Chapter 1   Infancy

Story 2: Trapped Choices


“Please get along with Leona okay, Hiroto-chan”

Since it’s not possible for me to talk, I turned my face away from Sarasa-san who was peeking over at my cradle.
Ricardo papa and Remillia mama had a troubled look on their faces many times already.

――However I had forgotten something.

I had a pa.s.sive skill obtained from the [Negotiation] skill which doesn’t work on my family but is very effective to people other than my family.


・「Charisma」 has been invoked! 《Sarasa》’s attention has been obtained.
・「Charm」 has been invoked! 《Sarasa》 failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed.
・《Sarasa》 sees you with good will.
・《Remillia》 muttered.「I won’t give over our Hiroto to Leona-chan.」

(Oh shi-………..The effect of my pa.s.sive skill worked…..!)


Sarasa-san’s got shocked and her body trembled. I’M SORRY, It’s my pa.s.sive skill’s fault.


Timidly, I looked over at the log that has flowed to my head a little while ago.
Being able to read the reaction of a person through the window’s display is very scary to me and that is why I tried to various things to the window and made it into Non-display mode.
When I did that, the information displayed on the window flowed into my mind.

First of all, when [Charisma] skill was invoked, I was able to see the status of Sarasa-san.
The [Charisma] skill itself is remembered by various occupations because it’s effect is [Depriving another person’s attention] .
When this skill is invoked, you will be able to invite other people to a party by affirming them with the active skills [Persuade] and [Request].
Even without obtaining the skill [Judge], with the [Charisma] skill, you can see the status of another person and be able to invite them to a party.

“….Remillia-san, as I thought, you can expect many things from Hiroto-chan. Though he’s a baby who still can’t talk……I feel like he has something that other people don’t have.”
“Hmm….the midwife also said the same thing about Hiroto.” [1]

Because I already fell asleep after the long cry I had after I was born, I wasn’t able to look at the log at that time.
The log disappears after a fixed time and that is why it can’t be used as a convenient record of action that has happened.
That is why maybe when I wasn’t aware of it, it’s possible that my pa.s.sive skill was invoked to any person that went near me aside from my parents.
However, when one’s level is low, [Charm] won’t easily work even if it’s invoked even the other party’s level is high…….I’m not saying that the success rate is 0%. When it succeeds then like this, Sarasa-san will….


・《Sarasa》 is waiting for your command。Will you command her? YES/NO

The log will inform you of the present circ.u.mstances and in contrast, it will ask for the user’s selection.
However, if you don’t select anything then the dialog will show [Time over].
Though the [Charm] skill succeeded, I didn’t have any desire in ordering my neighbor’s wife.
Though I want to know what kind of child this Leona is, well, the chance might exist even if I keep on being silent.
Though there’s a chance that she wouldn’t like me because I suck at communicating.
A-anyways….I want to release Sarasa-san from the [Charmed] state….but the only thing I’m able to do right now is cry.

“…ugya!…ugya!…” [2]
“Ara Ara, hiroto, did you get surprised…or is your tummy empty?”

Remillia-san who was sitting in a chair at the table near me stood up from her chair.
However, her mana hasn’t finished in recovering immediately after breastfeeding me a while ago.

“I just gave him milk a while ago so that’s why milk still won’t come out of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s…..What should I do now?”
“Remillia-san, is it alright if I breastfeed him instead? When I breastfeed Leona, there is still excess that remains after….”

――OH, MY, G.o.d.

Even though I did pray to the G.o.ddess that reincarnated me, my mental state of mind wasn’t really praying to her.
Even though my baby period can already be called a blessed period of my life because of being raised by a beautiful woman like Remillia-san….by no means did I also thought the Neighbor’s wife would also be affected because of me.
Before my reincarnation, our neighbor’s wife always said “That Hiroto-kun, it seems like he is now a burden to the Morioka household because he became a shut-in” is what I heard from the neighborhood’s gossip on a mid-afternoon day.

