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Chapter 15

"Kat wait a minute!" Trever walked behind her in her wheelchair .

"I"ve thought about it . I will see her face to face until she answers to the truth" Kat looked forward ahead . Not taking her eyes off the ship ahead of her .

Trever swallowed a little as he looked up at the ship .

Kat went to a stop when she saw a pirate woman .

"Heya! Name Brig-" Brigita was about to say when two guards put swords to her face . "Dang! And here I was returning you your sister!"

Kat shook her head . "She"s fine"

The two guards pulled the swords away .

"Well thanks . . . umm" Brigita looked at Kat"s wheelchair . "What happen?"

"Do you have my sister or not?" Kat growled .

Brigita groaned . "No one ever want"s to answer me . . " She turned to the ship . "Let them down!"

Kat"s eyes widen when she saw not only Anna but Libria . "L . . "

"So . . " Brigita turned back to Kat . "We got a deal?" She smiled .

Kat waved to one of the guards .

The guard handed Brigita a coin bag .

"Wait! That"s all?" Brigita groaned .

Another guard handed her two coin bags .

"Okay now we talkin!" Brigita smiled big . "Yep they all yours!"

Libria and Anna both walked towards Kat .

"Kat" Libria nodded to her .

Anna didn"t look her in her face .

"Guards" Kat looked at two of the guards . "Take this one away . Put her in one of the worst cells we got"

The two guards nodded . They walked to Anna .

"Wait! Little sis!" Anna tried to pull away from the guards . "You know you can"t do this!"

The guards dragged her away .
"So what happen?" Kat asked Libria .

Libria was thinking . "I think when we fought Anna, she must have put a transportation spell on herself . Since I went to fight her she made us disappear . "

"Oh alright . " Kat looked at the ship .

"Am I still welcomed here?" Libria asked .

Kat nodded . "As long as you are my second in command again"

"You mean your my second in command?" Libria laughed .

Kat smiled . "Sure" She looked at Trever . "This is my husband . "

"Oh the . Neat" Libria smiled as Trever grew red .

Kat turned back towards the castle .

Libria walked beside her . "What happen to you?"
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"It"s a long story" Kat laughed .

Brigita stood on the ship as she watched them . She held a piece of paper in her hand .

"Captain we are all set!" A man approached her .

Brigita nodded . "Good . " She looked at the piece of paper . "See you again . . . mother . . "

The piece of paper showed Anna"s face . She was smiling as she held a baby in her arms .

*Castle Cell*

"How many jugs of p.i.s.s on the wall? How many jugs of p.i.s.s on the wall?" A man sung two cells down from Anna"s .

Anna sat on her bed, staring out the window .

"Looks like you have a visitor" A guard said as he opened the cell door .

Anna looked to the door .

Libria walked in with some books .

"I"m surprise to see you here" Anna laughed .

Libria sat in the chair across from her . "So am I . " She set the books on the table .

Anna laughed as she went back to look out the window . "How long are you going to keep me here?"

"As long as it takes for you to learn your wrong doing . " Libria picked up a book .

"And how long has it been?" Anna looked at her .

"Two months" Libria opened the book .

Anna looked at the book . "So I"m guessing the council is not showing up?"

"There"s a new council" Libria turned the pages .

"Wait . What do you mean? The council before served our family for years!" Anna growled .

"And now they don"t . They followed you without saying anything . They didn"t even try to defend their selves for doing the G.o.d awful acts . " Libria kept turning the pages .

"So what now?" Anna asked .

"Kat and I will be finding a new council . One that will not do wrongful things . " Libria stopped at a page .

"So it won"t be anytime soon?" Anna chuckled .

"No . . " Libria looked at her . "And so I"m here to help you . . "

"Help me?" Anna laughed . "Even-"

Libria slapped her . "You speak another word I promise that I will feed you to the poor"

Anna rubbed her cheek . "And here I thought I was evil"

"Now . Lets begin" Libria started to read .

*WolfHound(Healer"s Chamber)*

Kat laid on a bed . Her right leg banged at the knee . The rest of her leg gone .

"I"m so sorry . . " Trever stood beside her . He kissed her hand as he held it .

Healer Sansa walked in . "My lord . " She bowed .

"Anything?" Trever looked at her .

She smiled . "I can"t say if it"s gotten better or not . When we cut it, everything was fine . But after last weeks stunt I think I have to say it"s very hard say if she can-"

"Don"t you dare say another word!" Tears running down his face .

She bowed . "I"m sorry my lord . "

"My lord" A guard walked in . "Libria has asked for you in the throne room"

Trever wiped his eyes . "Tell her I will be there at once . "

The guard nodded before heading out .

He turned to Kat . "I love you . " He kissed her before leaving .

Sansa looked at Kat . "I"m sorry m"lady . "


"I"m just saying . If I was king . I would make all the ladies kiss me" Ben smiled as he walked across a long stick .

Logan jumps on the stick . "Well if I was king I would make everyone wipe my a.s.s!"

Ben laughed . "You said a.s.s"

Logan laughed but interrupted by some clapping .

"Look at this Meg . A couple of boys" Isabella smiled .

Meg looked at both boys . "Why do they look so ugly?"

"Because Meg . They don"t wash themselves"

"I do too wash!" Ben growled .

"Don"t Ben . You"ll only eager the b.i.t.c.hes longer" Logan snickered .

"It"s p.r.o.nounced "witches" you rat!" Isabella growled .

"What did you call me?" Logan went up to her .

Ben did the same to Meg .

They all stared at one another .

"Hey! Would you four shut it!"

They all looked around .

"Oh G.o.d! Logan I think your castle is haunted!" Ben went behind him .

"No . You cow . It"s coming from up there" Meg pointed to the trees . "It"s only Prince Connor . "

Connor laid between two trees in a hammock . "Like I said . Quiet!" He yelled as he had his arms behind his back .

"G.o.d are all the boys in our family goblins?" Isabella crossed her arms as she laughed .

Meg laughed with her .

Connor jumped down . "What was that?" He walked up to her . He was much taller, as he was a teen . "I didn"t quite catch that . " He put his hand to his ear .

"I said-" Isabella goes to say when Connor covers her mouth .

"Sorry I just remembered I don"t care . . " He smiled .

She bit his hand .

"Ouch!" He shook his hand .

"Hey! You can"t bite him! He"s older than us!" Logan looked at her .

"Anyway"s why weren"t you there for mother?" Isabella shot Connor a look .

"Oh that . . " He put his hands in his pocket . "Two reasons . One I wasn"t informed and two it"s none of your business" He flicked her forehead . "Now if you excuse me I"ll like to go back to sleeping" He goes to the tree .

Isabella rubs her head . "Lets go Meg . I just remembered that I got a new doll house" She pulled on Meg"s arm as she walked back into the castle .

"That"s right! Run away!" Ben shouted at them as he laughed .

A rock flies at him .

"Hey!" Ben growls . He looks at Logan . "Can you believe them?"

Logan looks at Connor .

"h.e.l.lo? Earth to Logan?" Ben waves his hand in front of Logan .

"Huh? What?" Logan looks at him .

"Dude! Why you staring at him?" Ben crosses his arms .

"It"s just that were I come from that he . . . " Logan looks up at Connor . " . . he"s a legend . . "

"Why?" Ben asks confused .

Logan smiles big . "People say that he f.u.c.ked 12 different girls in one night!"

"Okay?" Ben shakes his head .

"Okay? Okay! Ben you are looking at the most brilliant guy! He can teach us all he knows about girls!" Logan smiles big .

"I don"t know . . " Ben scratches his head .

"Oh come on!" Logan pulls him towards the tree .

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