Cultivation Online

Chapter 751 - Demon Sealing Aura

Chapter 751 - Demon Sealing Aura

After being transported to the Demon Sealing Clan"s Grand Library, Yuan looked around with a look of awe on his face.

Despite the place being t.i.tled a "library", the atmosphere and scenery looked nothing like a library.

The floor was made out of clouds, and the sky was pure golden, giving the place a heavenly and divine atmosphere, almost as though the place was created for celestial beings.

There was a ma.s.sive building a few hundred meters away from him, and it gave off an exquisite feeling, just like an emperor"s royal residence.

It was also quite populated in this place with numerous people of all ages walking in and out of the building, and most of them were wearing similar outfits.

However, when Yuan tried to look at their cultivation, he was shocked to realize that he was unable to see the majority of their cultivation.

These people were clearly cultivators, but if he couldn"t see their cultivation, it simply meant that they were all at a level that far exceeded Yuan"s own cultivation, hence why he could not see them.

"Although these cultivators are probably not at Miss Xu or Senior Bai"s level, they are definitely some of the most powerful cultivators that I have encountered yet." Yuan thought to himself.

Once he had enough of the scenery, Yuan began approaching the building in the distance.

However, he was stopped at the entrance by a middle-aged man.

"Hey, you, stop right there."

Yuan halted his movements and turned to look at the man.

"I don"t sense a badge on you. How"d you get in here?" The man asked him.

"Uh… Senior Bai sent me here." Yuan quickly responded.

"Senior Bai?" The man appeared to be surprised by his response.

"Well, even if Senior Bai sent you here, I cannot allow you to enter the building without a badge." The man said after a moment of silence.

And he continued, "However, you can receive a badge by proving that you are a.s.sociated with the Demon Sealing Clan."

"How do I prove myself?" Yuan asked.

"You must prove to me that you know at least one demon sealing technique," he said.


Yuan summoned his Empyrean Overlord and proceeded to execute the Demon Sealing Strike on the spot.

The man"s jaw dropped wide open afterward, and he cried inwardly, "He not only has a Soul Weapon, but I have never seen someone execute the Demon Sealing Strike and emit such a powerful demon sealing aura before!"

While Yuan isn"t aware, all demon sealing strikes emit this unique aura, and it is exactly this aura that demons are weak against. If a demon is struck by this demon sealing aura, they will become sealed.

With that being said, the demon sealing aura must be strong enough to actually seal the demon. If the aura isn"t strong enough, it would only annoy the demon at most without sealing them.

As for Yuan"s demon sealing aura, it was so powerful that it attracted the people in the surrounding area, and they became even more interested in him after seeing his low cultivation base.

"How was that? Do I get a badge now?" Yuan asked the man.

"S-Sure…" The man nodded his head with a dumbfounded look on his face. Only an idiot would refuse to give a badge to someone that"s br.i.m.m.i.n.g with talent as a demon sealer.

The man then handed Yuan a black and gold badge that had the words "Demon Sealing" flawlessly engraved on it.

"Make sure you bring this the next time you come here." The man said to him.

"I understand. Thank you."

Once he had the badge, Yuan proceeded to make his way into the building.

However, shortly after entering the building, he was stopped again, and it was by a handsome tall young man this time.

"Hey, junior brother, what"s your name?" The man asked him.

"Me? Yuan."

"My name"s Wan Yu, and I just had to approach you after seeing your display just now. I almost couldn"t believe my eyes when I saw your cultivation. You really impressed me. If you"re new here, why don"t I show you around?"

Yuan looked at this handsome man with a suspicious gaze.

Wan Yu laughed and said, "Don"t worry, I am n.o.body suspicious. Here, look at this."

He showed Yuan a badge and continued, "I am an official lecturer in this place, and it is my job to guide promising demon sealers such as yourself, hence why I approached you."

Seeing the badge, Yuan decided to trust him for now.

"Okay. Thank you." Yuan nodded.

"Before we start, I must ask you. How long have you been with the Demon Sealing Clan?"


Yuan began pondering for an appropriate answer.

Despite knowing the Demon Sealing Strike, he isn"t officially part of the Demon Sealing Clan.

"I"m quite new, I guess…" He eventually said.

"I see, so you"re newer than I thought. Of course, that is perfectly fine." Wan Yu said.

And he continued, "How about your knowledge regarding the Demon Sealing Clan?"

"Not much, to be honest."

Yuan didn"t want to lie about this since he saw this as a chance to learn more about the Demon Sealing Clan.

"I understand, then I will guide you as though you just entered the clan."

"Let"s start with… Why did you come to the Grand Library today? Did you come to learn demon sealing techniques, or are you here to practice with demons?" Wan Yu asked him.

"E-Excuse me? Practice with demons?" Yuan thought he misheard and asked.

"You didn"t know? You can practice fighting against demons here. Of course, they are not real demons but artificial demons, but they have the same abilities and weaknesses as demons, so you will have to seal them in order to defeat them. Do you want to try fighting an artificial demon?" Wan Yu said to him.

"I do!" Yuan immediately replied.

This was a great chance for him to practice fighting against demons before the demons in his world break out of their seals.

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