Publishedat 29th of April 2020 06:13:15 PM
Chapter 25

The filming of the village storyline went smoothly, except when Joshua played as Gaston, he faced a little trouble when he confessed to Belle .

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With Ino’s character, no matter what Joshua asked, she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, but the reality was reality and acting was acting .

It took Joshua a long time to convince Ino before the succubus could successfully turn down his confession .

This was the only part of the whole shooting which was NG for several times, the other parts shooting were finished smoothly with one-take .

The next plot was the real part of the “Beauty and the Beast”

The target has already left the village and was expected to reach the location of the portal in an hour . Zenas made good preparation not to let the target find any traces of the portal .

Joshua sent a message to Zenas through the chat window he made . At the moment, Marina, Belle’s mother had already taken the carriage, bid goodbye to Belle, and prepared to travel dozens of miles away from the small village and head towards Nolan, the magical Capital .

The window popped up with the only inscription Zenas had, telling Joshua that he had received the message .

Joshua clenched the left hand containing imprint and began to concentrate on controlling the action of the Banshee . This imprint not only controls the undead but also lets Joshua share their senses .

Qiao Xiu only shared the vision of banshee, the viewpoint of 12 banshees’ was enough to make the patient lie in bed for 10-15 days with 3d vertigo . Fortunately, Joshua didn’t have this kind of illness .

From the vision of banshee, Joshua caught the sight of a carriage moving through the snow-covered forest .

…………………………………………… .

Marina draped the cloak on her body . This year’s snow season came very early, by the time she left the house there was already light snow falling from the sky .

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This was not a good sign . If the snow increases, then the road from the small village to Nolan could get blocked .

To let Belle live in the new home early, Marina must hurry towards Nolan .

Her eager mentality made her keep urging her servant and the old horse .

The snow on the road gradually began to pile up . Suddenly, Marina felt a kind of palpitation .

She slightly pulled down her hood and looked around .

The forest was still forest and the snow was still now, however, Marina always felt that the surrounding atmosphere has become somewhat queer .

Extremely… . quiet . Although Marina was old, her mind was not dull at all .

The forest abruptly became too quiet . A few moments ago, she could still hear unknown birds chirping, but now it seems as if all the activity of animals in the forest have disappeared .

The snowflakes falling from the sky have increased and were becoming denser, soon a snowstorm arrived .

A castle? As Marina was wondering where to hide in this snowstorm, an ancient and stately castle appeared in front of her eyes .

It was not the first time she traveled on this road towards Nolan, but she doesn’t remember ever seeing such a stately castle .

Could it be that some great Magician has built it?

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The heavy snowfall didn’t give Marina much time to think, she told her servant to head towards the castle, hoping that the master of the castle would be kind enough to let her stay for the night .

The carriage entered into the slightly gloomy castle garden, Marina got out of the carriage and motioned her servant to take the carriage to the castle’s stable .

She tidied up her clothes and set foot on the steps to the door of the castle .

Marina hadn’t even knocked, the door of the castle opened slowly .

“Thank you… . ” Marina walked inside the door thinking that one of the attendants of the castle had discovered her, but when she looked behind the door, she found there was no one .

This surprised Marina somewhat, but she was a merchant who has seen the world . The magicians were known to possess all kinds of strange abilities, therefore she just closed the door politely .

“Is anyone there? ”

Marina asked in a loud voice, her voice echoed through inside the empty castle, the atmosphere and the light inside the castle seemed a bit dim .

“Anyone? Sorry to intrude… I’m just a traveler seeking shelter from the storm . ”

Marina shouted again, but still, no one answered her .

However in the dark numerous pairs of eyes were staring at the uninvited human, including the two ghosts .

“The duke actually allowed a human to enter his territory . If it was before this human would have been eaten by my relative as early as when she entered into the dark forest… . ”

“Shut up, Valor . The duke has formed an alliance with the His highness prince . His highness prince’s command is Duke’s will . His highness prince has specially asked us to partic.i.p.ate in… what was that?”

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“Movie, Foch” another ghostly voice reminded him .

“Yes, it is already a great honor to be in the movie . Don’t complain anymore . Have you memorized your lines? The banshees are coming . What was the first line?”

The candlestick on the table opened its eyes and tapped the alarm clock beside him, and then said in a low voice .

“She must have lost her way in the woods . ”

“Shut up, you idiot!”

The murmurs in the dark instantly attracted Marina’s attention . She looked at the place where the sound came from but saw no one except for a candlestick and an alarm clock on the table .

“Excuse me, is there someone?” marina slowly walked towards the table and her eyes were quickly attracted towards the exquisite candlesticks and alarm clock . She picked up the candlestick and looked at it .

As a merchant, she immediately saw the value of these two things at first sight, but she didn’t dare to have any thought of stealing, this place was really weird .

She put down the gold plated candlestick and looked around her . Shortly, she found the only place in the dark hall where there was light .

“I am just going to warm myself by the fire . ”

Marina said loudly, hoping someone could hear her . She quickly walked towards the fireplace, the warmth of the fireplace quickly dispelled the cold brought by the storm .

Immediately following, Marina heard the sounds of plates and spoons coming from beside the room . She followed the sound and walked towards the room, and found that dinner was already arranged on the table .

It was as if it was deliberately prepared for her .

“Thank you very much…” Marina looked around, she didn’t know where the people of the castle had gone . Under the force of hunger, she began to enjoy this hard to come by dinner .

However, before she could take a bite, the tea cup[ on the table suddenly moved by itself .

Marina looked at the teacup in amazement and suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a human-like face on the teacup .

“Mum said I wasn’t supposed to move because it might be scary . ”

The teacup said to the marina in a childish voice .

Marina’s mind on the spot shut down for two to three seconds . No wonder there were no living people in the castle because this castle itself was alive . It does not require any living person to take care of .

“Sorry . ”

The teacup said to the marina in a sincere voice .

“No…it’s all right . ”

Marina tried hard to stay calm, but… Is it possible all the living people in this castle have changed to furniture? Is this castle under some kind of curse?

Soon all kinds of scary thoughts filled Marina’s mind, and without any hesitation made the decision to escape from this ghostly place .

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