
Chapter 61

Trying to regain a composed state, Shiao Chen forced himself to sit quietly and meditate. It took him about a quarter to hardly calm down since his body ached. It had been quite a while and now it was not until at dawn before faint refreshing spirits arose and circulated within Shiao Chen"s body. Shiao Chen opened his eyes and seemed to be relaxed. He then took several bottles of pills out from his storage bag with the newly generated spirits. As for the top treasure herbs above ten thousand years gained from the sealed place, he planned to make pills out from it to maximize its efficacy.

"With the help of pills, I would soon recover from injuries." Shiao Chen thought to himself, then he opened the restrictions around the bottleneck, pulled out several pills, and swallowed them in.

Pills melted in the mouth and thick spirits burst. Spirits went directly to the most heavily damaged meridians

"Hmm!" Shiao Chen grunted. His face suddenly turned extremely pale and his head was covered by small beads of sweat. Since he was seriously damaged before, words would fail to describe the pain generated along with the violent circulation of spirits. However, sensing he was getting better, Shiao Chen clenched his teeth and let spirits run freely within his body.

It was after most of the injuries were cured before Shiao Chen was relieved from great pains and was able to sense the cool and pleasant feel endowed by the spirits.  

Without any move, Shiao Chen sat there still and kept absorbing the efficacy released by pills to regain his power.

Then there came some stranger.

Li Xun was a normal rogue cultivator. He was just lucky enough to get an incomplete jade slip talking about magic powers at his early age and later became a cultivator. During the past years, Li Xun cheated, stole and killed to gain his cultivation now, level five of Qi Refining. He was indeed someone among rogue cultivators. However, only he himself knew his cultivation was now stuck and would remain the same for the whole life if nothing special fell on him.

Though Li Xun was with a humble birth, he dreamt big and had done a lot of things to achieve his goals. He often went to deep mountains and forests which were less travelled by people alone to seek for treasures that could improve cultivation. Though once faced with mighty monsters, Li Xun was lucky and succeeded in escaping every time. During all these trips, he did find some spirit herbs growing for incredibly long years. What was more, he happened to kill a multi-ear monkey who was heavily injured in a territory fighting. He traded its Neidan (internal core) for a bottle of spirit-refining pills (around 20) in the market. With the help of pills, Li Xun’s cultivation was upgraded soon. Now he was at level seven. If he was able to break through to the next level, level eight, then chances would be high for he to be disciples in several big Sects. What was more, if he could gain a Foundation Establishment pill in the future, it was probable for him to seize the chance to become someone and a senior cultivator at Foundation Establishment.

Just half a day before, he had sensed two powerful spirit flows in a fight. They were so powerful that they must be at least at the middle-stage of Foundation Establishment!

When two "tigers" fought with each other, it was for sure that one of them would be heavily injured. If one was able to sneak into their battle field at a right timing, there were high chances for him to harvest something. After a second thought, Li Xun made up his mind and went directly to the source of spirit flows. During his trip there, the spirit flows of the two suddenly got intense and later vanished. Since traces of the mighty powers disappeared, Li Xun was unable to locate them. "Could it be that they two died with each other together?" Thinking of this, Li Xun got excited and was eager to check current situation there. The two would be at least heavily injured. Otherwise, there was no explanation to the doubt why traces of the two disappeared at the same time. If he was able to know where they were, he could kill them both and got two storage bags of them since they were badly injured. Two storage bags of cultivators at above middle-stage of Foundation Establishment were certainly great treasures. On thought of this, Li Xun was so excited that his body trembled.

"s.h.i.t! Here was definitely the source of spirit flows. How come there were no signs of a fight!" Li Xun kept scanning the field with his divine sense with a sullen face, but found nothing.

"Could it be that the two left the scene after they were severely wounded?" Li Xun was totally upset on thought of this possibility and his face was even more sullen.

"No, that"s not right!" Li Xun stopped for a second when his divine sense was scanning a certain spot before he was overwhelmed with joy. He then went swiftly forward to the point.

After Xuan Zhen had been killed, the demon Qi around him dispersed. His body fell directly to the ground and was smashed into pieces. However, his storage bag remained intact in the blood.

"Storage bag!" Li Xun was wild with joy. He grabbed it in hands directly despite of the fact that it was immersed in blood. He couldn"t wait to open it with a hand-seal and blushed because of excitement after a brief review on what was inside.

