Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 40

Ever since she was young, Milan had been the darling of the professors within the military inst.i.tute, thus bullying trash like the fatty within the research laboratory had been something easy to her. She had been the master and he had been the slave. In reality, she had merely wanted to play a joke on this d.a.m.n fatty, who had disappeared without sending any news, but who would have thought that this fatty was so afraid of death that he would immediately explode in anger the moment someone shot at him, pus.h.i.+ng her onto the floor before slapping her b.u.t.t?

Milan was stunned for a moment. Fatty"s palm had landed on her sensitive spot, causing her to feel embarra.s.sed and indignant. A peculiar feeling erupted within her as she did not know what to say. This was her very first time getting in physical contact with a male.

Fatty had just slapped a few times while riding on Milan"s body before waking up from his stupor. He shouted "what bad luck" within his heart. Slapping her b.u.t.t a few more times, he did not wish to let her up, but it"s not like he could sit on her body forever, right? It seemed that this time, his reckless actions would bring dire consequences. He was in a dilemma as he fell in a daze, only to start feeling the slender body under him becoming warmer and warmer as if she was in ecstasy.

A couple of virgins touching each other had caused the atmosphere within the room to start getting awkward.

Finally, Milan struggled for a moment before glaring at Tian Xing Jian with a blushed face, shouting out, "d.a.m.n fatty, are you done? Are you not planning to stand up?" She had said "d.a.m.n fatty" in a soft and gentle manner. Perhaps Milan could feel the weird emotions in her words. She bit her lips before hiding her face within her arms as she remained there unmoving.

Fatty was truly at his wit"s end. He immediately rolled off her body and started running the moment he stood up. Just when he touched the door handle, he heard Milan"s angry words, "d.a.m.n fatty, if you dare, then try and escape!" Fatty could only let out a string of complaints before stopping. His body was visibly trembling as he wished that he could just die and reincarnate as soon as possible.

As Milan stood up, she straightened her messy clothes with a flushed face. Using a finger, she poked at Fatty"s head before rolling her eyes and said, "You ingrate! You dare to bully a woman… See how I"ll fix you in the future. Follow me to meet teacher first." Pulling Fatty"s hand, they went out of the room and headed towards Boswell"s research lab. He did not know exactly what Milan was thinking that caused her face to become so red and warm while her tender and glistening ears were bright red. That small hand pulling Fatty was slightly trembling. In the beginning, she was even trying her best to calm herself down under the eyes of the other people, but slowly, she began to pick up the pace, so much so that she was almost jogging the entire way through the main hall of the lab before rus.h.i.+ng into Boswell"s private research lab.

The mad researcher, who was currently doing research, heard his door slam, causing him to look up at his two students, who were acting weirdly, for a moment. He asked, "What have you guys been doing? Why are your faces so red?" Tian Xing Jian was thoroughly driven to madness. This old man always asked the question which he did not want to be asked. Milan was so embarra.s.sed that she stomped her feet, giving Fatty a fierce glare before running away.

Looking at her run away, the old man asked in bewilderment, "Fatty, was Milan bullying you?"

Fatty truly wanted to say that it was he who had bullied Milan, but the few slaps that gave off a supple feeling were still stuck in his mind. Such words that would spell his doom would not be spoken out by him. He awkwardly laughed without giving an answer to that question.

The old man thought he guessed right and started to laugh. "Milan, this la.s.s, has a good heart. During those days where you were gone, I kept hearing her reminisce about you for more than a hundred times. Even after leaving, you did not contact her, causing her to rush towards the forward command department to ask for news about you. After that, when she heard the news that the special forces had been attacked in the rear enemy lines, she fell into a trance. So, do you think she has a good heart or not? Bullying you is your fortune. If it was another person, she would never even have the thought of bullying him, so just let her have her way. Your skin and flesh is quite thick after all."

This old man was truly unsophisticated. How could one encourage another person using such words? Fatty cursed silently in disagreement. Even if his skin and flesh was thick, they were still his flesh. That woman had actually used a rifle to attempt and hit him. How about you try it, old man?

The old man stopped what he was doing before saying to Fatty, "Alright, tell me what you think about your Battle Mecha. Are there any limitations?" For those researching in the lab, the biggest question was the difference between the results within the labs and the results on an actual battlefield.

In the past when they had manufactured several weapons on a large scale, they had obtained quite a perfect set of data when they tested them within the research labs, yet when they had been brought out to an actual combat field, the weapons were truly lacking. Thus, the old man held great expectations for Fatty, who was the first person to test the biological double attribute material used in the Battle Mecha,.

