Chapter 20.3

Translator: E R O S
Patron: Wolololy, Minmin, Kaiser Corgi, Apophis Sepia .

The latter is like making myself to be the bait . It is dangerous but rather than having no clues and let time without achieving anything, some risk is worth taking . If Milty’s parents are treated as slaves, there’s no telling what kind of treatment they get . The longer the time it take to save them, the higher the risk of having dangers befall them .

“The fact about Milty’s parent already died is just a lie . I can tell about their life and death situation by divination . I am reluctant about borrowing power from the G.o.d but there are nothing else I can do about it”

There was also a divination system inside the game . If a player donates a large amount of money to the temple, they would receive a divination as grat.i.tude .

An example from the divination would be like pinpointing the town where a certain NPC they want to meet resides . And now in here, just like the extension of that function, people could use it to check the the life and death of someone else . In the game, important NPC would be re-sp.a.w.ned when died but hoping the same thing would happen in this world is just stupid .

“For the present time, don’t mind too much on my and Milty’s situation . This problem is not something that can be cleared quickly after all”
“Un . But I can see the thing that I must do from now on”
“…… I’m sorry . I know that you would definitely say that that I……”
“I am your disciple after all, Neris-san . You don’t have to apologize like that . Rather, for Neris-san to depend on me who is just a small boy, I feel……”

Happy . Before I finish what I want to say, Neris-san suddenly hug me . Her hand combs the back of my hair tenderly . Her soft breast is also pushing firmly against me but I just can’t feel any weird mood currently .

“…… I normally think that I will eventually return back to become a granny which is the natural course . But holy G.o.ddess in heaven…… you are just too lovely . I feel bad for just letting Sarasa, the holy knight, and many other girls to pamper you”

(!! H-how did Neris-san knows…… She never show any kind of jealous expression whatsoever before)

Maybe it is real that no one can guess what the inside of the other person heart is . I sometime envied the Sovereign Dragon for their ability to read other’s heart . But that power is the biggest cheat to break the world’s rule . That is why there is no skill to enable a human to read other human’s heart .

“Make it a secret from Milty…… that girl is still too small . If she said that she also want to do it, it would definitely become a trouble nou……“

The younger version of Obabsama seems to have the same smell as Milty’s mother . Just like Sara.s.san, I kept being under the ‘care’ of my childhood friend’s mom a lot……

After making sure that the shutters are closed, under the dancing light of candles, Neris-san is taking off the robe that seems to be always on her . When my eyes capture the skin color under the black cloth, a certain thought suddenly appears in my mind .

About the thing when Neris-san heard about Sara.s.san is ‘taking care’ of me, just what kind of emotion did she have at that time I wonder…… Did it just made her remember the time when she is raising her daughter ---- or maybe……

“…… The thing that we are going to do now, just think of it as something related to your study . I have decided…… to give everything that I have to you nojya”
“…… Neris-san”

I could neither say ‘I understand’ nor ‘please take care of me’ .

Even with the sense of shame from thinking about Milty, Neris-san doesn’t stop her action .

That’s right…… she is embarra.s.sed . But as my teacher, she doesn’t wince when I approach her and she only look at me with a smile .
(Eros: welp, no suckling action)


#Top Secret Dispatch

And then three years pa.s.sed after the day my little sister born . It is a bit after I pa.s.s my 8th birthday . Ash, who is now 12 years old, joined the examination to join the merchant guild and splendidly pa.s.sed .

Ash’s first job is to become a member of a caravan to help transport the goods from Padoul Company from Mizell to Junegan capital city . But at the same time, I see a quest t.i.tled [Protect the Caravan] pasted in the quest board in the adventurer guild . I naturally feel a bit worried .

Adventurer’s guild head, Buryu-aniki, while touching his skin head that is usually polished splendidly, tells me about the content of the quest . For the sake of outward appearance, he is explaining it to Monicsan who is the registered party leader .

