Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 83

Thinking about this point, Tian Xing Jian felt like beating himself to being half-dead.

He was still harboring thoughts over the Battle Mecha combination techniques" mnemonics which he learned in the training camp and was also becoming joyous over the fact that he was learning another style of Battle Mecha controlling techniques.

Who would have thought that the true experts would not require any combination instructions!?

Any Battle Mecha combination instructions were dead! [1]

During a long-range attack, these combinations might save some time since the total amount of time required to complete a command for a shot was much less than that required for close combat.

And authentic Battle Mecha wrestling would see every single movement command being fully utilized, with most combinations made during an appropriate time to suit one"s own combat techniques, and also adapting it according to the opponent"s control—it was definitely not a set of dead combinations.

As long as one was familiar with the structure of the opponent"s Battle Mecha, one would understand where their weaknesses were.

Not only could the philosophy behind ancient China martial arts be applied here, but in reality, any sort of combat style could be applied.

His own bare-handed fighting techniques—one move to dismantle and seize the enemy—could also be used!

Other Battle Mecha pilots might not understand the differences between a Battle Mecha wrestle and a human wrestle, but one would have to be familiar with all sorts of Battle Mecha structures in order to excel in a Battle Mecha wrestle, and was he someone who did not understand this?

Other Battle Mecha pilots might not be able to attain the state of operating their mecha without the usage of combination instructions, but he had originally started training his hand speed using the fundamental commands, and using these fundamental commands to create new Battle Mecha movements was a very easy task for him!

A flash of realization had enlightened him, and Fatty immediately started to change his techniques.

He wanted to use this [King Kong], which he had already fully a.n.a.lyzed its structure, as the first offering!

Who would have known that the moment he changed his techniques, a dangerous situation would arise?

Fatty was almost slaughtered like a pig, causing his forehead to be covered with cold sweat.

After all, he was too used to using combination instructions, and in his brain, the fundamental instruction combinations compared to what was happening in reality was two completely different things.

For a moment, he was barely able to coordinate his hands and legs. Were it not for his fast reactions, he would have already been cut by the ion-blade of [King Kong].

Calming his heart, Tian Xing Jian was not in a rush and started to swim about the [King Kong] as he battled against it.

Slowly, the Battle Mecha movements started synchronizing as it brought forth a fierce imprint of Fatty"s wrestling techniques onto the moves of [Logic].

Wallace became more and more startled and indignant as he fought on.

More than an hour had pa.s.sed, yet this broken-looking Battle Mecha did not know the meaning of fatigue and his movements were different from the start, seemingly as if it was another person operating it—his moves were so despicable that it was unparalleled under the heavens!

The movements of this broken-looking Battle Mecha was just like a female deity dancing, but his appearance felt like a beggar granny who was about to jump off a building.

A pair of mechanical arms, not knowing whether it had been a thumb and middle finger pinching together or an erect middle finger, enchantingly flew up and down around the [King Kong] like a water snake touching and pinching, grabbing the bosom, stealing the peach, feeling the b.u.t.t, as more and more techniques began to appear.

Wallace was angered to the point that his eyes turn red, but this chap"s movement became faster and faster and his ion-blade was unable to catch up with him!

"Hahahaha… Watch this father give you a huge and incomparable middle finger!"

The Federation Battle Mechas could hear the crazed laughter coming from Fatty in the regional communication channel.

The special forces could only see that the two fast moving figures had suddenly stopped and that the broken-looking [Beast]"s middle finger was stuck up the a.s.s of [King Kong].

Kaka, [King Kong] had, within moments, rusted after being drenched by the pouring rain as he futilely struggled before suddenly dropping down onto the ground and splas.h.i.+ng a large area of muddy water.

On the middle finger of the [Beast], there was a component—it was precisely the [King Kong]"s drive sensor.

The Federation special forces looked at each other in dismay. Wasn"t he just being chased by someone, which forced him to run around? Yet, after a while, this fatty had actually won?

