Conquering Hero’s Heroines

Chapter 42 - Party

Chapter 42 - Party

The next day 

「Hero Ritone Shylock-dono. I am truly thankful that you have rescued my family.」 

The whole «Copper Rank» Lilliput Family, solemnly expressed their words of grat.i.tude. 

They were in a party hall to welcome Ritone and the girls. 

「Thank you!」 

「We survived because of you!」 

A retainer and the «Copper Rank» Family who were attacked by Tsuchigumo spoke their words of grat.i.tude. 

Ritone smiled at them while feeling embarra.s.sed. 

「No, I did no such great thing. This was achieved through everyone’s combined efforts.」 

「Mn... As expected, taking a modest approach worthy of a hero indeed. I like it. If there is anything you wish for. We will do whatever it takes to grant it.」 

It is said that the «Copper Rank» Lilliput would like to reward Ritone. 

「Then, I will accept this kind offer, I only have one [request]...」 


All the members listened attentively to what Ritone desired. 

「Can I not ask for Littlette-san to be my fiancé, please?」 


Littlette who was drinking juice near Ritone, reflexively jumped up. 

「!? What do you mean! Me, fiancé!?」 

On the opposite side, Nady raised her eyes. 

「No, this, is about being the second wife...」 


Nady slapped Ritone with all her strength. 

「Y-you see Ritone-kun. Even though I look like this, I’m actually in fact over 20 years old, as far as being your older sister, I may have crossed that line a little already...」 

Littlette who was blushing bashfully gave an explanation, which was erased by the cheers which arose in the party hall. 

「A hero has proposed to the young lady!」 

「It"s a perfect match!」 

「Future blessings to the couple!」 

Voices of acceptance resounded from the families and va.s.sals, the «Copper Rank» Lilliput began to speak. 

「We, the «Copper Rank» Lilliput, and the «Gold Rank» Shylock have been on friendly terms with each other for a long time now, as neighboring territories. Not to mention having a hero as a son-in-law is a wish come true. It should be us who should be requesting you.」 

When the «Copper Rank» Lilliput Family bowed, frantic applauses welled up. 

「W-wait a minute! My intention is...」 

「Though I want to be a fiancé as well..」 

「... Why is it like this? It"s rather annoying.」 

The voices of the three girls who entered within were lost by the voices of the pleased people. 

「What"s your aim! What are you thinking? To propose before this many people.」 

In a certain room within the party hall, Littlette reproached Ritone. 

Ritone was dragged away by her from the party hall and was demanded an explanation. 

Rin and Nady were intently watching the situation. They seemed like they also wanted to say something. 

「I meant every word I said, I want you to be my fiancé.」 

Ritone had a serious look as he made an advance on Littlette. To that look, Littlette flinched a little. 

「B-but, isn’t Nady your fiancé?」 

Littlette looked at Nady. She nodded unpleasantly. 

「Mn. Therefore, you’ll be my second wife...」 

Ritone declared brazenly. It was pretty common that the head of a n.o.ble family would be married to more than one wife. If the partner was the heir of a «Gold Rank» Family, even if the second wife was the third daughter of a «Copper Rank» Family, it wouldn"t be strange. Meaning, it would balance out the social hierarchy. 

「But, me the second wife!... You"re still just a child!」 

「The fact is I personally want you. I want you to come to the Shylock family.」 

Seeing his serious eyes, Littlette unconsciously nodded. 

「I-is that so? Such strange tastes... Well, you"re reliable, you did save my family… Though you"re 10 years younger than me, and have a cute face, if you like me, then there"s no helping it... Still, aren’t you a precocious child? Is a proper married life even possible?... Lastly, will our sizes even match?」 

Embracing her own pet.i.te body closely, she went daydreaming about something or another. 

「No, though it"s regrettable, this isn"t because I love you, but because it’s necessary to save the world.」 


「So this is a good opportunity, to speak to everyone. I want you to hear me out.」 

Ritone told the three girls everything he knew.

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