A crow was standing on one of the castle"s open windows. It looked at the scenery inside the castle with its crooked head, then suddenly, a soft piano voice started echoing from inside of the castle.

With the soothing piano sound, even the eerie hue of the castle"s interior light has softened.

The forest around the castle also seems to have been affected by the sound of the piano. The evil spirits dwelling in the darkness of the forest have stopped their uproars. Some of them looked up in confusion and continued listening to the music which seemed to calm their inner resentment, it was soft and warm, which made people want to fall asleep.

The crow at the window jumped few times and spread its wings to leave the place, but it was completely affected by the sunshine like warm music tone, it closed its eyes and choose to rest on the window ledge for a short period of time.

"A nice Lullaby."

Qiao Xiu sat down on the floor of the dining room where he had just a moment ago eaten his meals. He was enjoying the slow-paced version of Canon which Skeleton Duke was playing.

The skeleton Duke"s devotion to music doesn"t seem to be less than his devotion to undead magic. After Qiao Xiu wrote the score of Canon to him, he could express hundreds of different kinds of feelings in his performance.

This was a slow-paced version used for sleeping, it seems that Skeleton Duke still remembered Qiao Xiu was a creature that requires sleep.

There was a furry carpet on the floor, it was soft enough that it could be used as a bed.

In fact, Miss Ciri, the female magician, has already considered the carpet as a bed, she leaned on a golden embroidered pillow and fell asleep near the fireplace.

The experience of the past few days has made Ciri very exhausted. The encounters in the demon world could be said to be absolutely thrilling and stimulating. Even though Ciri knows that she couldn"t show herself unguarded in front of the demons, but driven by fatigue, perhaps she relaxed her vigilance against Qiao Xiu and slept on a pillow.

No…. She didn"t relax her guard against Qiao Xiu at all. Qiao Xiu looked at the magic wand that was firmly held in the hands of Ciri, she would wake up as soon as the wind blows or the gra.s.s moves.

The female magician"s long gray hair scattered down to her shoulder, the light from the fire made her cheeks look little rosy.

She looks good when she is quiet.

Qiao Xiu always felt that Ciri has a unique temperament, the specific, Qiao Xiu was unable to describe it. Wildness? That doesn"t seem appropriate. To use a relatively more uncivilized description, little fierce.

If Ciri like a girl was put on the planet earth, it was guessed she would be the type who would never put makeup and even if she has a boyfriend she would never act spoiled, but Qiao Xiu thinks that like this girl deserves to be spoiled the most.

Ciri fell asleep, but Qiao Xiu was not sleepy at all.

Programmers were the creatures that don"t need sleep when they were coding, and working overtime was almost a routine.

Qiao Xiu"s work was not that hard, but he would often forget about sleep when he coded…. As for the reason behind this, Qiao Xiu could only say that coding was interesting.

"Zenas, don"t you require sleep?"

Qiao Xiu"s fingers kept knocking in the mid-air, trying to convert the inscription into his familiar programming language.

The fact that Qiao Xiu could see these inscriptions doesn"t mean that he could use these inscriptions. At present, Qiao Xiu could understand only half of them, the rest were still under study.

However half was enough for Qiao Xiu to type a few little things that could run without a system.

With the other hand, Qiao Xiu picked up a gla.s.s of red wine placed on the floor. This working state finally let Qiao Xiu feel of being on earth.  Of course, there would not be any large human-shaped lion standing behind Qiao Xiu, who was nearly two meters tall.

"Your Highness" As Qiao Xiu was sitting on the floor, Zenas half knelt down and hesitated for a moment, as if he didn"t know how to speak the next matter.

"Just tell me what you want to say. I won"t be offended."

Qiao Xiu saw that this sin demon had something on his mind.

His heart was far more delicate than this outer appearance.

"I have no objection to your friendship with humans, but if you want to take a human as a spouse, then His Majesty would never agree you marrying to a human being. "

Zenas said and glanced at Ciri who was sleeping near the fireplace.

"Cough, cough…"

Zenas" sentence made Qiao Xiu choke on his red wine.

The Chaos demon bloodlines were extremely rare in the demon world and coupled with their short life span and low reproductive rates, the Chaos demon family was prohibited from intermarrying with other ethnic groups of the demonic world.

Even with n.o.bel"s of demon world they were not allowed, let alone a human being.

"I still have three other siblings, and my father probably won"t depend on me even if he wants to continue descendants, furthermore… I already have someone I like."

In one hand of Qiao Xiu there a wine cup and with the other hand he was gently hitting in the mid-air. Those inscriptions Qiao Xiu had written was pulled to a side, following Qiao Xius hand grasp, the inscription immediately condensed as a whole and immediately turned into a window.

This kind of feeling made Qiao Xiu remember the scene when Tony Stark was controlling Jarvis in Iron Man.

"Let"s not talk about it. Zenas, do you have any belief?"

Qiao Xiu took out a wooden statue, the same one which Ciri used to preach him. Qiao Xiu"s fingers were stained with red wine, and wrote the magic inscription on the floor with the liquid stains, creating a magic array.

"Our demon race believes in the fire sin karma, which represents the fire of sin and punishment. The more sins an enemy commits, the more pain they would suffer."

From Zenas" magma like skin, faint sparks erupted.

Since Qiao Xiu intended to close the conversation, Zenas was afraid to ask, "who is that someone you like?", he could only focus on the magic array Qiao Xiu created.

"Then Zenas, would you mind if I ask you to learn another magic?"

The magic used by the demons were not as well organized as that of human beings. The demons were more focused on powerful might and excessive firepower, if they have the ability to fire Bazooka then they firmly would refuse to use small pistols.

This resulted in demons magic not relying on the inscription to build one spell after another, they would just simply release their magic power enough, it was simple but crude.

"If it is your highness" order…"

Zenas said.

"Then put your hand on this statue."

Qiao Xiu, the demon leader could believe in G.o.d, then Zenas obviously has no problem. A weak white light poured inside Zenas" body, this externally fierce looking demon was successful in transferring to a white magician representing order.

"How many such symbols are there in front of you?"

Qiao Xiu showed Zenas one of the simplest inscriptions.


It seems that this fierce sin demon has no magical attainment, and was powerful enough to abandon the so-called knowledge.

"Can you see this thing in my hand?"

Qiao Xiu spread out his five fingers, and Zenas saw a white cube rotating in Qiao Xiu"s hand.

Zenas nodded to show that he could see.

"Then catch it."

With a flick of his hand, Qiao Xiu threw the cube at Zenas, which easily entered in the body of Zenas.

Qiao Xiu was extremely surprised by this result. It seems that even if the understanding of inscription was less, he could still accept the inscription program which Qiao Xiu wrote.

After all, when users were using a program they don"t learn to program first, do they?

So it seems that the G.o.d of this world has defined the inscription in this way.

In the Zenas" field of view, suddenly a white square object popped up.

"Your Highness… What is this?" Zenas rubbed his eyes and found that the object was still floating in front of his vision.

"Well, A chat window. As for its function."

Qiao Xiu"s finger was striking in the empty air.

"Are you ready for the day after tomorrow"s performance?"

A line of the word"s suddenly appeared on the window in front of Zenas, which made him fell into a stupor, then he looked at Qiao Xiu.

"Eh…. you seem to be unable to reply me just with an inscription. so, do I really need to make an input method? "

Qiao Xiu found that there was still a long way from achieving internet interaction, though Qiao Xiu now could use a local area network.

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