McFadden, E. A., _Selected List of Plays for Amateurs_, 113 Lake View Avenue, Cambridge, Ma.s.sachusetts, 1920.

Mackay, Constance D"Arcy, _The Little Theatre in the United States_ (Appendix: _List of Plays Produced in Little Theatres_). Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1917.

Mayorga, Margaret Gardner, _Representative One-Act Plays by American Authors_ (Appendix: _Selective List of One-Act Plays by American Authors_). Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1919.

Merry, Glenn Newton, _College Plays_. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1919.

Riley, Alice C. D., _The One-Act Play--Study Course_. Three issues (February, March, April) of _The Drama League Bulletin_, 1918, Washington, D. C.

Riley, Ruth, _Plays and Recitations, Extension Division Record_, Vol. 2, No. 2, November, 1920. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

_Selected List of Christmas Plays._ Drama League Calendar, November 15, 1918, New York.

_Selected List of Patriotic Plays and Pageants Suitable for Amateurs._ Drama League Calendar, October 1, 1918, New York.

_Selected List of Plays for Amateurs._ The Drama League, Boston.

Also Doubleday, Page & Company, New York, 1917.

Shay, Frank, _Play List, Winter, 1921._ Frank Shay, 4 Christopher Street, New York.

Shay, Frank, and Loving, Pierre, _Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays_ (Appendix: _The Plays of the Little Theatre_). Stewart & Kidd Company, Cincinnati, 1920.

Stratton, Clarence, _Two Hundred Plays Suitable for Amateurs_. One hundred of them are one-act plays. St. Louis, Missouri, 1920. The Drama Shop, 7 East 42d Street, New York.

Stratton, Clarence, _Producing in Little Theatres_ (Appendix contains a revised list of one-act plays). Henry Holt & Company, New York City, 1921.

Swartout, Norman Lee, _One Hundred and One Good Plays_. Summit, New Jersey, 1920.


Andrews, Charlton, _The Technique of Play Writing_, Chapter XVIII.

Home Correspondence School, Springfield, Ma.s.sachusetts.

Cannon, f.a.n.n.y, _Writing and Selling a Play_, Chapter XXII. Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1915.

Cohen, Helen Louise, _One-Act Plays by Modern Authors_, Introduction. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1921.

Corbin, John, _The One-Act Play_, in the New York _Times_, May, 1918. Vol. IV, p. 8, col. 1.

Eaton, Walter P., _Washington Square Plays_, Introduction.

Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York, 1917.

Gibbs, Clayton E., _The One-Act Play_, in _The Theatre_, Vol.

XXIII, pp. 143-156, March, 1916.

Goodman, Edward, _Why the One-Act Play_?, in _The Theatre_, Vol.

XXV, p. 327, June, 1917.

Gregory, Lady Augusta, _Our Irish Theatre_. G. P. Putnam"s Sons, New York, 1913.

Hamilton, Clayton, _The One-Act Play in America_, in _The Bookman_, April, 1913. Appears as Chapter XXII in _Studies in Stagecraft_, Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1914.

Johnson, Gertrude, _Choosing a Play_, Chapter III, _Why the One-Act Play?_?The Century Company, New York, 1920.

Lewis, B. Roland, _The Technique of the One-Act Play_. John W. Luce & Company, Boston, 1918.

Lewis, B. Roland, _The One-Act Play in Colleges and High Schools, Bulletin of the University of Utah_, Extension Series No. 2, Vol.

X, No. 16, 1920. Extension Division, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Mackay, Constance D"Arcy, _The Little Theatre in the United States_, some interesting comments on various one-act plays. Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1917.

Middleton, George, _Tradition and Other One-Act Plays_, Introduction, 1913; _Embers, Etc._, Introduction, 1911; _Possession, Etc._, Introduction, 1915. All published by Henry Holt & Company, New York.

Middleton, George, _The Neglected One-Act Play_, in _The Dramatic Mirror_, January 31, 1913, pp. 13-14, New York.

Moses, Montrose J., _The American Dramatist_, comment on the one-act play. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1917.

Neal, Robert Wilson, _Short Stories in the Making_, Chapter I.

Oxford University Press, New York, 1914.

Page, Brett, _Writing for Vaudeville_. Home Correspondence School, Springfield, Ma.s.sachusetts, 1915.

_Poole"s Index_, for articles on the one-act play in the magazines.

_The Reader"s Guide to Periodical Literature_ for articles on the one-act play in the magazines.

Schitzler, Arthur, _Comedies of Words_, Introduction by Pierre Loving. Stewart & Kidd Company, Cincinnati, 1917.

Underhill, John Garrett, _The One-Art Play in Spain_, in _The Drama: A Quarterly Review_, February, 1917.

Wilde, Percival, _Confessional, and Other One-Act Plays_, Preface.

Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1916.

The several volumes dealing with the short story are suggested as collateral study: Pitkin, Neal, Williams, Grabo, Baker, Esenwein, Notestein and Dunn, Canby, Albright, Smith, Cross, Barrett, Mathews, Pain, Gerwig.


Beegle, Mary Porter, and Crawford, Jack, _Community Drama and Pageantry_. The Appendices in this volume contain excellent bibliographies on almost every aspect of dramatic production. It is a most valuable work. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1917.

Chubb, Percival, _Festivals and Plays_. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1912.

Clark, Barrett H., _How to Produce Amateur Plays_. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1917.

Crampton, C. Ward, _Folk Dance Book_. A. S. Barnes & Company, New York, 1909.

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