Story 10.5: Party Formation Secret stories Part 1 (2nd Half)



Even though Valdes-san’s grandchild looks like she’s in her thirties but she looked a woman with half of that age. After she came here with a fruit juice, she gave me a hug and went out of the workshop. It’s bad to obstruct grandpa’s work, is what grandpa Valdes said――which seems to be the regulations of the Solliudas.

(TLN: See? She’s a girl! Now feed Hiroto some Blacksmith skills!)

「Though I thought that I should make you something for your birthday, I’ve forgotten about it while doing other things. With it, I didn’t know what would make Hiroto boy happy 」
「Uh, uhmm……I-it’s alright if it’s just a toy like, but I want an Axe……」
「An Axe? Oh, Ooh. Though I can make an Axe like the one your father uses, but certainly, I can make a toy like axe too」
「Really!? 」
「Of course. Alright Hiroto boy, show me your hands……Hmm, if it’s this small then, then the handle would considerably be thin. Though I can’t make the edge of the blade be able to cut but I can still shape it into a broad axe」
「Yes! Thank you, Granpa! 」
「Then wait for a bit. If it’s just this then it would only take me a little bit for me to make it」
「Can I watch you make it? 」
「You won’t settle down if you can’t see it right? Well it’s alright. Just don’t get near too much or you would get burned」

(TLN: d.a.m.n I want a cute grandchild too. I’d train him in the arts of fairy magic and sword fights even if he’s still 5 months old xD )

After Grandpa Valdes puts his rough hand on my head and says that, he chose a metal which glow a silver dull light, in which he used some tongs to put it in the hearth, and he began to heat it. And thus he took out a red hot metal and he strike at it with a hammer that is much smaller than the one a while ago.

「For just a bit, the form has already taken shape. If you make a mistake in your strike then it would only be a normal hardened iron. It won’t be good if you don’t hold on to the shape of it in your head. For it to be appropriate for its master’s hands, a toy like Axe……well even if I make it with all I got, It’s not a bad thing to do this once in a while」

While Grandpa Valdes is speaking, he inserted the metal in the hearth several times, he strikes at it, and cools it, then he puts it in the hearth again. Though I think that it’s alright for him to not give it too much strength, since there is no blade and its size is small, but I would still be happier if he made a genuine axe for me.


・You are watching the blacksmith master’s work…….
・You felt like you are about to acquire the 「Blacksmith」 skill.

(TLN: This baby cheater…..)

The conditions for someone to acquire the blacksmith skill are to sell many armor in a blacksmith shop or let them mend your armor or make you a personal armor or weapon. Since I’m inside the workshop while he’s making it, I’m able to satisfy the condition to acquire the said skill. Though I’m thinking that there is no necessity for me to get that skill since Grandpa Valdes is here but if I’m able to acquire it then it would be better that way. The repair skill that can be acquired with the Blacksmith skill level 20「Maintenance」 is a very handy skill in emergencies.

In the meantime, Grandpa Valdes has made the toy axe with an astonishing swiftness. When he finished cooling it off with enthusiasm, Grandpa Valdes puts the axe in the wood that is inside a cloth and he put it on the table in his workshop and showed it to me. In the extent which it can be held in my small hands, it is really a small axe.

「Even if I call it a toy axe, it would still hurt if you strike with it so be careful with it. 」
「Yes……I understand. Grandpa, Can I try to hold it? 」
「Of course. If it’s heavy, then I can lighten it a bit」


Since he has the sense of the weapon maker by all means, he seems to be thinking of its practicality.


・You have put the 「Silver Toy Axe」 in your hand.
・You have equipped the 「Silver Toy Axe」.

(TLN: This is where the legend of the strongest Breast Milk sommelier/Warrior started)

Though I’m holding an Axe, even if you call it a small metal, this would normally feel a heavy for such a small hand, but it doesn’t feel heavy at all. Since my Axe master is at 10, I can already equip axes, but though I’m able to equip even a larger Axe――this is already the limit of my physique and I didn’t really need a large one too.

(If I’m able to use the wood chop skill then it won’t matter even if there’s no edge in the blade. Even with a Toy Axe, if I could cut some firewood then I would be able to raise my skill up)

Then I’ll be able to help with the wood chopping ch.o.r.e. Since it’s a skill that can be used to chop up wood to make timber, I’d be able to get 3 birds with one stone.

However when I actually invoke the skill then what might happen――that is, it might become a spectacle if I used it like magic. It seems that I need to raise my skill where no one would see me. With papa, though he wants his son to understand him earlier, but rather than saying that his son is a genius, he is having this abnormal feeling of being intimidated by him.

It’s possible that they would likely understand if I explained my circ.u.mstances to them honestly, about me getting reincarnated to this world but that alone is the only thing that I didn’t want to reveal to my parents even to the last minute and so I thought that I didn’t have to say it.

「Hohoho, even if one would call it a toy but it really fits you. As expected of the son of that man」

Granpa Valdes is in a good mood as he patted my head. Even though his hands were like a ragged rock, he didn’t have any bad aura while patting me.

