Chapter 8
hite Lotus Chapter 8: Pig Leg is Everywhere

“Ha ha ha!” Lian Hua forced out a dry laugh. It was ever uglier than crying.

“Secretary Xia, h.e.l.lo! Secretary Xia, please continue!”

Lian Hua immediately tried to squeeze past Secretary Xia. He had to slip out, the bad feeling was becoming more and more obvious.

“Wait!” Xia Xingwen reached out an arm to stop him.

Don’t think that just because your arm is long you can do whatever you want. Be careful or this young master[1] will chop you up! Lian Hua angrily cursed in his heart.

“What’s wrong? I’m in a hurry.” Lian Hua could only raise his small face and ask in a whisper.

“Young master[2], the boss heard from master[2] Bai that you went out alone. He was very worried about you.”

Xia Xingwen continued to use a formulaic manner of speaking. He actually rather disliked this young master Bai, especially since they kept clinging to the boss’s boyfriend. Wait, no, right now it’s ex-boyfriend.

Lian Hua’s spoke in his heart that it was possible for his cousin to worry about him, but if pig leg worried about him, that would be weird! It was more likely to want him to die!

“Is that so? No need to worry, I’m doing well…” Lian Hua answered with a whine. He dared to say that he just clearly saw secretary Xia shudder for a moment. s.h.i.+t, Bai Lianhua was lethal!

“Ahem… master Bai, asked the boss to take care of you if he happened to meet you.”

“No need! I can take care of myself! I’ve already grown up, Cousin Yi has no reason to worry.” Lian Hua bla bla bla nonstop. With every line he spit out, secretary Xia’s mouth twitched. Secretary Xia, if you can’t stand it, please leave. Lian Hua felt suffocated.

Lian Hua carefully knocked the large hand away, then ran like h.e.l.l outside…

Bam! Lian Hua ran into a wall again.

What’s going on, is he going to die soon?

“Why are you running so quickly? Be careful not to fall.” A calm, emotionless voice.

Lian Hua “…”

A pair of large hands supported Lian Hua, but in his heart, he was wailing wah wah wah wah wah wah.

This voice was so d.a.m.n familiar! Lian Hua slowly raised his head to glance up… Just kill me now! Lian Hua could see the familiar peach blossom eyes and spoke to himself…

“Bro…Brother Zhi[3]!”

Ten thousand horses trampled over Lian Hua’s heart. Fudge, why is pig leg here? Shouldn’t he be collecting supplies? What went wrong? How was it written in the book? Looks like pig leg really did take a trip to YN! =_= It seems he was short on money, so he came here to bolster his funds and buy jade while he was at it! How could he forget such an important moment, you pig[4] ah, pig ah ah ah ah ah! Lian Hua roared in his heart. He left before looking at the calendar, and he definitely shouldn’t have gone out today! T^T It would have been so blissful if he stayed in his stronghold… He burst into tears.

“Brother Zhi, it hurts, you’re holding me too tightly!” Two eyes were tearing up with injustice.

Pig leg grabbed his wrist and clamped so hard it was about to break. Pig Leg, that is a wrist, not a stone, please let go.

“I was just about to say that the boss was outside.”

Xia Xingwen slowly walked over, pushed up his and spoke seriously.

Lian Hua “…”

Your words are worth a fart! Why didn’t you say so sooner! Xia Xingwen is worthy of being called pig leg’s most trusted confidant.

Lian Hua was angry in his heart, but his face still showed pitifulne

ss. Seeing the bullied child, the people on the road stopped, stared, and pointed.

Xia Zhi released his hand and spoke evenly, “I came here to catch my little brother who ran away from home.”

The surrounding voices immediately stifled. So it was a family dispute. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

Lian Hua “…”

Who is your little brother? How can you say that with a straight face?

“Brother Zhi, can you let go first? Let’s talk about it calmly!” He pull hard. f.u.c.k, pig leg was really strong, just like a vise. He couldn’t get free at all.

Xia Zhi looked at the face that made him so angry, he wanted to peel off the skin and drag them away, but he had business to attend to.

So Lian Hua could only be a sack, dragged away by pig leg. Snake beauty[5]! Lian Hua cried. What a waste of a beautiful face, his temper was irritable. It was horrible, so horrible. T^T

Xia Zhi didn’t go far, directly entering a geode shop, then bam bam bam chose a few pieces at random.

“Pack it up and deliver it to the hotel!”

Lian Hua stared blankly, dropping his jaw! Was this the golden finger that could see through geodes?! Personally witnessing it was very moving!

Xia Zhi saw Lian Hua’s stupid look of surprise, his mood actually felt a little better.

In the end, the great sir pig leg affectionately dragged Lian Hua on a walk to several geode stores all over Qingyang Town. Lian Hua struggled n times without success, finally accepting his fate… This was abusive. Pig leg, if you hate me, why are you dragging me by the hand? Lian Hua couldn’t figure it out. Could it be that pig leg wanted to carry him around so he could be abused at will?

