Eros notes: just some trivia: chapter 11 comes first from chapter 10.5 so there are some parts where Hiroto’s relationship with his party and other heroines in 10.5 got re-explained. It was actually the 1st time explained if it was according to the release order.


---- A few days pa.s.sed after I became two years old.

I was lying down in plains on top of the hill close to my house from which I can look down the entire Mizell town. While lying down, I also read a book about elemental magic that I got from the bookworm Merouane-san, the daughter of the grocery shop, after paying her some money. But the more I read, the more I realize that the principle of the magic is much less similar to the game so I can’t help but to get drowsy from reading it.

“Nnn… oh? It’s just you”

I suddenly hear a familiar watery sound so I open my eyes and look at the direction where the sound comes from. And what I see there is a slime. Slime is of course a hostile kind of monster but that one is the slime that I had given the skill [Tame] before and it now successfully become my [summoned beast].

That is the effect of the skill that is rewarded when reaching level 95 of [Negotiation] skill, [Allegiance]. You have to weaken a monster first by either shaving its HP or giving it negative status effect to successfully actives [Allegiance]. One activated, it will give a chance to cast [Tame] to the monster. I managed to tame this slime before and now it enters my party and I treat it the same way as I treat my party member.

(Well, not like it is strong enough to fight anyway…… there’s also that issue about the maximum member that can be added to a party. I should research it someday)

In eternal magia, the party member limit is 100 people. This is the maximum number of people that can join in the guild versus guild event. Once people join a party, no matter how far they separate, unless that person joined another party, they will always be a member. That’s also the reason why I still receive a small amount of experience from my dad even when we are apart when I was still a baby.

“Hiro-chan, Hiro-chan!”
“UWAa!...... So you also here Riona?…… don’t appear suddenly like that”
“Ehehe. Wherever Hiro-chan is, Riona will definitely comes too”

Riona also a two years old now. When she had her birthday party, there are only a few people that was invited in it. This situation happened because Sarasa-san is a half-elf that tries to lives a normal human life while hiding her long ears as well as her true ident.i.ty. So the peoples that were invited were the people that understand her situation so there’s only my mom, the clothes shop’s Elena-san and her children, Monica-san the hunter, and Serra-san the sister.

Seems like this world and earth has some small difference in human growth speed. The two years old here are comparable to earth’s four or five years old. Because this is my and Riona present growth condition is like.

I also come and congratulate her in her birthday party but…… my bad habit seems to kick back in. I have yet to deliver her my present. After a lot of thinking, I in the end choose [that] as her birthday present. [That] is definitely the best thing to give her I think and I also carry [that] with me even now.

“Hiro-chan, want some apples?”
“N-no need……”
“Is that so? It’s delicious you know?”

She always bought food from her home and always tries to share it with me. Sarasa-san also knows about it but much less stopping Riona, she even encouraged her to bring more. Even I felt a little obliged to it.

“Hiro-chan, you know, just now, Stella-oneechan and everyone was walking toward the woods”

While saying that, she hugs the slime like it was some kind of cushion and approach closer to me. If it was the usual hostile slime then it will no doubt retaliate back at her but because it is my summoned beast, the slime just let Riona does anything to it.

But then again, getting the slime deformed because of this is also too pitiable so I command it to hide somewhere nearby. My slime will definitely won’t attack people and will always come at my every call.

“The woods huh…… well that’s got nothing to do with me anyway”
“Yeah. Riona also wants to play with Hiro-chan so I don’t go with them”

I want to say: ‘Why don’t you just leave me alone and go play with them?’ but I definitely don’t have the courage to say so.
Riona has the negative pa.s.sive skill [Gradual Misfortune Increment]. And thanks to that, even when she is only two years old, her [Misfortune] skill is already reached level 10 and invokes the skill [Happening].

Even when she does nothing at all, misfortune would still hit her because of [Happening] skill effect. A long time ago Marl-san falls down in the bath tub because of [Happening] got triggered and receive 13 damages from the fall. It was fine because she is strong but if that happens to little kid like Riona then it would be dangerous.

As the result, I can’t let Riona stays too long inside her house. But even the present me already have a way to negate her [Misfortune]. Yes, I only have one way.

It is my [Fortune] skill that has reached level 30…… With that, until Riona reaches level 30 in [Misfortune], as long as she is together with me then bad happen won’t befall her. Even if [Misfortune] reaches and get through 30, I can still use my bonus point to increase [Fortune] so there’s no problem at all.

But there’s no way I can explain such situation to Riona. So the most that I can do is going out and hang around places that she frequent with so it won’t seem unnatural.

“Mommy also tell me to go out and play with Hiro-chan”

‘Even if you said so, that has nothing to do with me’
In my previous live, that was the line that I always said to Hina when she tries to take me, the shut in, out from my house.
Riona who has a similar face to Hina when she was small is also saying such things to me too right now so I kinda feel uncomfortable somehow.