「Don’t swing it too much. If and only if Hiroto boy gets into a dangerous situation then you can freely use it. Even if some calls it small but if you swing it with all your might then it would become a scary weapon」
「Okay, I understand」

I shall already try to fight against the weakest ranking monsters, and though I’ll be having a trial battle of a 1 year old using skills to fight off monsters――but when I honestly say it, I don’t necessarily think it’s correct.

「If it breaks then you should just come over to my place and I’ll fix it. Though normally this would cost someone but I’ll keep it free until Hiroto boy grows up. Next, then you should learn to use an axe like Ricardo and help in cutting up wood. However for you to grow up like that, how many several years would it take」

(Thank you, Grandpa. However, I can already use 『Wood Chop』)

Grandpa Valdes raised me up and cuddled me. Even if I’ve become able to walk, I would still be treated as a baby.
When one would see such gentle eyes, it would seem that they’d get excited of me.
But if I go out once, then I won’t be quiet. One after another, the things that I wanted to do come out and didn’t stop.

When I got out and tried to get out of the back alley, a single woman tried to pa.s.s at my presence and stopped.

「……Hmm? 」

(Sh-s.h.i.t. I forgot to activate Stealth Steps……! )

「Wh-why are you in such a place like this……well if it isn’t Hiroto boy. Perhaps, have you become lost? 」

The person who has discovered me is Elena-san. Incidentally, she and also Mellone-san’s shop are also near here.

「Ah……N-no. Today, uh, uhm……」
「Haha, have you come here to play since you got bored inside your house huh. There was a time when our Ash was like that……that child went out to play with the cat near our house. For Hiroto boy to come here from your house, you’re quite an adventurer huh. You’re also mischievous too, but you don’t look that part」

(TLN: If you read The shield hero then you’ll know this. It’s when a character gets fl.u.s.tered)

When Elena-san lifts me in her arms, she looked at me with a smile. As usual, she’s such a beautiful woman……She has an appearance of an unusual exotic person in this town but while her eyes are a bit unusual, her insight is strong. And then her clothes are always holding those large b.r.e.a.s.t.s of hers in which I’ll be in the state of approaching her cleavage soon when she lifts me up to her arms.

「Since this is a special happening then how about I introduce you to our child」
「Ah, uhm, I can’t……If I don’t go home sooner then」
「Is that so? Ahh, Remillia is near here huh. Then just tell her to bring you to our place so you can play with the children in our house. Since I also have some work I’ll be asking on her then she might come over tomorrow」
「Ye-yes, I understand. Thank you, Elena-san」
「Fufu……You’ve become cuter when you learned how to talk. Since this is a special happening, then how about you stop whispering like that. Look at the person’s eye and don’t be timid. Do you understand? 」
「……Yes. Is this alright? Elena-san」

I firmly looked at Elena-san. Though she had a smiling face at first but a subtle change appeared to her expression.
Her cheeks became dyed red and she didn’t overlook me. She looked down on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while worrying a bit and she gently place me down to the ground. If it’s usual, she would think that Remillia mama is near here, and though it seems like she’s trying to take me――but it looks like she won’t be letting me escape.


・《Elena》’s charmed state has continued.
・《Elena》is waiting for your command. Will you command her?  YES/NO

「About this scene where you saw me here, let this be a secret from mama alright」
「……Ah. That’s a little bit dishonest. Well, if Hiroto boy says it then I shall abide」
「Thank you. I think that I’ll be indebted to Elena-san from now on」
「For you to say you’ll be indebted to me……Even for a 1 year old, how did you remember such a word. Really now, you’re making me blush……」

She noticed at once as to what I was saying and she united her arms and raised me up. She opened her clothes further from the collar and her great complexion was laid bare in which I caught the sight of the base of the large dual mountains.

(TLN: Large Dual mountains HUE HUE HUE)

「……Since this is a good opportunity, for only a bit in here……since there are no people here at the moment」
(TLN: In a dark back alley where no one would come to help you when you scream out….you’ll hear the sounds of a helpless female being breast raped by a 1 year old boy……WANTED, BABY BOY, SERIAL RAPIST)

Her switch has completely been flipped. Well since her charmed state continued and though this can’t be avoided…….

(Am I still allowed to suckle up on her even if I’m 1 year old now……However, this is really helpful for me)

When I became a 1 year old, my hp would decrease by 1 every time I did an activity for 15 minutes. Weariness can also affect someone’s HP. Though I’ll eventually won’t feel any weariness from walking but since I’ve taken a meal regularly and it’s necessary to take a rest to recover HP.

With the back alley’s covering, Elena went to the blind spot where no one would see her and she skillfully took out her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while carrying me. Though she’s not light brown like Monica-san but her skin was a bit thin from after getting sun burnt and her usually unexposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s has remarkably reflected in my sight as white mountains――is what I calmly a.n.a.lyzed from it but it’s pretty big for a fact.

Being breastfed by a mother who was just pa.s.sing by, is what can I say about it, but isn’t this intensely wrong, but there’s no helping it even if I worried now is what I wanted to say with a defiant att.i.tude. I’m also curious about the HP decreasing by 1, but I wasn’t desiring to suckle too…….

