=Reeve"s= Physical Laboratory Guide .60

=Steele"s= Popular Physics 1.00 Fourteen Weeks in Physics 1.00

=Stewart"s= (B.) Physics .35

=Woodhull"s= Elementary Physical Science .40

Scientific Memoirs (Ames)

=Free Expansion of Gases.= Memoirs by Gay-Lussac, Joule, and Joule and Thomson. (J. S. Ames) .75

=Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra.= Memoirs by Joseph von Fraunhofer. (J. S. Ames) .60

=Rontgen Rays.= Memoirs by Rontgen, Stokes, and Thomson.

(George F. Barker) .60

=Modern Theory of Solution.= Memoirs by Pfeffer, Van"t Hoff, Arrhenius, and Raoult. (H. C. Jones) 1.00

=Laws of Gases.= Memoirs by Boyle and Amagat. (Carl Barus) .75

=Second Law of Thermodynamics.= Memoirs by Carnot, Clausius, and Thomson. (W. F. Magie) .90

=Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction.= Memoirs by Faraday, Hittorf, and Kohlrausch. (H. M. Goodwin) .75

=Effects of a Magnetic Field on Radiation.= Memoirs by Faraday, Kerr, and Zeeman. (E. P. Lewis) .75

=Laws of Gravitation.= Memoirs by Newton, Bouguer, and Cavendish. (A. S. Mackenzie) 1.00

=Wave Theory of Light.= Memoirs by Huygens, Young, and Fresnel. (Henry Crew) 1.00

=Discovery of Induced Electric Currents.= Memoirs by Joseph Henry. (J. S. Ames) .75

=Discovery of Induced Electric Currents.= Memoirs by Michael Faraday. (J. S. Ames) .75

=Foundations of Stereo-chemistry.= Memoirs by Pasteur, Van"t Hoff, Le Bel, and Wislicenus. (G. M. Richardson) 1.00

=Expansion of Gases by Heat.= Memoirs by Gay-Lussac and Regnault. (W. W. Randall) 1.00

=Laws of Radiation and Absorption.= Memoirs by Prevost, Balfour Stewart, Kirchhoff, and Kirchhoff and Bunsen.

(D. B. Brace) 1.00


=Armstrong & Norton"s= Laboratory Manual of Chemistry .50

=Avery"s= School Chemistry 1.20 Elements of Chemistry 1.10 Complete Chemistry 1.40 Teacher"s Handbook of Chemistry .75

=Blanchard & Wade"s= Foundations of Chemistry 1.25

=Clarke= (F. W.) =& Dennis"s= Elementary Chemistry 1.10 Laboratory Manual .50

=Cooley"s= New Elementary Chemistry .72 New Text-Book of Chemistry .90 Laboratory Studies in Chemistry .50

=Irish"s= (C. W.) Qualitative a.n.a.lysis .50

=Roscoe"s= Chemistry .35

=Shaw"s= (G. W.) Laboratory Exercises in General Chemistry .40

=Steele"s= Popular Chemistry 1.00

=Stoddard"s= Outline of Qualitative a.n.a.lysis .75

=Storer & Lindsay"s= (W. B.) Elementary Manual of Chemistry 1.20

=White"s= (L. B.) Outline of Chemical Theory .25

=Youmans"s= (E. L.) Cla.s.s Book of Chemistry 1.22


=Dodge"s= (C. W.) Introduction to Elementary Practical Biology 1.80

=Hunter"s= (G. W.) Civic Biology 1.25 Elements of Biology 1.25 Essentials of Biology 1.25

=Sharpe"s= Laboratory Manual in Biology .75


=Andrews"s= (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round 1.00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern U. S. 1.50 Practical Course in Botany 1.25 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern U. S. 1.50

=Apgar"s= (A. C.) Ornamental Shrubs of the United States 1.50 Trees of the Northern United States 1.00

=Apgars"= (E. A. & A. C.) New Plant a.n.a.lysis .55

=Chapman"s= Flora of the Southern United States. Third Edition 4.00

=Coulter"s= (J. G.) Plant Life and Plant Uses 1.20

=Coulter= (J. M.), =Barnes & Cowles"s= Textbook of Botany: Volume I. Morphology and Physiology 2.00 The same. Part 1. Morphology 1.50 The same. Part 2. Physiology 1.25 Volume II. Ecology 2.00

=Coulter= (J. M.) =& Nelson"s= New Manual of the Botany of the Central Rocky Mountains 2.50 The same. Tourist"s edition. Limp leather 3.50

=Frye & Rigg"s= Elementary Flora of the Northwest .72 The same. With Coulter"s Plant Life and Plant Uses 1.60

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