When Lu Chenghe returned home, he was met with only the steward standing by the doorway just like in the past. However, he didn"t see Little Pudding who would rush out to greet him every day. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. Slightly frowning, he looked toward the steward as he walked into the house with slightly faster footsteps: "Where"s Little Pudding?"

The steward followed behind Lu Chenghe, letting out a sigh: "Lying down on the sofa." Maybe the dog really had spiritual intelligence. That pitiful little guy wasn"t saved and Little Pudding had been gloomy for the entire afternoon.

Only when Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe walking toward him did he get up. Extending a paw to ask for a hug, his expression looked especially wronged.

Lu Chenghe handed his jacket over to the steward, picked Little Pudding up, and petted his head: "What"s wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Zuo Ning"s two paws clung onto Lu Chenghe"s chest and he incessantly used his head to rub against him. He had no way to speak and could only use this kind of way to convey his mood. He was truly, truly lucky to meet a good person. He simply didn"t dare to think about it. If it were him who met that kind of abnormal person, facing that kind of awful abuse, would he have been able to survive?

The steward spoke of today"s events while looking at Little Pudding who shrunk into Lu Chenghe"s embrace, he lightly sighed as he said: "That was a small Westie. Doctor Wen said that it wasn"t even two months old. It should be that Little Pudding brought it over to be saved but since it didn"t survive in the end, he"s grieving."

Lu Chenghe"s brows wrinkled as he listened: "Has the investigation finished? How could this kind of thing happen?"

Although they lived in a manor on half of a mountain, this house wasn"t the only one in the area. There were only three manors on this half of the mountain. Though the distance from the other two manors wasn"t considered to be far, at the time of construction, they were separated by a distance from them in order for the residence to have a private quality.

In addition, the other half of the mountain had a villa area which was separated from this side by a grove. However, this region"s security was very good. People capable of buying this kind of real estate must have some qualifications and naturally, it was improbable that they"d do something beneath one"s dignity.

However, this seriously injured puppy definitely wasn"t the result of some person specially running to this region to cruelly hit it then abandon it by the gate of the manor. Seeing how severe its injuries were, it should be that had ran away from the villa on that side of the mountain. If the villas over there really had a cruel dog pervert and one that was only separated from them by a grove, Lu Chenghe wouldn"t be at ease if they weren"t found. Some things were better put an end to early on as otherwise, it would be to do anything or regret if something unexpected happened.

The steward naturally also thought like this but their monitoring was only in the vicinity of the manor and not even a bit further so he somewhat helplessly said: "It"s been checked. However, only the scene of that puppy trembling and sadly escaping to this side was seen. No people were found and we"ve already gotten in touch with the property management over there but strangely, no dogs were seen running out from those houses when investigating the monitors.

Lu Chenghe stroked Little Pudding who was well-behavedly lying down on his leg and said: "It also doesn"t seem that it ran out on its own. It was injured that gravely and would definitely die soon, then it was placed into a bag and intended to be thrown out by someone. It"s just that we don"t know how they ran away."

The steward inquired: "That dog was already taken away by Doctor Wen. He"d said that he would properly bury it. Should we investigate this matter ourselves first or should we report it to the police?"

Lu Chenghe said: "Report it, even if it makes the situation more troublesome."

In a flash, the steward understood the young master"s intention. Whether or not that pervert could be caught, if they stepped forward to report it to the police, this matter would definitely create large noise in this area. The people living here all had fame and prestige, they wouldn"t want to offend the Lu family. It should be that the young master wanted to intimidate them. Although Little Pudding wouldn"t run around all over the place, that couldn"t compare to what could happen. If by any chance it really ran into them, that person would be afraid of the consequences from the Lu family and absolutely wouldn"t dare to lay their hands on Little Pudding.

However, Zuo Ning hadn"t thought that much at all. He didn"t know that Lu Chenghe wasn"t at all someone who liked to meddle and naturally, he didn"t think that Lu Chenghe"s actions were simply to protect him. Hearing that Lu Chenghe wanted to report this to the police, his mood also became better by quite a bit as he hoped that the police would be able to capture that scoundrel.

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