「……Since it has been a long time then it’s become this irritated. Though Remillia said this too, but there’s something else that I feel while breastfeeding you……right. I think that it’s a mysterious feeling」
「I-is that so……? 」
「It is so, wait that’s not it. Even if you use a cute look……Hey, hurry up and suckle it with your lips. Do you not want to do it? 」
「Y-yes. Thank you……When I grow up for a bit more, then I won’t be doing this anymore」
「Mnn……That is, well that is true. However since you’re still small right now so a boy like you should worry and say those words……Mnnhn……」

She presented the other side of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she said that so I suckled on it while looking at her face. I’ve been partly prudent recently, I couldn’t describe the sweetness of it after a long time. Was it this delicious was my impression of it.


・ You are now receiving 《Elena》’s [Breastfeed] skill. Your HP has been recovered.
・You have a feeling that your 「Merchant」 skill will go up.

One could hear a bit of water droplets from the back alley as Elena-san leaked out a sweet but suffocating like sigh. She seems like she’s knows that she shouldn’t let out a large voice with people pa.s.sing by while her facial expression was indescribably amorous.
(TLN: Outside play and Hiroto is enjoying the sight of a female in pain and restraining herself from shouting in pleasure…..Hiroto confirmed s.a.d.i.s.t)

(If I continue to keep on suckling……wait, that’s too much. My goal would face another direction like that you know, myself)

「……Is your stomach already full? My child has already been weaned so you don’t have to hold back you know」
「Y-yeah……It’s alright. Elena-san would get a cold if you keep your b.r.e.a.s.t.s outside」

I put an end to suckling at Elena-san’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s. While she put up a face of reluctance, I couldn’t restrain myself to just think it’s my imagination. If she still had enough mana then I truly would have wanted to continue too.

「……When you became able to speak then it seems like you’ve been haggling at me……Sooner or Later, I think that you’ll make a lot of women cry though. It really isn’t possible for me to tell this to Remillia-san huh, these kinds of things right here」

Though I thought that Elena-san is a lively mother but sometimes her tone can be this tender and I couldn’t say it to her that I liked it. No, even if I say like but I’m not saying that I love it.
――Wait, that idea is 「Precocious」 or 「Haggling」would what it look like.

「When you’re going to play together with Ash and Stella then please play with me too if it’s okay with you……」
「Y-yes……Of course I’ll do that」 (TLN: He means playing with your b.r.e.a.s.t.s)
「Fufufu, would you look at that, Hiroto boy is considerably eager for that. I was a little bit worried if I was forcing you. Then I won’t be worrying about anything anymore alright」

When Elena-san said so gladly, she took me up and cuddled while patting my back.
And after she has satisfied herself while admiring me, she went back to her home ahead. I who became alone activated my 「Stealth Steps」 and headed towards the last destination for today.
(TLN: Back alley s.e.x play finished)

Though it’s been 1 hour sine I went out of my house, a considerable dense amount of time has been spent by me. Since mama said that she couldn’t go out of her work room until evening so I still have some time left.

The destination that I’m facing towards is the adventurer guild. Thanks to the Adventurer skill that I have received from Anna Marie-san, I had the qualification to receive beginner tier quests from the guild. However, if I converse with someone with my age like this then they would call out the Adventurer guild head in which I would likely be taken home.

(Then only for this time, I’ll be relying on my Charm skill……)

I’ll charm an adventurer with my charm skill and make them my companion. I’ll make that person form a party with me and he or she will be the one who’ll accept the quest for me instead. Though it’s alright for me to divide the reward but since I didn’t want any item or money for now, the information that I can obtain by finishing a quest is my priority.
However since I’m just a 1 year old kid, I’m not sure If I have anything to contribute to a party……As I thought so, It would be c.u.mbersome If I can’t prove myself that I’m able to partic.i.p.ate in battles.

(……Hmm? )

I looked at the direction of the entrance of the guild and the sight of a young female warrior who was calling out people came into my view.

「Uh, Uhmmm, I am called Wendy・Bell! If it is alright with anyone, then please form a party with me and go on an adventure with me……」

A pair consisting of a rear guard and a vanguard is what that Wendy female warrior is trying to form――though she should be called a girl warrior for her age――is what she’s being voicing about.

「Show us your Guild card. The negotiations will be after that」
「Uwa, yes……uhm, I still has just been made so……」
「Hah, Look at this fellow’s rank, it says G! For you to suddenly enter an F rank party, that’s too much for your delusions, kid! 」
「Dahahahaha, don’t say that too much bruh. She’s a rookie ain’t she? Little girl, it’s alright if you just prepare some tea you know. Though your share of the work would just be that」
「It’s alright if you want to join us with a quest you know. Though I’m not sure if when we’d be interested to join you though」
「Th-that is……I-I’ll do my best so! I learned how to use a sword in a knight school so even if I look like this……」
「Ah alright alright, If you turn into a rank F then we’ll think about it. We’re also busy so we’ll be seeing yah」

The four person party refused and went out of the guild.