“We’ll deal with the geodes after we get to the hotel. Take care of half of them, leave the other half to me.”

“Yes, boss!”

Lian Hua “…”

Hey hey hey! Your brother is still here! Why are you acting like I don’t exist and are starting to split the spoils in front of me!

Lian Hua grimaced in pain.

Pig leg glared daggers and Lian Hua immediately became honest.

They’re bullying a child! I don’t want to play, I don’t have the courage. T^T

Lian Hua thought pig leg was treating him like taking a dog for a walk. Could he not see the lotus was a human? Could he not compare their physiques? He was supposed to be a heroic and powerful man, but he suddenly turned into someone who was as weak as paper. Even the wind could knock him over, not to mention he was as effeminate as a woman. He might as well play his role to the end!

“Brother Zhi! People* are tired, can’t walk any more! Sob sob sob, you’re bullying others! T^T” Alright, he threw away all sense of shame. Lian Hua threw out his small face full of hards.h.i.+p, his tear filled eyes look pitiful. However, underneath a layer clothes, he sprouted a layer of gooseb.u.mps…

*He’s referring to himself. I think it’s supposed to be cute.

Pig leg was finally willing to gave alms to Lian Hua. It came in the form of a glance, full of contempt and scorn. Lian Hua really wanted to gift him a tight slap!

“Do you ever exercise?”

After speaking, he even looked up and down and checked Lian Hua out.

“People can’t walk anymore!” He didn’t give the sobbing a break.

Lian Hua wiped his tears while wiping the sweat on his body onto pig leg’s expensive looking clothes. I’ll nauseate you to death! Lian Hua clearly remembered that pig leg was a neat freak.

Indeed, pig leg hated it. He pushed Lian Hua away and lowered his head to look at his coat. His eyebrows twisted, almost stuck to each other. Lian Hua felt that pig leg wanted to eat human meat.

“Xingwen, take young master Bai back to the hotel and don’t let him run around.” Xia Zhi removed his coat in disgust, “Throw it away!”

Lian Hua “…”

“Yes, boss!”

Hey, elite brother, you’re helping the child abuser.

So Lian Hua could only be a sack towed away by another owner…

I am a human, not a sack! Lian Hua continued to burst into tears…

Pig leg’s handsome detestable secretary directly dragged Lian Hua into the hotel room with two burly men wearing shades in front. They looked ferocious at a glance. Lian Hua wanted to run outside, but he couldn’t take on the two men guarding in front of the door. Even a bird couldn’t fly past them. Lian Hua wilted and ran to the window to look outside. It was really high, they were on the sixth floor. Escaping would be difficult and jumping down would be suicide!

Lian Hua accepted his fate, pig leg’s thoughts were too hard to read. Could it be that he wanted to do imprisonment play first and afterwards, tie him up, a whip and candles… Lian Hua s.h.i.+vered. T^T How terrifying.

That’s why they say, overthinking is a disease, it must be treated!

Lian Hua felt that escaping was too difficult a task. In the end, a small jar with cracks isn’t afraid of being broken. He tossed the backpack on the floor, took off his coat, whirled onto the bed, flat on his face, and took a nap. He was dragged around by pig leg for so long, he was dead tired. He had even had to maintain his image of being a white lotus. Lian Hua felt haggard.

After sleeping for who knows how long, Lian Hua woke up due to hunger. Outside, the sky had darkened. He groped his way up, wore his precious backpack on his back and went downstairs to look for something to eat. The two men with the left at some point, no one stopped Lian Hua.

He went down to the restaurant on the first floor, chose a dark corner without people, and called a table full of delicacies. He was starving, feeling that he could even eat a cow.

The restaurant was quite efficient, they quickly brought out the food. Lian Hua selectively forget about pig legs, grabbed a ham hock[6] and began gnawing. Eat more meat to grow taller and stronger! The white lotus now had a longer body, whereas the original white lotus ate less than a cat, no wonder he couldn’t grow tall enough.

“You sure are leisurely.” The voice was expressionless. Lian Hua was too lazy to care.

Lian Hua knew from the voice that the person sitting on the opposing chair was pig leg. Regarding his strange expression, how could a mortal understand a G.o.d? Lian Hua continued to eat meat, not even sparing pig leg a glance.

Lian Hua understood. Whatever pig leg wanted him to do, he would comply. He couldn’t rebel, only submit. Sigh, his fate was so cruel. He couldn’t afford to insult the blackened reborn pig leg.

Pig leg “…” How courageous.

Lian Hua watched as pig leg purposefully stuffed Lian Hua’s last piece of chicken into his mouth. Although pig leg’s fingers were very white and easy to look at, he couldn’t just watch as they took away the chicken leg he loved the most!