"Oh my G.o.d! All these are mine! With the treasures in the storage bag, I will certainly make it to Foundation Establishment. If I"m lucky enough to have some special opportunities, it"s not a dream to be a Gold Core cultivator!" Except for detail-oriented philosophy and ruthless behavior, Li Xun also had a spirit root not bad (at least a top grade one). He learnt by himself and had gained his cultivation solely based on an incomplete cultivation method obtained accidently in his early years. Now he had in hand Xuan Zhen"s storage bag. It meant that almost three quarters of treasures remained in the Qingling Sect were all his. If he retreated now, there were high chances for him to be someone.

However, seeing the figure sitting with his legs crossed over there, he was occupied with his greedy thoughts. "This man must have a greater cultivation and treasures since he has survived the fight. If I"m able to have his storage bag, road to Gold Core is just before my eyes!" Though excited, Li Xun carefully put Xuan Zhen"s storage bag away before he slowly extended his divine sense to Shiao Chen and wrapped him with it. He planned to escape immediately once there should be accidents. However, everything went well. Messages sent back by his divine sense were that no spirit was found in the figure and the body seemed to be extremely weak and would vanish at any moment.

"Even G.o.d helps me! It"s apparently that G.o.d also think I"m a talent worth to be cultivated and sends me this opportunity." Though ecstasy struck him because Shiao Chen seemed to be extremely weak, he was still cautious for it was his carefulness that kept him alive for such a long time.


A totally red flying sword around ten centimeters came out of Li Xun"s mouth. The sword was a low-grade spirit tool, robbed from a level eight Qi Refining cultivator after killing him. Since then, Li Xun had been nurturing it with his divine sense.

The flying sword turned into a red line upon its appearance and went directly to chop Shiao Chen"s head. However, it was stopped by a white shadow besides Shiao Chen. She frowned at the line and stopped it by just a wave of her hand.

Li Xun was surprised for the shadow appeared suddenly. By a second look, he found it was a beauty and got excited. He then said in a frivolous tone, "It turns out that you are a ghost slave at less than five level of Qi Refining. How dare you stop me! It"s such a pity that if I kill your master, you would die with him together. What about I break through to the next stage and help you build your body then? At that time, we can…"

Yu Ji"s eyebrows were knitted. Killing intents were clear in her eyes. She shouted, "How dare you! You clearly are unaware of the consequences of your act now!"

"Consequences? Heihei, I will see who is exactly the one seeking death!" A sense of viciousness arose in Li Xun"s eyes. He practiced several hand-seals. The flying sword trembled and a brighter light burst out from it and went directly to Yu Ji.

Seeing the attack, Yu Ji frowned and became serious. Her cultivation was almost lost when she was trapped in the sealed place. At first, she was at Gold Core, but after fights with Chu Kuang and Corpse Rider, her body was destroyed and her divine sense nearly dispersed. Now she was only at level five of Qi Refining. Though she was an experienced fighter, she didn"t have enough spirits to invoke.

"Demon flame, rise and burn!" Yu Ji said in a low voice. Demon Qi gathered after the incantation and turned into black flames. The flames were totally black and seemed to be cold. However, weird and disturbing voices kept emitting from it.

"Demon cultivation method!" Li Xun was a little bit frightened with his eyes wide open. Demon cultivators possessed various kinds of unexpected measures and were always with a plan B. Most of their cultivation methods could invalidate spirit tools and damage divine senses. The flying sword was nurtured by his divine sense and he would be severely injured if the sword was damaged.

After calling back the sword, Li Xun took a small prayer bead out from his storage bag. It was like an inconspicuous stone but with holes on both sides. It was a pity to use it, for Buddha power would decrease every time it was used. However, this concern was soon defeated by greedy thoughts. It was just like an investment and was done for the gaining of Shiao Chen"s storage bag.

"Go!" After Li Xun input spirits in the bead, gentle Buddha lights were released and chants were heard. Images occurred as chants went. Even Buddha shadows were seen and at the same time, a strong Buddha power burst.

The bead shook and went directly to Yu Ji.

"Buddha treasure!" Yu Ji"s face turned sullen. As an evil cultivator, Buddha treasure greatly limited the power that can be released. If she were at her heyday, solving this was just a piece of cake. However, now it was a big problem.

"Switch demon flames, evolve demon ghosts and devour!"

Though startled, Yu Ji maintained a cold face. With just a point of her fingertips, the demon flames became a vortex with a decimeter level diameter. Demon ghost went out from the vortex one after another and went directly to the bead.

What a demon ghost to a Buddha bead was like boiling oil to cold water. Once the one met the other, great reaction occurred.

Demon ghosts kept uttering sad screams after entering the bead and were soon purified. At the same time, Buddha lights went darker. Though ghosts knew they would definitely die, they still rushed in like a swarm of hornets and crazily devoured before death. As ghosts were getting fewer, Yu Ji"s face turned pale and her power was greatly reduced.

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