Chapter 18
White Lotus Chapter 18: Lost Mushroom and Fighting Zombies

The next day, Lian Hua and Xia Zhi’s convoy withdrew from S City.

Whatever Pig Leg needed was already in the palm of his hands, and the zombies of S City evolved rapidly. If they didn’t retreat, the danger would increase exponentially.

Lian Hua sat with Pig Leg and the core group members on a hummer that was modified in the front. Everyone else sat in another car. There weren’t many people in Pig Leg’s team, only about thirty or forty people. At that time, there were about one hundred eighty people, but some didn’t want to leave. Pig Leg left some supplies and weapons behind and took the ones who were willing to leave with him. In the future, these people were the talented geniuses who would help Pig Leg build his kingdom.

Pig Leg’s convoy didn’t have very many cars either. The most important ones were the two large cargo trucks that carried the supplies and Pig Leg’s modified Hummer. The other three cars were modified Hummers. Pig Leg, just how much do you love Hummers? -_-/// A total of six cars were part of the convoy. Compared to the army, which had more than a hundred magnificent cars, they were a really tiny group.

Why does Pig Leg have two trucks full of supplies? Pig Leg’s pocket dimension definitely couldn’t be exposed. Lian Hua luckily became an insider, but he wasn’t happy. 〒_〒 f.u.c.k, Pig Leg is making sure that I can’t escape from the palm of his hand? So that’s why he’s not hiding his supplies and is showing it off in front of my face. So painful! Is this the part of the story where they kill me to silence me? Lian Hua hugged his precious backpack, fortunately Pig Leg let him bring along some personal supplies.

Originally Jiang Siyu also wanted to get in Pig Leg’s car, but she was directly rejected by Pig Leg. Lian Hua clearly remembered her twisted face when she didn’t get permission to sit in Pig Leg’s Hummer, alright, how cool was that? But when she walked by, she fiercely glared at Lian Hua, who felt like she was going to stab him with a shoe. Jiang Siyu was also a member of the support team. 〒_〒 This was really a tragic tale.

At eight in the morning, the mighty convoy slowly set out. There were many individual groups following the army. Xia Zhi’s group was between the army and the survivors.

Lian Hua hugged his precious backpack, sitting at the position that was furthest from Pig Leg. The driver was still Xia Xingwen, but Lian Hua felt like the atmosphere was a bit subtle this time.

Xia Xingwen kept looking at Lian Hua in the rear view mirror, then looking over at Xia Zhi, whose face was incredibly erotic[1]. He really wanted to keep looking until flowers blossomed.

Lian Hua was extremely irritable, he wanted to stab the Elite’s dog eyes blind. The h.e.l.l are you looking at!

“Master! That guy keeps looking at you.” Lian Yu secretly twirled in Lian Hua’s pocket.

“Don’t mess around.” Lian Hua raised his hand and stroked his pocket, hiding the mushroom, “If Pig Leg finds you, you’ll turn into a grilled mushroom.”

Lian Yu “…” It stiffened, not daring to move. It knew who the t.i.tle Pig Leg was referring to, it was the horrible man that wanted grill it when it was caught.

“You know fear now? From now on, if there are people around, you have to pretend to be a real mushroom, understood?”

“I understand…”

“Fine. That guy is an eyesore, do you have any method to teach him a lesson?” Lian Hua asked evilly.

“Of course, of course! I can give birth to a poisonous mushroom! If he eats it, I gaurantee he’ll burp and fart!” Lian Yu was even more excited than Lian Hua.


n Hua “…” If he burps and farts, wouldn’t your brother be caught up in the smell too?

“Can you be a bit more gentle?” Lian Hua asked as the corner of his lips twitched.

“Gentle… Then how about diarrhea for three days and three nights?”

“That’s possible!” Lian Hua clapped, “Can you do it?”

“Of course! I’ll sprinkle my spores in his rice, he definitely won’t be able to tell the difference.” Lian Yu spoke triumphantly, this old man’s running and hiding technique was the best! Last time, being caught by Pig Leg was just an accident, an accident!

“I’ll leave it to you.” Lian Hua glanced at Xia Xingwen.

Xia Xingwen “…” Suddenly he felt young master Bai’s malicious intent.

“Alright, Master, can you give me your jade lion?” Lian Yu’s voice turned flattering, “People haven’t eaten in a long time, they’re hungry.”