(Well, there’s no helping it since all G ranks are a.s.sumed to be newbies, so they would be seen as too haughty for F rankers……That makes me a bit mad)

Parties like that might only be flattering with parties higher than E rank. Even for a G rank like that Wendy, I can see potential in her rather than those guys. She has a straightforward eyes and her equipment is quite good. Though her helmet which has a horn attached to it doesn’t suit her.


(……Hmm? )

That one party a little while ago, the last person who didn’t say anything bad to Wendy halted but didn’t enter the guild. Though none could tell since a mask is applied to its face, but it seems like a girl――Though that was what I judged from her body line.

「I’m sorry for that alright. For my companion’s impoliteness, allow me to apologize instead」
「Eh……Ah, n-no, I’m alright! 」
「It’s not difficult to raise the rank to F rank. You should do anything unreasonable if possible and just strengthen your ground. You shall be a.s.sisted in the shadows by yours truly」

(……Did she just say “yours truly”? That person, though she’s a woman)

When I caught on how she called herself, I instinctively wanted to call her to stop. That masked woman might perhaps be a thaumaturgy user――if that’s so then.

「……Hahhh. As expected, it’s not good huh……However, I cannot give up here -de arimasu……! 」
(TLN: From now on I’ll be leaving the last liners as long as it’s not desu for maximized weeaboo entertainment)

Wendy who dropped her shoulders entered the guild for a while. And thus she went out after a bit in high spirits.

(For someone to go up to F rank, did they have to accept requests……Is she alright? It feels like she’d be in danger)

Even though a one year old kid like me who is wandering aimlessly is more dangerous, I thought for a minute and decided to follow Wendy.
(TLN: Well if yar following her then that’s more like putting her virginity in danger…you 1 year old rapist)

Even if I didn’t use Charm and asked her to make a party with me is what I think I can do. Since I didn’t need to worry about being seen by other people in the forest and if I discover a monster then I’ll be able to confirm if my fighting prowess suits the numerical value of my skills.

(This forest today, I wonder how many monsters are here……Though it would be good if there are only weak monsters……)

「OI, Wait for a moment! You there, I should have declared that you are with my party! Don’t go there alone! 」
「……I-I’m alright -De arimasu! I’ll be joining my companions inside the forest -De arimasu! 」
「OI! Dammit, and this is why young people recently……Oi, is there anyone who can go inside the forest! ? 」

Though the bald guild chief came out and stopped Wendy, She didn’t listen and went alone. “I’ll be joining my companions inside the forest”, what a tough bluff.
And from the guild’s side, they don’t seem to have a new adventurer that will help……It’s like, I have this bad feeling about this.

(Surely, without even knowing the monsters well, did she accept a dangerous request……For a party to be required, that would only mean that a boss monster would appear in the request……! )

I ran after Wendy to not lose sight of her. The people in the surroundings might get surprised at my current speed――I remembered the pet dog I kept from my previous life. With my body, they’d get surprised of my nimbleness. Surely for me to resemble his movement speed――I’d be laughing right now objectively speaking.

(Don’t lay a hand on a dangerous monster, Wendy-san……! )

Meadows are spread afar from the west of Mizerre and there is a forest in addition. After reaching the meadows, though I could see Wendy’s back from afar, I managed to not lose sight of her.

When she entered the forest, she fought against a rabbit first of all.

「Haaaaa……-De arimasu! 」


・《Wendy》 attacked with 「Mow down」 skill!
・《Fake Rabbit》 received 32 damage! The fake rabbit has been knocked down!

She pulled out her Iron long sword and attacked with the 「Mow Down」 skill. Judging with the amount of damage she dealt, Her level is still low――and even with the bonus damage from Physique, only 15 damaged would be given. In a word, With a Physique 5――One’s HP would be about 100.

(With this ability, it would be dangerous for her to face a slightly stronger monster……is she gonna be alright……? )

Of course it would be bad if I lent a hand in the first time as I watched Wendy’s fight while being nervous.

「This is still an easy fight- de arimasu……Until the Kobolt goes out, I shall plunge forward -de arimasu! 」

(WHA……! ? )

After defeating the rabbit, I froze at the words that came out in Wendy’s mouth as she stabbed the goblin that came out next.
Even I would wonder if she can actually defeat a goblin leader with her level, but a Kobolt Leader……The leader’s status is awfully higher than any others from the 「Kobolt Clan」.

(And Kobolts always call upon more companions with their 「Howling」 skill……I-is she really gonna be alright……? )

(TLN:Yes she is since she just has to lower her upper clothes and show her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to summon the breast milking demon to help her)

「Seiyaaaaaaa! 」
(TLN: Pegasus Meteor Fist!!!…..No, it’s not a reference since says this when they attack)


・《Wendy》 attacked with 「Mow Down」 skill!
・《Goblin》 received 32 damage!
・《Goblin Archer》 received 30 damage!

However, the enemy who was aiming at the rear guard was rolled on and attacked them both is what I watched.
If the weapon skill Mow Down wasn’t there, then she would lack a finishing blow――but if she put out her hand with the correct timing, then her abnormality would remarkably reflect.