---- But I have to stop thinking about such things from now on.

I always tried to avoid looking straight at Riona but it has to stop now. So I bring up my courage and look at her straight in the eye.

She has a chestnut-colored hair that is braided to both of her sides. Her eyes is shining bright just like a jewel. Combined to her ever cute smiling face I don’t have other comment beside ‘lovely’. Riona who doesn’t look like anything beside a cute little human girl is actually a succubus. Even when she just normally grows up, her [Charm] skill is also following her growth and rising steadily.

As the succubus race’s inherent skill, of course [Charm] skill will grow fast…… In fact, Riona’s [Charm] skill level had already reached 20 at this point of time. I need to work on a counter plan before she gets the skill [Charm: Opposite s.e.x] and made a mess with it.

“Hiro-chan, what is that book that you read? Riona also want to read it!”
“No you can’t. Wait until you grow up a little more”
“…… Is that a no?”
“Ugh…… D-don’t look at me like that. I won’t let you even if you beg me”
“…… Fuee……”

(T-that’s why I hate kids…… Err, I am also a kid though……)

Kids tend to cry easily like Riona did. I got panicked a bit from not knowing of what to do to comfort her. But suddenly, I got an idea on how to make her quit crying.

I softly put my hand on Riona’s head and pat her like crumpling on her soft silky hair. G.o.d, I’m dying from my embarra.s.sment but I have to do this.

“D-don’t cry…… I don’t want Riona’s mom to think that I am a bad bully”
“…… Okay, I understand. Hiro-chan, Thank you”

I’m the one who made you cry and yet you thank me for that? You really are pure. Or you simply just don’t understand things yet? I can just put a wry smile towards her behavior.
But at the same time, I can feel something warm inside my heart. I don’t have much experience interacting with little girls like this in my previous live but….. Can I feel the same feeling if I heard from my mom that I used to take care of other kids when I’m small like this?

“…… Riona, can you stop calling me Hiro-chan like that?”
“No! Hiro-chan is Hiro-chan. Because Riona likes Hiro-chan very much”
“U…… W-what are you saying stupid”
“I’m fine being stupid. Hiro-chan is Hiro-chan!”

When it becomes like this, Riona would get hard-headed and won’t listen to other people in the least.
In this world, there are no customs of using pet-names by cutting midway the names that only contain 3 syllables or at least in this town. The one who calls me Hiro-chan is only Riona after all.

But then again…… What kind of person am I to get cold feet like this only because a two years old girl tells me that she ‘likes’ me? I can only defend myself with the fact that she is a succubus after all so it can’t be helped. Yes, it can’t be helped.

(At least I want her to stop calling me that…… But if I push her more than this, she would definitely cry again……)

“…… Ah well doesn’t matter. Anyway, here, for you”
“……?” *tilt head
“Don’t ask, just give me your hand”

I curtly take out the magic sealing pendant from my pouch and put it in Riona’s hand.

“And this is…… err…… you know……”

‘This is your birthday present from me’ why did it so hard saying just to say that sentences? Even just saying ‘birthday present’ is already hard. But I can give it to her just the same even without saying anything.

- You have requested 《Riona》 to trade her [Common Apples] for your [Magic Sealing Pendant].

“…… What is it?”
“T-that apple…… Thinking again made me want it so give it to me. In exchange, I’ll give you this”
“…… Fuaaa~……”

Riona who had a blank look before from not knowing what I mean saying suddenly changed into an earth-shattering level of happy expression with smile beaming like the sun.
I can’t help thinking that her smiling face is very similar to Hina. But I have to keep my calm at all cost. I then give the pendant to Riona and use [Plea] to order her equip the pendant.

This is actually a gamble for me. This is a gamble to see whether the [Magic Sealing Pendant] that could resist the effect of charm could also stop charm from being randomly activated on its own if Riona is to wear it.

If I were to be charmed by her then thing would definitely get troublesome…… well, let’s just think of that when it happens. If it was Riona, she would probably ‘only’ order me to spoil her rotten by patting her head or such. Yes, just like how I ask everyone pamper me when I charmed them……

(If Riona charms random people in the street uncontrollably then thing will definitely get ugly…… that’s why, please make it works……!)

- 《Riona》 has activated her [Charm]! But [Magic Sealing Pendant] has sealed it so [Charm] failed its activation.


With this, RIona won’t just go and charm random people and cause troubles.

“Wear that all the time okay? Well, you can take it off when taking a bath though”

I been keeping on staring at the pendant that is now hanging on Riona’s neck so I was kinda unaware of other thing that is happening around so when I raise my face to look at Riona’s face…… I was stunned. Because there, I saw her smiling face that’s just like a beautiful flower in full bloom.

