=Webster"s= Elementary Spelling Book Per doz., net .90

=Williams & Rogers= Test Lessons in Spelling .15

=Willson"s= Primary Speller .15 Larger Speller .24

=Worcester"s= New Primary Spelling Book .18 New p.r.o.nouncing Spelling Book .23 Comprehensive Spelling Book .23

=Wright"s (A. D.)= a.n.a.lytical Orthography .18

Spelling Blanks

=American Spelling Blanks--Vertical Writing=: Angular Hand Per doz., .48 Round Hand " .48

=American= Standard Writing Speller. Nos. 1 and 2 " .45

=Barnes"s= Natural Slant Writing Speller " .48 Vertical Writing Speller " .48

=Butler"s= Vertical Writing Speller " .50

=Dinsmore"s Spelling Blanks=: Model Script, 36 pages " .45 Elementary, "Five Cent" Blank " .42

=Eclectic= Writing Speller " .50

=Harper"s= Spelling and Dictation Blanks. Nos. 1 to 4 " .48

=Manson"s= Economic Spelling Blank " .42

=Monroe"s= Complete Writing Speller " .42

=Osborn & King"s= (J. E.) Blank for Seventy Lessons in Spelling .07

=Sheldon"s= Spelling and Language Blanks Per doz., .48

=Spencerian= Practical Writing Speller " .48 The same. Intermediate ruling " .48 The same. Wide ruling, for primary grades " .48


Copy Books and Charts

=American= Practice Blanks. No. 1 Per doz., .42 System of Vertical Writing. Nos. 1 to 7 " .96

=Appletons"= Standard Writing Books: Grammar Course. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 " .96 How to Teach Writing (Manual of Penmanship) .50

=Barnes"s= National Vertical Penmanship. Nos. 1 to 8 " .75 Special Books. Nos. N-1 and N-2 " .75

=Barnes"s= Natural Slant Penmanship. Nos. 1 to 8 " .75 Pen and Pencil Series. Books A, B, and C " .60 Natural Slant Writing Charts. In four sheets Per set 1.50

=Barnes"s= Penmanship Pads: National Vertical. A 1 to 12, B 1 to 12, C 1 to 12.

36 Pads. Each .20 Natural Slant. D 1 to 12, E 1 to 12, F 1 to 12, G 1 to 12, H 1 to 12, I 1 to 12, J 1 to 12, K 1 to 12, L 1 to 12, M 1 to 12. 120 Pads Each .20

=Bond"s= Staff Ruled Writing Books. Nos 1 and 2 Per doz., .96 The same. No. 3 " .50

=Chancellor"s= Standard Short Course for Evening Schools .50

=Curtiss"s= Vertical Copy Books. Nos. 1 to 6 Per doz., .96 Semi-Vertical Copy Books. Nos. 1 to 6 " .96

=Eclectic= Penmanship: Elementary Tracing Course. Nos. 1 to 3 " .72 New Copy Books. Nos. 1 to 9 " .96 Practice Books, single or double line " .48

=Ellsworth"s= New Reversible Copy Books. Slanting edition. Nos. 1 to 6 " .96

=Healey"s= System of Free Arm Movement Writing: Books and Pads (9 of each) for Grades 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, and Movement Exercises Each .10 Copies for 1st and 2d Years Per set .05 Complete Manual Each .20 Manual. Parts I, II and III Each, per doz., 1.50 Primary Manual Each .10

=Mills"s= Practical Penmanship. Vertical edition.

Six Books Per doz., .72 Modern Business Penmanship Each .30

=National= Writing Books: No. 1. 24 pp. Square. Manila. Single ruled Per doz., .42 No. 3. 24 pp. Square. Manila. Double ruled " .42 No. 4. 24 pp. Square. Manila. German ruled " .42 No. 5. 24 pp. Oblong. Manila. Single ruled " .42 No. 10. 36 pp. Square. Manila. Single ruled " .60 No. 25. 72 pp. Square. Boards. Single ruled " 1.08

=Payson, Dunton, & Scribner"s= National Copy Books: New edition. Nos. 4, 5 and 6 " .96

=Payson, Dunton, & Scribner"s= Book of Alphabets Per doz., .96 Handbook of Penmanship .25 Patent Blotter Covers. Large Per hundred 1.20

=Poland"s= (M. D.) First Book for Pen or Pencil Parts I. and II Each, per doz., .72

=Rational= Writing Books. Vertical. Nos. 1 to 6 Per doz., .60 Medium Slant. Nos. 1 to 6 " .60

=Sheldon"s= Standard Writing Tracing. No. 1 " .72 Elementary. Nos. 2 to 4 " .72 Grammar Course. Nos. 5 to 12 " .95 Teacher"s Manual " .75 Standard Writing Charts. In two sheets Per set 1.00

=Spencers"= Practical Writing. Nos. 1 to 8 Per doz., .60 Copies for Movement Exercises (Envelope containing 35 slips) .05 How to Teach Writing .10 California Writing Charts. In four sheets Per set 1.50

=Spencer Bros."= Hand Chart, Movement Drill, etc Per doz., .60

=Spencerian= Copy Books--Revised: Tracing Course. Nos. 1 to 4 " .72 Shorter Course. Nos. 1 to 4 " .72 Common School Course. Nos. 1 to 7 " .96 The same. Business Series. Nos. 8 to 11 " .96

=Spencerian= Vertical Penmanship: Special Books, A and B " .72 Common School Course. Nos. 1 to 6 " .96 Business Course. Nos. 7 to 10 " .96

=Spencerian= Theory of Penmanship .18 Key to Penmanship 1.08

=Steadmans"= Graded Lessons in Writing. Eight pads.

Nos. 1 to 8 Each .15 Teachers" Manual " .20 Writing Chart. In five sheets Per set 1.50

=Williams & Rogers= Pen-Written Slant Copies (reproduced).

Abridged .35 Vertical Copy Books. Six books Per doz., .60

German Copy Books

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