During the time I was waiting for the food to be prepared, I thought about what happened earlier. In the midst of that earnest speech, I was moved by a.s.sam"s honesty and my head stopped working properly.

I wasn"t able to concentrate at all and I didn"t understand what the trembling sensation in my abdomen was. I was both glad about many things and embarra.s.sed. But, what he said made me very happy.

a.s.sam wanted me to be his partner. But men cannot bear children. This is something that"s constant even in other worlds.

It is a problem as royalty to be unable to produce an heir. I don"t wish for him to concede the throne in order to marry me.

Even if a.s.sam was no longer royalty, he wouldn"t lose his appeal and I definitely wouldn"t like him any less. What I said to a.s.sam was the truth. Just, that my presence around a.s.sam would be a nuisance is painful.

Even though I was welcomed with a large variety of wonderful food like this, I wasn"t able to accept anything.

With a sigh, I endured. a.s.sam was looking this way, he looked like he was in terrible pain. You can"t make that face! Why do you look hurt?

"a.s.sam? What"s wrong? Pain?"

I asked and held his beautiful face in my hands. He looked like he was surprised at what I said.

"No, it"s nothing. Are you hungry? It should be ready soon."

He glossed over it with a forced smile. Then, the simple food without seasoning as specified were arranged in front of me. Steam was rising, and it gave off a fine scent, in that moment my empty stomach was stimulated.

"Let"s eat while it"s warm. Resume the meal."

I noticed what he said. That is to say, that everybody"s food had yet to diminish. They neither ate or drank anything. Still a bother… I thought and became aware of something.

If, what if I were in a.s.sam"s position? I wonder how I was currently reflected in his eyes?

Helping the person you like by summoning them to another world, wouldn"t they be unhappy from the various troubles that keep happening?

Feeling guilty for all the minuses and sadness since the beginning, isn"t it rather unfortunate? That"s!


Ah, I accidentally let my voice escape. The loud voice just rushed out.

"Toki? What"s wrong?"

a.s.sam looks worried. What should I do. I don"t want him to make that face. I have to tell him my feelings properly!!

"a.s.sam. Now I, happy."

Ahh, geez! I can"t convey what I want to say well!! I prepared myself and looked into a.s.sam"s blue eyes and spoke.

"a.s.sam, with you. Alone, wrong! Always dream of meeting come true. I"m happy! Thank you."

I have always wanted to meet you. I was always alone. From that world, a.s.sam saved me.

Even if there are problems with food, there are some that can still be eaten. There is nothing to worry about. Because of my heart, I was always afraid of when it would stop. But, a.s.sam said he would absolutely cure me.

I had to tell you that I was perfectly happy properly! It"s good that I noticed. After all, I also want the one I love to keep smiling.

"I see. I"m also happy. Thank you, Toki."

a.s.sam said with eyes full of deep affection and smiled. It was a warm smile that also made me happy seeing it.

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