Command Sousa Skill de, Isekai no Subete wo Kage kara Shihaishitemita

Chapter 8: Superior Officer and Colleagues

Chapter 8: Superior Officer and Colleagues


[……About being amazing when you strip, there isn’t much difference right?]

[The tightness is severe you know. If you’re thinking of wanting to see more, then put more effort.]

[S,second Lieutenant Yuuki……for you to say that Second Lieutenant Amriel is amazing when she strips, perhaps……u,umm, already, the two of you, have already!?]

[Calm down Elin, right now maintenance takes priority. Yuuki, Captain-dono is waiting. You two should soon go to report.]

[Okay, thanks. I’ll leave it to you to perfectly do maintenance on them, Gai.]

[Leave it to me. Elin, let’s start.]

[I,I’m curious……but, I, to have something like the right to be curious……]

Though I’m bothered about Elin having excessive discretion――right now, together with Amriel, I should report about our first battle.
――was what I planned to, but when I was in the middle of walking from the dock to the hallway, I felt dizzy, and staggered and lost my balance.

[What is suddenly wrong…….? Oh, your magic power dried up huh. Although your reincarnated self has a lot of magic power quant.i.ty, you overdid a lot of things. You leaked out a lot of pointless magic power.]

[I,is that so……so Command Manipulation, uses magic power huh……]

>『Amriel』 performed 『Magic Power Provision』. Result of performance……Success
>Your magic power was replenished by 1000.
>Acquired new Command 『Magic Power Provision』.

I was suddenly embraced, and my face was caught by something soft――why was it that the chest part of Amriel’s suit had thinner materials than other parts, while imagining that while we were roughly directly close, an angel-like sensation was transmitted to my cheeks.

(S,soft…I feel so relaxed to that point that I might fall asleep……)

[……Though it’s fine to be honest to your desires, if you do any further your wage will become half you know. This is just, to share my magic power to you who depleted yours okay. If you have further plans, then you have to pay.]

[S,so you’ll accept money……no umm, is it fine to pay for this.]

[I’m just joking. I don’t have interest on something like money. But when I acquired this body it felt mysterious, I’m slowly starting to have interest on money and delicious food. A human is always, tormented by the seven sins, so it was this huh……ah]

Amriel’s stomach *kuu* groaned softly. Attracted to that my stomach also groaned――it was a considerable hunger.

[Apparently, it seems that you get hungry when your magic power decreases.]

[Don’t groan like a parrot, it’s embarra.s.sing. Besides, to start with my magic power won’t dry up you know. It’s a const.i.tution.]

She was originally a shinigami, so after reincarnating she have different parts compared to a normal human huh. I also seem to have a lot of magic power, and the time that Amriel embraced me I felt her abundant magic power, and it was already not an ordinary quant.i.ty.]

[But to feel this hungry, no doubt the food will be tasty.]

[Regarding that……you should probably not have too much expectation. This world’s food culture, they didn’t develop it while pursuing taste.]


No matter what kind of world, won’t it develop its cookery according to a human’s desire――was what I thought, but apparently it wasn’t always true.

[If nutrition won’t disappear then it’s fine, it seems like that was the reason. We who are upper stratum people, are different from lower stratum people, we can’t eat food that isn’t processed first.]

[Eh……isn’t that the opposite?]

[No, it’s different. This is actually a favorable treatment as an upper stratum person. Based on the numerical value of the nutrition.]

[……Upper stratum and lower stratum. Do you clearly understand about that?]

[Yeah. The earlier maintenance soldier siblings too……]

(……I was also thinking about that, but I’m still being embraced……she’s completely not minding it huh)

[You guys……when I thought that you will come to report, what are you doing in this kind of place?]

[Ah……Sa,Satella-san, no umm, Captain!]

When I realized, a lone woman was looking at the two of us. While folding her arms, she had a slightly angry face. Right now it looked like I was being hugged by Amriel in the hallway, so it was understandable.

Though I understood it from the voice, she was Captain Satella Belfol――she was a person who was my elder sister in this world. No matter how I think it our faces resemble to each other, she had a well-ordered face, and she was a beautiful woman whose standing figure was well like a model.

――And at any rate my eyes were attracted, to her uniform which was similar to military ones which couldn’t help but have its b.u.t.tons be opened, because of her noticeably large swelling.

(Th,this is……Furufuru (F)……no, it’s Greatful (G)……!)

[……So even being an elder sister is unrelated? This, beast.]

[Wha……you’re wrong, I am……]

[What are you whispering about? Though it’s fine to be delighted from safely returning back, you guys didn’t report. Yuuki too since you’ve raised war results, properly report……]

[S,sorry Nee-san. About the report, I wonder if it’s fine to do it here?]

When I inquired, Satella-san――Nee-san, brought down her raised eyebrows, and smiled as if it couldn’t be helped.

[Though I want you to report in the Control Room……I already understand the results. You shot down four aircrafts, and repulsed the primary enemy aircraft. Regarding this month’s war, it’s the most largest and extraordinary war results.]

[Is it really true, that I’m the only one who defeated enemies?]

[……That’s right. If after this we can’t close the difference between the abilities of our Aircross and theirs, they’ll probably soon s.n.a.t.c.h away this Ryudorik. You, should hold back that flow. Seeing your war results from earlier, the 『Holy Emperor』 immediately recognized your promotion. Today in this place, you have become a First Lieutenant.]

[First Lieutenant……re,really……?]

Being thrown into a battle, and while only thinking about surviving, I got promoted. With this pace, I feel like I’ll immediately overtake Nee-san’s rank.
The 『Holy Emperor』, seemed to be this Ryudorik’s――this floating city’s controlling personage. I wonder, what kind of person he was.

[Amriel. Taking out the ability of your personal aircraft, even you are in need of practice. It’s fine to practice together with Yuuki until the next battle.]

[……I understand.]

Amriel used polite language with regards to Nee-san. It seemed that she wasn’t fussing about being a transcendental shinigami, it was a bit surprising, but I understood that she was showing flexibility.

――And while conversing, two military uniform-clad girls came out from the inner room. Even if I say military uniform, it had the texture of a different world.

[That guy, is definitely getting carried away. I’m telling you that was just a fluke.]

[That kind of thing, if you see Second Lieutenant Yuuki’s real ability, then won’t you understand. About the promotion, you should obediently congratulate him.]

One girl had brown shoulder length even hair, and was wearing a hairband. From a glance she seemed to be a cheerful girl. The other girl had flaxen colored hair which reached to her waist, and she was the one who was gently responding――either way, I heard their conversation.

And as for breast size rank, so far its:

D – Large (Dekai)
E – Excellent
F – Furufuru (Jiggling sound)
G – Greatful

I’m telling you guys this C-cup Silver hair Twintailed blunt but dere Shinigami is best girl.

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