Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 269 Plague Monarch, Artificial Disaster

Chapter 269 Plague Monarch, Artificial Disaster

Roy felt that this trap devised by Arantir and Astral’s group was very… interesting!

When he saw Arantir’s undead army being driven out of the fortress through the Demon Eyes, Roy had believed it for a time. If they were really just acting then, then Roy had to say that their acting was the best of the best. Precisely because of this, after Arantir left the fortress with his troops, Roy did not pay much attention to him and focused the investigation of the Demon Eyes on the infection process of the T-Virus.

This allowed Arantir to complete the operation of replacing the original with a fake under his nose.

The reason why he said that this was a joint performance put up by Arantir and Astral’s group was that Roy had once fought Arantir and confirmed that Arantir did not know the Phantom Forces spell. If he did, there was no reason why he had not used this spell to fight Roy at that time, so this ‘Phantom Forces’ spell could only be cast by wizard heroes like Astral and the others.

In one of the magic books that Roy plundered, this spell was recorded in detail. But it only had a description of this spell and did not contain the incantation and usage methods. This was because the mage guild and library in Ulambus were not high level and not qualified to keep this high-level spell.

Yes, this Phantom Forces spell was true high-level magic in this world, and it was high-level strategic magic! Because what this spell created was ‘true illusions!

In order to kill the illusion demon César, Roy had transformed his eyes into the Eyes of Nightmare, and the Eyes of Nightmare had the ability to see through illusions. But this time, the Eyes of Nightmare could not see through the illusions of Arantir’s undead troops because these illusions were very rare and had physical illusions! In Roy’s Radiation Perception, the illusions of the undead troops glowed with radiation, which was very confusing

The truth was the same. In the magic book, the description of the Phantom Forces spell pointed this out. These illusions formed from magic had the same attack power as the main body. But after receiving an attack, even the weakest attack would immediately cause them to break and disappear. Such illusions could often play unimaginable roles in battles.

Because the Ashan world was at war all year round, the types of magic and the research conducted in this world often inclined toward this kind of army magic. There was also direct offensive magic, but relatively few…

But Benia, this succubus, was an expert at playing with illusions. With her disclosing the information, it undoubtedly saved Roy a lot of trouble…

The army advanced again, but this time, Roy was at the front. A large shadow was attached to his feet and spread to large areas nearby. As Roy moved, huge trees and rocks kept falling into the Black Hole s.p.a.ce after Roy’s selection. He was plowing a path like a bulldozer!

During this process, the sinking trees naturally alarmed the birds resting on them. The frightened birds flew around blindly in panic under the night sky. From a few at the beginning to tens of them and then thousands of them later on, countless bird cries and rumbling sounds created a resounding cacophony.

This scene was rather shocking in the eyes of everyone behind, especially Benia. It was the first time she had witnessed Roy’s power with her own eyes, and she felt that the power that Roy was displaying was rather strange. “W-what does he want to do?” Benia asked Julia, dumbfounded. “Where did those trees and rocks go?”

Julia vaguely guessed what Roy wanted to do, but she rolled her eyes at Benia, not wanting to explain to her at all. In her eyes, Benia was simply trying to seduce her partner… her own fancy schlock. Julia did not want to bother with her at all.

Like Benia, Giovanni wanted to know where the trees and rocks went, but he knew that no one would explain to him, so he wisely chose not to ask. Instead, he concentrated and estimated how many trees and rocks Roy had taken away along the way.

However, this estimation shocked him more and more. The distance from here to Dendera Fortress was about twenty kilometers, and Roy had collected at least ten thousand tons of trees and rocks every kilometer!

With so many things sunk into the strange shadow ground, it was as though endless objects could be packed in the shadow. Such immense devouring ability was simply horrifying

d.a.m.n it, is it really all right for me to cooperate with such a strange and powerful demon? Giovanni could not help but mutter inwardly.

Roy was uncensored about what the people behind were thinking. It was the first time he was using all his strength to release this Black Hole. He actually wanted to see how strong the devouring ability of Black Hole was, but after experimenting, Roy found that he could not find the bottom line of this ability!

Roy could vaguely sense the existence of all the objects his ability devoured, but no matter how much Roy devoured, he could not fill the deep and dark s.p.a.ce in his perception. At most, Roy’s magic power consumption was gradually increasing over time.

In other words, the storage capacity might be ma.s.sive, but it required more magic power to maintain the storage state of the things inside.

One of Roy’s goals in coming to this world was to find a way to understand some of the power and knowledge of s.p.a.ce magic. But after using his Black Hole, Roy suddenly realized that his own power seemed to be able to open a unique alternate s.p.a.ce!

