Common Sense of a Warrior

Chapter 83: With My Rival and I

CSWH Chapter 83: With My Rival and I

When I returned home, I changed into my training clothes and partic.i.p.ated in practice.

Of course, at the same time I gave Anna and Enaline guidance, which had become part of the daily routine.

"……well then, Mel-san. Please take care of me."

Just around the time I had finished coaching the two of them, Abel-san entered the training grounds.

His gentle, friendly atmosphere and sociable smile hid away the characteristic sharpness possessed by those who wielded the sword.

He gave off the impression of a nice older brother.

In reality he was well taken care of by the various seniors at this training ground, and though he shouldn"t have had many points of interaction with Anna and Enaline, it appears they had built a rather good relationship.

"Yes, please take care of me as well."

However, one mustn"t be deceived by that and let down your guard in battle, I laughed to myself internally.

Because his ability likely didn"t put him just one head, but two or three heads above the rest.

Standing directly across from him, I prepared my sword.

Likewise, he silently prepared his own.

The gentle atmosphere that had surrounded him earlier vanished, and his eyes had instead become sharp.

For a short while neither of us moved as we observed to see what move the other would make.

Shht……every time his feet moved even slightly, the sound entered my ears.

In an instant, I started to move.

At the same time, he also started to move.

Clang……the sound of swords clashing resounded.

It was so fun that I felt the corners of my mouth rise involuntarily, and I could see his face making a similar expression from beyond my sword.

I didn"t force myself to maintain that position, and pulled back my body together with my sword.

And then once again, we went back to observing each other so as to not let even a single gap go.

……our battle was by no means interesting, when looking from a third party perspective.

Because not only did we make any flashy movements, there were also not many occasions where we clashed swords.

The moment he moved, in order to deal with it……and use his attack against him to counterattack, I also moved. 

After clashing a number of times, he saw that he was at a disadvantage and pulled back.

"…….alright, stop, stop."

Around the time that had repeated several times, Kuroitsu-san called us to a stop.

"Look, it about time to finish up. Start the preparations to clean up."

Having stopped moving at Kuroitsu-san"s voice, the both of us exchanged a bitter smile as we bowed to each other.

"Thank you very much, Mel-san."

"It is I who should be saying thanks, Abel-san."

As we alighted from the training arena, we each wiped our sweat with our respective towels.

"Now that I think of it, how long with Abel-san be with the First Division? If I recall correctly, it was a time limited a.s.signment, right?"

"Ahh……the truth is, my apprenticeship already ended a long time ago. That"s why I originally should be holding back from partic.i.p.ating in this training, but……"

He made a wry smile as he scratched his cheek.

"Everyone said that since I"ve gone through such trouble to improve my skills, I should continue partic.i.p.ating so that I don"t grow dull, so they invited me to do so. Originally I"d be busy with my duties so I wouldn"t be able to come frequently, but since it was an opportunity I was given, I"ve been trying to partic.i.p.ate as much as possible."

I am quite grateful they"ve given me such a generous evaluation, he smiled as he uttered such words.

After interacting with him like this, he really gave off the feeling of being a nice older brother…….

He really is completely different from when I fought him, I thought as I also smiled.

"Initially this training is something that anyone can partic.i.p.ate in……..and if you"re recognized by everyone, then there"s no need to feel any hesitation at all. Nevertheless, you"re also busy with work as well……isn"t it hard?"

"No, not at all. Presently, the busy period for the station I"m attached to has pa.s.sed, so now I"m relatively free."

"Huh, is that so? Even in the same Army, it differs greatly depending on which division you"re attached to."

"Yes, indeed."

Looking at the surroundings, those who had finished their preparations to go home were starting to leave the training grounds one by one.

As the people started to disperse, the air that had become far too hot due to the training felt like it was becoming cooler.

After adequately folding the towel I had wiped my sweat with, I once again turned my gaze towards Abel-san.

"Please call out to me the next time you come. I will train steadily for that time."

"Yes, of course……if I"m to train with Mel-san, then I"ll have to make an effort in my independent training so that the difference between us doesn"t grow further."

"My, how modest…….well then, it"s about time I excuse myself."

"Yes. Then, I shall see you at the next training session."

And then, I separated from Abel-san and left the grounds together with Anna and Enaline.

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