Concerning Children

Chapter 18

Labour, the employment of skilled, for household, 276.

household, mental capacities developed by, 247.

Law of parental love, the, 177.

Life, the brain in early forms of, 48.

Lifetime, the most important decade of a, 18.

Love for our children, our, 192.

the law of parental, 177.

open to measurement by results, 192.

mother, 193, 197.

Lying to children, 102.

Majority of a girl at eighteen, reason for the, 293.

Man, the distinctive power of, 53.

"Mary Don"t," 59.

Maternal instinct, our dependence on the, 263.

not sufficient to ensure good conditions for children, 267.

Maternal pa.s.sion, need for restraint of the, 197.

Maturity, early, a sign of bad social conditions, 294.

Mental capacities developed by household labours, 247.

habits, primitive, fostered in family life, 169.

workings of the human creature, 50.

Methuselah, 158.

Modification, race, and individual modification, 10.

Moral sense, effect on the, of arbitrary punishment, 84.

Mortality, infant, shamefully large, 246.

Mind, effect of obedience on the growing, 37.

absence of, 54.

presence of, 54.

connection between the, and behaviour, 54.

of a child, the, 57.

effect of authority coming between the child"s, and his action, 60.

Mind-growth of the baby, the often neglected, 280.

failure of the mother to keep in touch with the, 250.

Mother, the authority of the animal, 42.

necessity for the, to be grounded in ethics, 116.

and child, no separation of, 125.

the, not trained as an educator, 135.

and child, the need for consideration between, 187.

excessive sacrifice of the, injurious to the child, 193.

maintenance of individual rights by the, 195.

the domestic servant in the majority of homes, the, 233.

the natural, 258.

duty of the, to benefit the child, 261.

the "unnatural," 265.

Mother"s lack of respect for her little children, 179.

sacrificial devotion to the child, harmful effect of, the, 197.

personality, the place for a, 286.

Mothers, the need for union among, 201.

benefits of discussion between, 207.

benefit of, observing other people"s children, 204.

lack of educational perception among, 249.

the term natural as applied to, 258.

necessity for enlarging the responsibility of, 287.

public duty of, 288.

Mother"s Congress, the, 76.

Mother-love, 193, 197.

Motherhood, progress in, 261.

preparation for, 268.

work during, 271.

possibilities of combined, 284.

Natural law, the wisdom of following, 43.

Natural, the use of the word, 255.

the word, applied to human conduct, 257.

the whole scale of human behaviour is, 256.

the term, as applied to mothers, 258.

Nature, a state of, 256.

Nurse, the private, not a proper person to have the care of children, 132.

Nursery, a public, suggested, 123.

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