“Ey, zat ziken eg iz mein!” Lian Hua was in such a rush that he flailed his arms around, and a piece of meat got stuck in his throat, choking him! He drained a gla.s.s of water to clear out his air pa.s.sage.

“The chicken leg is mine! If you want to eat, call your own!” Lian Hua shouted!

“Alright, you can have it back.” Xia Zhi reached out.

“Humph! How can I eat it when a dog bit it?” Lian Hua looked at the hole on the chicken leg that was torn off by pig leg. It was enough to vent air.

“You said you didn’t want it.” Xia Zhi took it back and continued to chew.

Lian Hua “…” Really wanting to beat someone up, Lian Hua raised a whip in his heart.

Xia Zhi elegantly ate the chicken leg, then ate two more chicken wings, and drank a bowl of soup, before he was finally satisfied and wiped his hands and mouth.

“Tomorrow, you’re coming back to S city with me.”

Lian Hua stiffened, thinking he heard wrong.

“Why should I go with you?!” Lian Hua shot up from the table.

Xia Zhi sat gracefully, looked at Lian Hua’s angry and flushed face, and coldly smiled, “Your beloved Cousin Yi told me to take good care of you! How could I leave you alone here and return to S city by myself?” Xia Zhi emphasized the word beloved and Lian Hua felt a cool wind blow on his back.

“Brother Zhi!” Lian Hua immediately turned into a small dog, his small face displaying a flattering smile. He ran behind Xia Zhi and ma.s.saged his shoulders.

“Brother Zhi, people still have to buy birthday gifts for their grandfather. They haven’t bought anything yet, so they don’t want to go home!” Lian Hua acted spoiled, his hands meticulously ma.s.saged Xia Zhi’s shoulders.

“Didn’t you already buy something good?” Xia Zhi suppressed the impulse to beat up Lian Hua. Don’t think he doesn’t know what Lian Hua’s been up to around here.

Lian Hua’s hands hesitated for a second before he continued, “There’s also uncle and aunt and everyone else’s gifts, people haven’t prepared well yet!”

“Is that so? Then let me prepare them for you.” His tone was still casual, but Lian Hua ground his teeth with hate.

Lian Hua spoke in his heart that pig leg already dumped Bai Yi, why would he care what that guy said? Was he preparing to retaliate? Pig leg was so narrow minded.

Lian Hua ferociously pinched several times on Xia Zhi’s shoulders. f.u.c.k! So hard! His hands hurt, but Xia Zhi didn’t even wrinkle an eyebrow.

“No need, no need, I should choose the presents myself to be sincere!” It’s better to get rid of him faster.

“It’s nothing, just the thought is sincere enough.” Xia Zhi waved his hand.

Lian Hua knew he couldn’t get his words across and looked at the man with shades who returned at some point. He let go of the shoulders, grabbed his precious backpack, and quickly ran away. Your brother still hasn’t paid the bill. After all, pig leg has money, paying for this meal won’t bankrupt him. Lian Hua fiercely cursed pig leg in his heart for eating a lot and having nothing better to do, upsetting all his plans. Too despicable!

Xia Zhi looked at Lian Hua’s retreating figure, revealing a strange smile with unclear intentions.

“Watch him, don’t let him escape.” Xia Zhi’s face was expressionless, his voice was extremely icy.

“Yes, boss!”

The next day, Lian Hua barely shoved a steamed bun in his mouth before someone dragged him on the plane back to S city.

Translator’s Notes:

[1]Similar to the 老子 in chapter 4, 小爷/Xiaoye is just what someone says when they’re elevating themselves. In this particular case, he really is a young master though…

[2] 白大少= Bai Great Small. Here, the small means Bai Yi, who is from the upcoming generation of his family. Great means he’s the first in line for the position of clan head. I’m basically ignoring all those details though because they sound awkward. Xia Zhi and Bai Yi are on the same generational level, so I thought “master” was fitting. 小少爷=Little Young Master. Kinda repet.i.tive so I shortened it. I also restructured this sentence because it was weird.

[3]Lian calls Xia Zhi big brother, but he doesn’t mean it as a blood relation. It’s just something people do when they’re familiar with each other. However, it SHOULD be noted, Lian Hua is addressing Xia Zhi as the older one. There’s a *spoiler* about 50 chapters later.

[4]Pig joke! He’s calling himself stupid.

[5]Pretty sure snake here means poisonous.

[6]This was the really stupid pun I promised. The ham hock is the part of the pig that attaches the pig’s foot to the tibia.

Lian Hua… eating meat… and submitting… Are you sure you’re the top? Whoa, it’s been a month since I started translating and there’s only 8 chapters out?! I gotta stop taking on random projects… Haven’t been motivated lately. But you know the real reason why I take so long? It’s because I doodle pictures like this:

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