Cultivation Online

Chapter 408 - Preparing For The Future

Chapter 408 - Preparing For The Future

"I"m sorry for keeping this a secret until now, but I didn"t want you to see me as someone crazy… And I was worried that all of this cultivation thing might only be inside my head— an illusion I made for myself." Yuan sighed.


After a moment of dead silence, Yu Rou asked him, "Brother, you"re not crazy. How long have you been cultivating for?"

"It"s been a while since I started so I cannot really remember, but I started cultivating even before I got kicked out of the Yu Family."

"How does it feel to become a Cultivator? Is it any different from Cultivation Online? And how long did it take you to succeed?" Yu Rou continued to ask him questions.

"Well… It definitely took me some time to become a Cultivator. When I first tried, I would feel pain all over my body, almost like I am being stabbed by needles. Eventually, I managed to breakthrough and become a Cultivator. As for how it feels… I can"t really tell you since my body is in this state. However, I do feel very energetic, and having a breakthrough is very similar to what it would feel like inside Cultivation Online."

"That"s it! I have made a decision! I am going to become a Cultivator in this world as well!" Yu Rou suddenly declared.

And she continued, "Can you imagine doing things in the real world that you could only do in Cultivation Online before? Like using martial techniques and having super strength? This is so exciting!"

However, Yuan said, "As exciting as it may seem, I am also very worried about the future. If everyone becomes a Cultivator, what"s going to happen to our world? It might get chaotic."

"I don"t think you have to worry too much, brother. Even if we can cultivate, I highly doubt we"ll be able to do anything too crazy like flying and destroying mountains with a single fist. Although our world will definitely change, it probably won"t be too drastic." Yu Rou said.

"I hope you"re right…" Yuan said.

"By the way, what cultivation level are you right now, brother?" Yu Rou suddenly asked him.

"I honestly don"t know, but if we use Cultivation Online for reference, I think I am a sixth-level Spirit Warrior," he said.

"S-Sixth level Spirit Warrior?!?!" Yu Rou exclaimed.

How is it possible that Yuan"s cultivation in the real world is so high? He even the majority of players in Cultivation Online, much less the real world!

While most players are just entering the Spirit Warrior realm inside the game, Yuan was already a Spirit Warrior in the real world.

"A-Anyways, I will call you guys later. I have to prepare for school now. In fact, I am already running a little late because of the news. Bye!"

"Goodbye, Yu Rou."

After Yu Rou hung up, Meixiu suddenly spoke, "Yuan, is that why your body has been growing stronger and stronger despite not working out? Your body is unnaturally fit for someone who lies in bed all day."

"I think so," he said.


After a moment of silence, Meixiu asked, "If you continue to cultivate… do you think it could possibly help you move again?"

A smile appeared on Yuan"s face after hearing her words, and he said, "I think so."

As much as he wanted to tell her that he was already recovering, he wanted to make sure that he could at least lift himself off the bed before he said anything, and at the rate he was recovering, he would probably need at least a couple more months before he could tell her about his recovery.

"What about you, Meixiu? Are you going to become a Cultivator too?"

"I don"t know yet…" she mumbled.

"I think you should become a Cultivator, Meixiu." Yuan suddenly said.

And he continued, "Now that the entire world knows about cultivation in the real world, there will be many Cultivators in the near future, and when that happens, things might get chaotic. If I don"t recover by then, I want you to be able to protect yourself at the very least."

"One thing I learned about Cultivators in Cultivation Online is that they can be unreasonable people."

Whether it"s Cultivation Online or the real world, there will always be people who abuse their powers and use them to bully others.

After a moment of silence, Meixiu nodded her head and said, "I understand. I will become a Cultivator."

"Great! Once I am finished with the Dragon Temple, we can go look for a cultivation technique for you together! Of course, if you want, you can ask Feng Feng or Xiao Hua to see if they can help you find a cultivation technique since I still have 6 more days inside the Dragon Temple."

"It"s okay. I will wait for you." Meixiu said.

Sometime later, after eating breakfast, Yuan returned to Cultivation Online whilst Meixiu went to research more about Cultivators online.

And as she"d expected, the world quickly learned that one could cultivate in the real world using cultivation techniques found inside Cultivation Online, and by the end of the day, nearly everybody in the world had heard about it.

Of course, there were countless questions that appeared because of this situation, such as how it was possible to use cultivation techniques from a video game and if cultivating in the real world was actually safe. However, no matter how suspicious people are or whether they believed it or not, it didn"t stop people from trying to become Cultivators.

And as a result of this discovery, the playerbase for Cultivation Online skyrocketed, and powers around the world began preparing for the future— a future where Cultivators may rule the world.

By the end of the day, millions of people tried to cultivate with countless failures. With that being said, there were also plenty of people that had succeeded in their cultivation, and about one in every ten thousand people would become a Cultivator on their first day!

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