“As you know, the route to reach the capital city from Mizell is through a mountain path and nowadays, there’s a lot of information about bandit appearance in the vicinity . So escorting quest through that path is always in high demand . Well, the order mostly comes from Padoul Company though . For the escorting quest from capital Junuva to here is obviously handled by the guild there”
“Nowadays, the bandits doesn’t only try to steal the goods, they also try to kidnap the merchant . Such case has been reported frequently at the moment . They mostly kidnapped to be sold as slaves in other kingdom and many of them don’t even leave any track to follow so the kingdom can’t free them back . It is really a serious problem”

If the young Ash were to be attacked by bandits then not only the goods they transported, even himself would be in danger . When I reached to that conclusion, I decided to take the quest to protect the caravan with my party . The quest registration will be closed in another 2 days so I somewhat feel lucky to notice it in time .

“So, what would you do? If you want to take the quest then I will pay you 2 silver

silver coins in advance . The rest, a total of 8 silver coins will be paid after you succeeded the quest”

The reward is the same as doing the 3 stars difficulty quest, subjugating Goblin Leader . If Padoul Company is willing to pay this much every time they request escorts then the loss they received from the bandits must be serious .

The guild would take 10% of the adventurer payment as administration fee so the more escort quest requested toward the guild, the more revenue they got which is nice but even so……

“N? Why did you keep looking at me boy?”
“There are mountain bandits appearing right? Even if we manage to protect the caravan this time, won’t those bandits just go and attack again the next time?”
“Mu…… But this is not the first time something like this happen okay? If we are talking about subjugating the bandit’s lair then the difficulty rating will……”
[Eros: Mu the sound j.a.panese make when they befuddled/unable to retort]

Hearing my question, Buryu-aniki could only show a troubled expression . He still feels worried about our party somehow . Even with Wendy and Nameless-san getting more famous since the time with Sword Lizard and Fire Drake subjugation .
Even of the difficulty rank increase, it would easily raise our adventurer rank also so I don’t see any problem with it . Rather, if you have those kinds of difficult quest, please tell us about it . Important mission like mountain bandit extermination should exist . This is also for Ash’s sake .

“That is…… Brother, If it is Wendy’s party, I think it would be okay to tell them”

So the quest really exists . Mountain bandit extermination! The difficulty rating should be around 4 stars I guess? Well, I would still take it even if the difficulty rating is higher though .

“U-mu…… Well, indeed if it is them…… alright, I understand . You guys, come with me for a bit . Shary, please show the way”
“Okay . Everyone, this way please”

With Shary-san’s lead, the party walks into a small room in the inner part of the office building . It seems that this place is exclusive only for special missions that can’t be shown on the normal quest board . Beside the special board, there’s only a round table with six chairs surrounding it in the center of the room . There are no windows here . It should be preventive measures so that no one could take a peek inside .

By the way, Shary-san is looks great as usual in her ap.r.o.n dress . When I tried to steal a glance on her ‘seem about to burst’ breast, Monicsan gives me a frown . Nameless-san lips that is not covered by her mask is moving into a smirk while Wendy showers Shary-san with a yearning look . Wendy, isn’t yours also quite big already?

Shary-san doesn’t seem to notice what I did . She just acting like usual and bring a book with leather cover . It is the special quest catalog book . She took a page from the book and give it to me . Skimming through the page, it’s a 5 stars difficulty mission .

“A scout from the adventurer

the adventurer guild have found the hideout of a mountain bandit group that is affiliated with the thief guild under the name of [Poison Rose] . We received a request to either eliminate the hideout or make it stop its activity . The detail about the requester is company secret”

A mysterious requester ordering the elimination of the mountain bandits…… Hey wait a minute . Isn’t this the quest that will lead the player to join the thief guild? If you can make the mountain bandit your friend then you will be invited to thief guild headquarter .

