Concerning Children

Chapter 14

Absence of mind, 54.

"Acquired traits not transmissible," 9.

experiments with guinea-pigs, 11.

Action, bodily, directed by mental processes, 57.

Adult, our houses built only for the, 121.

Age, the presumption of, 156.

not necessarily superiority, 159.

Aged persons, cause of the respect and care for, 160.

Ambition of youth a force to lift mankind, the, 23.

American Revolution, the, mentioned, 35.

Animal mother, the authority of the, 42.

Animals, obedience in, 29.

Arbitrary punishment, effect on the moral sense of, 84.

Authority of the animal mother, the, 42.

effect of, coming between the mind and action of the child, 60.

Babies confided to the care of lower races, 134.

Baby, impressions of a, 49.

considered as a plaything, 175.

our disrespectful treatment of the, 171.

often neglected mind-growth of the, 250.

Baby-garden, a public, 124.

example of the advantages of a, 139.

a private, 125.

Babyhood, education not thought of in connection with, 135.

Bible, the, 114.

Biological advantage of a longer period of immaturity, the, 18.

law of reproduction, 296.

Bodily action directed by mental processes, 57.

Boston, 289.

Brain, effect of obedience on the, 41.

training of children, the, 46.

the office of the, 47.

in early forms of life, 48.

function of the child, 49.

improvement, progress of humanity made through, 149.

Breakfast, unpunctuality at, 149.

Bushmen, the, 293.

Callous child, treatment of the, 92.

Casabianca, 30.

Census Report, United States, 233.

Character, comparatively small progress in the human, 251.

development of, a.s.sisted by right education, 252.

Chast.i.ty, the virtue of, 26.

Child, importance of the first fifteen years of the life of the, 21.

exercise of the will of the, in games, 22.

trained to obey, 31.

reasons why obedience is demanded from the, 37.

brain function of the, 49.

the, should be trained to presence of mind, 55.

advantage taken of the credulity of the, 56.

what the, feels and thinks ignored, 57.

the mind of the, 57.

effect of authority coming between the mind and action of the, 60.

culture of the, 63.

table manners, teaching the, 63.

early impressions of a, 77.

result of the deed of a, dependent upon parental knowledge, 82.

the naughty, 90.

a group of growing faculties, 90.

treatment of the callous, 92.

games, the daily lessons of the, 108.

teaching generosity to the, 109.

delicacy of perception of the, weakened by false impressions, 111.

perception in the place of the State of the, 119.

mother and, no separation of, 125.

treatment of the, at home, 170.

att.i.tude of the family towards the, 171.

personal rights of the, 174.

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