Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 81

The disguised [Devil Tiger]"s upper body maintained the appearance of looking around, though beneath it, its claws were dexterously pulling apart the cabin door of the authentic [Devil Tiger] and had long shut down the opportunity of this Myth soldier, who had taken out his handgun in preparation of giving a warning shot.

"Brother, die faster and reincarnate!" The good and honest Fatty saw a vestige of bloodstain on the claws of [Logic] and thus went on and dug at the ground. Borrowing the chance when the other mechas were not aware of its actions, he took out some explosives from his toolbox and placed them within the movement system at the abdomen of the [Devil Tiger], stuffing all of them until the abdomen could not fit anymore. That was when he slipped away in another direction of the forest.

Russell was the main target objective for the mission this time, and Fatty had to bring this person out!

Once Fatty disappeared from the forest, that Battle Mecha which had been was discovered by his comrades. This strange death made the remaining four [Devil Tigers] not dare to separate anymore, causing them to place their backs against each other, forming a defensive formation in the shape of a "十" as they looked out at all directions.

"Hong!" An enormous explosion sounded before another four [Devil Tigers] were blown into pieces.

Tian Xing Jian soon returned to the forest where the battle had taken place. He discreetly brought [Logic] back to its original shape before walking towards a [Divine Mecha 22] and kicking it: "Don"t act dead. Quickly get up!"

Seeing this single-operated Battle Mecha that was laden with damage and was unmoving, Fatty aimed the energy cannon of his [Logic] at him and said, "On the count of three, if you dare to continue acting dead, then I"ll fire!"

[Divine Mecha 22] had very unwillingly moved a bit before climbing upwards and asked, "Who are you? How do you know that I"m acting dead?"

Fatty felt despise in his heart: "d.a.m.n, this father has a great talent in acting dead. If comparing our acting techniques, you are only at the level of an amateur!"

He did not even care about spouting these words of nonsense towards the single-operated Imperial Battle Mecha before sneering, "What is profession? Do you know that I was born to learn how to act dead! Russell is it? Follow me and let"s go!"

Russell was completely startled. How did this broken-looking Battle Mecha discover who he was? Everyone"s attention had been placed on the [Dufuai] private Battle Mecha that was being protected!

"How did you know that I am Russell? Who are you exactly?"

Fatty angrily shouted, "I am your father! Even if I said who I am, will you recognize me? So much nonsense despite your abilities, let"s hurry!" With a push of his hand and a kick with his leg, [Logic] knocked the [Divine Mecha 22] off balance while scolding, "Acting just like a curious baby, how old are you already? d.a.m.n your mother! If you continue moving so slowly, then this father will just shoot you to death and cut your little brother as evidence of the completion of my mission!"

The Empire"s General Russell was truly a tiger that left the mountain and entered a flat ground [1]; he could only shut his mouth and follow this broken-looking Battle Mecha towards the deepest parts of the forest.

At that time, Tian Xing Jian was at the location of a sniper, standing far away from the battle and could have a broad overview of the area. The Empire guard company had always been surrounding [Dufuai], who was at the center, but behind [Dufuai], there had been another [Divine Mecha 22] that was seemingly under protection. At the most intense moment when the two sides were battling, this [Divine Mecha 22] had actually been blocked, knowingly or not, by the [Dufuai], making Fatty suspicious.

Thereafter, as the situation worsened, the guard company could seemingly not escape from their predicament, and this [Divine Mecha 22] had actually fallen down using a very stiff posture when an energy shot exploded near it, angering Fatty so much that he immediately scolded, "If you want to learn how to act dead, then please bucker up this professional mindset of yours. d.a.m.n! This posture of yours makes me feel like you have been raped instead!"

These clues were enough for Tian Xing Jian to deduce that this single-operated Battle Mecha that had successfully hoodwinked the rest was certainly Russell. Fatty did not have any good feelings towards this famous general of the Empire. If not for this chap, why would he have to suffer from escaping over 20 times?

