Oracle – Toki (Read at BLlove translations!)

I was told that I was going to be examined so I should have fallen asleep, yet I opened my eyes while I was in my dream. It can be considered very strange but it really felt that way.

I was floating in a soft white s.p.a.ce. Suddenly, I heard a voice from somewhere.

"Can you hear me?"

I heard a gentle whisper of a woman and with an absent mind I nodded.

"Your eyes will now see the truth and your ears will hear the truth. The image seen with those eyes reflects that person"s past and present. The sound heard in those ears will represent the person"s emotions. I will pray so you can be happy with those eyes and ears.

And do not increase the injustice to shiro miko*, those sad lives, anymore. Please tell them. The true meaning of shiro miko. The reason why shiro miko are born……"

*{T/N: shiro=white, miko=G.o.d"s child; I"ll leave it like this since I don"t remember what term the previous translator used. They"re talking about albinos I think.}

Huh? What do you mean by the eyes and ears that show the truth? I do not understand well because I could not hear the second half. "Tell me again!" I wanted to say this, but my voice did not come out.

"And thank you for loving my son."

I barely heard the words of thanks and, eh? Son? Was she talking about a.s.sam?

While I was confused, my vision became darker and gradually lost my consciousness. It was time to wake up.

"Wait, who are you?" When I asked the voiceless question, I could see a sight of a swaying image of a woman. Her smiling face was very similar to a.s.sam"s.

Suddenly, I could feel the weight return to my body and I quickly regained consciousness. As I woke up, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Here is? What was that just now? By saying shiro miko, was she referring to the baby I saw in my dream of a.s.sam? Is that person a.s.sam"s mother? When I slowly raised my body, I heard a voice from the side.

“Toki-sama? Is something wrong?”

Laham? Hearing his voice, I finally started grasping the current situation. Uuh, yes, if I am not wrong, I came to a different world and I was sleeping because of the Magic Examination.

I was going to appease the confused head and say "I am alright", yet the moment I saw Laham, it came abruptly.


Lots of pictures flowed past my eyes like an accelerated video. What was projected there was a recent episode that Laham experienced. A sad incident that happened to* the person he likes*. A sad love story. And the sound of the tears shed because of that wound echoed in my ears.

*{T/N: literally, it"s "…happened between the person he likes" but I haven"t finished this novel, so idk if something happened between them or only to the person (hopefully a man lol).}

*{T/N: it could be "person he liked", in past tense, cuz we don"t know if he/she"s gone or what.}

Ahh, Laham was in a sad love. Despite that, he cares so much about me and a.s.sam. Even now, Laham is actually in so much pain he cannot help. He just wants to cry. I am sorry. I did not notice it.

If it was as what the woman of the dream said, the image I saw and this sorrowful sound of his soul would be his past and the present feelings of Laham.

"Eh? Toki-sama?"

When I realized, I was hugging him and stroking his head. Laham"s body trembled slightly.

"It"s okay. Laham,-san. It"s okay. I  friend, it"s okay  no cry. No cry. Pain  you did  right. No cry."

{T/N: "I"m your friend, it"s okay, don"t cry. Don"t cry. You were in pain, right? Don"t cry."}

"Eh? Why? I am crying?"

Toki repeatedly said "it"s okay" and stroked the head and back of Laham, who just noticed he was crying only when he was told.

I had more words I wanted to say, however I could not recall them and it (his wish?) did not come true. Besides, without listening his beloved"s point of view, I could hurt Laham even more.

Although I was feeling guilty from knowing Laham"s past and his soul"s sound without his permission, I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to heal, even a little, the scar that was on the heart of this beautiful person., I wanted to save the gentle Laham who was already in pain beyond his limit and was also worried about me. Then, Toki patted the trembling body until Laham calmed down.

On the other hand, Laham did not know why he was crying now. It was just that this person from another world, who was supposed to be weak, noticed his heart that was about to reach its limit and that no one has ever noticed, and said he was his friend and hugged him.

Although he did not know what happened. Nevertheless, this person from another world gave to Laham the words and salvation that he most desired, without any hesitation or reluctance.

Not even asking the reason, he gave the words he wanted someone to tell him and he accepted his tears.

The hand which was stretched out without hesitation, the gentle warmth that seemed to soothe a young child, it made him very happy.

When he regained his composure, the first thought that came to his mind was to help this person, Toki-sama; such determination. I was certainly saved by this small hand. First of all, I must cure his body.

Seeing that Laham calmed down, Toki said.

"Laham -san?"

"Please call me without the "san"*. I am very thankful for your help. I am also your, Toki-sama"s friend. Please order me whatever you want."

*{T/N: [呼び捨て] Yobisute.}

There was no feeling of sadness that was before on the gentle smiling face. The sound heard from Laham was a symphony of adoration. His way of speech also changed, perhaps because I was not used to it, I felt he was a little distant.

"Okay. Thank you. But Laham wording change back please. Also, language teach me, I want."

{T/N: "I want you to teach me how to speak." (the language of this world). Oh, Laham started speaking a bit more formal, so that"s why Toki wants him to change back.}

"I understand. About the language, is it okay if it is after we receive permission from His Highness?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Well, there are some things I have to tell Toki-sama. First, it is about your body. From the conclusion, your body can be healed."

"Really? I, will get, better?"