But well, if one is to enter the thief guild then he or she will automatically stripped out of their membership with adventurer guild . There are many cases where double membership brings trouble after all . The thief group is after all outlaw that is being watched under strict eyes by the government . With adventurer guild having many works related to the kingdom, they are naturally afraid that the member of the thief guild will mess things up . That’s why adventurer guild and thief guild are incompatible with each other .

But the name [Poison Rose]… not only emphasis being poisonous, it also use the name ‘Rose’ which is quite feminine . It could also the symbol of a ‘Yuri’ kind of group…… Just what am I thinking about?
[Erospedia: Yuri: j.a.panese term for lesbian topic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ah btw, not my type of thing]

“Is it the Poison Rose who attacked the caravan?”

Nameless-san asks Shary-san . She has been staying in Mizell since the last case . Her experience in my party is already 6 years old . Wendy who can’t even wield a sword correctly in the past has become far stronger now . Even Monicsan marksmanship is being polished even further . Our party can be said as the strongest in Mizell . With guest member like the three from Knight Brigade and also with Sersan and Sara.s.san as healer, our line-up is the strongest .

“Yes it is . There are other mountain bandit groups but the biggest harm is done by Poison Rose . Lately, there is a prominent woman thief that becomes their boss and she managed to expand the group rapidly . Even some of our adventurers switch sides after received her solicitation and becoming bandits”

Woman thief…… if she is a beauty then it is possible for her to easily seduce man to join her . Even that chivalrous thief who stole something troublesome is totally a sucker for beauties .
[Eros: seems like lupin anime reference . The legendary lupin dive]

“But as the result of the group’s sudden growth, they can’t support everyone by just stealing goods which leads to them selling the merchant they kidnapped as slaves . Not only merchant, other travelers have also been harmed”

This new woman head of the mountain bandits really do have some cruel design…… Not only they steal their belonging but also sold their victim as slaves . That is a really messed up way of thinking . They seem to be unfamiliar with the word sin .

… . . Why did I feel that I have met someone like that before? …… I tried to remember whoto remember who it was but my memory is all blurry .

“It is said that the member of Poison Rose reached over a 100 bandits . Even if it is categorized as 5 stars level difficulty, the actual danger might be higher than that so the reward is equivalent to 6 stars difficulty quest”

The one who can receive 5 stars difficulty quest in Mizell beside my party is my father’s, Ricardo’s party only . The party in this city could mostly handle around 2 stars or 3 stars difficulty .

“Fuun…… So this is a special request, right? How much is the exact amount of reward then?”
“The advanced payment will be 1 platinum coin while the full payment after completion is 9 platinum coins . Adding on that, in case you are successful with the quest, your party will also receive precedence when choosing special quests across all the guilds in the kingdom . This mission is very critical for the adventurer guild after all”

A platinum coin is equal to 10 gold coins . So in short I will get a total of 100 gold coins . The reward is indeed exceptional but I am more concerned about the special privilege mentioned . After all back in the game, special quest is a great way to increase fame . With more fame your name will be easier to be known and you simply will become famous .

But then again this is an order from the guild to subjugate the mountain bandit group Poison Rose’s lair which is registered to the thief guild . If I just follow the quest normally then the thief guild will definitely become my enemy and there will be no way for me to accept the quest to break the upper limit for my thief tree skills in the future . I must join the guild to accept those quests after all…… Well, let’s just think of another way to solve it later .

So my 1st priority is to protect Ash by eliminating the chance of them getting attacked by the bandits because after all, Ash would probably frequent the capital with the caravan regularly from now on .

“So Hiroto, what would you do? We definitely would obey your choice”

Monicsan and the other two are waiting for my decision . Shary-san had also known that I am the true leader in this party so she doesn’t feel surprised witnessing this scene .

“Un, let’s take it . Please let our party do this”
“Thank you very much . If it is Hiroto-san, I thought that you will definitely accept the quest”

Shary-san gives out a smile . She doesn’t even feel the guilt of sending an 8 year old boy out a dangerous mission .

