Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 39

Tian Xing Jian felt kind of hurt, but for whom? Was it Ali? Thoriko? He had no answer to that.

That morning when he bade farewell to his comrades from the first company, those who hated to part with Tian Xing Jian the most were naturally those from the Second Platoon, First Section who had gone on a road of slaughter with him. They were brothers who lived and died together and had a brotherhood formed from blood and fire.

They truly admired this vice company commander"s methods, so much so that they would even prostrate in admiration.

Especially Thoriko, who had shared the heartfelt feelings of his first ancestors all the way to himself to the fatty.

Thoriko was of the Ma Ke race, an ethnic group ranked at the very last. Their technology and cultural standards were extremely backward; even within the Federation, there were still people who called them lower cla.s.s people.

Thoriko said, "I hated all of them! If someone dares to call me a person of the lower cla.s.s, I"ll immediately give him two punches."

However, there was only a minuscule number of people who thought like him in the Federation. He felt grievous for those from his race that had been born in the Gyaca Woods Empire. Killing Ali had induced an indescribable feeling from within.

Their race had experienced too much suffering. He truly wanted all of this to end, but he was merely a platoon commander of the special scouts company.

The special scouts were warriors who placed their brains on their waists. Thoriko did not truly know when he would die. He hated to part with Tian Xing Jian, someone who shared life and death woes with him. However, as Tian Xing Jian had been a.s.signed to the combat planning department, Tian Xing Jian could possibly have the means to realize his wish.

At that moment when they parted, Thoriko"s eyes were quite red. "Vice Company Commander, if you weren"t with us on this trip, I think that our section would have lost all our lives there, let alone the prisoners-of-war. I know you are truly capable, so fight on! Let"s chase those nations who dare to discriminate against those from the weak and small ethnic groups out of the Federation"s soil!"

Once the small-sized transport s.h.i.+p descended in Jialipalan"s military inst.i.tute"s training airport, Fatty finally broke out of his trance. Seeing this place which he had left less than a month ago, it felt as if it had been ages. Thoriko"s words kept resounding within his mind, and only after a long period of time did he finally bitterly say to himself, "Why am I thinking so much? I"m merely a Battle Mecha engineer that has been a.s.signed here and there."

Mei Duo and Ni Ya, who were seated in the same transport s.h.i.+p, had been requested time after time to stay together with the other ex-captives; hence, after arriving, they were requested to wait in the Capital Jialipalan for the transit flight.

The capital had already prepared an even more majestic welcome ceremony. Within the next few months, their main job would be to spread propaganda.

Their future had most likely been confirmed. This group of prisoners-of-war would never return to their original combat unit. Instead, they would be a.s.signed to the respective rear logististics department as they live and work in a much safer environment.

Under the lead of Colonel Compton, Tian Xing Jian first reported to the combat department"s officer administrative office to fill in the relevant forms.

This first lieutenant"s combat plans had actually attracted the attention of many. After arranging a place for him to stay, Tian Xing Jian had obtained a three-day holiday, as the exact combat department research unit he was a.s.signed to had not been confirmed.

Still, the officer administrative office"s pretty female secretary reminded him that the general of the forward command, General Bernadotte, would come and find him at any moment after he has finished with his work, thus Tian Xing Jian should remain in the military inst.i.tute for the time being.

Temporarily out of work, the very first place which Fatty wanted to go to was naturally the research laboratory.

If not for Boswell, Milan, and the support of everyone from the research lab, Fatty would not have been able to survive. [Logic]"s transformation capabilities had been an important factor during this mission.

Furthermore, Fatty had thought of many different ideas for Battle Mechas after experiencing actual combat, particularly the object on that [Antenna]. If he could somehow fix that object onto [Logic], then that would mean an increase of the Battle Mecha"s comprehensive abilities by two grades.

Furthermore, there was also the ion-blade used by [King Kong] that had almost ended Fatty"s life. This experience taught him a lesson: in any close-combat battles, a good weapon could be the crux leading to victory.

Let"s not talk about Battle Mechas. Even if it was an ordinary, frail-looking person randomly swinging two knives, a muscular person would have to think twice before fighting him empty-handed in close-combat.

Fatty could not help but feel anxious the moment he thought about this.

Following the internal call to the research lab, Fatty waited by the elevator for someone to come receive him.

After a moment, a slender figure appeared in front of him; it was Milan.

This beautiful woman who had spent long periods to tyrannically abuse others immediately grabbed hold of Fatty"s ears the moment she saw him. "Wonderful! Fatty, you have truly become capable. This lady has just received a phone call from Ni Ya, and just as we were talking about you to settle some matters, you actually sent yourself here! Come, follow me in!"

Pulling Fatty by the ear, they descended in the elevator all the way until the entrance of the research lab"s decontamination room. She had only let go because Fatty had to first clean himself. Fatty"s ear had turned red from being pulled so hard, giving him a sensation of burning pain.

The submissive Fatty cleaned himself before being led by the ear once again into the research lab.

Entering the lab, the entire hall exploded in a burst of roaring laughter. This fatty, who did not have any manliness, turned red from the scene.

He still did not dare to go against Milan"s violence, thus he could only droop his head downwards as he followed Milan into her private research lab, just like a pig being led by the ear by a butcher.

The moment they entered, the researcher who was raging with violence, Milan, took out a miniature energy submachine gun and pointed it at Fatty as she hooted, "Don"t think that I have no more weapons with me after I gave you that Mauser Pistol. The shots from this gun are even more painful than the other one. Do you believe it? How did you bully Ni Ya!? Come clean and tell me the truth! Otherwise, don"t think of leaving through this door today, Fatty!"

Fatty was completely depressed. This beautiful yet crazy and violent woman would definitely do what she had just said. However, he truly did not know what Ni Ya had told her. No matter how hard he thought, Fatty, who felt wronged, could not understand when exactly he had offended that slender waist enchantress.

Seeing how Milan was about to pull the trigger of the gun, Fatty immediately took this time and told her whatever he could, even the words said to him by Mei Duo and Ni Ya, so as to prove his innocence.

Who knew that the moment he finished speaking, Milan showed a strange expression as she shouted, "d.a.m.ned Fatty, with your appearance, you even dare to stand on two boats with one foot [1]? I"ll eradicate a deranged person like you today for our people!"

With the sound of a gunshot, an energy bullet brushed by Fatty"s body before creating a hole on the wall behind him.

Fatty hurriedly said, "You should listen to my explanation…"

Before his sentence even ended, several consecutive sounds echoed out with one shot landing before the foot of Fatty.

The fatty started quivering in rage. This woman truly did not know what being logical meant. This father will try his luck today.

With a flash, he appeared in front of Milan and kicked the miniature energy submachine gun in her hand. Extending his hand, he immediately grabbed her chest as he pushed her down onto the floor and leapt on top of her body.

When the muddle-headed Fatty was fired up, he brought his palm and gave Milan a firm slap on her b.u.t.t! This person who was not willing to be enslaved by others had finally stood up for himself today!

[1] Two timing

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