=Methodo= de Linguagem Escripta .22

=Geographia= Elementar .33

=Cadernos= de Arithmetica, N^s. 1-10 Per doz., 1.00

=Novo= Systema de Calligraphia, N^s. 1-3 " .72 The same. N^s. 4-7 " .96


Latin Language

=Abbott"s= (M. A.) First Latin Writer[2] .60

=Arnold"s= (T. K.) First and Second Latin Book (Mulholland) 1.00 Latin Prose Composition (Mulholland) 1.00 Key to the same .60

=Bingham"s= Latin Grammar 1.08

=Brittain"s= Introduction to Caesar .75

=Coy"s= (E. W.) Latin Lessons 1.00

=Dodge= (C. C.) =& Tuttle"s= Latin Prose Composition (Vocabulary separate) .75 Key to the same .50

=Hamer"s= Easy Steps in Latin .75

=Harkness"s= Complete Latin Grammar 1.25 Short Latin Grammar .80 Standard Latin Grammar 1.12 Easy Method for Beginners in Latin 1.20 Introductory Latin Book .87 Arnold"s First Latin Book 1.05

=Harper & Burgess"s= Elements of Latin 1.00 Inductive Latin Method 1.00

=Inglis"s= Latin Composition Exercise Book .25

=Jordan"s= Elementary Latin Writing 1.00

=Lane"s= (G. M.) Latin Grammar. Revised 1.50

=Lane= (G. M.) & Morgan"s (M. H.) School Latin Grammar[2] 1.00

=Leiper"s= Latin Subordinate Clause Syntax .30

=Mather & Wheeler"s= Latin Prose Writing[2] 1.00 Key to the same .50

=McCabe"s= Bingham"s Latin Grammar 1.08

=Mellick"s= Latin Composition .40

=Nutting"s= Latin Primer .50 Latin Reader. With English-Latin Exercises .75 The same. Without Exercises .60

=Pearson"s= Essentials of Latin for Beginners[2] .90 Perception Cards for the same (Young) Per set of 500 2.00 Key to the same .25 Latin Prose Composition--Complete 1.00 Key to the same .50 Latin Prose Composition Based on Caesar .50 Latin Prose Composition Based on Cicero .50

=Reiley"s= Practical Exercises on the Latin Verb .25

=Smiley & Storke"s= First Year Latin Course 1.00 Teachers" Handbook for the same .24 Beginner"s Latin Book 1.00

=Smith"s= (Wm.) Principia Latina. Part I .55 The same. Part II .90

Latin Literature, etc.


=Harkness"s= Caesar"s Commentaries 1.20

=Harkness & Forbes"s= Caesar"s Gallic War. Seven Books 1.25 The same. Four Books 1.00

=Harper & Tolman"s= Caesar"s Gallic War. Eight Books 1.20 The same. Text edition .40 Caesar"s Gallic War. Four Books 1.00

=Mather"s= Caesar. Episodes from the Gallic and Civil Wars[2] 1.25 The same. Text edition .40

=McCabe"s= Bingham"s Caesar 1.08

=Riess & Janes"s= Caesar. Books I and II .85 Key to Exercises in the same .25 The same. With Janes"s Latin Sight Reading 1.20

=Caesar.= Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Text .50

=Caesar.= The Gallic and Civil Wars. Translation .75


=Anthon"s= Cicero"s Tusculan Disputations 1.10

=Bishop, King & Helm"s= Cicero. Ten Orations and Selected Letters[2] 1.25 The same. Text edition .40 Cicero. Six Orations 1.00

=Harkness, Kirtland & Williams"s= Cicero. Nine Orations 1.25 The same. Six Orations 1.00

=Harper & Gallup"s= Cicero"s Orations with Selections from the Letters 1.30 The same. Text edition .40

=Kirtland"s= Correspondence of Cicero .50

=Lord"s= Cicero"s Laelius de Amicitia .70

=Moore"s= Cicero"s Cato Maior de Senectute[2] .80 The same. Text edition .30

=Price"s= (C.) Cicero"s Laelius de Amicitia[2] .75 The same. Text edition .30

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