After all, my party quest completion rate in this 6 years is a perfect 100% . Our result definitely gives people an absolute trust in our capabilities .

And our achievement is not only in combat quests .

As long as my opponent is human, I will have an absolute advantage . After all for opponent who can communicate with each other, my cheat like negotiation skill will enable me to negotiate no matter what .

End of chapter 20

Translator E R O S Editor Patron Wolololy, Minmin, Kaiser Corgi, Apophis Sepia . The latter is like making myself to be the bait . It is dangerous but rather than having no clues and let time without achieving anything, some risk is worth taking . If Milty s parents are treated as slaves, there s no telling what kind of treatment they get . The longer the time it take to save them, the higher the risk of having dangers befall them . The fact about Milty s parent already died is just a lie . I can tell about their life and death situation by divination . I am reluctant about borrowing power from the G.o.d but there are nothing else I can do about it There was also a divination system inside the game . If a player donates a large amount of money to the temple, they would receive a divination as grat.i.tude . An example from the divination would be like pinpointing the town where a certain NPC they want to meet resides . And now in here, just like the extension of that function, people could use it to check the the life and death of someone else . In the game, important NPC would be re sp.a.w.ned when died but hoping the same thing would happen in this world is just stupid . For the present time, don t mind too much on my and Milty s situation . This problem is not something that can be cleared quickly after all Un . But I can see the thing that I must do from now on I m sorry . I know that you would definitely say that that I I am your disciple after all, Neris san . You don t have to apologize like that . Rather, for Neris san to depend on me who is just a small boy, I feel Happy . Before I finish what I want to say, Neris san suddenly hug me . Her hand combs the back of my hair tenderly . Her soft breast is also pushing firmly against me but I just can t feel any weird mood currently . I normally think that I will eventually return back to become a granny which is the natural course . But holy G.o.ddess in heaven you are just too lovely . I feel bad for just letting Sarasa, the holy knight, and many other girls to pamper you H how did Neris san knows She never show any kind of jealous expression whatsoever before Maybe it is real that no one can guess what the inside of the other person heart is . I sometime envied the Sovereign Dragon for their ability to read other s heart . But that power is the biggest cheat to break the world s rule . That is why there is no skill to enable a human to read other human s heart . Make it a secret from Milty that girl is still too small . If she said that she also want to do it, it would definitely become a trouble nou The younger version of Obaba sama seems to have the same smell as Milty s mother . Just like Sarasa san, I kept being under the care of my childhood friend s mom a lot After making sure that the shutters are closed, under the dancing light of candles, Neris san is taking off the robe that seems to be always on her . When my eyes capture the skin color under the black cloth, a certain thought suddenly appears in my mind . About the thing when Neris san heard about Sarasa san is taking care of me, just what kind of emotion did she have at that time I wonder Did it just made her remember the time when she is raising her daughter or maybe The thing that we are going to do now, just think of it as something related to your study . I have decided to give everything that I have to you nojya Neris san I could neither say I understand nor please take care of me . Even with the sense of shame from thinking about Milty, Neris san doesn t stop her action . That s right she is embarra.s.sed . But as my teacher, she doesn t wince when I approach her and she only look at me with a smile . Eros welp, no suckling action Top Secret Dispatch And then three years pa.s.sed after the day my little sister born . It is a bit after I pa.s.s my 8th birthday . Ash, who is now 12 years old, joined the examination to join the merchant guild and splendidly pa.s.sed . Ash s first job is to become a member of a caravan to help transport the goods from Padoul Company from Mizell to Junegan capital city . But at the same time, I see a quest t.i.tled Protect the Caravan pasted in the quest board in the adventurer guild . I naturally feel a bit worried . Adventurer s guild head, Buryu aniki, while touching his skin head that is usually polished splendidly, tells me about the content of the quest . For the sake of outward appearance, he is explaining it to Monica san who is the registered party leader . As you know, the