(Should I have called Monica-neechan or Ricardo papa……However, already……)

While I was hesitating, the first kobolt appeared. Perhaps, the main target of the request that Wendy undertook was the one who is supervising this kobolt, The Kobolt Leader.

Kobolt is a beat which has a dog’s face, an armor of pelt is fixed on their body, a stone club is held on its right hand and a rugged wood shield is equipped on their left hand. When that kobolt discovered Wendy’s appearance, after it licked its lips, it promptly attacked her.

「Aooooon! 」
「Kuu……! 」


・《Kobolt A》 attacked!
・《Wendy》 caught the attack with her weapon. The endurance value of the weapon fell!

The Kobolt strike at her with its stone club. It was an attack that made the endurance of the weapon of the enemy fall when they can’t defend the attack well and some say that this is a killer attack for newbies.

「What……this is only a trifle thing -de arimasu! 」


・《Wendy》 attacked with 「Mow Down」 skill!

Wendy tried to make a counterattack. However, the kobolt’s eyes sparkled and it moved its shield in its left hand.

「Garururu! 」
「Kyaaa……! 」


・《Kobolt A》’s 「Shield Parry」 has been invoked!
・It caused a fatal opportunity against 《Wendy》!

(Surely……For a Kobolt’s Shield Parry to be successful, that’s impossible……! )
(TLN: Remember Hiroto, Noobs can make the impossible into possible. It’s like playing MOBA/MMORPGs games :) You lose when you have noobs as your party)

Since the shield is rugged then it just meant that the Kobolt invoked the Shield Parry skill many times before――and that is the thing that Wendy and I didn’t notice.


・《Kobolt A》 attacked!
・Critical Hit!  35 damage has been dealt to Wendy!
・Critical Effect!  Wendy has entered the state of confusion.

「Ah……kaha……! 」

(This is bad……! )

Wendy’s armor has been pierced with the stone club of the Kobolt in which she was blown off to a tree’s trunk from the strike’s shock . Her helmet that she was wearing came off and her long hair that was kept in it got spread out.

「Haaaa, waaa……I got careless……de arimas.h.i.ta……However……」

Wendy tried to use her sword to stand up――However, her eyes got frozen with hopelessness.


・「Long Sword+1」’s endurance has reached 0 and has shattered.
・《Wendy》 has a 「? Broken sword」 in her hand.


At the moment that Wendy pierced the ground with her sword, a crack was heard and the middle part of the sword broke. The sword would return to its original form when one would repair it, but though it’s possible to use it as an equipment, it’s damage is the lowest and one couldn’t use weapon skills with it.

Wendy who continues to rely on her Mow Down skill has lost her means to keep on fighting. She isn’t even able to stand up from her confusion state and she couldn’t look at the kobolt who was walking towards her with its stone club.

「――Aooooooooon! 」


・《Kobolt A》 has invoked the 「Howl」 skill. Its voice has reached its companions.
・《Kobolt leader》 has appeared!
・《Kobolt B》 has appeared!
・《Kobolt C》 has appeared!
(TLN: GGWP Gangrape time)

「no……N-No……I don’t want this- de arimasu, I am, going to die in such a place like this……」
(TLN: The Rape doujin force is strong in this one)

The Kobolt Leader is taller than the other ones with a wound in its eye. Is that from an attack from the last subjugation attempt is what it seems to be the proof that it fought against an enemy with the same strength as it. And perhaps, it won at that fight.

With its appearance like that of a wolf, the Kobolt Leader has grey fur and it sent the other 3 kobolts to Wendy.

「Garururu……! 」
「Kyaaaaaaa, Nuoooo, Nuooo……! 」

The part that unites the armor of Wendy got skillfully torn by the fingernails of the enemy. What the Kobolts were doing was obvious――The Kobolt leader stick out its long tongue, it looked at Wendy with its bloodshot eyes filled with l.u.s.t like it was a carnivore looking at its prey.
(TLN: This feels like NTR Rape……YES! d.a.m.n THIS FEELS GOOD!)

「……Don’t come any closer……P-please, don’t come any closer……! 」
(TLN: Kobolt Leader: “Don’t worry since this would only hurt…..A LOT” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Even if you appealed to it like that, it won’t reach the ears of a beast. In the place in which the Kobolt leader tried to approach the distance where it was able to touch Wendy, something inside me snapped――but though it already got snapped a long time ago, I’m already at my limit.

(……For my own standpoint, well that doesn’t matter now. To save Wendy……there is no choice other than that……! )

For the purpose of having an advantageous battle for a bit, I used the skills that I can use. If I decided at it at once, I lost any hesitation in me.


・You have invoked the skill 「Charm」.
・You have cancelled the skill 「Stealth Steps」. You have been released from the 「Hidden」 state!

「Hey monster! I’m over here! 」
「Eh……! ? 」


・「Charisma」 has been invoked!  《Wendy》 has paid attention to you.
・「Charm」 has been invoked!  2 Kobolts has failed to resist and has fallen into the state of Charmed.

