{Just reminding you guys, not all commas are grammatical! Specially when Toki is speaking cuz his lines are cute and he pauses a lot.}

Warrior – Toki

"a.s.sam, stop, His Majesty. Must not make children! Loveless, s.e.xual intercourse. Shiro miko, is born."

With Toki"s words, everyone there was surprised.

"Do you mean that shiro miko are children born from s.e.xual intercouse without love involved?"

"Un, a.s.sam"s mother say did. a.s.sam, stop His Majesty. Shiro miko"s compensation is, a.s.sam"s mother"s soul, will disappear. Shiro miko, to increase, can"t! a.s.sam"s mother, will vanish! Fast, tell, do!"

Hearing what was told, a.s.sam"s heart played a bitter sound.

"That man, he does not listen to me. Nevertheless, I will not let her soul disappear."

Seeing a.s.sam who seemed to be going prepared to stab each other, Toki cursed his poor language ability.

Ahh! I had to study more!

"a.s.sam, doing misunderstanding. His Majesty, making children, for, a.s.sam"s sake."

"My? What do you mean?"

a.s.sam"s spirit sound was confused. Toki held a.s.sam"s hand. Then, he spoke the painful truth for a royalty. Please, so that the wound could be a little smaller.

"a.s.sam, children, make…… can"t."

The moment he said, the place was silent.

"High magic power, obstacle. To His Majesty, a.s.sam, important. Think, sibling, make, to support, a.s.sam*. Loveless, shiro miko, is born."

*{T/N: "He thinks of making siblings to support a.s.sam."}

a.s.sam is surprised to know that all the hateful acts of his father was all for himself.

"a.s.sam"s mother, said. His Majesty, a.s.sam, lack, in words. a.s.sam, tell, His Majesty. No, time. Mother, will disappear, quick, go!!"

Being urged by Toki, a.s.sam got off the bed he was sitting on.

"Toki, thank you for telling me. I almost was going to make a lot of mistakes. I want you to meet His Majesty. Laham, change Toki"s clothes. Toki, I leave the rest with you and Laham. I will go to see His Majesty first."


After lightly kissing Toki, a.s.sam quickly left the room.

"Yarra, leave the room and wait for future orders in your room."

Laham said coldly. Hearing that, he (Toki) stopped him (Laham) once again. a.s.sam told me he was leaving the rest with me…… it will be alright.

"Laham, stop do. Yarra, have a talk. Us two, will."

Laham asks, are you sane? to Toki who wanted to talk with Yarra alone.

"A little bit, please. Door, out."

Laham stepped down even if the sound of worry continued when he saw Toki"s determined expression.

"I understand. Yarra, I forbid you from moving from that spot. Also from being rude or disrespectful towards Toki-sama. Did you hear me? Please do not disappoint me anymore than this."

Seeing Laham leave the room after saying this, Yarra"s eyes held a dark despair. Nevertheless, Toki did not pity or sympathize with him.

Even if Yarra himself did not have the intention, it did not mean he was not afraid of him after he was almost killed. Still, he had decided to save Laham. He had something he must say by all means.

"I, know the heart. So, I know Yarra hiding. You, hurt did Laham."

Yarra was surprised by Toki"s words and stared at the door, more precisely, at Laham who was outside.

"Was Laham who said it?"

Those words made Toki angry. Laham did not say even a single word! This man, saying that kind of thing at this time, how weak is his heart!

"Laham, did not say! He is not, who say! Yarra, running from, only, unfair! Responsibility, take, not, for your heart!"

Laham is not a person who will tell his wounds to others by himself. The words said must have been right. The sounds of surprise, anger and, more than anything, of his pathetic-ness.

"The person, in your heart. Name, of the feeling, named (it), avoided (it), ran (from it). (You)Held, Laham. (It was) Not, a dream."

Hearing Toki"s words, Yarra"s body shook.

"Not a dream, after knowing it, why did not you, beg Laham"s forgiveness, or confess? Again, wait, Laham speak? Yarra"s heart, Yarra"s feeling"s responsibility, blame on, Laham, do? Reject feeling of like, held him, Yarra, made it did not happen."

It is Yarra"s sin that can be said in simple words. Yarra"s face distorced while listening to it.

"Laham, full of scars! Hurt, a lot more than, Yarra. Say sorry and confess, do it right! Make Laham, cry, not forgive! Never!"

That day, Laham was held by Yarra. Only once. They drank sake* and talked about the past, and they welcomed the night like this.

{T/N: sake: j.a.panese rice wine.}

The next day, Laham had work early in the morning, so he did not wake Yarra up, who was on the bed, and left without saying anything.

Thus, Yarra thought that it was a dream.

Furthermore, he ran from his feelings for Laham and convinced himself that the dream was because "he was seduced/dragged by Laham" and put the responsibility of his heart onto Laham.

Without even thinking about how much this would hurt the other person. Seeing Yarra, who did not even confess nor married him before holding him, whispering to himself that he was not sane at that time, Toki declared Yarra as the worst.

"Yarra"s pride, can only protect Yarra. I, if for to, protect a.s.sam, I will lick dirt. Protecting, a.s.sam, my pride."

Said Toki. Yarra"s pride can only protect himself. He could not believe that he hurt the person he liked so much, shove all responsibility without hesitation and spent his daily life like nothing. Toki could not forgive it.

"Talk, is over, think well, do. Not have determination, important person, held, ran, the worst. Yarra"s heart, is the weakest."

He would not hand Laham over to someone who does not take responsibility for his own heart. He had to apologize sincerely, confess to him and get forgiven before all.

Toki"s eyes left Yarra and he called out to the door.

"Laham! Talk end. Come in."

The door opened immediately after the call. Seeing Laham"s pale face, he became worried.

"Yarra, to your room."

Yarra barely responded to Laham"s voice. He left the room walking slowly. Laham"s eyes staring at his figure were red as though he cried.

Translated by Murabito-san

Hey~ Did I get to surprise you?? Lol

Oh, but I didn"t even touch the next chap, so it"ll be updated a little late probably.


Toki can"t speak well in this language, so he talks a little like a child, and the order of the terms in a period is kinda correct in j.a.panese, but in English it becomes a mess. So I"m trying to fix those and to make sense. Like, "do" is "suru", he speaks "kangaeru suru" which would become "do to think" (kangaeru = to think; suru = do). SO IF YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND SOMETHING, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. (Cuz for me, it makes sense since I"m reading the raw) OH, I am updating on novels updates myself, but sometimes, there are two of the same chap?? I"m confused…

Thanks for reading, as always~~ ?❤️??

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