Jade lion? Lian Hua had not thought about the jade lion in a long time, and didn’t react for a while until he recalled the present he bought in YN province.

“You eat jade?” Lian Hua was a quite surprised, then he remembered the jade marrow that was eaten by Lian Yu.

“People eat jade to have energy to give birth to mushrooms. Master can also level up quickly.” Lian Yu acted spoiled.

Although Lian Hua thought that the energy of the mushroom was pretty good, he was deeply suspected that he couldn’t afford to raise this kind of cursed mushroom. There wasn’t enough jade for it to eat. Since Lian Yu ate the jade marrow, Lian Hua warned it not to eat secretly, or he would teach it a lesson.

Feeling Lian Hua’s emotions, Lian Yu hurriedly a.s.sured, “People don’t eat much, very litte. Besides, there’s benefits for Master too. It’s faster than using jade to cultivate. Besides, doesn’t master want to overwhelm Pig Leg? This is the only way for Master.”

Lian Yu’s words about overwhelming Pig Leg broke through Lian Hua’s last straw. “Eat, I’ll give you more to eat. Your brother has a lot of jade. Even if there isn’t any, there will be.” Lian Hua slapped his thigh and almost jumped up! Afterwards, he stared at Pig Leg with a “burning” gaze.

Xia Zhi marveled, what was this guy playing at?

Lian Hua spoke in his heart, your brother definitely has to push Pig Leg down on the ground, wah wah wah! Pig Leg ruined your brother’s first love! Your brother wants your body in REVENGE. For a time, Lian Hua immersed himself in the wonderful fantasies of kicking and beating Pig Leg. The image was nice, he was really looking forward to it.

As a result, Xia Xingwen caught Lian Hua staring at his boss with a delirious smile on his face, a suspicious liquid seemed to be leaking from the corners of his mouth…

Xia Xingwen “…” Seemed to have discovered a something superb!

Xia Zhi “…” Is this guy an idiot? Looks stupid.

Xia Xingwu “…” Did something happen while I wasn’t here?

Aunt Li[2] “…” Young master Bai really likes young master, it would be nice if young master can smile more.

Lian Yu “…” What kind of nice promise did it make to the Master? Look at that quick change of appearance! Forget it, it should just eat first, ohoho.

Bam! Lian Hua wasn’t paying attention, and smashed into a window.

Lian Hua “…” s.h.i.+t, why does this feel so familiar.

“Lots of zombies have appeared ahead.” Xia Xingwen reported to Xia Zhi.

“Use guns to deal with them first, if you can run over it, then run it over. Don’t stop the car to clean up.” Xia Zhi very calmly handed out a few guns to the people in the car. There were also plenty of weapons in the back of the car to ensure that if they used up all of their abilities, they wouldn’t lose combat effectiveness.

It’s a gun gun gun! Lian Hua didn’t hear anything else Xia Zhi said, your brother finally has the change to touch a real gun!

Lian Hua’s carefully held the gun as if he was holding his wife, seeming like he wanted to kiss it a few times. However, he was a bit shy, so Lian Hua resisted.

Sure enough, they could no longer move forward. The army had stopped ahead of them, raised their guns, and started wiping out the zombies. Bang bang noises shot out, Lian Hua couldn’t wait to raise his gun and join.

As if he saw through Lian Hua’s intent, Xia Zhi calmly said, “There are only so many bullets. If you can’t beat them, don’t waste them. I won’t give you more.”

Lian Hua “…” Pig Leg mercilessly poured salt over the wound!

After speaking, Xia Zhi immediately jumped out of the car and was surrounded by zombies that he had to deal with. Lian Hua discovered that these zombies were faster and had thicker skin that wasn’t rotting as much. They were all level one zombies. Fortunately, your brother was level two!

Xia Zhi waved his hand and lightning flashed, finis.h.i.+ng off a large group. There were only white finger nail sized corpse crystals left over in a pile of rotten meat. Level one zombies had corpse crystals that were very useful. Xia Zhi only used his powers once before using the sword to slice and dice. The team learned from Xia Zhi, alternating between their abilities and weapons with high efficiency. In a moment, fireb.a.l.l.s, water b.a.l.l.s, ice b.a.l.l.s, earth b.a.l.l.s, wind b.a.l.l.s, all sorts of b.a.l.l.s flew about.

