed to feet just perfectly on a hand. I couldn’t touch them, so I only looked――even so, I feel like my reason already flew somewhere.

If Ameriel, and Satella-neesan knew of this――despite thinking of that, I couldn’t take off my eyes. As Luna had said because of training her abs were firm, was it because of the muscles supporting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a well balanced training, she had bowl-shaped excellent b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

(……I’m getting excited……and my mind went blank. I,if I don’t keep my reason……)

[……I’m glad. It looks like, First Lieutenant Yuuki is pleased with them.]

My kouhai who used polite language, had a very large destructive force. About me being pleased with them, without replying that that wasn’t the case, before I realized she had taken one of my hands.

When I touched them it was first *tapun*, and then *punyu*, and it seemed to be pushing me back, it had that exquisite response.

Luna placed my hand on her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and didn’t say a thing. Her eyes narrowed, and her breathing became slightly rough, and her cold skin gradually became hot.

[……Since your this cold, a person warming you up might be good for your blood circulation.]

[I,is it that fine……? First Lieutenant Yuuki, even though I was the one who invited you……]

What I was thinking left my mouth as it was. Even so, Luna who was still in Appeal Mode was the loveliest, so I gave a manly response.

>Until it becomes possible for the next rewriting, there is 18 seconds left.

If instead of rewriting, I let this continue――I, who had been told that it was to the extent of impossible about losing my virginity, I might make my achievement here.

With a tension filled look Luna had already presented her other breast, this time I reached out my hand on my own accord. Using two hands compared to one hand, had a sensation of greatly destroying my reason.
My hands moved on their own. In a place where I shouldn’t enter, I was doing things which I shouldn’t do to my kouhai. Though I thought that I should stop, I started to think that it was regretful to finish when there was still remaining seconds――and then.

[……F,first Lieutenant Yuuki……won’t you, as things are……receive me……]

――Her decisive words, continued more after that.

However in that moment, a *bashu* sound resounded and the door of the female locker room opened. At the same moment Time Up arrived――。

>Optimizing the Behavioral Pattern List of 『Luna』.
>1: Conversation 70%
>2: Provocation 20%
>3: Appeal 10%

[Wha……kya……Ro,Roza, why……]

The one who opened the door of the female locker room and entered was Roza. Roza who saw Luna fixing herself blushed.

[……Luna, so you became honest. I’m glad……but, this place is, the female locker room you know?]

[Y,you’re wrong……I,I’m……u,umm, it’s only because First Lieutenant told me he was feeling bad……]

[……First Lieutenant, is that so? But this place is, the female locker room you know?]

[M,my bad……as Luna had said, I asked to rest for a bit……]

Roza combed down her black hair, and looked like she wanted to say something――as if guessing what it was, she gave a suggestive smile.

[First Lieutenant, you’ll be protecting us from here on right. If that’s so, then I won’t say anything. If you aren’t satisfied with just Luna, then tell me okay. Since I and Luna are close friends.]

[Eh……n,no umm, about being satisfied……Roza, what do you mean by that……]

Luna and Roza were fellow buddies (comrades), so I understood about them being close friends.
However, just because of that, if I’ll somehow do Luna then I’ll also do Roza, I somehow don’t understand, or more precisely I feel that it would be a too heavy burden for my virginity. Multiple partners, so there was that kind of thing huh, though I couldn’t help but show interest on it.

[I, I won’t do that kind of thing okay. I was only feeling apologetic to First Lieutenant okay, f,for only a bit……that was only the reason! Roza, I’ll be returning first to our room okay!]

Luna said that, and as if escaping went out.
Roza who was still remaining wasn’t vigilant towards me, and I saw her smiling. This girl was also 14 years old, but it was true that Luna was no match against her――the average physical growth in the different world was excellent huh. But If I say that kind of thing, Amriel will look at me with contempt.

[First Lieutenant, about you being together with Luna in this place, I’ll keep it a secret. With this, the three of us will be in the same boat right.]

[……Ro,Roza, you……]

[It’s fine okay. I’m not thinking of something bad. Since, I’m close friends with Luna. The person my close friend likes, I also have about the same interest you know.]

[P,person she likes……]

Roza took me outside of the female locker room, and faced the direction where Amriel and the others were, and she *pon* pushed my back.

>a.n.a.lyzing Personal Data……Finished
>Reading Behavioral Controlling Script……Finished
>It is now possible to a.n.a.lyze the Behavioral Pattern of 『Roza』.

[First Lieutenant Yuuki, I’m really grateful to you today. Next time, Luna and I will together give our grat.i.tude to you.]

[N, no, both of you don’t need to give your grat.i.tude……]

Roza smiled when she heard my reply, and returned to the same dormitory as Luna where their room was.
Though they were quite peculiar colleagues, our relationship didn’t break regarding this time’s matter――I wanted to believe that. However, the next first action that Luna would choose, I guessed that it would probably be 『Provocation』.

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