Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 49

There were two reasons for such a commotion. The first reason was because the most wretched and despicable, undefeatable deity, SM01314, had appeared on the net once again. The viewing platforms were always filled with people watching the battles of SM01314.

This time when he appeared, this wretched and mysterious character became even more valiant when compared to the past, especially his close-combat techniques; its close-combat techniques became even more strange and even more despicable to the extent that even the people who wrote the 《72 methods of love》 would be ashamed to their death.

The second reason was because the standard version of the online war simulation would be released to all human societies in every nation. In other words, every single expert in the entire cosmos could fight within this one game.

The multinational business with the headquarters situated in the Federation—You Li Technology Corporation—bought the standard version of the simulation as a form of business. This corporation was renowned in the field of private Battle Mecha manufacturing currently ranked 33rd internationally as a corporation. This time, by borrowing their superior business advantage, they were able to obtain the business rights from the Federation government, which may very well allow them to rise to be one of the top 20 international corporations.

The Ministry of Finance predicted that a year later, by leveraging on this game, the Leray Federation would be able to obtain billions in revenue, which would be a heart-strengthening shot to this nation that was currently embroiled in war.

The standard version and the version used by the Leray Federation"s military were completely different, as the military had removed all military secrets and data from the standard version. You Li Corporation organized over thirty different groups to redesign the fundamental platform of the online war simulation with the private Battle Mechas as the core, thus allowing for an international online war simulation game called 《Omnipresent Fire of War》to be born/created.

The arrival of 《Omnipresent Fire of War》 had shook all human societies. Those giant corporations understood that there was no way they could obtain the business rights, as the Leray Federation would never sell it to an international corporation that resided outside their own nation. After all, it would be better for them to keep the sensitive data to themselves.

However, the enormous opportunity that followed attracted all these giant corporations over to the Leray Federation as they became embroiled in a compet.i.tion to acquire the rights to advertise the game in order to secure a portion of the profits.

Within a single night, every single human society in the entire cosmos had a red 《Omnipresent Fire of War》 advertis.e.m.e.nt flag placed in the richest streets within the city. This newly released virtual game entered the huge market in the world with an overwhelming start.

Within the entire human history, this simulation gave the most realistic experience and allowed for the greatest amount of freedom Other than certain important objects, the main focus of this game was on interactivity, with the possibility of transposing any object in reality into the game. Inter-Battle Mechas, inter-battles.h.i.+ps, or international war could happen with such realism that it would frighten anyone.

The countdown to the official start of the game had begun. Amongst the people who were looking forward to it, one of the most excited people was none other than Tian Xing Jian.

The research laboratory was the most crucial research organization behind this online war simulation platform. All the researchers involved in this project had been given a large reward, thus as the person who had the second highest authority in the research, it would be simple for Fatty to acquire the highest grade game cabin under the name of the research lab. You Li Corporation had almost dragged the game cabin over to his room at the moment it was requested.

The close-combat battles between Battle Mechas had long given Tian Xing Jian a deep impression. Most certainly, it could be predicted that in the future, all surface battles would be conquered by close-combat mechas.

During battles, after losing the advantage of firing cannons from a distance, whoever"s close-combat strength was stronger would be victorious. Since that"s the case, those private Battle Mechas that specialized in close-combat with energy weapons which had its manufacturing process kept a secret would become the most dazzling mechas during battles.

Who did not understand this point? This was also one of the reasons why the 《Omnipresent Fire of War》 could become so popular. When the time comes, there would be countless military cadets and soldiers jumping into this virtual reality simulated world, gaining combat experiences in the battles against soldiers all around the world.

The Leray Federation"s hidden agenda was actually very simple. Wasn"t Gyaca Woods Empire a nation embroiled in long periods of war? Don"t they have this Myth Legion that had never left the battlefield for hundreds of years?

Since your combat experiences are so rich, then we"ll let them becoming even richer. However, as our level of combat isn"t as high, with enough experience, it"ll increase even faster. Once everyone"s combat experiences reach the point of saturation, this advantage you have would no longer be that obvious anymore.

Tian Xing Jian had almost counted down the days before the official start of 《Omnipresent Fire of War》.

The moment there was an expectation within his heart, the pa.s.sing days became even longer. Tian Xing Jian spent his time in the office in boredom, gazing at the countless new data on the computer screen. All of a sudden, the door was kicked open by someone.

Fatty, with his wandering thoughts, was startled by the action. With a conditioned reflex, he jumped around and looked at the door, only to see a lieutenant colonel rus.h.i.+ng in furiously followed by a group of staff officers behind him..

That lieutenant colonel threw the doc.u.ments in his hand onto the table beside Tian Xing Jian, shouting out angrily, "Look at what you have calculated!"

Tian Xing Jian felt bewildered. Giving the doc.u.ment a look, he realized that this was one of the three defense plans sent over by the 2nd Research Unit. After calculating using various bits of information to obtain a deduction outcome, only one of the three plans had a possibility of happening in reality. This plan which the lieutenant colonel had brought over was one of the rubbish plans.

Tian Xing Jian flipped over here and there and could not see where he had made any mistakes. He started feeling resentful, thinking that it might just be this group of people coming over to bully him. Deliberately scratching his head in bewilderment, he asked the lieutenant colonel, "This was indeed calculated by me. That"s right, I remember this rubbish plan. Who made it?"

In his heart, he was thinking, "Are you kidding? If this father brings out his medal, even the general would have to salute me first after seeing me. You guys are merely just some green peas, so why do you think you are as big as a watermelon ?" This chap"s innate gangster temperament of bullying the weak surged again. As long as the person was someone whom he could bully, he would never let go for a single moment, especially in a situation when someone had provoked him first.

The wretched person put on an honest and considerate expression as if that plan was truly rubbish and he had merely been speaking the truth.

The lieutenant colonel was so angry that he began seeing stars as the staff officers behind him went into an uproar. A major jumped out before pulling on the nose of Tian Xing Jian, scolding him, "Who do you think you are? To dare say that this plan done by our Lieutenant Colonel Ke Lun is rubbis.h.!.+"

This was the first time the 6th Research Unit became so lively. People from the other research unit on the same floor came running over as well, filling up the office of Tian Xing Jian to the point that not even a drop of water could trickle through.

Fatty maintained his same old honest and considerate expression as he stammered, "This lousy piece of plan is really rubbish. I am not making up the facts."

Lieutenant Colonel Ke Lun"s seven orifices were now releasing smoke [1]. This silly-looking Fatty had not only refused to admit his mistake in front of so many people but had actually even aggravated the situation and insisted that the plan he made was rubbish.

In rage, he grabbed Tian Xing Jian"s collar and shouted, "If you dare, say it again."

Tian Xing Jian nodded miserably before honestly saying, "Alright, this plan is originally rubbish. I did not randomly spout some nonsense."

Several staff officers who came for a show could no longer hold onto their laughter. This silly fatty was truly a d.a.m.n top grade treasure.

Under the influence of rage, Ke Lun threw out a punch. However, unbeknownst to him, he did not know when the silly-looking fatty lieutenant had grabbed hold of his first, squeezing it to the extent that he was feeling pain, and worse yet, he could not pull back his first—it was as if his first was cast in steel..

Fatty"s expression changed as he sneered, "Why? Can"t hold onto your anger any longer? I"m merely saying your plan is rubbish, and yet you already want to use force and hit someone." Exerting force with his hand, he pushed the arm of Ke Lun down, causing Ke Lun to move his body uncontrollably in reaction to the pain before propping his elbow on top of the table to support his body.

[1] Very angry

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