Dantalian no Shoka

Chapter 1 – The Lovers 

Special Chapter 1 – The Lovers 
The Little Jealous Girl

It was a cold snowy afternoon.

A man was sitting on a long bench in the park, appearing to be depressed.

The expression on his face was sad, and he was even crying in front of the people.

He even exaggerated the situation by taking out a dagger from his pocket and placed it against his wrist.

Almost all the pa.s.sers-by walked by without even looking at him, but there was a young man who couldn’t help but slow down and approach him. It was a youth with a black-haired girl.

“Excuse me, did something happen?”

The crying man suddenly raised his head, then spoke to the youth very quickly.

“Ah, listen to me. I was dumped by my girlfriend.”

“I see, that’s quite serious.”

The youth frowned slightly as if troubled, his expression showed that he seemed to be regretting his decision to talk with this troublesome character. And that man continued as he nodded: “You think so too right.”

“It’s too unfair, she actually abandoned me. Just because she had someone else she liked, she broke up with me… She was inconsistent in her affections, she betrayed me.”

“I see, so that’s what happened.”

The youth replied weakly, and the man put his head in his hands exaggeratedly.

“Ah ah, females are really wicked. I loved her so much, but she actually betrayed me. I will never trust women again, I’ll kill her first then I’ll kill myself!”

The hand that gripped the dagger trembled slightly, the man used a seemingly serious tone to speak.

The pet.i.te girl who had been listening to the conversation, sighed helplessly.


The girl was very pretty.

She had long black shining hair, her eyes were as black as shadows gathered together.

Her white skin was as smooth as milk mixed with honey, making one think of high quality porcelain.

There were several lacy and frilly edgings to her black outfit, making it seem like it was large and loose, metal gloves and thick metal waist armor protected her body.

On her chest, there was a metal lock that gleamed dully that swung gently.

It was a large antique lock that was linked to silver chains—


“Then you wouldn’t be inconsistent in your affections?”

The girl said in a rough tone that was at odds with her beautiful voice.

The man raised his head as if shocked, then nodded.

“Of course. I won’t betray my lover.”

The girl looked at the man silently, then nodded.

“Then I will lend you a book. But, I hope you definitely will not forget what you said just now—”

The man revealed an incredulous expression, taking the book from the girl.

Then they bid farewell.


After a few days, the youth met the man again.

The man sat on the bench in the park reading the book.

Although the man was alone, but he seemed to be very happy.

Even though couples walked by in front of him, he still smiled at them as if he were happy for them.

On the man’s lap, there was a sandwich wrapped in a napkin.

“h.e.l.lo. That sandwich looks appetizing.”

Hearing the youth’s words, the man replied proudly:

“You think so too right, this is what my girlfriend made for me.”

Towards this, the youth felt a little surprised.

“Have you made up with your girlfriend?”

“No no, how can that be. I will never go to see that kind of woman who will betray her lover. I already have a new girlfriend, she’s with me now.”

The man happily hugged the book he was reading.

Then he spoke to the youth with a slightly inconceivable expression:

“Perhaps you might not be able to see her. When I’m reading this book, she will appear in front of my eyes. She treats me very well, and she is a beauty. As long as she is by my side, I have no other desires.”

The man smiled in satisfaction, then continued to read the book.

He flipped through the book, at times he would mumble to himself. It was as if there were someone by his side gently speaking words of love to him. Even though it looked a little silly, but he seemed to be very happy.

“I wish you will find your happiness.”

The youth said, then left.


After a few more days, the youth met the man again.

The man sat on the bench in the park and was reading a book.

Although the man was alone, he seemed to be very happy.

Then he would often mumble to himself. It was as if there were someone by his side gently speaking words of love to him. Although this looked rather silly, but he seemed to be as happy as he was before.

The only change, was the book in his hands.

“h.e.l.lo. The book you’re holding seems to be different than the previous one.”

Hearing the youth’s question, the man proudly puffed out his chest.

“Yes, I just received this. I’ve been reading this book lately.”

“I see, then what happened to the previous book?”

The youth’s expression darkened, and the man started to stutter.

“Actually I didn’t hate that book. It’s just, between lovers there is always the problem of compatibility. I feel that compared to the previous book, the current book suits me better. When I read this book, a new lover will appear in front of me. She is more caring and her body figure is better.”

The man smiled in satisfaction, then continued to read the book.


The youth left the place silently.


After another few days, the quiet night returned.

The youth leading the pet.i.te girl, met the man again.

The man didn’t say anything, he only sat with his bowed, on the bench in the park.

And in the chest that had already became cold, there was a dagger.


There was a puddle of blood around the man’s feet, a book had fell into the puddle.

It was the book that the girl had gave to the man when they first met.

Sadness appeared in the girl’s eyes, she picked up the book.

She looked at the man’s corpse condescendingly, using an emotionless voice to say:


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