Command Chapter 5: Complete Annihilation


>Enemy Aircraft was shot down. Shoot Down Count became 1.
>Regarding this battle you’ve become the lead in Shoot Down Count.

[……I,I’m the only one, who has defeated an enemy……?]

『……It’s because, they couldn’t hit. Someone like you who could, with that kind of weapon that only fires in a straight line, aim and shoot the weak point of the armor after maneuvering is absurd.』

[What kind of movement pattern the enemy has, how will he move, if you know that, something like that is just easy. This Aircross too, and the weapons equipped in it, at my will they can display their potential.]

The measurement error that will be generated from using the machinegun since its bullets will be pulled down by gravity, I also calculate that and shoot. With this accuracy, if a target was within the attack range then no matter how small it was it will be hit.
And then, since I’ve now obtained the 『Power to Read the Flow』――I changed my weapon to the seven heat seaking missile, which possessed incomparable attack range compared to the machine gun, and shoot down with certainty the enemy inside my field of vision.

(……is what I planned to, but I guess things won’t go that smoothly.)

『Delta 1, requesting for your a.s.sistance! The enemy’s strong airframe is……kyaa!』

『I,if this goes on, everyone will die……help me, mother!』

[A powerful airframe……is that it. Similar to us, it’s a humanoid Aircross……but……]

>The enemy 『Medusa』 which is attached 4th Corps is a high firepower type manned Aircross   Size:M
>Commander Aircraft   Equipped with a Wide Area Extermination Weapon

(In that manned aircraft, has something like a Wide Area Extermination Weapon, it’s a dangerous thing again……that Multi Warhead Missile Pod, is exactly a 『Medusa』.)

『……What will you do? If you fight against that directly, even you……』

The shinigami girl said that worriedly. For a shinigami to be worrying about life, was on the contrary a very rea.s.suring thing.

「If it is. .h.i.t then there’s no problem, I honestly didn’t think that the day would come where I could say that.」

『……Though I’ve said it earlier, I didn’t think that you’ll be able to master it that well. You, probably have a high flexibility.』

[It’s because I got an ability that is easy to use you know. Okay, let’s try pushing the limit of the ability of this Aircross in one go.]

>『Grave II』 Unit 2, commencing Full Boost.

>Closing in on 『Medusa』 in full speed. Targeted by 『Medusa’s』 missile. Missile number is 1, 2, 3――

『That’s absurd, Second Lieutenant Belfol! Attracting its attention on your own is……』

『While we are disturbing it, please attack! Since I, already have nothing to fear! 』

(That’s a death flag right……as if I’ll let you guys die. While I’m still alive I……!)

「Leave everything to me alone! I’ll definitely annihilate all aircrafts!」

『Wha……what are you saying, Delta 1! It’s fine to let the enemy retreat, weapons that could clean up those guys aren’t equipped in that Grave II!』

The woman who was commanding me――though I don’t accurately know her background, for now I’ll think of her as a Female Commander.
The Female Commander was earnestly trying to stop me. The 3 corps Alpha, Beta, and Gamma were battling the enemies, and being not able to shoot down even one Scarecrow, were under pressure from the hard fight――in other words, was it that this army’s skill was lower than the enemy, or that essentially speaking this Aircross wasn’t something that could oppose the strength of the enemy.

But, if it was me then I’ll let this end in an instant. First, I’ll make the Medusa’s Missile Pod useless――the enemy’s lock on was 36, moreover all of them have a homing ability that was higher than heat seeking missiles.

『You won’t be able to defend against those missiles! Especially by yourself……!』

Though that transmission was from a female pilot, I didn’t know which aircraft she was. After the battle, I guess there was a need to match each of their voice and faces――the girl who was screaming for her mother earlier, has apparently calmed down right now. It seemed she will lend an ear even for a little to my persuasion.

[Well, just look……if I’m the only one locked on, I could do this evasion……!]

>Predicting missile trajectory……Finished
>Guiding the movement of the 36 missiles, making them useless.