After all, Fatty had also stayed in the research lab for half a year, and this mecha was made by himself. He had quite an enriching experience in combat too, so his opinions would surely be the final opinion the old man could obtain on the experiment.

Taking out a data card which had copied the data from [Logic]"s computer, Fatty inserted it into the reader device of a nearby computer. While doing it, he said, "The external armor meant for imitation has many different useful functions; however, it"s not strong enough. Fighting against a true expert, this armor feels quite lacking. In terms of speed, I realized that two of the Imperial Battle Mechas models have attained a speed comparable to [Logic]. This aspect should be improved even further. After all, in close combat, speed is the most important deciding factor."

The display screen started displaying the various data obtained from the mecha.

Fatty pointed out to the data regarding its defense as he said, "This set of data is those obtained after [Logic] had been damaged. The energy s.h.i.+eld and external armor used in conjunction with the biological double attribute metal, which is six times harder than the current ultra-hard alloy, will not be damaged in the least by ordinary, long-ranged attacks will not be damaged at all by ordinary long-ranged attacks. However, from the data obtained, if the shot that directly landed on the Battle Mecha was one level higher than ordinary energy cannons, then this mecha could at most block five such attacks before the defense system is broken. Even though most energy cannons equipped by the current Battle Mechas aren"t that powerful in terms of their firepower, we should not eliminate such possibilities in the future. At the very least, I have discovered that the newest Battle Mecha of the Empire, [King Kong], has a cannon opening much larger than most ordinary energy cannons. Also, the weapons used by the enemies during close-combat battles are very formidable nowadays, especially the ion-blade used by the [King Kong]. I estimate that this biological double attribute metal will be cut down if the attack from ion-blade lands on the same location twice."

Boswell looked carefully and investigated the various data before nodding. "There is value in a.n.a.lyzing them. Also, it"s written that your group have hauled back a [King Kong]. Was it you who did that?"

Fatty nodded and laughed as he said, "That"s right. However, this mecha was broken apart during the fight, but the remaining parts have all been brought back. There should be value in investigating them as well."

Boswell"s strange temper started erupting again as he spoke monotonously, "I had thought that after praising it so much, my biological double attribute metal was, aside from your deceptive external simulation armor, worthless . But as it turns out, this metal had actually helped you get rid of one of the enemy"s high-level Battle Mechas."

Fatty understood that this old man"s self-esteem had reached perverse levels. He hurriedly smiled obsequiously and said, "How could you say it like that? The biological double attribute metal that you researched could be said to be without rivals in the entire cosmos. It is merely my skills that are lacking."

"One should say that this Battle Mecha"s strength is already number one in the world. This Battle Mecha has already become obsolete several dozen years ago, and yet it could still be used to carry heavy goods. Why is that so? It"s because you, old man, had already surpa.s.sed the world in your structured research with grand teacher several years ago. Let"s not talk about now; even in the next several hundred of years, this structure will be the best structure among all human model Battle Mechas."

Having been praised time after time by Fatty, Boswell"s face started clearing up. Waving his hands to chase him off, he said, "You should go to Milan"s place first. There are several research topics which are related to what you had just mentioned. Go and have a look at them. I"ll do some research on this set of data."

Hearing that he had to go to Milan"s place, Tian Xing Jian felt kind of awkward. As he walked to the door, he heard Boswell"s voice, "I"ve heard that you have been a.s.signed to the combat planning department as a staff officer. Since you will be staying here, you should visit the research lab when you are free. I"ll tell that to the forward command."

Fatty accepted that joyously. Born with a background of being a Battle Mecha Engineer, he was truly interested and excited towards this subject. As for the others, they were merely a plaything for him to survive.

As he walked towards Milan"s door with hesitation, he was mysteriously stopped by a familiar researcher who asked, "Fatty, I"ve heard that you become a hero for what you have done. Tell me what happened? Tell us everything that you have done."

Tian Xing Jian was so frightened by the sudden action that he cursed in his heart, "Your mother. Who is willing to be this d.a.m.n hero? If I"m not careful, I"ll be a.s.signed back to the front lines again. This father has just come back and the news has already spread so far?"

Anxiously shaking his head and waving his hand, he would never acknowledge it even if he died. "You see, with such a body and my character, how could I ever become a hero?"

With an expression of disbelief even towards himself, he asked, "What have you heard?"

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