Dogs Worthy of Respect

On this day, the sun shone brightly and there was the clear sound of the autumn wind. After Zuo Ning accompanied Lu Chenghe on his morning run, they had breakfast. Then, very virtuously, he sent away Lu Chenghe out on his way to work with his eyes before returning to his own den on the second floor and lazily sleeping. Once he woke up, stretched his body, and went out to eat something, he was shocked when he found that there were two large black dogs lying down beside the sofa in the hall.

Probably hearing the sound of his movements, the two dogs got up into a half-sitting position. Looking at him with shining eyes, Zuo Ning immediately became timid.

Those two were German shepherds, enormous German sheepdogs. From their appearance, they shouldn"t be that young. Zuo Ning estimated that if they were to stand up on their four legs, they would be more or less at the height of an adult person"s waist. Their entire figures were extremely muscular and with one glance, they seemed like fierce characters in a novel.

Zuo Ning looked out carefully from his fence for quite a while before he found out that they had been tied up by chains. Thus, he broke out from his fence and ran out, carefully probing out an approach.

Those two dogs were also very interested and watched Zuo Ning attentively. When examined closely, the emotion showing in their eyes even carried a bit of meaning. If they weren"t tied up, Zuo Ning would never dare to approach. After walking a safe range away, Zuo Ning first made a friendly greeting: "Woof." Hi brothers, how are you doing?

This was Zuo Ning"s first time being in contact with other dog and he also didn"t know whether the dog language could be understood without any impediment.

Those two German shepherds lived up to expectations and responded: "Woof woof." Young one, are you this house"s pet?

Zuo Ning was immediately astonished, so it turned out that dogs could really communicate with each other through speech, ah! He knew that dogs were really quite intelligent but in the end, they were beings that couldn"t speak. As a result, he"d always thought that dogs had very simple thoughts. But hearing this German shepherd"s question, it seemed that dogs were much smarter than he thought. In any case, his sovereignty had to be sworn: "Ao!" That"s right, this is my home. Why did you come to my house?

It shouldn"t be that raising a dog made Lu Chenghe develop an interest in it and bring back two fierce dogs, right? Seeing that these two German shepherds had been raised to have such valiant physiques, he knew that they definitely weren"t ordinary dogs. If the two were brought out together, they would definitely be very eye-catching. To say the least, they would be more eye-catching than him.

Although Zuo Ning really didn"t want to admit it, compared to Samoyeds, he felt that men would be more fond of this kind of German shepherd instead as they could protect their owners, were loyal, and were also handsome. Seeing the two sitting across from him and then bowing his head to look at himself, Zuo Ning simply wanted to cover his face. They couldn"t be compared at all.

One of the German shepherds clearly didn"t have much of an interest toward Zuo Ning. He felt that he wasn"t threatening toward him so he sat down again. The other was actually much more amiable: "Woof." Don"t know, perhaps we will settle down here.

His ominous premonition had come true. Without Lu Chenghe nodding his head, how could two dogs have been brought to the house? He also didn"t know whether mother Lu was going to come back, resulting in him being sent off and Lu Chenghe intending to raise two dogs that were more in accordance with a man"s esthetics!

The steward saw his own house"s Little Pudding and the two German shepherds looking at each other from a distance, their "you woof once, I woof once" seemed like chatting. He suddenly smiled before bringing Little Pudding"s lunch over. Rubbing his little head: "You ran out again? The house has two new little companions so in the future, there will be dogs to play with you. Are you happy?"

Zuo Ning looked grievingly toward the uncle steward. He wanted to be the only one in this house. He had already become a dog, and now he actually has to share Lu Chenghe with other dogs. Could he make an unreasonable scene, rolling about and refusing to accept these two big guys" arrival?

Seeing that those small brows were entirely furrowed and its expression looked extremely wronged, the uncle steward unkindly laughed in his heart but he understood it. Many cats and dogs had awareness over their territory, so much so that they had a rather strong desire to not let their owners touch other cats or dogs, and it didn"t need to be said what they"d feel about raising two more pets. Right now, Little Pudding was clear on his own territory and likely wouldn"t be very welcoming toward the two new guys.