route to reach the capital city from Mizell is through a mountain path and nowadays, there s a lot of information about bandit appearance in the vicinity . So escorting quest through that path is always in high demand . Well, the order mostly comes from Padoul Company though . For the escorting quest from capital Junuva to here is obviously handled by the guild there Nowadays, the bandits doesn t only try to steal the goods, they also try to kidnap the merchant . Such case has been reported frequently at the moment . They mostly kidnapped to be sold as slaves in other kingdom and many of them don t even leave any track to follow so the kingdom can t free them back . It is really a serious problem If the young Ash were to be attacked by bandits then not only the goods they transported, even himself would be in danger . When I reached to that conclusion, I decided to take the quest to protect the caravan with my party . The quest registration will be closed in another 2 days so I somewhat feel lucky to notice it in time . So, what would you do If you want to take the quest then I will pay you 2 silver coins in advance . The rest, a total of 8 silver coins will be paid after you succeeded the quest The reward is the same as doing the 3 stars difficulty quest, subjugating Goblin Leader . If Padoul Company is willing to pay this much every time they request escorts then the loss they received from the bandits must be serious . The guild would take 10 of the adventurer payment as administration fee so the more escort quest requested toward the guild, the more revenue they got which is nice but even so N Why did you keep looking at me boy There are mountain bandits appearing right Even if we manage to protect the caravan this time, won t those bandits just go and attack again the next time Mu But this is not the first time something like this happen okay If we are talking about subjugating the bandit s lair then the difficulty rating will Eros Mu the sound j.a.panese make when they befuddled unable to retort Hearing my question, Buryu aniki could only show a troubled expression . He still feels worried about our party somehow . Even with Wendy and Nameless san getting more famous since the time with Sword Lizard and Fire Drake subjugation . Even of the difficulty rank increase, it would easily raise our adventurer rank also so I don t see any problem with it . Rather, if you have those kinds of difficult quest, please tell us about it . Important mission like mountain bandit extermination should exist . This is also for Ash s sake . That is Brother, If it is Wendy s party, I think it would be okay to tell them So the quest really exists . Mountain bandit extermination The difficulty rating should be around 4 stars I guess Well, I would still take it even if the difficulty rating is higher though . U mu Well, indeed if it is them alright, I understand . You guys, come with me for a bit . Shary, please show the way Okay . Everyone, this way please With Shary san s lead, the party walks into a small room in the inner part of the office building . It seems that this place is exclusive only for special missions that can t be shown on the normal quest board . Beside the special board, there s only a round table with six chairs surrounding it in the center of the room . There are no windows here . It should be preventive measures so that no one could take a peek inside . By the way, Shary san is looks great as usual in her ap.r.o.n dress . When I tried to steal a glance on her seem about to burst breast, Monica san gives me a frown . Nameless san lips that is not covered by her mask is moving into a smirk while Wendy showers Shary san with a yearning look . Wendy, isn t yours also quite big already Shary san doesn t seem to notice what I did . She just acting like usual and bring a book with leather cover . It is the special quest catalog book . She took a page from the book and give it to me . Skimming through the page, it s a 5 stars difficulty mission . A scout from the adventurer guild have found the hideout of a mountain bandit group that is affiliated with the thief guild under the name of Poison Rose . We received a request to either eliminate the hideout or make it stop its activity . The detail about the requester is company secret A mysterious requester ordering the elimination of the mountain bandits Hey wait a minute . Isn t this the quest that will lead the player to join the thief guild If you can make the mountain bandit your friend then you will be invited to thief guild headquarter . But well, if one is to enter the thief guild then he or she will automatically stripped out of their membership with adventurer guild . There are many cases where double membership brings trouble after all . The thief group is after all outlaw that is being watched under strict eyes by the government . With adventurer guild having many works related to the kingdom, they