Lian Hua first threw a water ball, but it wasn’t even as useful as your mother’s fart. He immediately raised the cleaver and sliced down. He was a man who wanted to get rid of the t.i.tle “White Lotus”, of course he wanted to be more manly. Cutting zombies was the handsomest. Pig Leg, ah Pig Leg, do you see your brother’s handsome posture? (⊙o⊙) Why does he want Pig Leg to see? Lian Hua shook his head, hitting zombies until he got dizzy.

Lian Hua chopped for a while, then had to take a break. This white lotus body wasn’t good, reaching level two only gave him the physical qualities of someone at level one, but it was already so much better than a normal person.

Luckily your brother has experience fighting from before, or else he would really have to freeload. Ow! He was just scratched by a zombie’s claw, but his level was higher, so he wouldn’t be infected. It still really hurt! Lian Hua chopped up the zombie that scratched him in one hit. Another one rushed over and Lian Hua chopped again… chopped… chopped… chopped until he couldn’t move any more. Lian Hua saw that the cleaver he was holding curled! f.u.c.k, where did Pig Leg buy this piece of trash? Fake goods could cause someone’s death! Lian Hua threw away the cleaver, turned around, and ran. He didn’t want to become a zombie’s meal. Besides, no one said he couldn’t run?

A bolt of lightning exterminated the zombie that was chasing Lian Hua. Lian Hua looked at Pig Leg’s majestic pose and was both embarra.s.sed and envious. Your brother also wants to be bad a.s.s like that!

It took a few hours to clear this wave of zombies, everyone was tired to death. Afterwards, Lian Hua completely became a decoration. Even the female Jiang Siyu killed more zombies than him. Don’t you see her proudly showing off in front of Pig Leg? No matter how you look at it, this wasn’t her first time fighting zombies!

“Collect the corpse crystals, let’s start looking for somewhere to rest and spend the night.” Xia Zhi ignored Jiang Siyu as usual. Pig Leg is great! Lian Hua silently praised.

“Are these corpse crystals?” Xia Xingwen held up something white. “What use do they have?”

“You will know when you arrive at the capital, but I’ll tell everyone tonight. Right now, lots of people means lots of mouths.” Xia Zhi whispered.

“Alright!” Xia Xingwen went collecting.

Lian Hua got permission before he began to dig out the crystals from the zombies he personally killed. Don’t think he didn’t see, Jiang Siyu secretly hid a lot of corpse crystals! Did she think everyone else was blind?

Lian Hua asked Aunt Li for a fruit knife, but he hovered his hand left and right over the zombie’s head and couldn’t stab downwards. Your brother was a bully, not a butcher! They were digging around in the human brains as if they were pig’s heads. Lian Hua lost his appet.i.te.

Jiang Siyu walked over and inserted her knife into a zombie’s head. As soon as the tip of the knife entered, a corpse crystal flew out. She stretched out her hand and s.n.a.t.c.hed it up, then gave Lian Hua a look of contempt before flipping her hair and leaving.

Lian Hua “…” Dammit, that was a zombie your brother killed! Moreover, little sister, that corpse crystal is still covered in brain fluid and blood. You just carried it away like a real man?

“Hey! Old Bai, help your big brother wash these, big brother will pay you.” Xia Xingwen called Lian Hua over like a dog. Lian Hua hauled a.s.s and went to work for him. Not having to dig around in those brains, Lian Hua used all his might to create water b.a.l.l.s to clean the corpse crystals. Mm, this was so much better. Pig Leg glanced over at him a few times, don’t think your brother doesn’t see your look of disgust! Pig Leg is annoying.

The author has something to say:

The trash author is selling meng* (>^ω^

*Cuteness, basically, the author is asking for your support and trying to be cute.

Translation Notes:

[1]…I think YD means something like “thinking dirty thoughts.” I sure did a lot of that in this chapter OwO;;


[2]Actually, 李 can be Li OR Lee… which confused the c.r.a.p out of me. I think 李 is more commonly Li and 黎 is already a rare surname, so this one can be Le. Besides, I used Li for Li Qingran and I haven’t changed anything on wattpad yet lol. I have no idea why I panicked. Etymology is hard, please don’t beat me @ I changed everything back already ^^;;

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