The two Battle Mechas that looked as if they were about to fall apart wandered about in the forest like lonely souls. Fatty had already chosen the route he wanted to take, but the route he chose would test one"s operating technique to the maximum; however, facing the firm and persistent, famous Russell, he could feel himself crumbling apart!

Russell might know how to drive a Battle Mecha, but that was a matter of 20 years ago. Right now, his control techniques had deteriorated, causing his hand to cramp so much that he could not follow the tempo of the broken-looking Battle Mecha. As long as his speed was slowed, then that broken-looking Battle Mecha would certainly give him a slap. Even though it was. .h.i.t on his mecha, the Russell in the cabin was still shaken to the point that he could see stars.

This Fatty would certainly not give up his chance to take revenge! Furthermore, the orders were given for him to bring him back alive, and if he could not, then just kill him!

"This father is already being really generous for not opening fire!" the kind and good-natured Fatty thought in his heart as he continued kicking and punching. Such joy!

Since the Myth Legion had been attracted away by the Fierce Tiger, Fatty would surely make use of this opportunity. The route he chose to travel had been parallel with the retreat path taken by the Fierce Tiger Commando. After all, there were still plenty of soldiers in the Lower Ridge Forest. If he was to meet with those from the Federation, then it would be fine, but what if he met with the defeated troops of the Empire? In such a case, it would be too unlucky. He could run but would Russell be able to do so?

Once Russell had finally started his climb up the mountain ridge with Tian Xing Jian, the suffering he was enduring did not seem any different from that damaged Battle Mecha anymore.

Tian Xing Jian could see the location of battle the 16th Armored Division Special Scouts Regiment was fighting at from the top of the mountain. The battle was proceeding with full of liveliness.

The speed of the Fierce Tiger Commando was not much faster than Fatty"s; they were bringing the guard company as they ran and fought simultaneously.

The Empire guard company had fundamentally been left with just a few people, and Stewart did not treat the beans as rations [2]. The Fierce Tiger Commando had to pull the baggage of [Dufuai] along with them as they escaped frantically, and those Battle Mechas from the guard company were left behind, turning into ashes under the cannon fire. And that was how the Myth Legion continued pursuing them from behind and also why the tired Fierce Tiger commandos felt truly wild with joy once they saw the temporary defense formation by the special forces!

However, once this group of special forces, warrior-cla.s.s pioneer mechas opened up to include the Fierce Tiger commandos into their formation, the Fierce Tiger commandos had almost cried after seeing their shape.

Is this group of soldiers the special scouts? Did they just escape from danger with their lives? Or was there an earthquake over here? Why did they seem as if they were wandering beggars?

Regardless of what the Fierce Tiger commandos were thinking, the special scouts regiment that was dispatched over, which had several hundred warrior-cla.s.s pioneers, had begun carrying out a piercing combat tactic.

But these Battle Mechas looked too damaged, with some running as if they were about to fall on the ground, while others kneeled without moving at all. There were even some that started discharging smoke after being touched by the Myth Battle Mechas. What made the Fierce Tiger commandos cry the most had been that these Battle Mechas did not give up because of all these factors; instead, they continued their brave and courageous pierce, piercing again and again. This onslaught of steel had been cut into pieces by the Myth Battle Mechas that followed up from behind.

Following that, both sides had been completely tangled up together, and the weeping Fierce Tiger commandos were stunned. This group of chaps were truly beggars and immoral!

These Battle Mechas acted dead the moment they got shot once. Then, they would jump up and hit another mecha. They would steal the chicken, touch the dog, take stealth shots, use underhanded tactics, use savage tactics of a black tiger, steal peaches like monkeys, isolate the enemy before hitting them, enter from the rear, and plenty of other poisonous tactics!

They collapsed. What group of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds was this?

[1] A flat ground with no places to hunt i.e. the tiger had lost its advantage.

[2] The implied meaning here is likely that he did not carry with him any damaged mechas that could not follow.

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