=Authorized= Physiology Series: No. 1. Health for Little Folks .30 No. 2. Lessons in Hygiene (Johonnot & Bouton) .45 No. 3. Outlines of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Tracy) 1.00

=Eclectic= Temperance Physiologies: The House I Live In .30 Youth"s Temperance Manual (Brown) .40 Guide to Health .60

=New Century= Physiology Series: Oral Lesson Book in Hygiene. For Primary Teachers (Mirick) 1.00 Primer of Hygiene (Mrs. J. W. Hall) .30 Intermediate Physiology and Hygiene (W. S. Hall and Mrs.

J. W. Hall) .40 Elementary Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (W. S. Hall) .75 Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene for High Schools (Hewes) 1.00

=Pathfinder= Physiologies: No. 1. Child"s Health Primer .30 No. 2. Young People"s Physiology .50 No. 3. Hygienic Physiology (Steele) 1.00

=Union= Physiology Series: Physiology and Health, No. 1 .24 Physiology and Health, No. 2 .30 Physiology and Health, No. 3 .50


=Blackwelder & Barrows"s= Elements of Geology 1.40

=Dana"s= (J. D.) Geological Story Briefly Told 1.15 Revised Text-Book of Geology 1.40 Manual of Geology. Fourth edition 5.00

=Geikie"s= Geology .35

=Herrick"s= (S. B.) The Earth in Past Ages .60

=Le Conte"s= Compend of Geology 1.20

=Lyell"s= Elements of Geology (Judd) 2.25

=Steele"s= Fourteen Weeks in Geology 1.00

Physical and Commercial Geography

=Appletons"= Physical Geography 1.60

=Butler"s= Physical Geography 1.08

=Chamberlain"s= Field and Laboratory Exercises in Physical Geography .50

=Cornell"s= New Physical Geography 1.12

=Dryer"s= High School Geography. Physical, Economic, and Regional 1.30 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 Parts I and II. Physical and Economic. Half leather 1.20 The same. Parts I and II. Cloth 1.00 Lessons in Physical Geography 1.20

=Everly, Blount & Walton"s= Laboratory Lessons in Physical Geography .56

=Gannett, Garrison & Houston"s= Commercial Geography. Revised. 1.25

=Geikie"s= Physical Geography .35

=Guyot"s= Physical Geography 1.60

=Hinman"s= Eclectic Physical Geography 1.00

=Johnson"s= (W. E.) Mathematical Geography 1.00

=Maury"s= Physical Geography 1.20

=Maury-Simonds"s= Physical Geography 1.20

=Monteith"s= (Jas.) New Physical Geography 1.00

=Olin"s= Commercial Geography 1.00

=National Geographic Monographs:= Physiographic Processes J. W. Powell .20 Physiographic Features J. W. Powell .20 Physiographic Regions of the U. S. J. W. Powell .20 Present and Extinct Lakes of Nevada I. C. Russell .20 Beaches of the Atlantic Coast N. S. Shaler .20 The Northern Appalachians Bailey Willis .20 Niagara Falls and Their History G. K. Gilbert .20 Mt. Shasta--A Typical Volcano J. S. Diller .20 Physical Geography of Southern New England W. M. Davis .20 The Southern Appalachians C. W. Hayes .20 Complete in bound volume 2.50


=Price"s= (J. A.) Observations and Exercises on the Weather .30

=Waldo"s= Elementary Meteorology 1.50


=Bexell & Nichols"s= Principles of Bookkeeping and Farm Accounts .65 Teacher"s Reference Book for the same .50 Blanks for the same. Per set .45 No. 1 .12 No. 2 .25 No. 3 .08

=Bricker"s= Agricultural Education for Teachers .80

=Buffum & Deaver"s= Sixty Lessons in Agriculture .60

=Goff & Mayne"s= First Principles of Agriculture .80

=Lupton"s= Scientific Agriculture .35

=Mayne & Hatch"s= High School Agriculture 1.00

=Wilkinson"s= Practical Agriculture 1.00

=Winslow"s= (I. O.) Principles of Agriculture .60

Nature Study

=Carter"s= Nature Study with Common Things .60

=Comstock"s= Wild Flowers Which Blossom in April and May .25 Five Pupils" Books, with one Teacher"s Book 1.25

=c.u.mmings"s= Nature Study for Primary Grades .90 Nature Study for Lower Grammar Grades .60 Nature Study for Higher Grammar Grades .75

=Overton & Hill"s= Nature Study .40

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