Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 75

Seeing how Fatty"s mind was wandering, Milan reined in his neck before asking, "I"m talking to you, d.a.m.ned person! What are you thinking about?"

Fatty laughed. "That"s good. The research laboratory should have long retreated back to the capital. What do you think your group of technological researchers is staying here for?"

Milan stuck out her tongue before saying, "This research lab is the heart and blood of teacher"s entire life, so he isn"t willing to leave. Furthermore, there are several research projects that are currently in its most critical stage, so even if we want to leave, we couldn"t. It"s only after seeing that nothing is happening over at Jialipalan that we decided to just stay."

"Furthermore…" Milan was red in the face as she dug even deeper into Fatty"s embrace as her eyes became blurred. "If I retreated long ago, then how would I meet such a hateful and evil and lecherous shameless d.a.m.ned fatty?"

Fatty, seeing how Milan was murmuring words of endearment in his embrace, felt delighted and distressed at the same time. He himself had already entered the huge web formed by several women. As to what decision he had to make, he did not know what to do for now.

And there"s still An Lei.

When mentioning feelings, that beautiful figure who had been lingering on for more than ten years in his heart had once again clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

Tian Xing Jian shook his head and decided to just temporarily throw all these messy thoughts to one side. Caressing Milan"s face, he said, "I"m here to take [Logic] away. I"ve just received a mission and will require its use!"

Milan panicked as she looked up and asked, "What mission? Is it very dangerous?"

When Fatty saw how she was acting, he could not bear for her to be worried and laughed, "It"s not some very dangerous mission. Right now, the situation at the front lines is very good and the Federation is certain to obtain a huge victory. Rest a.s.sured."

Milan continued hugging Tian Xing Jian"s neck as she placed her chin on his shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Then… when will you come back? I"m leaving on the day after the next!"

Tian Xing Jian sniffed in the scent of Milan"s maidenhood and her fragrance before lightly saying, "Very soon. Before you leave, I"ll certainly be back to send you off."

Milan"s voice became really bashful, "Then I"ll wait for you. I"ve booked a dinner over at Si Mai Restaurant, and there"s…" Before finis.h.i.+ng her words, Milan was so shy that she did not dare to look at his face. Pus.h.i.+ng him away, she ran out.

Fatty"s brain became sluggish. What meaning was that? What is so embarra.s.sing about eating a meal? And why does this woman run away when she cries and runs away when she was shy too?

The Battle Mecha was sent over to Jialipalan"s north-western military airport. When Tian Xing Jian rushed over to the airport by car, a medium-sized transport s.h.i.+p was waiting for him over there. Below the transport s.h.i.+p, several warrior-cla.s.s leader mechas were waiting to board the plane.

Seeing Tian Xing Jian arriving, a lieutenant colonel came up to shake his hand: "This is First Lieutenant Tian, right? I"m Lieutenant Colonel Johan, the person in charge of the execution of this plan and also someone from the Federation Military Intelligence Department."

Tian Xing Jian looked around him for a while. "Major An didn"t come?"

As if he was used to seeing An Lei"s beauty mesmerizing others, Lieutenant Colonel Johan laughed, "This matter isn"t under her responsibility. Right now, there are other more important tasks for her to handle."

Fatty let out an "Oh" in disappointment before hearing the mission briefing given by Johan.

"I"m sure you already know of the target for this mission. The Military Intelligence Department found out through some secret channels that this person is possibly located over at the Lower Ridge Forest. We can further verify this point from the movements of the Myth Legion. What we have to do is to arrive there before the Myth Legion takes him away. After all, the current battle situation is very advantageous to our side, and thus, the speed of the Myth Legion was estimated to be slower. If the target can"t be saved, then the minimum target objective is to kill him. As long as we spot our target, we must absolutely not let him be brought back alive by the Gyaca Woods Empire!" Lieutenant Colonel Johan was clearly a strict and efficient person. His words were succinct and quick and contained a heavy accent from the Bermuda Starfield.

Fatty nodded before clarifying, "Then which division are the brothers coming along with us on this mission from?"

Johan pa.s.sed him a map as he kept the folder that had been blown messy by the wind and rushed towards the transport s.h.i.+p, all the while pouring out, "See that? The Fierce Tiger Commando is a full battalion that just came over from the capital. They are the most outstanding special forces in the entire Federation!"

Fatty did not comment. "No one else?"

Johan pointed to the map and said, "If all of you can reach here, then one of the special scout regiments of the Aviation Squadron 16th Division will receive you all!"

Fatty was flabbergasted: "Isn"t the 16th Division at the front lines? I"ve heard the special scouts regiment have been pulled over as well."

Johan laughed, "They have been pulled back long ago. The moment the Gyaca Woods" offense loses its energy, the 16th Division Special Scouts Regiment was given the orders to immediately retreat and begin their piercing attack with the defense troops on the 3rd Public Road."

Hearing that, Tian Xing Jian cursed in his heart, "This group of old men, they actually schemed for me to come over. The Special Scouts Regiment has already been redeployed there before they had even hypocritically given me this mission!"

After confirming the location where their target was, the airdrop location, their evacuation route, and the various communication signals with Johan, Fatty finally drove that seemingly broken-looking Battle Mecha up the transport s.h.i.+p.

The transport s.h.i.+p"s anti-gravity system started under enormous sounds of rumble as the transport s.h.i.+p slowly left the ground upwards. This was one of the greatest weaknesses of this sort of anti-gravity system flying s.h.i.+p, as its lifting speed was truly slow.

The Fierce Tiger Commando was one of the most elite special forces in the Federation. Regardless of which commando force had completed over a hundred merits, they would be termed as a Fierce Tiger Commando team, and on the soldiers of the Fierce Tiger Commando team, there would be a "fierce tiger that was descending the hill" sewn on it. This team could be considered very outstanding amongst the Federation special forces, and currently, only the Aviation Squadron 1st Armored Division and the Ground-Based Army 3rd Armored Division with a brigade within had a Fierce Tiger Commando force established.

This time, it was the Fierce Tiger Commandos from the Aviation Squadron 1st Armored Division that came with Tian Xing Jian on this mission. Their commander was someone called Stewart, a lieutenant colonel battalion commander. He was quite tall and muscular, and with fatty as someone who was not short standing beside him, Fatty was akin to a sick chicken. Fatty had always suspected how the [Dufuai] human model private Battle Mecha that had huge signs of being modified could fit such a big monster inside its small, little cabin!

d.a.m.n, why are all the Federation"s important officers, especially those of the battalion and regiment commanders, some ugly monsters?

Fatty was currently silently criticizing, yet he had been patted by the huge palm of Stewart on his shoulder, causing him to almost faint over and die before hearing that thunder-like voice roaring by his ears, "First Lieutenant, don"t be afraid. With us, the Fierce Tigers, nothing will happen. Seeing your figure, I"m sure that you haven"t really been on the battlefield, right? The staff officers" bodies are all weak, and to tell you the truth, you should cut down on your fat."

Seeing Tian Xing Jian gritting his teeth, the soldiers sitting by the side all laughed out loud. In their eyes, how could this fair and clamoring fatty who drove a Battle Mecha that was about to break apart bring a group of Fierce Tiger Commandos to execute the mission? That was just a complete joke!

Fatty did not retort, though in his heart, he had said to himself, "Continue laughing, you rookies who haven"t seen reality. Don"t p.i.s.s your pants when you go on the battlefield!"

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