Laham is the personal doctor of Toki in this world. The doctor said he can be cured! With these words, he could feel the weight of reality.

Cure, I will be cured! I can walk again. I can run again… I can, live again!!

"Kufuuu." {Sorry I can"t do SFX…}

Emotions overflowed and I ended up crying. This time Laham hugged and comforted me. It is the opposite of before. While being patted on my back, I heard the condition of my body. As well as the fact I was alive thanks to the magic power and how to cure my body.


"Yes. That"s right. Toki-sama, you love His Highness in that way, am I right?"


I blushed while feeling embarra.s.sed, but I answer properly as it is related to my life. Laham stared at Toki as if he was blindingly bright. {In a good meaning (just in case cuz I don"t have a very good expression when I"m looking at the sun lol)}

"In this world, s.e.xual activity can only be done after marriage. So right now His Highness is reporting the marriage to His Majesty and preparing the Divine Ceremony."

"Re, port? No permission, no?"

{T/N: "If we do not have his permission, we can"t marry?" I think.}

"Eeh, originally, we would need the permission for the marriage but…… Maa, in the case of His Highness, His Majesty owe him a lot, so it is more a report than asking for permission. Do you dislike your marriage with His Highness?"

{T/N: Eeh=Aah, but more formal(?). Maa=well.}

I shake my head quickly to refute.

"Dislike, no!"

"That is good. If that"s it, please be loved a lot by His Highness."

Laham who is in a sad love blessed us from the heart. I definitely will help/save him, I decided to do so.

"Ah, it seems that the costume for the marriage ceremony is ready."

When Laham opened the entrance door, Tsugura who was about to knock was standing there. Laham came back after receiving it.

"All these jewels that will decorate your body were chosen by His Highness. I will adjust it a little."

Several black jewels were woven in a thin gold chain. A black jewel on the chest was bigger than the others and it was the proof of the marriage being called Nushi* Gem.

*{T/N: Nushi=master, main.}

The clothes were Arabian style of cream, black and blue color. From the waist and below, a cream colored fabric was beautifully embroidered and there were plenty of decorative cloths. Pretty ornaments were also on my head, forehead, arms, legs and ears.

The head ornament was a type that automatically braided the hair when open the clasp and put it on; plus, it needed just one touch to remove it.

The bracelet also adjusted automatically its size; I was amazed by the accessories of this world. On my feet were decorated high laced sandals.

The gold twisted like the ivy plant and was shaped so delicately I was apprehensive I would break it. The operation scar on my pure white skin. I think it does not suit my weak body though.

"Hyoro hyoro*. No suit me."

*{T/N: It means "frail" or "thin" or "unstable". "I am so thin (he"s thin bc he"s sick), it does not suit me."}

"It suits you perfectly. Very lovable and beautiful."

I just sulked a little and Laham praised me honestly and my face reddened.

"I think black, blue and gold suit you really well, Toki-sama. I will explain how we do the marriage ceremony and the Divine Ceremony."

In summary it was like this. The marriage ceremony is held at the lake of the royal family. There is a pa.s.sage made of a single white stone from the margin of the lake to the other sh.o.r.e, and it continues to a wide place with a roof.

We will drink the holy water placed in the center with our arm tied to each other"s. After offering a prayer of oath to G.o.d, we hold hands and walk to the opposite sh.o.r.e.

By the way, it seems that one can be carried by the companion to move if they cannot walk.

Then, at the edge of the lake, the priest will hold the Divine Ceremony. The Divine Ceremony consists in exchanging each other"s Nushi Gem from our chests and put our mouths there. {=kiss the jewels.}

After that, we process(??) each other"s Nushi Gem and wear them. The Nushi Gem that absorbed magic power through the Divine Ceremony is different from ordinary jewels and since it is overflowing with magic power, it becomes the proof of the marriage.

"His Highness will come here soon. Do you want to go to omaru?"

"Want, to go."

Supported by Laham, I experienced omaru for the first time while I was wearing the costumes. Omaru was comfortable, but somehow I could not wipe down the disappointment.

Translated by Murabito-san on BLlove translations

I"m trying to keep the text in first person, buuuut there"s some parts that were written in third person… So it might be a little confusing… Mostly I keep the first person, where is clearly written in third person, I translate it in third person.

Do you remember her (left)? She"s a ‘miko" too! (She"s from No Game No Life)

Normally, you can see the miko costume (right) in lot of animes. Miko is regularly a woman/girl who serve G.o.d at the temple (j.a.pan). But ‘shiro miko" in this novel probably means G.o.d"s white child.

I think this is ‘drinking with their arms tied". (I couldn"t find a yaoi image so bear with me)

Random / TN:

I"m so so so soooo sorry! *dogeza* I"m super ultra hyper late!!

Okay, I confess it was my procrastination to blame but then I became anxious because of my exam and couldn"t do anything.

The results of my exams came out on January 24th, so I was so nervous and anxious I couldn"t do almost anything for two whole weeks. (If you"re curious, I pa.s.sed! I"m gonna become a biologist just like Jotaro (san)! ) It"s a college exam (I"m from Brazil, it"s very different from US).

Well, please inform me if there"s an error or grammar mistake! Thank you for reading~ See you next time!

<3760 j.a.panese="" characters=""> Soo looong (T▽T)

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