Although the alternate s.p.a.ce connected to the Black Hole ability was completely empty, Roy might be able to understand more if he could study this alternate s.p.a.ce in depth. As Roy walked along the road, it could be said to be flying sand and stone. Accompanied by the panicked cries of the birds, it looked utterly terrifying in the dark night. How could the alliance army not notice such a huge commotion?

Therefore, after an order, countless magic flares were launched into the sky by the mages and then slowly descended. Under the light of the flares, night faded, allowing the alliance army to see Roy’s movements clearly.

Then everyone was dumbfounded…

They clearly saw a meandering but still straight path that brutally penetrated the entire forest in the distance. It gave off the feeling that there was no end to it, and it was as though a huge wild beast was walking on it. At the front of the path, the trees were constantly collapsing, and the sky was full of frantically flying birds, creating an apocalyptic scene. This scene that was like a big boss appearing caused the soldiers of the alliance army to gulp unconsciously, and their hands holding their weapons were full of slippery, cold sweat…

“It’s c-coming!” “d.a.m.n… d.a.m.n it. What kind of enemy are we facing this time?” The soldiers were whispering to one another. Their tense nerves were almost reaching their limits, especially as Roy gradually approached and the rumbling noise grew louder and louder.

Astral, Solmyr, and the others looked nervously in front of them and constantly got people to shoot flares to light up the night sky in order to see the battlefield clearly. At the same time, they were praying incessantly in their hearts, hoping that the trap laid by them would work.

Arantir’s illusion was currently watching and waiting motionlessly with the undead army that had indifferent expressions. His true body was hiding in the abdominal cavity of the spectral dragon, the Death Incarnation, lurking underground with the real undead army, waiting for Roy to pa.s.s over his head before he appeared and pincered Roy from behind.

Everyone on the battlefield was waiting for Roy to appear…

Finally, Roy walked out of the forest and came to the plains. For the first time, he appeared in the sight of the alliance army, allowing them to see their opponent clearly: a tall body of more than three meters, wearing the pitch-black Cold Winter Armor, with two pairs of huge demon wings that were raised high after entering a combat state. Within a radius of nearly a kilometer around him, the dense black shadow emitting mist formed a no-man’s-land…

The moment Roy appeared, the entire battlefield was silent. The alliance soldiers looked at Roy in a daze, and even the dragons, t.i.tans, and angels could not help but narrow their eyes.

“Is… is this the Plague Monarch?!” a mage asked anxiously.

Yes, because they did not know Roy’s demon name, and because of the plague that Roy had created in Dendera Fortress, the soldiers among the alliance army had been privately calling Roy, the unknown demon, the ‘Plague Monarch’. Even though Astral and the others had repeatedly emphasized that this demon was not a demon lord and was not worthy of the t.i.tle ‘monarch’, the soldiers kept saying it out, and they had not been able to change it.

Seeing Roy walking toward the battlefield step by step, Astral and Solmyr looked at each other and let out a long sigh. They ordered loudly, “Line up! Meet the enemy!!!”

Under the command, the alliance soldiers finally returned to their senses and hurriedly searched for their positions in the crowd, causing the formation to become chaotic for a bit.

Come a little closer, a little closer! Gelu kept thinking as he stared intently at Roy’s figure. However, when Roy was about to approach Arantir’s lurking undead army, he suddenly stopped. Just as Astral’s and the others’ hearts skipped a beat, Roy suddenly spread his wings and flew into the air.

Looking at the still ground below, Roy grinned nastily.

“Since you want to hide so much, then never come out. Don’t you agree, Arantir?”

In the abdomen of the spectral dragon, Arantir kept his eyes closed and sensed the movements on the ground. When Roy said this, he did not hear clearly, but his strong intuition gave him an immense sense of crisis!

“Not good! Get out!” Arantir suddenly opened his eyes and ordered the spectral dragon to rush out.

But at this moment, Roy shouted ‘Liberation’ in midair!

Boom! Boom! Boom! With his voice, all the trees and rocks that he had devoured along the way were released at this moment!

Hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons of wood, rock, and soil poured down from the sky. It was more terrifying than a flood and more violent than a landslide. With the bombardment of such tremendous ma.s.s, the entire plains shook. Under the distraught gazes of Astral and the others, Roy’s artificial disaster buried the area where Arantir’s undead army was lurking in almost a few seconds!

Then the torrential rain of mud and stones continued to spread in all directions. It lasted for nearly five minutes as it covered all the ground within five kilometers…

At this moment, Arantir’s undead army really could not come out because there were at least a few tons of heavy objects pressing down above their heads…

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