are naturally afraid that the member of the thief guild will mess things up . That s why adventurer guild and thief guild are incompatible with each other . But the name Poison Rose not only emphasis being poisonous, it also use the name Rose which is quite feminine . It could also the symbol of a Yuri kind of group Just what am I thinking about Erospedia Yuri j.a.panese term for lesbian topic ah btw, not my type of thing Is it the Poison Rose who attacked the caravan Nameless san asks Shary san . She has been staying in Mizell since the last case . Her experience in my party is already 6 years old . Wendy who can t even wield a sword correctly in the past has become far stronger now . Even Monica san marksmanship is being polished even further . Our party can be said as the strongest in Mizell . With guest member like the three from Knight Brigade and also with Sera san and Sarasa san as healer, our line up is the strongest . Yes it is . There are other mountain bandit groups but the biggest harm is done by Poison Rose . Lately, there is a prominent woman thief that becomes their boss and she managed to expand the group rapidly . Even some of our adventurers switch sides after received her solicitation and becoming bandits Woman thief if she is a beauty then it is possible for her to easily seduce man to join her . Even that chivalrous thief who stole something troublesome is totally a sucker for beauties . Eros seems like lupin anime reference . The legendary lupin dive But as the result of the group s sudden growth, they can t support everyone by just stealing goods which leads to them selling the merchant they kidnapped as slaves . Not only merchant, other travelers have also been harmed This new woman head of the mountain bandits really do have some cruel design Not only they steal their belonging but also sold their victim as slaves . That is a really messed up way of thinking . They seem to be unfamiliar with the word sin . . . Why did I feel that I have met someone like that before I tried to remember who it was but my memory is all blurry . It is said that the member of Poison Rose reached over a 100 bandits . Even if it is categorized as 5 stars level difficulty, the actual danger might be higher than that so the reward is equivalent to 6 stars difficulty quest The one who can receive 5 stars difficulty quest in Mizell beside my party is my father s, Ricardo s party only . The party in this city could mostly handle around 2 stars or 3 stars difficulty . Fuun So this is a special request, right How much is the exact amount of reward then The advanced payment will be 1 platinum coin while the full payment after completion is 9 platinum coins . Adding on that, in case you are successful with the quest, your party will also receive precedence when choosing special quests across all the guilds in the kingdom . This mission is very critical for the adventurer guild after all A platinum coin is equal to 10 gold coins . So in short I will get a total of 100 gold coins . The reward is indeed exceptional but I am more concerned about the special privilege mentioned . After all back in the game, special quest is a great way to increase fame . With more fame your name will be easier to be known and you simply will become famous . But then again this is an order from the guild to subjugate the mountain bandit group Poison Rose s lair which is registered to the thief guild . If I just follow the quest normally then the thief guild will definitely become my enemy and there will be no way for me to accept the quest to break the upper limit for my thief tree skills in the future . I must join the guild to accept those quests after all Well, let s just think of another way to solve it later . So my 1st priority is to protect Ash by eliminating the chance of them getting attacked by the bandits because after all, Ash would probably frequent the capital with the caravan regularly from now on . So Hiroto, what would you do We definitely would obey your choice Monica san and the other two are waiting for my decision . Shary san had also known that I am the true leader in this party so she doesn t feel surprised witnessing this scene . Un, let s take it . Please let our party do this Thank you very much . If it is Hiroto san, I thought that you will definitely accept the quest Shary san gives out a smile . She doesn t even feel the guilt of sending an 8 year old boy out a dangerous mission . After all, my party quest completion rate in this 6 years is a perfect 100 . Our result definitely gives people an absolute trust in our capabilities . And our achievement is not only in combat quests . As long as my opponent is human, I will have an absolute advantage . After all for opponent who can communicate with each other, my cheat like negotiation skill will enable me to negotiate no matter what . End of chapter 20

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