The black gothic lolita style dressed shinigami, apparently seemed to be the same as me who was inexperienced.

[Your inexperience, and my inexperience has a large difference. As to what kind of difference, please say it.]

[Okay okay……on my side I couldn’t have an experience because of my own will, but on your side you want to say that it’s because of your own feelings right?]

Although I only said a vague guess, her small eyes opened wide. Then, she discontentedly became angry.

[……Though that’s correct, for you to answer too accurately, as if you’ve read my mind, doesn’t feel good.]

[M,my bad……for some reason or another I just made a guess. Though I didn’t think it would be correct.]

Making one’s imagination go around and guessing a person’s speech and conduct, and furthermore thinking about the reason behind that person’s action, I like doing that sort of thing. Though I’ve also read books about profiling, well that was to the degree of a hobby.

That was why in the midst of conversations, what was the other party thinking, what kind of motive does he have, I like imagining those kinds of things. Being hated because of reading too much into them, there was that so I do it in moderation.

[……do you, want that privilege after reincarnating?]

[eh……wh,what do you mean by that?]

[You, like to ponder about and predict the course of events of various things. To be able to grasp them perfectly, and manipulate them……don’t you, wish for the orientation of your power to be like that?]

[I,is that kind of thing possible……!?]

The girl *gokuri* nodded. Although she had said that people couldn’t turn into a G.o.d, if she will bestow me the power which she talked about, I think even that wouldn’t be impossible.

[Hmm……I’d like something a bit more general purpose type. Not something that only has one way of using it. If it’s not that kind of ability I think it will reach its limits.]

[General purpose type…you want an ability that could deal with any kind of situation. If that’s the case, do you want an ability that could manipulate 『Scripts』?]

[Script……? What do you mean by that?]

[Though I think the word has various connotations, for the script in this situation, it influences the world and selects its course. A command that controls every single thing――so it speak, it is Script (Scenario). I will give you the ability to manipulate that.]

The meaning which she mentioned, at first I didn’t understood it well――but.
As I slowly broke down her words, wasn’t that a very convenient ability, was the conclusion which I reached.

[In other words, the way everything happens will go according to what I want.]

[Yes. Not only predicting the course of events, you’ll be able to directly intervene with them. In relation to Script Manipulation, I’ll also give you the ability to expand them. To explain in a way that could be understood by your simple way of thinking, in order to increase the usable commands in the Script Manipulation, I’ll also give you the ability of 『Read and Take』 and 『Memory』.]

[……Somehow I don’t understand it but, a Controlling Command? To read and take that, and store it inside of me, and make it become usable? In short, the commands that I have which influence the world will increase? ]

[You’re understanding is considerably fast huh. That’s right, you will obtain the ability to control the world. And as you acc.u.mulate experience in the different world, your ability as a manager will become stronger.]

The life that I’ve had until now, if I had to say I was in the controlled side.
And now, this time I will turn into the controlling side. I will receive a power for that purpose, and reincarnate――.

[……I understand with regards to the ability. It’s too much plenty enough. Honestly speaking, until I become accustomed in the actual things, I’d like to ask for support.]

[Support……you mean, to reincarnate together with you?]

[N,no……well, something like a voice from heaven. After reincarnating, something like receiving answers from my questions, I wonder if that’s a bit too spoiled.]

I’ve finally earned an ability and yet I couldn’t use it well, I want to avoid that kind of situation. However even a shinigami has her own job, so she couldn’t freely hear my prayers――

[That’s fine.]

[……eh, really!? To my unreasonableness, you’ll reluctantly listen to them?]

[You have nothing to worry about. About the concept of time, there’s a big difference between mine and yours. That’s why, even if I’ll be away from here, that won’t have a big influence……the things that I’m saying, do you somehow understand them?]

This time, I immediately understood her meaning. That she said that she will come along with me, wasn’t a delusion, but a truth.

[……Somehow, sorry okay. For you to, listen to nothing but my wishes.]

[It’s fine you know. Humans are more greedy, there are those who use their wit to attempt to coax a shinigami. When considering that, you’re still a docile one.]

[Is that so? As for me, I don’t feel that at all.]

[That att.i.tude, is after all being docile.  Enough with that, a person is praising you, so at this time obediently listen to me.]

You’re not a person, was what I thought, and somehow was able to keep that from coming out of my mouth. It was because the girl in front of me, even if she was unrealistically beautiful, still has the form of a human.

In the midst of that, the vicinity once again became dark, and my surroundings was wrapped with darkness. It appeared that, the preparation for reincarnating was starting.
I couldn’t see the girl’s figure anymore. Suddenly, I realized that I forgot to ask something.

[H,hey. Just in case, can I hear your name?]

[……do you think, that a shinigami has a name?]

I heard the girl’s voice from directly near me. Although I’ve antic.i.p.ated that, so she didn’t have a name huh.

――No, that wasn’t the case.

She has a name. However before that reached my ears, my consciousness became distant.

[――My name, is……]

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