However, the steward didn"t say much else, he didn"t think that Little Pudding could understand what he was saying. In any case, slowly getting to know each other would be fine so he just rubbed its head and put the food bowl in front of Little Pudding: "Have your meal, today"s meal has your most beloved beef. After you eat that, there"s also an apple."

A large bowl of food was placed in front of Zuo Ning and the two German shepherds across from him also smelled the food"s fragrance. Although they could see the food, they didn"t make any actions to vie for the food. It seemed that the training of those two guys was very good. Zuo Ning sighed in his heart and then started to eat, bite by bite.

As Zuo Ning ate, he observed the activity of those two and saw that they were continuously swallowing their saliva, the action of them licking their mouths became more and more frequent.  He soon asked: "Woof woof?" Have you guys eaten yet? Do you want to eat?

The relatively more cordial German shepherd responded: "Woof!" Haven"t eaten yet, does it taste good? The smell is so fragrant.

The other lazy German shepherd also couldn"t help it anymore: "Woof woof!" What are you eating? Don"t all pets eat dog food?

Zuo Ning licked and licked his mouth: "Woof." I don"t eat dog food. They specially make food for me.

Thinking and thinking, in the end, they were of the same kind. Whether or not he welcomed them was a separate topic. He was eating fragrant food by himself, he couldn"t let the two in front of him starve, right? In any case, they will be living together in the future. If by any chance, Lu Chenghe becomes fond of these two guys and they hold a grudge, what could be done?

Thus, he pushed his own food bowl in front of them: "Woof."  Then you guys can also eat a bit, okay?

The two didn"t expect this and although they looked at it enviously, they didn"t start to eat. Instead, they pushed the food bowl back in front of Zuo Ning: "Wu…" Why don"t you eat it yourself? Without orders, we can"t eat anything.

Truly pitiful, Zuo Ning silently glanced at them, it seemed they were truly well trained. Compared to them, why did he feel like he was more useless? These two dogs were both intelligent and could be compared to humans. In the future, would this home still have a place for him?

However, the reality was that he was unable to stop this. Zuo Ning could only do his best to make himself accept reality while also feeling dejected.

Waiting until Zuo Ning had more or less finished eating, the steward had people bring in two large bowls of meat, raw meat. It was huge and he also didn"t know what kind of leg meat it was. It was still covered with watery blood when it was carried over like this to the two German shepherds.

The two German shepherds knew that this was likely their food so they sat up properly at once and looked toward the steward. The steward seemed to be very satisfied with the disciplined nature of these two German shepherds and nodded his  head: "Eat."

As soon as the steward spoke, the two German shepherds started to tear into their food. There was the sound of bones being bitten and those sharp dog teeth looked absolutely horrifying to people. The originally calm figures of the German shepherds started to give people immense pressure and this kind of savage table manners could get full marks. Zuo Ning, who was watching, retreated again and again. He sighed, fortunately he didn"t show hostility earlier. Otherwise, it wouldn"t even take a minute for them to bite this three month old Samoyed to death!

Another sound of bones being bitten into pieces sounded from beside Zuo Ning"s ear. Zuo Ning retreated and retreated until his back was against the front of his kennel"s fence. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, this was really scaring a dog to death.

The steward had been observing the two dogs, he had been watching from the side since he sent the food over. When Zuo Ning distractedly looked at the two German shepherds eating, he took out his phone and began to take a video.

Lu Chenghe was right in the middle of eating a meal at his office, although his company"s dining hall environment was very good, other staff would probably feel pressured when eating if their boss was also there. Moreover, he also didn"t want to be looked at while eating so as a result, he usually ate in his own office.

When he was half finished eating, he saw the video the steward had sent him. The video showed the two German shepherds who were in the middle of gnawing on meat and his house"s Little Pudding foolishly standing there, looking at the nearly finished food in his bowl. Then, one of the German shepherds raised its head and glanced at it. Little Pudding"s body started to react immediately, looking at those two German shepherds, it silently retreated. It retreated until it reached the fence, let out a sigh of relief, and sat down to continue to attentively watch the two German shepherds eating.

After watching the video, Lu Chenghe couldn"t help but laugh, this little guy was scared, he"d grown this large without coming in contact with other dogs. The other party were German shepherds, to be able to keep this calm and collected and not press its tail between its legs and run away was already not bad.

Lu Chenghe whose mood became better decided to stop working earlier and go home to comfort the little thing who had been frightened.