「Garururu……Gugaaaaa! 」

They boiled in anger from being interrupted and the Kobolt Leader howled. I saw as it looked up with its gigantic figure and I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed.

(Can I win……No, I can’t do anything but win. I only have a single weapon skill that I can use……but still……! )

・Missere Meow has invoked 「Blessings from the Fairy cat」 skill!  《Hiroto》 has received the power of 「PLOT ARMOR」. )

「Gauuuu! 」

For my first enemy to be a kobolt――though it’s a small fry, but if it’s my first enemy after reincarnating, then by no means that it’s just a small fry.

However in my hands is an Axe that Grandpa Valdes made. Even if it was a toy axe but if I borrowed the power of my skills then an enough fighting prowess can be given to me……!

(――Here I come……I can do this. I can absolutely do this……! )


・You have unleashed 「Wood-Chop」!

Though it’s a skill that was meant to divide a firewood, it’s possible for it to be used as an attack too and it possessed a great power against 「Plant Type Monsters」. Though only twice from the original damage can be dealt to other types of monsters――but if you calculate it with the skill value that I had.

Physique 12 multiplied by 3, and in addition with the lowest value of the weapon amplification 1.1 then――.
(TLN: I hate math.)

At the moment that the skill was invoked, my body moved on its own even though I didn’t think of anything.
I entered the range of its bosom with my small body and raised my small axe while aiming at its torso and strike at it .


・《Kobolt A》 received 45 damage! The Kobolt has been knocked down!

「Gyaaaaa! 」

(I’m able to fight it……In that case……! )

「……He’s amazing……even though he’s that small……」
(TLN: A loli sized warrior girl wetting herself from the sight of a 1 year old’s awesome attack…..Well I give up)

Wendy watched me with an amazed facial expression. Though I was ready for her to make a disgusted face at me……but I was relieved for a moment.
(TLN: Why the f.u.c.k you lying? Her facial expression is an Ahegao right now!)

However, there are still enemies remaining――the Kobolt Leader. With the me today, can I really defeat this kind of enemy or not.

(I can do nothing but try……it’s a small fry boss that’s a little bit stronger than the Goblin Leader. If I could defeat a Kobolt then there’s no way I can’t defeat this too……! )

「Gaaaaoooonnn! 」

The Kobolt leader strike with anger and its stone club at me who defeated its companion.

(I should be able to reduce the damage with my Physique……However, I’m scared to try it, but this is……)

「――『G.o.ddess, bestow unto me your divine protection』! 」


・You have used the skill 「Prayer of Divine Protection」! You prayer has reached her and your Defense power has increased!

It is the skill that can be acquired with the Holy sword style skill 「Prayer of Divine Protection」. It is a skill that temporarily reduces the damage by 15 points――and if this is paired with my Physique’s defensive effect then I could even nullify 39 damage.


・The Kobolt Leader attacked!
・You have received 5 damage.

「Ku……! 」

Though I caught the stone club’s attack with my axe, my hand became numb and the impact got transmitted to me――however, the damage was trifling. I wouldn’t die even if I received 30attacks from him is what I confirmed to be so.
(TLN: Reminders- Hiroto -> Hp:160/160)


Though the Kobolt is a belligerent monster but it seems that its fighting spirit got sprained. The Kobolt Leader took one…..two steps backward.

「……even though you were energetic a while ago, so are you alright? If you won’t come at me, then I’ll be the one coming for you」 (TLN: Come at me BRUH!)
「――Gishaaaaaaa! 」

And it seems like provoking is effective with monsters too. With that attack, it’s clear that it would be strong with the Kobolt leader’s equipment.

However the damage from my attacks wasn’t high at all. If I used the Wood Chop for another 3 times――and at the last minute, then I don’t have a choice but to put it in my all to defeat it.

The fight extended for about five minutes. I waited for the Kobolt Leader to show an opening and I put in a solid damage.


・You have unleashed 「Wood-chop」!
・《Kobolt Leader》 received 37 damage! The Kobolt Leader has been knocked down!


The Kobolt Leader fell on its knees, dropped its stone club and a light was shot from its whole body and it disappeared.

「Haaa, haaa……Onee-chan, Are you alright……? 」
「……I……Am I, seeing a dream……? 」

When I went near the place where Wendy fell, tears got collected in her eyes and she reached at me with her arms. She confirmed my existence by patting my head and touched my cheeks.

「Ahahaha……you’re tickling me, onee-chan」
「……To call me onee-chan, that is impudent of you -de arimasu……since you have saved my life -de arimasu kara」

Wendy smiled as large drops of tears fell on the end of her eyes. It was extremely scary for her huh……well that’s to be expected. For it to call its companions, and since they started to strip her armor. (TLN: Remember that in this novel, Armor is also clothes. So it was really gonna be a rape scene if Hiroto didn’t come – Missere Meow facts)

「Ah……I-I’m truly sorry, I-I haven’t seen anything! 」
「Eh……? 」

The chest part of her clothes has been peeled off from her and the clothes underneath it have been torn asunder. Though it wasn’t that large but it had a balanced shape for a beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

(Though she has a half presence of a warrior like the others, but this part of her is first cla.s.s……wait, that’s s.e.xual hara.s.sment)

「Wahh……Di-did you see it -de arimasuka? N-no, since you’re still small, though I shouldn’t mind you seeing it……But still, this is the first time that other people has seen it……」
(TLN: Dammit Hiroto you took her first time! Take responsibility and take her other firsts too! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Wendy panicked. And when she moved, there was a water like sound that was heard.


