Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 107

With a hand, [Logic] grabbed the powerless Hopkins and shook him vigorously. Single-mindedly operating the mechanical arms of [Logic] as if he was picking an embroidery needle, he took the J-2011 sniper rifle from Hopkins" hands and threw it far away.

"d.a.m.n, aren"t you formidable!? Show me how formidable you are!" Fatty"s vile sickness of not sparing the other party relapsed once again. Even though he was previously acting like he had no energy, in reality, he did not really have any confidence in triumphing over the sniping war with Hopkins. There were even several times when he had barely overcome the situation after encountering the danger of being shot at in a difficult situation.

"Chasing this father until he has to jump off the precipice, you should be happy now, right!?" Fatty used the mechanical arm and gave Hopkins a pinch. The other mechanical arm pulled on his pants.

"Speak! Your name, race, age, profession, and marital status! Otherwise, this father will pull down your pants!" Fatty was jumping and bouncing in the cabin delightedly as he took liberties with Hopkins. This wretched person did not have the notion of having a fair fight. Whoever fell into his hands would be worse off than dying.

Hopkins cried. During this instant when he fell from the heavens into h.e.l.l, he had never thought this wretched fatty had long set a trap and was deliberately forcing him to chase the fatty all the way here! When he was young, Hopkins had cried before. He wasn"t afraid of death and neither was he afraid of facing a formidable opponent. Every time he cried, it was all because of being wronged. After becoming an adult, Hopkins had bled countlessly, but an even greater portion of it was filled with the tasting of fresh blood of his prey amidst his maniacal laughter! This was the one time he felt the most wronged in his entire life.

Hopkins was a bigot in terms of his thinking and beliefs and was disciplined and selfless. The only interest and love he had was killing others! Life was not truly life in his eyes; instead, it was a target on the mouth of his sniper rifle! He believed that as long as he had a sniper rifle in his hands, he would become a deity that could do anything he wanted! He would absolutely not allow anyone to transcend him and neither would he allow to have any sort of failure!

Such a person, after being played with by this wretched Fatty and having his body pinched, how could he not feel wronged?!

After crying, Hopkins decided to commit suicide. He took out a needle coated in poison needle from within the ring on his middle finger to pierce himself with. There were still signs of tears on his face. Death had become the only path he could take. Before piercing the poisoned needle into his body, he said his last words to Fatty, "F***ing shameless dog!"

He died with grievance.

"Shameless?!" Fatty was extremely angry. He shouted out, "Did you say that Battle Mechas aren"t allowed? Did you?!"

The poison was fast-acting; his face started turning green already.

Fatty looked upon Hopkins in a daze. He did not understand how these people could make the decision to commit suicide so easily, seemingly as if it was playing to them! Unless... they did not treasure their lives? They did not treasure other people"s lives and neither did they treasure their own!

Fatty was at a loss. This was the most dangerous battle he had ever experienced in his life. At any one of those moments, he might have died to that rifle in his opponent"s hand. He was facing an absolute expert in sniping, a cold-blooded soldier that trained himself using the fresh blood from every single life he had taken. Fatty did not even know how he had survived through this period of time. He was merely trying his best to dodge and shoot before running! Every single second was spent with him using all his energy to fight!

Until finally, this opponent of his, who partic.i.p.ated in the death match, had suddenly said: "You are so shameless, so I decided not to play with you!" and thereafter killed himself and exited the match. Despite Fatty encountering this a few times, this was an ending which he could still not accept!

He sighed, finally becoming limp in the cabin. These tens of minutes of battle had completely caused him to use up all his body"s energy. He only wanted to have a good sleep.

Before entering his dream, that face of Hopkins, who had died while in the hands of [Logic], remained in his mind; he slept with his mind full of questions.

How many more of such people would there be in the upcoming future battles?!

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