Well, this is not a good time to be remembering stuff like that.
Right now, it seems like Sarasa-san is trying to breastfeed me even though it might overwork her and that is why it is necessary for me to confirm it.
That’s the only thing that a baby like me can do.
I prayed quietly in my heart and by the effect of the [Charisma] skill, It became possible for me to see Sarasa–san’s status window which developed inside my mind.

◆ Status ◆

Name: Sarasa Roneia
Race: Half Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 123-years old
Level: 23
Job: Sage
Hp: 64/64                              Mp: 224/264

Whip Mastery                      32
White Magic                         30
Pharmacist]                          20
Physique                               2
Magic Attainments              20
Maternity                              75
Cuisine                                   20
Slave                                      20

Active Skill:
Whip Binding                        【(Whip mastery 30)】
Recovery Magic level 2       【(White magic 30)】
Potion Making                      【(Pharmacist] 20)】
Breastfeed                            【(Maternity 20)】
Baby-sitter Song                 【(Maternity 30)】
Milking                                  【(Maternity 40)】
Persuasion                            【(Maternity 60)】
Simple Dish                           【(Cuisine 10)】
Dish                                        【(Cuisine 20)】

Pa.s.sive Skill:
Whip Equipment                  【(Whip mastery 10)】
Queen                                    【(Whip mastery 20)】
Medical Herb Study            【(Pharmacist 10)】
Recovery Rise                      【(White magic 20)】
Raising                                   【(Maternity 10)】
Affectionate Mother            【(Maternity 50)】
Treasures her children       【(Maternity 70)】

The remainder skill point: 17

Even though 40 mana points were consumed from her, it’s because she breastfed Leona a while ago.
However, I was overwhelmed by the other information that I got from her.
She was a half elf as I thought….and that would be the beginning of the quest that will be generated later, other than that, what overwhelmed me was the level of her [Maternity] skill which was 75.

Even though I was really surprised of the existence of the [Breastfeed] active skill, the existence of the skill [Milking] was too tremendous for me.
It’s true that her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are really big, and when people who have these kinds of big chests don’t squeeze them then their mammary glands would become blocked is what I heard from rumors though it’s pretty reasonable…..there are also other skills where you would want to retort to so I can’t use all of it as a reference.

I couldn’t overlook the [Slave] skill entry.
This means that she has an experience of being a slave.
What kind of troubled roads did this half elf woman go through in her life, I was filled with complex feelings when I recalled the content of the game version of this world.
Though there is a time like this where we can peacefully live, will I really be able to watch this kind of scene……

“Right, so…..Hiroto, it looks like you’re hungry. Sarasa-san, if it’s alright with you, please give some of your milk to our child. Is that alright Leona-chan?”
“kyaa! Kyaa!” [3]

Leona seems to be considerably friendly……Though she was born a bit later after I was born, her charm is already spreading it seems.
I can’t possibly mimic her.
Wa-wait this isn’t the time to hold a sense of rivalry for her.

“Hiroto-chan~….please look over here. Though your mother might be better, please endure it for a while….”


・《Sarasa》 is trying to use the active skill [Breastfeed] on you. Will you permit her to use it on you? YES/NO

Sarasa-san took of the belt on her comfortable clothes that she wears for the sake of breastfeeding Leona and she exposed her breast to me.


I couldn’t do anything but admire the spectacle before me.
To me who was a baby, before me was a magnificent mountain range.
It was shaking with a *Purun Purun* and when I tried to look up, it was really huge that I even turned my face away from it.
I can’t imagine how she could support such large b.r.e.a.s.t.s…..Can the bra.s.sieres of this world cover up this chest?

To an additional explanation of the [Maternity] skill, it’s written that one’s chest would grow with the numerical value of 0.2x for each level up.
She was already a big breasted woman originally so it’s calculated that her breast grew about 15% with the help of her [Maternity] skill level.
In contrast to that is Remillia-san with a growth of 5% or less.
Since there are variations from individuals and though my respect for my mother won’t change…..I thought that such a magnificent bust would only be possible in anime.
There will be no complaint that Sarasa-san has the overall victory. Though I don’t know what kind of tournament it is.

