Pain – a.s.sam


There are some gross scenes/expressions.

It is fiction.

Disease terms are not based on real diseases.

You have been warned. {more like "be careful".}

“What an inhuman practice……”

Yarra covered his mouth whispering and reflexively turned away.

"Is this the way of doing of that world? Such an inhuman thing?"

Laham"s eyes" color changed with anger, but he still firmly stared at this disaster.

The scene that appeared before my eyes was more cruelly painful than torture. In his heart, a foreign tube was inserted, and meat pieces covered it like a mesh. The blood vessel which supposed to be thick was thin, there were blood clot here and there, and a part of the stomach…… was cut off.

"Laham, what can be done to cure him?"

I bit my molar teeth strong enough to make a "giri giri" sound.  I had to squeeze out my voice. Although the nails dug into my palm and dyed it in red blood, the flame of anger did not disappear.

Why didn"t I bring him here sooner!! This is the result of running away from the King"s Queen issue and for consideration of the future fiancée!! {T/N: He doesn"t say whose fiancée, maybe it"s his or the King"s.}

It was only that I did not have the determination. Saying that I do not have enough power to protect him, I was postponing and making excuses that I was busy.

Toki, I am really sorry. I will definitely cure you!! I will never let you suffer like this ever again!!

When I looked up, everyone was looking at me with a determined expression. It seemed that everyone strongly wanted to cure the small Toki who was carrying such cruel wounds.

"There is a way. However it is not simple. Is it alright?"

Even as he was trying to come to terms with reality, Laham continued the examination of Toki. I cannot win against him in this aspect.

“Aah, what should I do?” {Aah = yeah}

"First of all, Toki-sama"s physical strength has to be improved to this world"s general status. Please do this in two leaves. Then, we have to restore the thinned blood vessel and regenerate the stomach. This in two leaves. Finally, the removal of the foreign tube and regeneration of his heart in three leaves." {1 leaf = 1 day}

"It is quite the hurry. Is he in such a bad state?"

Yarra who was not familiar with medical science asked. When Toki was awake and moving, he looked fine. His thoughts were not illogical.

"It is to the point that it"s strange that he is alive now."

I was stunned by Laham"s words. Doesn"t that mean it isn"t strange if he died anytime.

"But it did not seem that way though?"

Yarra stared at Laham with a suspecting expression. It did not seem that way to me either. He looked a little thin, but he seemed fine/energetic.

"After summoning him, the Soul Bond succeeded. With this, his life was saved temporally. Your Highness, you made him drink your body fluids before we arrived, right? For example, a rich kiss." {tongue kiss?}

"Aah, what about that?"

"Your Highness! It is before marriage!" {T/N: Meaning, "you are not married yet!"}

Laham soon began his lecture, he was a noisy man when it came to rules. Before I could glare at him and angrily shout that it was not the time for that, Laham spoke faster.

“Yarra, please be a little silent, because Toki-sama"s life was connected/saved by that.”

“What do you mean?”

“What is currently connecting Toki-sama"s life is “magical power”. Yet, Toki-sama has no magical power. Meal is of course also the nutrition connecting Toki-sama"s life. All food of this world contains magic power after all. But Toki-sama"s stomach was cut, so he cannot eat the sufficient amount. Previously, the amount of food he ate was probably the maximum and he did his best to eat it. Until his stomach is regenerated, we should reduce the amount and increase the frequency of the meals. Even so, it is still not enough at all. However, His Highness" magic power is comfortable to him and it is dense/rich. Your Highness, for confirmation, do you understand Toki-sama is a man?"

What is he asking now. "Aah." I answered.

"To be a companion, it involves s.e.xual acts. Based on your physiques, Your Highness will be the one to hold Toki-sama. Can you hold Toki-sama?" {Is that right? Hold = snu snu?}

Yarra"s face is colored with anger by the direct question.

"There is no way it can be done!! They are both men!!" {Surprise! Welcome to yaoi world.}

Yarra was filled with indignation and, next to him, Laham looked straight at me.

"The answer is obvious. Of course. I could hold him right now."

Hearing my reply, Laham smiled satisfied. "Your Highness, keep composed!" Yarra restrained only with words. Yarra is exceptional in war/combat and hunting, but other than that, he is weak. Especially regarding mental strength.