(This voice……is it the pilot of the 『Medusa』. Noise was mixed in so it was difficult to listen but, a girl huh……? )

Medusa faced towards me, and fired all at once the missiles on her shoulder and head.
Each shot had its timing delayed and approached me――by predicting the trajectory of the missile with unseeable speed, while keeping my Aircross in Full Burst, started the game of tag which will end in death if I made a even one mistake.

>Evasive Maneuver D   Success
>Stopping acceleration   The enemy’s missile hit each other, and burst and scattered.
>Evasive Maneuver P   Success
>Somersaulting   The enemy’s missile hit each other, and burst and scattered.
>Evasive Maneuver G   Success
>Evasive Maneuver L   Success

『The missiles, b.u.mped into each other……this kind of thing, how is he doing it……?』

『Even though the ability of Grave II’s Magic Frame, is half than ours……amazing…… 』

I had the composure to listen to the words of praise from the communication. To guide me to the result 『Making the 36 missiles useless』,I derived the answer by combining the trajectory data of Medusa’s missiles and my own possibilities in evasive maneuvers.

While loading the missile pod, Medusa used her middle-ranged rifle, but I was able to easily evade that with my evasive maneuvers. After doing two evasive maneuvers I rotated, and changed to the humanoid form of the Aircross――it was for the sake of testing the power of that weapon.

>Raising the 『Magic Light Sword』 output until 90%.

[――Eat this!]

Drawing out the Magic Light Sword’s handle from my waist, a blade of light was generated. I had the sensation of power being sucked up from my body――for the reason, output didn’t reach 100%.


However there was enough feedback from slashing Medusa diagonally, and I heard a voice of pain. Though I wasn’t able to shoot her down in one hit, I damaged Medusa’s armor, and saw the figure of the pilot inside.


――To protect the pilot’s life below the armor, a suit was tightly enveloping her body and it was ripped in tatters, and one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s was exposed. Even her head armor was damaged, and I could see roughly her face from below that――there was no anger in her eyes, but she was only staring at my direction coldly.

『……Next time、I’ll kill you.』


After shouting, Medusa took something from her backpack, and threw it――it was a flashbang. I avoided looking at it by reading the future, nevertheless my field of vision was s.n.a.t.c.hed away for several seconds, and during that moment Medusa had transformed and escaped.

――Then the ones who picked a challenged in exchange, were the three Scarecrows who were having a close fight with the other corps. However even them, couldn’t stop the me right now.

(They’re buying time for Medusa to retreat huh……it can’t be helped. I’ll save my buddy first.)

Black aircrafts which looked similar to bats, the three coordinated and attacked me――however even if there were three enemies, it doesn’t mean that it was impossible to see everything of their movement.

>Initiating Action Prediction……Finished
>1: The moment the three enemies overlap on each other shoot them down with the machine gun    Success Rate 20%
>2: The moment the three enemies separate and halt hit them with missiles   Success Rate 100%
>3: The three enemies collide with each other and be destroyed   Success Rate 100%

A number of patterns were derived. A flowchart to crushing. To also ascertain the missiles’ performance, I could fire 3 of them. By being efficient, my Battle Evaluation would probably become higher.

(For the path to victory to be presented even this much, as for me battles wouldn’t be battles anymore huh……)

Go out in a battle and be guided to the promised victory, and protect the things I should protect.
Though it was a bit different from ruling the history from the shadows, that kind of thing was also important was what I believe.

>Firing 3 missiles……All enemies. .h.i.t.
>Shoot Down Count increased by 3. You became the Shoot Down King of this month.
>It became possible to request for promotion. Congratulations.

No way was what I thought, but this army couldn’t earn that much Shoot Down Count――Being under attack was probably not seldom, but I guess I suddenly became the Ace huh.

『Delta 1, nice work. Rescue your buddy, and return to the aircraft base fast.』

[Y,yes……thank you very much.]

『……You did great, Yuuki.』

The communication stopped. Apparently, it seems that the owner of this voice has some kind of relationship with me――in proportion to the adjustment of the principle of causality, her information still haven’t been added to my memory.

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