“Okay! I will always wear it. Thank you Hiro-chan”
“Uh…… W-well…… I-it’s just because I want to eat this apples…… so it nothing much”

To hide my embarra.s.sment, I bite the apple. This apple has been in Riona’s hand for a while so it was kinda warm. It also tastes a bit sour, very different than the genetically improved sweet apples that can be found normally in j.a.pan.

“But don’t tell anyone that I told you to do this okay! You know…… er, because it is a necklace after all. If your mom heard that I force you to wear necklace then she would get angry right?”
“Okay, I understand. Ehehe~……”

I know that there is a bad meaning hidden behind forced wearing a necklace to someone so I can’t help blurting it out…… Well, if it was Riona then she will definitely protect this secret.
Riona is very obedient when it comes to me. Well, pretty much other things besides stopping using ‘Hiro-chan’ to call me that is.
But really, looking at her who is beaming with this much happiness over a pendant…… Wait, be calm me…… she is just a two years old!

“A, ah!...... did you say that Stella-nee went to the woods? Who is she going there with again?”
“Stella-neechan and Ash-niichan and Deen-kun and Milty-chan!”

Hearing those names, I suddenly have a bad premonition about them. Ash who already a six years old is still alright but the four years old Deen is bad news. Even when he is older than me, he kinda has this strange rivalry feeling with me and has a rash personality. Even when the four years old of this world is almost equal to a seven-eight years old on earth, a kid is still a kid.

“…… Didn’t they said what are they gonna do there?”

Unintentionally, I use a different tone from my usual childish one when saying that. Riona is oblivious with my change and answer me with her usual laid back tone.

“Err, they said that they are gonna go and beat up some gobolin. Deen’s dad got injured by one so they are going to take revenge”
“!!!...... Those stupid brat……!”

Deen’s dad is also father Ricardo’s acquaintances so I heard about his unfortunate accident in the forest resulting on him getting injured. I know Deen is mad and I can relate on his feeling to have revenge but no matter how even if goblin is weak or even if this world kids grow fast, a four years and six years old kid won’t be able to face them ---- except me that is.

“Riona, wait here! I will go to where Stella-nee and others were!”
“No! Riona also coming!”

I know she would say that ---- but in this kind of situation, I have an ultimate weapon to use.

“For girl with slow legs like you, you can go after me slowly and we will meet there, OK!?”
“…… Ok! Riona is also coming! Riona will chase after Hiro-chan later so go first”

Riona also worries about everyone situation and especially she worries about Stella-nee because she is very infatuated with her. Stella, who is two years older than us always pays special attention to Riona and take her out to play a lot. And because I always stick close to Riona to prevent her misfortune activating, I got many chance to talk with Stella.

---- And because Stella is like that, she is unable to stop Deen’s rashness. Even if the six years old Ash joins them, if a pack of goblins appear and attack them then it’s a game over for them.

But if I come and save them all with my one man invincible play like it’s nothing then according to Deen’s personality, his rivalry feeling would just get even worse.

Well, that kind of complex human relationship problem is nothing before my G.o.dly negotiation skill anyway.

(Just wait for me…… Everyone, be safe. Don’t get hasty and attack those goblin yet!)


I ask Monica-san, whose job is hunter, about the place where Deen’s dad was attacked by goblin. She is quite familiar with the forest and had a grasp of information regarding people who going in and out of the forest. She really is dependable.

And she’s not only dependable with her information network, she is also a veteran fighter with rich battle experience. I often use [Plea] to ask her to join my party.

Monica-san’s house is close to where Tania-san and Flonne-san’s house are. And she is coincidentally just gone out of her house now so I quickly approach her and call her name screaming.

“---- Monica-neechan!”

- You have use [Plea] to 《Monica》.
- 《Monica》 has entered your party!

“…… Understood! I’ll go with you!”

I just called her and yet she seems to already understand what I want to say. This might be because she had been quite familiar with me as I constantly use my [Plea] to add her to my party many times before.

In order for me, a two years old kid, to accept a quest from the guild, I need to have a guardian that is already considered as adult (older than fifteen years old) ---- knowing that, I invite Monica-san and other strong people to my party to help me with that. Of course, the reward will be split evenly between us.

I mostly act as vanguard so having a rear guard like Monica-san is making our battle very safe and stable. Well, from the start I am already quite strong myself so I won’t even lose to this kind of small fries but then again I am still a two years old kid. I need to cover my true strength a bit --- so that mother Remilia won’t need to worry me.

“What happened Hiroto?”
“Deen and…… everyone is……!”
“Those kids!?...... Please let them be safe until we got there……!”

Monica-san is growing her hair and bundle it together in the back. She who becomes twenty this year with her usual light brown skin had started to exudes an adult charm of a woman. There is still a boyish side within her but compared to what she used to be, the boyish side had already pretty much overwritten now.

The peoples that I get to know when I was still a baby are still treating me with care even now. And they don’t even shrink back because of my notorious communication skill. Instead, I slowly integrated within this society without any problem now.

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