Furthermore, after she has shown me the pink part of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Sarasa-san became embarra.s.sed and her cheeks burned red all over.
It goes without saying that the obvious reason on why she is being conscious of a 0 year old boy is because she was in the [Charmed] state.

(Can I really suck on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s even on her condition like this…..)

“It’s alright so you don’t have to hold back….Hiroto-chan, since Leona-chan tummy is already full and I squeeze the left over and just throw it away.”

Since I can’t talk, I wouldn’t be able to answer even if she talks to me
However in this situations, there exists a way for communications in this cases.
And that is the Pa.s.sive skill that can be acquired when the level of one’s [Negotiation technique] is 100.


When one sets this skill up, the system will calculate the effective actions available for the situation and 3 choices are raised.
Because all mana will be consumed after calling upon this skill, if one doesn’t have any way of replenishing mana then this best card cannot be used excessively.

Even though I’m just a baby, there still must be an effective action for this situation….Please teach me [Choices]!
◆Choices Dialog◆

1: Give 《Sarasa》 permission to [Breastfeed] you.
2: Give 《Sarasa》 permission to [Breastfeed] you.
3: Give 《Sarasa》 permission to [Breastfeed] you.

[Wait just a minute……! ! !]

Are you saying that there’s no room for a baby to select any other action….the system is urging me to let her breast-feed me.
I’m being forced, are the words that are floating in my mind right now.


・《Remillia》 muttered.「You’re not thinking that a bigger chest is better right? Sigh even Hiroto is like this…..」
・《Leona》 is laughing.
・《Sarasa》 is blushing while looking at you.

Remillia-san muttered with a little bit of jealousy and it’s displayed in the log without any mistake.
I called upon the choices again since it was necessary to select either.

[….oh G.o.d, please forgive this hungry baby.]

Because I didn’t understand what I was asking for forgiveness, for the time being, after I prayed to the G.o.ds, I looked over at the choices 1, 2, and 3 and with a regretful mindset, I selected number 2.
Sarasa-san held me up and she sat on a chair. And now I turned my face towards her chest…..

“Sarasa-san, you’re whole face is burning red…….Don’t tell me, to our child……?”
“N-no! There’s nothing wrong with me.”


・You are now receiving 《Sarasa》’s「Breastfeed」 skill。Your Hp has been replenished.
・《Sarasa》’s [Charmed] state continues。
・《Sarasa》 muttered。「I want to apologize to my husband……I’m sorry honey.」

It seems like in my new life, the beginning is already in the climax. Wait what I would do if it really ended…
At the first try, milk didn’t come out from Sarasa-san’s nipples so I sucked her nipples in front of me once again.
Though I know that this is necessary, it seems like I’m starting to get a Breast phobia. It resembles the likes of being scared of Manjuus.


・You are now receiving 《Sarasa》’s「Breastfeed」 skill。Your Hp has been replenished.
・You have acquired the skill「Magic Attainments」! Mp increased by 12 points。You are now able to use magic。
・《Sarasa》 muttered。「Will I come to ask to do this again in the future……」
・《Remillia》 murmured。「It looks like she wants to take home hiroto……Sarasa-san, You’re dangerous.」

Remillia-san’s concern is justifiable….I didn’t expect that just by being breastfed, I would able to attain a new skill.
Perhaps, because she had the [Magic Attainments] skill, then the skill was pa.s.sed on to me.

However, even when I drink the milk of Remillia-san, it raises the level of the [Elegance] skill.
Can anyone even consider this drinking breast milk method balanced?

Wait, what the h.e.l.l am I thinking while looking so great like.
I’m really grateful for getting skills by just being raised like this that I’m starting to cry tears of joy.
It looks like Leona is succeeding enough [Magic attainments] level from Sarasa-san……Will this child become my childhood friend?
I thought of this while now being carried by Remillia-san and Leona being carried by Sarasa-san.

“Kyaa! Kyaa! ♪”[4] [5]

――This smile, I’ve seen this somewhere……..

TL Notes:

1. Midwives are people who aren’t doctors but have experience in helping to give birth to a child.
2. Crying noises of course
3. Happy baby sounds
4. Happy baby sounds
5. Obvious thing is obvious.

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