This transformation had been too fast! Unless… was that technique of sticking his middle finger up his a.s.s a finisher?

Wallace stuck the energy gun which he brought with him all the time up his mouth before pressing the trigger.

Even in death, he did not truly understand.

When did this jumping ugly witch of a Battle Mecha pry open the armor over at the a.s.s of the [King Kong]?

And what technique did he use to take that drive sensor out from the lower abdomen of the Battle Mecha?

The battle below the mountain ridge had long ended earlier on; all the soldiers of the Myth Legion had died fighting, and even if they wanted to capture one, they could not.

The special forces were silent. Last time, they had heard from Thoriko of the first company boasting during cla.s.s about how this chap had swung a [King Kong] and smashed it until it broke apart, yet most of them did not believe it at all.

d.a.m.n, now they truly believed it! He was so wretched that he could even use a middle finger to resolve the battle in a lewd manner, so what else could he not do?

The most gloomy of them all had been Stewart. That fair fatty"s Battle Mecha controlling techniques was something which he could not reach, and the test he wanted to impart on Fatty would be postponed indefinitely. If he had to ask for a statement from Fatty, then he had to first consider if he felt ashamed for using such despicable means before.

"Bah!" Stewart spat out angrily as he thought, "Even if I get beaten to death, I"ll not anger this chap! This fatty is not human!"

Once Tian Xing Jian brought Russell up the transport s.h.i.+p, the distant fierce cannon fires had already started to become fragmented.

The outcome of Lower Ridge Forest"s battle had fundamentally been decided.

The main force of the Gyaca Woods Imperial Army had been obliterated completely under the attack of the Federation Army, and the remaining few defeated troops were being progressively pursued. These scattered forces would not be able to threaten the overall outcome.

The main forces of the Federation had long started attacking into the depths of the regions occupied by the Empire.

The Imperial Army that was in chaos after being counterattacked by the surrounded cities started surrendering; the Federation Army"s "pulling up of the weeds"-kind of attack developed really quickly as they sang a triumphant hymn throughout the journey.

Once Tian Xing Jian brought Russell back to the front lines forward command department, the Federation air force had already recovered a majority of those cities that were occupied and was now waiting for the ground forces to go and take over those places.

This time, it was not a premature advance, and instead, it was a true recapture. The remnants of the Imperial Army had been forced back into the last two occupied cities. Without any land-based air force or supply, their morale had dropped to rock bottom and their surrender was imminent.

The outcome of the battle in outer s.p.a.ce was relatively dramatic. A fake intelligence report and Russell"s betrayal led to the Empire"s royal family"s decision of having all their outer s.p.a.ce fleets in the Newton Galaxy retreat as they returned to the Galileo Galaxy.

Miracolo No. 2 Planet"s ground troops had long been redeployed elsewhere to the extent that there weren"t enough forces left over there, and at this moment, all of them had retreated.

Gyaca Woods Empire had truly spent too much during this war that spanned more than a year. Many issues started appearing within the economy of their nation, and Russell"s betrayal helped the Empire"s royal family make the decision of giving up Newton Galaxy.

The 1st United Fleet won the battle with a casualty rate of 60%. The four enemy fleets that a.s.sembled to form a mixed fleet had been destroyed, with more than 95% of their battles.h.i.+ps being obliterated.

The 2nd United Fleet and Newton Regional Fleet did not have any losses. They were merely taking upon the att.i.tude of sending off their guests with the six mothers.h.i.+ps of the Empire, sending them out of Newton Galaxy before firmly occupying the warp point exit towards the Galileo Galaxy.

Thereafter, the President issued a nationwide broadcast, announcing Russell"s choice of renouncing the dark and seeking the light. This single piece of news made the entire nation boil with pa.s.sion as the Federation citizens went onto the streets to celebrate. During the year, the Leray Federation had very few chances of raising eyebrows and blowing off their steam, but now, this victory at the Miracolo region had announced the start of a transformation in the outcome of the war!

[1] They could not be changed; not dynamic

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