Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 25

Tian Xing Jian turned back only to see that it was the highest ranking Federation officer amongst the prisoners-of-war that he had saved from the concentration camp. He was the ground-based Aviation Squadron, Colonel Peter. Even though this person, who was the archetype of a perfect gentleman, could not lead the rest to escape, his concern for all the soldiers within the concentration camp won him their trust and respect.

"Of course, please take a seat colonel." Tian Xing Jian laughed.

"Thank you. Please forgive me for being presumptuous, but this colonel is extremely clear of his position and hasn"t given orders just because of his high position in the army. Ever since he has saved by the special scouts from the concentration camp, he has always been in charge of managing the Federation soldiers that were captured and had been outstanding at doing this."

Tian Xing Jian was always happy to talk to this kind of person. Furthermore, tongues were wagging amongst the audience right now. In order to pacify everyone"s emotions, he had to work together with Colonel Peter. "Right now, sir, you are the current commanding officer for this temporary platoon. I would like to ask if sir has any troubles? Maybe I can be of a help," Peter sat down and asked tactfully.

Tian Xing Jian did not hide the issues he had. He spilled them over before telling Peter about the outcome he had deduced and his process of calculation.

Initially, Peter felt it was strange. From his perspective, the deductions of a special scouts vice company commander that could only depend on a Battle Mecha computer within this underground burrow to calculate and deduce the final outcome of the war that consisted of large numbers was indeed something that others could not believe that easily. But, when he looked at the deduction seriously before calculating for himself, he became silent for quite a while before finally looking upwards. "First lieutenant, I must admit that even though I do not really understand how you came to this conclusion, from my understanding of the numbers, the probability of this situation happening is truly huge. Sir, you are one of the most unfathomable soldiers from special forces that I"ve ever met. Perhaps the Federation Army"s decision of not placing sir into the planning team was a huge mistake. Sir, you are more than qualified to become a planning officer."

Tian Xing Jian bitterly smiled. "I am flattered by your praise; however, what is more important right now is to transmit this deduction to the forward command team. I don"t wish for what I had deduced to happen. If it truly happened, the Federation will suffer from a loss which they can"t bear at all. As for us, I"m afraid we might have to stay here for our eternity."

"Also…" Tian Xing Jian painfully said, "Can we not use "Sir" as a way of calling each other, senior officer?"

Peter laughed heartily. "Alright, first lieutenant. If you call me Peter and not senior officer, then I"ll definitely not use such honorifics." He stood up and continued, "Other than me, we have two other extremely talented staff officers. I think we should let them see this deduction as well. After all, whatever decision you make, you should not be the only one to bear such a responsibility."

This sentence had pierced into the depths of Tian Xing Jian"s heart. He was truly happy that there was such a friendly and understanding senior officer amongst the escapees. Even though he might be a tad too cultured and refined, as a whole, he was still a trustworthy person.

The two staff officers had differing viewpoints. One firmly agreed with this deduction result, while the other firmly rejected it.

The reasons for rejection was truly sharp. This person known as Major Pierce did not believe that a single air a.s.sault was enough to take down Cato Canyon"s ground base and the airbase situated on the left peak by the canyon. Furthermore, this location was still within the patrolling region of the air force in Cato City. The s.p.a.ce fleet"s advantages would not be lost that easily as well. The outer s.p.a.ce aircraft carrier battle group right above Cato City could also deliver aid at any time, so how could a group of special forces take down two such bases with such defensive capabilities? It was simply impossible. Pierce spoke while laughing. Why should they be afraid of a team of special forces when even an entire division could not accomplish this feat?

The other staff officer, Caleb, fully supported Tian Xing Jian"s deduction before retorting the questions raised by Pierce. They continued arguing until their entire face and ears became red.

Their arguments eventually attracted the attention of the others. Even if they did not understand the theory and reasoning behind the deduction, they still came to listen. Everyone started to provide their own opinions, creating a situation that was even more lively than the planning sessions of staff officers for a moment.