And thus, those 2 people noticed it. Below the sitting Wendy was a puddle that has been made by her.
(TLN: Anyone with a p.i.s.s fetish there? )

「Gusu……Hick. Hey, Am I not pitiful -de arimasuka……? I cannot return to my hometown now……」
「I-It’s alright, onee-chan. Since I’ll neatly wash it」
「That is even more pitiful for me -de arimasuuuuu……Uweeeehhh! 」
(TLN: Gusu, Hick, Uweeeh = Crying sounds)

Wendy see for herself the large size and the power of the Kobolt Leader, and while she was sitting down, she sprinkled unto the earth her sacred water.

「Uh, uhm, well……Since I’m just a baby for a moment ahead, my mother would change my diaper too. Therefore, aren’t we even by this? 」
「Are you saying that I look like a baby……for me to be saved by a small baby boy, a-and for him to wash the underwear I leaked at……I-I want to die -de arimasuuuuu……! 」

While I was washing the panty of Wendy and dried it off at the nearby brook and since she couldn’t hide her lower parts then she talked to me while hiding in the bushes.

Though since she’s older then I would call her 「Wendy-san」 but since she’s not reliable then I just called her Wendy. Since she has courage for being a warrior, I still had a good impression of her.

「Uh, uhm……don’t worry about it that much. From that, aren’t I the one more stranger? 」
「……For it to be called strange……isn’t it the same with my sword and you put out that power from a tiny axe. From me who has received your protection, I for one……」

After she says that, Wendy stopped her words like she noticed something. And thus, she asked again.

「……Uhm, I haven’t heard of your name yet. I am Wendy・Bell -de arimasu」
「I’m called Hiroto・Sigrid」
「Hiroto-chan……no, Hiroto-san -de arimasu ne. I truly say my thanks to you for saving me……de arimasu! 」

It seems like she can’t calm down if she doesn’t say De arimasu……Oh dear, it’s alright.
Wendy-san has a considerably childish face and you can feel her lively energy from her eyes. When looking at her upright eyes, then I’d be influenced by something too. Well I too think that I’m a person who really wants to live.

「Uh, Uhm. Wendy-san is……」
「Y-you don’t really need to put a -san there, since I’m just a Wendy -de arimasu kara」
「Okay, then I shall accept your offer……Why did Wendy try to fight all alone? 」
「Uh……Though I was planning on finding companions, but no party wanted to let me join with my current strength. Since I couldn’t become a knight after I went out of the Knight school then though I’m reluctant about it」

While listening to the story of Wendy who was feeling down, I recalled the reason why I thought of forming a guild. Yes, I was trying to find a party for me to join.

「Ah, uhm……I’m still small and though it’s likely for you to accept but if it’s alright with you then with me……」
「……With Hiroto-san? 」

Since there was no expectations attached to Wendy as she wondered what I wanted to say and she let out a voice like she’s wondering something.
Have I moreover been strained……No, If I don’t overcome this then. If I displayed my communication disorder here then I wouldn’t be able to advance forward forever.

「W-with me……would you like to form a party with me? 」
「……Pa-Panty -de arimasu ka? If its panties then I could get a new pair instead of that one that is being dried……」
「I-I’m not talking about panties since what I meant is that I want to make a party with you. Would you like to be my companion……? 」

Though I got confused when she said panty but I managed to hold on. Though Wendy’s eyes blinked with surprise for a moment, I think that I manage to transmit what I meant――.

「Ehhhhhh! ?  Y-You want to form a PANTY with me……wait that’s wrong, a party with me -de arimasu ka! ? 」
「I-I’m sorry, I’m, I’m too small huh……and I mostly look like a baby」
「N-No, No!  You have a strength of a hundred men even if you’re small!  When I was watching Hiroto’s battle style, I was thinking that I want to become your pupil! 」
(TLN: Saitama & Genos lel)

Wendy energetically went out of the bushes――though she got out of the bushes but she looks like she didn’t have any bushes. Well, what might it be. My reply must be said at 3 seconds, and the points shall be distributed to 50 points.
(TLN: For numbskulls, She didn’t have any hair down there is what Hiroto is saying)

(Sh- She’s not wearing anything but she came out……It-it’s too immoral……! )

「Wu-Wendy……That’s alright, but, do-down there……」
「Eh? 」

I turned my eyes away. Wendy let out a voice like an idiot as she confirmed her lower parts.

「――hikyaaaaaaaaaaaaaーーーーー! 」

She raised a howl of surprise like a kobolt and hid in the bushes again. Yep, what can I say about it. With the warrior skill comes the 「War Cry」 skill though but it seems like it’s just her nature.