“I did not think that having a lovely/precious person in a reachable place is such a happy thing. It is natural for those who are running away from themselves not to understand.”

I said releasing my temper on him and soon Yara exposed his anger. I decided to leave Toki-related matters to Laham from now on.

"Your Highness, I did not run away!"

"Yarra, please leave that for after. Your Highness, do you know how to hold a man?"

Laham banned Yarra looking at him as he was troublesome. How to embrace a man? I only know it is by using the b.u.t.t. It seems that what I thought appeared on my face. Laham started to warn me.

“Men are not the same as women. If you do it without proper preparation, you can injure him.”

"Is that true?"

“Yes, I will tell you the details later. First, the reason why I need to confirm is because s.e.m.e.n is the most effective among the body fluids to absorb magic power.”

“If it is body fluids, it could be blood as well.” {T/N: he meant "couldn"t it be blood?"}

When Yara tried to hold on to the conversation, Laham did not even give him a glance and started to explain. Probably, it was for me to hear it.

“The concentration is different. The amount of magical power that s.e.m.e.n contains during s.e.xual activity is 2 to 5 times higher than of the normal {body fluids?}. The magical power intake is needed as soon as possible for Toki-sama. Nevertheless, if it was poured into him now, his body will not be able to take it. So, as I mentioned earlier, I would like you to strengthen his physical strength within two leaves. In more detailed steps, two leaves of kiss and caressing his body. The next two leaves, focus on consumption of saliva or s.e.m.e.n by mouth. Then in the last three leaves, insert it and intake s.e.m.e.n from the r.e.c.t.u.m.” {T/N: G.o.d save us.}

I nodded hearing Laham"s words.

"Toki-sama"s body structure is mostly the same as ours. Although every part is fragile. Depending on the progress, we can change the treatment. We will act based on the situation. Even though there is no limit to the s.e.m.e.n intake, Toki-sama does not have physical strength. Please do not push him too much. His life is at stake, after all."

"Aah. I understand. Yarra, after one gen, we will hold the ritual of marriage. Arrange that and inform His Majesty. Laham, tell Tsugura to prepare the clothes and get ready for the Ceremony of G.o.d." {1 gen = 1 hour}

"I will do the Ceremony of G.o.d?"

“Aah. I had decided to ask you to do the Ceremony of G.o.d if I got married.”

Even though I was reluctant to engage previously. I did not think it would come so early. People really do not know how the world turns.

“Certainly.” {T/N: [畏まりました] = "Yes, sir."}

“Oh, I forgot to mention it, but hunting is cancelled for the moment. Apparently, it seems I will die if I go to the hunt. Toki told me so.”

“What! Is it true? Why are you going to die?”

Yarra"s breathing is different from before. As the one in charge of hunting and fighting, it is a very serious matter.

"I will leave the details to when Toki wakes up. Let him sleep for more half gen. Fulfill your tasks." {half gen = half hour}


“Certainly.” {[畏まりました]}

When they left the room, a.s.sam retrieved all the spells he casted. Toki was so small and helpless as he slept.

But he was alive. He was alive even though he faced such a horrible thing. What a strong mental strength. It makes people to honestly admire him.

“I will make you happy. Definitely.”

I will live a life we will not be ashamed of. Together with this weak but strong lovely person. I vowed so.

1 day → 1 leaf

1 week → 1 branch

1 month → 1 tree

1 year → 1 forest

1 second → bi

1 minute → 1 fu

30 minutes → han-gen {han = half, then it becomes "half-gen"}

1 hour → 1 gen

1 day → 24 hours

1 sama [様] → 24 gen

{T/N: sorry, I really don"t know what this means.}

Translated by Murabito-san

Not edited, but I"ll update as soon as she sends it back to me.

(〃▽〃) How  embarra.s.sing. I was giggling while translating this chapter… (and there"s so. much. text. *crying* “I"ve been bullied!”)

And I"m sorry I"m a little late! I was translating and got slightly distracted… I played with my budgie, watched an orca doc.u.mentary and read some novels…

Oh, idk if I"m gonna keep “ceremony of G.o.d” cuz I haven"t read all. (I"m reading as I translate)

Please tell me if something (in this site) is wrong~

I hope you liked it and thank you for reading~

<3058 j.a.panese="" characters=""> (the double of ch 22…)

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