Regardless of how everyone argued, everyone agreed on a single point — the Imperial Army"s retreat from the various cities did not imply that they had lost a large amount of military power. They were still able to a.s.semble at any moment, and for the offensive teams of the Federation to reach their current underground location would be an extremely arduous task.

Everyone discussed whether they should stay or leave.

Despite how accurate this deduction might have been, the biggest problem was now made known to everyone — no matter how they tried to transmit the information to the forward command center, their positions would be revealed. If they sent someone over, as long as that person was discovered, then the locations he had been to would ultimately attract a search team from the Empire. If the search ended up as a negative, then the military satellite would certainly start their scans, exposing the underground tunnels and revealing them to the world. Using [Antenna] would have a similar problem. The sending of signals would reveal their positions, thus if their message on the deduction was intercepted, they might possibly start acting earlier.

A ground-based armored division first lieutenant shouted, "It doesn"t matter how much we speak, as we"ll just be wasting our saliva. Whether they believe it or not is up to them. Instead, as we are ultimately escapees from death, what we should do right now is to find a way to escape. This father isn"t afraid even if death comes for me again."

The underground tunnel that was full of racket suddenly quietened down. Facing a life and death decision, everyone"s expression became solemn.

Peter looked towards the silent Tian Xing Jian before asking him, "First lieutenant, everyone"s life has been saved by you. Right now, we"ll once again pa.s.s them back to you. Tell us, is there any chances of surviving if we find a way out by ourselves?"

Tian Xing Jian shook his head. "No! This location is about 400 kilometers away from the closest region currently controlled by the Federation. With this distance, unless all of us moved using Battle Mechas, there is no way we could reach our destination."

A scene of sighs.

Even though everyone had expected this answer, hearing it from the mouth of this special scouts soldier, who had performed a huge magical transformation, still led everyone to disappointment.

"However…" Despite the plan coming from someone who is inexperienced in command and their group being composed of lightly armed former prisoners-of-war, Tian Xing Jian told them of his plans and the difficulty to see to its completion. However, as all other paths had been blocked, no matter how difficult it would be to walk down the remaining path, they could only proceed forward.

"We can first attack this location before getting the equipment which we needed." Tian Xing Jian opened up his electronic map before pointing out to a pinned location to everyone.

"Isn"t this the logistic base that company commander Ras.h.i.+d attacked?" a special scouts soldier from the company recognized this location and asked suspiciously.

Tian Xing Jian nodded. "That is the location. Being a logistic base, this position is extremely important. The supply from the Imperial Army will all go through this location. It is most likely that this location will be reconstructed. Even if it isn"t reconstructed, there will still be large supply of material there. If our deduction is correct, then we have to start building up our military power and replenish our supplies. There must definitely be Battle Mechas amongst the supplies left in the base. Even if there aren"t any mechas, as long as there are parts for making one, it"ll be fine. At the same time, after pa.s.sing on our intelligence to the forward command center, we"ll similarly ask them to start piercing their way towards this location, doing their best to shorten the distance between us. Furthermore, we can obtain the help from the air force at this particular location. Even though the transport s.h.i.+ps can"t land over here, they could still coordinate with us and use their high-speed armored fighter aircraft."

After drinking a large mouthful of water from the bottle pa.s.sed over by Mei Duo, Tian Xing Jian continued, "As for our route of march, I"ve done a few deductions over it. Because our company has attacked this location a few days ago before returning to the region controlled by the Federation, we have the most recent information regarding this particular location, and thus the chance of success according to my deduction is extremely high. At this moment, due to Myth Legion joining the fight, the Federation"s commandos have experienced an extremely huge loss behind the enemy lines. Many commando teams have been forced to retreat back to the regions controlled by the Federation. Even though we are not prepared to attack at this time, we can still catch them unprepared."

After Tian Xing Jian explained his plans, another argument started.

Finally, Peter waved his hand and requested for the audience to quiet down. He faced Tian Xing Jian. "I believe in your deduction. Tell me, how large is our chance of success?"

Tian Xing Jian said frankly, "30%!"

"Enough!" Peter ended their discussion before it erupted. "Pack up your belongings, group yourselves into teams and prepare to set out!"

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