「……I can’t become a bride anymore -de arimasu……if it’s master, then though it’s alright to be seen……」

I could hear a voice among the bushes. It seems like she won’t be going out of the bushes until her panties get dry……is what I thought.


・「Charm」 has been invoked!  《Wendy》 has failed to resist.

(Th-that’s right……While I was fighting with the Kobolts, I forgot that I activated it)

「Hyaan……! 」

It looked like the person among the bushes got affected by the charm and Wendy raised a voice. If I was a baby then it would be easy for me to appeal for breastfeeding when charming someone――Is what I thought. When I examined her favorability but it seems like it already was like this.


Name: Wendy・Bell
Relation: She holds goodwill unto you

(Th-this is……Since I helped her from the kobolts then that means that that is the reason why she holds goodwill unto me right……? And thus, the reason why it became easy to charm her is because……)

While I was a.n.a.lyzing it, the bushes shook again and Wendy came out. This time, her appearance wasn’t even shy while she straightly walked towards me.

「……Master, You have already seen my shameful parts many times now. And since we’ll be forming a party from now on……S-so I want to deepen our friendship……Since Hiroto-san is still a small child like a baby……Uh, uhm……uhh……」

(Sigh, she’s good at talking……wait that’s not it, she’s too fast. Uh, uhm, Wendy’s status is……? )


Name Wendy・Bell
Human Female 13 years old Level 3

MP :24/24

Warrior 13
Sword Mastery 18
Physique 5
Maternity 24
Elegance 28
Cuisine 12

Action skill:
Mow Down(Sword Mastery 10)
Suckling(Maternity 20)
Simple Dish(Cuisine10)

Pa.s.sive Skill:
Sword Equipment(Sword Mastery10)
Offensive Power UP(Warrior20)

(Warrior……The Warrior skill is connected directly to fighting prowess by a lot. A lot……! )

Though one would understand even if I don’t say it two times but I emphasized it since it’s very important. Fighting prowess is important and if a fight like a while ago happened again but if my fighting prowess rose then defeating the Kobolt Leader would have been easier.

While I was developing ideas to connect directly to her and get what I desire for (Milk), Wendy tore open her shirt from left to right while making an apologetic face. If I described the sound at that time then it’s like a time where one would put a pudding on a plate is what it feels like it sounded but to say that it’s like a slime but it was like a soft like jelly. The destructive power would double if I say it’s like a soft jelly twice. And thus I have died.

「……If I had been attacked by that dog like monster, then I would have not lived anymore -de arimasu……and that is why, it is necessary for me to dedicate everything of myself to master -de arimasu. That is the rule of my family -de arimasu. If you have been saved by a person of an opposite s.e.x from yourself then never let them go -de arimasu. Since you are a man of good prospects. Then I think that it has a point」

(Th-the second half seemed like it’s telling them to sneak in the bed of the other party……and with that, for it to be her family’s creed……)
(TLN: My creed states that Nothing is True, Everything is permitted. Which means that Taking her first time isn’t bad so JUST DO IT)

I noticed that Wendy had the [Elegance] skill. Though Fillianess also had it, a lot of people in this country wants to aim to become a knight even with the children from aristocrats.

Though she had a fresh proportions of a 13 year old but she seems like the glittering surface of the water brook. I instinctively caught my breath, I felt admiration when a girl shows me a scene of her facial expression like this.

「……Master, can I do anything for you? 」
「Eh, Uhm……uh……」

On the day that we met, which is something that didn’t happen. Which is also impossible. I remembered my past life while thinking of that, and it seems like I won’t be forgetting it too……Does this mean, I can now rise to another stage?

Wendy firmly gazed at me as she held me up. Though she didn’t understand what she can do and that she wants to do something. Her eyes seemed to appeal like that so.

(……I’ll only present the choices. If it says to not do it then I won’t do it……Well, I can’t possibly say that though)


・《Wendy》 is waiting for your command. Will you command her?  YES/NO

I had a trembling feeling, and opened the window in my mind as I selected a single skill from Wendy.

「Fuuu……Yo-you’re too much……you’re, so audacious……Ho-however, you’re still small……uh, Ahn~……」

With the murmuring sound of the brook, Wendy’s voice mixed with it. I would only become innocent at times like this while calculating which seems that with her mana, I could suckle on her for two times more and in that case, I bit on to the other one. Wendy’s proportions were at a good size while I was suckling on her and the surroundings and projection of it were in balance. For me to say that these are beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s, is when it’s whole form is entirely in harmony.

「Haaa, haaaa……Well, do you still want some more -de arimasu ka……? I’m already……Uhn, fuu……alright, you’re much gentler now than a while ago……」

Though I was greedily devouring it a while ago but since both sides of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s yielded the same amount of milk, I also wanted to slowly taste it.
It’s like my purpose may have shifted……but since I’m still a 1 year old, and since I still didn’t have any s.e.xual desire, I didn’t have to worry while I looked up at the sight of Wendy who was writhing in pleasure, and I continued to do this act unto the mothers I knew.

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