As soon as Lu Chenghe walked through the door, a little artillery sh.e.l.l arrived right on schedule. But unlike before, he wasn"t excited as if they hadn"t met in a hundred years and intimately wagging his tail today. Instead, he continuously got closer and closer to his body while also making a whimpering sound, he was simply wronged to the point of dying.

Lu Chenghe found it funny and held him in his arms, gently stroking his back: "Toi feel this wronged, were you frightened by those two new friends? Your courage is this small?"

Zuo Ning: "Wu wu wu wu…" You"re already raising new dogs, isn"t it okay for me to feel a bit wronged?

Lu Chenghe held Zuo Ning and sat on the sofa, hinting for the steward to bring those two dogs over: "How did they get along in the afternoon? They should have gotten familiar, right?"

The steward smiled as he said: "Little Pudding simply didn"t dare to approach and I was also worried that an accident would occur so I didn"t let the two loose from their leashes. As a result, they haven"t been in contact yet."

Zuo Ning was discontent towards the steward"s words: "Awoo!" He wasn"t scared, it was only that this dog nevertheless needed to keep a suitable distance away to be safer!

Lu Chenghe lightly patted his b.u.t.t: "You"re meek in public but a tyrant at home. Why didn"t you shout at those two dogs?"

Zuo Ning"s paws were on Lu Chenghe"s shoulders as he miserably said: "Awoo… awoo…" Are you going to just abandon me like this? I won"t be your most beloved anymore?

Looking at that wronged little expression, Lu Chenghe was simply beginning to suspect that this little thing was truly an intelligent spirit. Petting the dog"s head, he let the steward bring the two dogs in.

It should be mentioned that the dogs were worthy of being called military dogs, the two big guys looked quite formidable but during the entire journey over, they didn"t shout at all or look all over the place; they were completely disciplined. Looking at Little Pudding who was firmly clinging to his own body like an octopus, it really seemed that the more they were compared, the more he was distressed.

Was Zuo Ning scared? Of course he wasn"t, he knew that these two dogs had been trained very well. As long as he didn"t court disaster by provoking them, he certainly wouldn"t be bitten to death by them. Tightly holding Lu Chenghe was only to swear sovereignty and show his sense of anger. He was afraid that Lu Chenghe would have a change of affection. If it were him who was changing his relationships, he would also love German shepherds, not Samos. This was truly a cruel situation.

Lu Chenghe teared Little Pudding, who was tightly clinging to him, off of his body. He leaned his body over and carefully looked over the two German shepherds for a short period of time and afterwards, he held his hands out in front of them: "Shake hands."

The two German shepherds were very obedient and each extended a paw onto Lu Chenghe"s palms. Lu Chenghe tightly gripped the paw of Little Pudding who was in his own embrace and placed it onto the paws of the two dogs: "You have to get along well, you"re not allowed to fight."

Zuo Ning"s tail immediately drooped down. It seemed that it was already determined, he didn"t have the power to change the situation.

These two dogs were retired military dogs. If there weren"t any commands, they wouldn"t attack. Therefore, even if his family"s little one was still young, he wasn"t worried that he would be injured by the two dogs. Glancing at the two dogs, he felt quite satisfied with them and let the steward lead them out.

Zuo Ning watched the steward lead the German shepherds out the door and immediately stepped on Lu Chenghe"s body, clinging to it as he looked out from the back of the sofa. Why were they taken away?

Seeing Little Pudding"s reluctant to part (?) gaze, Lu Chenghe laughed as he explained: "They are very strong dogs and they used to help people catch many bad people. Now, they"ve come to our home after retirement and in the future, they will help to protect our house"s courtyard. When they"re out of their kennels, you can find them to play with at any time."

So originally they were retired military dogs, ah! It was no wonder that their characters were so disciplined. It was his loss that he was still being narrow-minded and worried that they would s.n.a.t.c.h Lu Chenghe. If he knew that they were military dogs, he definitely would have a warm and welcoming att.i.tude toward them. Having served people for over half of his life, how could he give newcomers the cold shoulder? The more he thought, the more he felt sorry toward the two dogs. Zuo Ning decided that tomorrow, he would give them half of his toys!

There were no author"s notes for this chapter and the “(?)” was in the raws :^)

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