Blue Room – Toki

"This is Toki"s room, and mine is the one next to it."

When I opened the door made of shiny white wood, it was full of blue.

There were a lot of cloths of different shades of blue on the ceiling. Thick and thin blue cloths were abundant, so the room seemed like the sea, azure fabrics were waving slightly due to the wind coming through the window. The fluttering cloths made a lot of drapes and it looked like fish scales.

The gathered furniture was cream colored and decorated with dark blue jewels. The bed was equipped with a canopy and the cloth dropping from the top was thin so it did not obstruct the vision.

The floor was made of the same material as the door. Although it was shiny, it seemed like wood. On the long hair cream colored rug, there were a short table, a pedestal and a lot of cushions.

Beside these, there were an office desk to do work on it and a chair.

"Blue is my color. White is a n.o.ble color. You will be using this room only when you can walk by yourself."

He could not mutter a single word owing to the extraordinary magnitude of this room and simply nodded. He felt it was like a royalty"s room, and recalled that a.s.sam was a royalty.

What if I can"t calm down because it"s so s.p.a.cious? Toki, who was accustomed to the small hospital room, thought.

Leaving the fascinated Toki, a.s.sam stood in front of the darkest blue cloth inside the room. When he lifted it, a door which seemed to be fused with the wall appeared. He put his hand on the wood and pulled to the right, and then the door was opened. Surprisingly, it was a sliding door.

"Ah! a.s.sam, room."

"That"s right. If something happens, use this door to come here."

Laham, Yarra and Tsugura were waiting inside. I was a little excited by the hidden door that was ninjlike.

"Let me show the room first."

a.s.sam"s room was structured in a beautiful circular shape. From the entrance, there were two doors, a window between two other doors, and then the hidden door of Toki"s room.

The right door from the entrance was the bathroom. There was latrine similar to j.a.panese washlet toilet, and it did not only wash with water but it also cleaned accordingly. There was no b.u.t.ton, one only needed to seat and it did automatically. However, the shape is of a big omaru*. It was somewhat disappointing.

{T/N: Omaru: I researched quite a bit and I think it is a child"s toilet, those small and made of plastic. If someone knows what it means, please let me know.}

In the toilet, there was a table where books and doc.u.ments could be put on it. Behind it, there was a stand too, but it seems that it was used to avoid the long clothes from getting wet. Also, this omaru-like toilet was called [omaru] in this world. It is a miracle.

By the way, I am wearing clothes from this world right now. It is slightly Arabian style clothes. There were various ornaments, but since I am not used to the earrings, I removed it before going to the dining room.

The bracelets were a bit heavy and I was afraid I would dirty them, so I removed some of them. On the ankle there are anklets and on my head there is a small hair ornament.

In this world, it seems that wearing bracelets and anklets is common sense. Hair ornaments and earrings should be used, but since my hair is short and to not bug me when I lay down, they made a small one for me.

I have forgotten because I was accustomed to my long stay in the hospital, but men of this world usually wear long length cloths. However, they do not wear anything inside. There is no men"s underwear here. Even if I knew from my dreams that they did not wear anything under, I feel too restless because it feels too free.

It seems that they wear pants only at hunts or wars. On the other hand, it seems that women wear tight ankle-length pants under the long cloth.

Shoes are high laced sandals for both men and women, however since there are many people who need to be carried, they do not have much opportunities to wear it. In the first place, n.o.body can put it on alone.

The room next to the toilet was the ofuro. What hot spring inn"s public bath is this? It was so huge that people cannot help but wonder this. It was about a 25 meters pool. Moreover, the walls are gla.s.s windows. The cityscape seen from afar is beautiful and this palace seems to be in a quite high place so the scenery is amazing.

{T/N: Ofuro/Furo: I want to believe that everyone knows what it means but it is j.a.panese bathtub.}

However, the structure of this ofuro looks like j.a.panese style no matter at what angle it is seen. The bathtub is made of wood, there is a bucked, there is various rocks encircling it, and hot water is flowing from a small rock mount.

If it is this similar, I might get the illusion if being in j.a.pan, but the color of the water on the bathtub is light blue. It is a slightly milky light blue. Un, here is a different world.

“Toki often watched outdoor furo, right? It cannot be made bulletproof but people cannot see through this gla.s.s from outside. Normally, the body is cleaned with [mist]. Yet, once you taste the furo, mist is not enough.”

{T/N: Probably, a.s.sam saw Toki watching the TV in the dreams.}{T/N: The translation "bulletproof" is not quite right but idk other word for it. MTL showed "crime prevention".}

[Mist] is a method* of spraying fog on the body to remove dirt. It seems that it can be done in about three minutes so it may be somewhat insipid.

{T/N: Method: I think ‘mist" is a spell.}

"Furo  feel  good. I like."

"Ahh, if your conditions become better, let"s soak in the tub. Together."


“You don"t want to?”

I was being stared at close range. Recalling the happening with a.s.sam just then (T/N: he was frenched at dinner), it also evoked the feeling on my tongue and my face glowed red. I have to tell him I do not dislike it. Because I do not want to be misunderstood. I felt more embarra.s.sed so my face got redder.

"No, wrong. It, it"s embarr, a.s.sing."

The moment I explained it, the door behind us opened, startling me. When a.s.sam turned around with me on his arms, a green shadow beyond the steam could be seen.

"Your Highness, Toki-sama will become dizzy."

{T/N: from being in the bath for a long time.}

a.s.sam saw Laham who appeared with a smile and furrowed his eyebrows muttering "you lack in polish". Being disturbed at an ambiguous mood, Toki thought nice timing and felt a bit of relief.

{T/N: [無粋な] if someone has a better translation, please tell me.}

Translated by Murabito-san
Edited by Jay

Hi~ I"m the new translator of Continuation of the Dream in Another World! (aka Sweet Daydream). Pleased to meet you! If there is a mistake, please tell me so I can fix it, no matter how small it is. 

I"m planning to post a chapter on days 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 of each month!

Now, I want to know: do you prefer t/n in the middle of the text (like I did) or down here? Do you think there are too much t/n? I will try to change for the better!

Thank you for reading~

< 2194="" j.a.panese="" charaters=""> 

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