It"s just a test to mislead the bots and stuff. The real chapter will be uploaded after 1 hour or so.

Please do not update this on NU, since I"ll do it when I post the real translation! Thank you.

Oh, and I"ll replace this post with the actual translation! (So I won"t have a ton of posts)

Reconciliation a.s.sam

Go out of the room and aim straight at your door next to your room. I flew to some doors and finally got to the room I wanted. Call the side caster and it is pa.s.sed in as soon as you wish to see.

A room that made perfect white valuable. When I found the person I wanted, I was urged to sit on a face-to-face sofa. It was scolded as “unusual” when obeying obediently. I was always leaving the room after finishing my business while standing.

The tea ware placed in front of the eyes is a beautiful blue [ryok] contains a leaf tea. The tea sweets put together was a complex sweet confectionery [Tirolette] The tea, blues, drinks and food were all good for a.s.sam.

Oh, I didn"t even notice this thing. It"s true, it"s not spa.r.s.e. I don"t bother to choose the food I want to hate. The reason why you can come out suddenly is that you have prepared to come anytime. I noticed it and my heart became hot.

“What is the story?”

He asks a.s.sam, who is firmed with the tea.

“The time is lonely, so I will tell you frankly. Please do not make children with many queens. It will increase White Sons. If White Sons increase, Mother … Mother"s soul disappears To do”

“What"s this !! Talk in detail”

a.s.sam leaned over and asked him, a.s.sam talked about what he had heard from him.

“Is s.e.xual activity without love … if only love would be a problem?”

“Don"t stop, your majesty. I know, if you can"t have a child.”

The moment I told you, the air got ice. His Majesty"s eyes come through her sharply.

“……. Who is it? I heard such a lost thing from whom”

I feel heartwarming to see the kindness of being lost in a serious anger. Why did you doubt your Majesty"s father"s love? Even though he is loved so much.

“My mother was saying this, because His Majesty asked for a child because I thought to myself as many brothers as I. I had always misunderstood. My Majesty is I But I thought that I hate to do that I would not want to leave the throne, but it would be a child making for …… ”

The voice of the Father, of His Majesty, casts a denial so as to cover the end.

You are my proud son! I don"t dislike it! First of all, you hate the rest …?

I immediately said no to words that are said to be painful.

“No, I don"t dislike it!”

It is misunderstood that they are separated from each other. It was exactly what the wolf said.

“My mother told me that they didn"t speak each other. I felt it now. I thought it was strange. If you think about it, it"s a strange story. However, I thought, the answer came immediately, because my Majesty was acting like that … too naturally, so no one could even notice the person You didn"t, your Majesty kept me forever, but I am …

My father has always protected a.s.sam, who has no children and is famous as a royal family. Perfectly unnoticed even the person himself. The hot feeling that turns up turns into tears. When I turned to the bottom of my head, my armed hand shook my head while puzzled.

“You are the first prince of this country. It will not change even if you do not have a child species. Your order will be light. I will not complain to anyone. Please rest a.s.sured.”

“Yes. Thank you very much. ….. …… Father”

When I called, my hand holding my head stopped for a moment. It"s been a long time since I called my father. The tears settle down on the gloom. When I raised my face, I could see the fingertips going away from the remnant, and smiled at the tenderness.

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