Daomu Biji

Chapter 40

It wasn"t until the shadow disappeared that I realized that this thing had really gone. Fatty and I looked at each other and immediately moved on cautiously to our destination. This time, we didn"t dare rest at all. After half an hour, we finally climbed up the stone platform and turned over. Fatty and I were too tired to even roll our eyes and just lay there motionless. When I managed to get up, I found it was a very rough stone platform.

In the middle of the platform was a stone staircase leading to the top and when we went up, we found a sealed copper door that wouldn"t move. Fatty said it might have to be pulled so he grabbed a few patterns and pulled down, but all that happened was that his fingernails were torn.

As we scratched at the bronze door, the sound of things falling began to come from the darkness. The giant hanging upside down on the ceiling was coming towards us again, this time at a very fast speed.

Fatty reminded me, “Your watch has the function of an alarm clock. Turn it on quickly and we"ll let the behemoth chase it.”

Only then did I think of another trick. I quickly set my watch as an alarm clock and threw it out violently. The crashing sound of broken bones immediately turned, but because the watch was too light, I couldn"t throw it very far.

In the flashlight"s beam, a huge miluotuo swept across the roof in front of us. It was too big, almost like King Kong, and its green skin was shining with an emerald l.u.s.ter under the flashlight. Presumably it was the male G.o.d of creation in Yao mythology. As a G.o.d of violence and destruction, it was trapped here as a scavenger and we may be the few idiots who could entertain it for thousands of years.

After a slight pause, the miluotuo reached out its long hand and looked in the direction of the watch in the quicksand. It seemed puzzled and interested, but the yellow sand soon buried the watch and the sound couldn"t be heard anymore.

I knew this wasn"t good as I saw the miluotuo listen for a long time and suddenly turn its head to us.

It had no facial features, like a strange doll. As it slowly leaned towards the stone platform where we were, I suddenly saw that this thing"s face had almost been smashed in and was full of bullet holes.

We lay there quietly with the huge miluotuo hanging over us. It seemed to know that we were nearby, but it wasn"t sure where we were, so it hung there quietly.

What I feared most was Fatty farting. He always made such mistakes when nervous, but fortunately, he had matured a lot this time. This kind of feeling was too f.u.c.king weird. My heart was beating wildly and I had the feeling that the miluotuo was lingering because of it.

I dared not take a deep breath to adjust my state and only slowly took shallow breaths, but it was too difficult in this situation. It took me almost three hours to calm my heart down. In the end, it wasn"t due to my own efforts but because this tense state had lasted too long and the physical strength required was too much. My consciousness began to blur, and my heartbeat began to calm down.

I began to entertain foolish ideas and wondered what to do. If this thing kept hanging here, we would turn stupid. Maybe we"d become two mummies, completely choking each other to death.

I knew with Fatty"s character, he definitely wouldn"t be helpless and would absolutely give it a shot when the critical point was reached. But in fact, no matter what you do, either way led to death.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

In my mind, I calculated whether there was something else on me that could make a continuous sound after being thrown out.

I went through all my things in my head, and suddenly remembered Xiao Hua"s cell phone.

I slowly put my hand in my pocket—the phone was still there. My heart beat faster as I secretly rejoiced and I slowly pulled out the phone.

“Well, I hope there"s still some power. G.o.d, please let there be power!” I said to myself and slowly opened the phone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened it, the phone whose battery had already hit rock bottom issued a clear and crisp warning of insufficient power.

I was shocked. This noise sounded completely quiet at ordinary times, but now it sounded like thunder. Almost at the same time, I saw the huge green monster hanging right above my head. Its head was right on the verge of touching mine, only one finger away at most.

It kept turning its head and seemed to be looking for the thing that had just made a sound. I could see the green skin constantly moving as it reflected my face.

I don"t know what kind of nerve I had to switch Xiao Hua"s phone to the video playing page in these few seconds. Every time I pressed the b.u.t.ton, the d.a.m.n phone would make a slight sound and I pressed it six times. The behemoth hung up against the back of my head and came around to my other side. At this point, I finally pressed the video page, swung my arm, and threw the phone out.

It made a sound and flew off the stone platform and almost at the same time, the huge miluotuo began to attack, flying to that place with great speed. Since it had been right by my head, I was knocked down in an instant and fell headlong into the quicksand.

I immediately began to sink, and when I dug my way out, I saw that Xiao Hua"s phone had been destroyed in an instant. The behemoth"s huge long arm waved a few times at the sand pit, and I didn"t know if Xiao Hua"s phone was smashed but I knew that it and the watch must share the same fate.

There was momentary silence as I saw the thing"s huge body slowly curl up on the roof. I dared not mess up the atmosphere, and let myself slowly sink into the quicksand.

I succeeded in getting this thing away from the stone platform, and now it was up to Fatty. I was just about to relax when I noticed something was wrong again—there was something in the sand!

I felt a stabbing pain all over my body at the same time, as if I were being bitten by some insect.

Silkworms, my heart cursed. And sure enough, just as Fatty said, I was in quicksand, which basically put me on the same level as a dead thing in their book. They were carnivorous insects and definitely came to eat me.

In the quicksand, I slowly reached my hand to one of the throbbing spots and felt around. It was indeed a bug, and it was as big as a shrimp. I grabbed it and pulled savagely.

Its pliers clamped my skin so tightly that I didn"t even manage to pull it off. When I pulled hard again, I felt my flesh tear open.

That kind of pain was awful, but I didn"t want to be bitten by bugs. Even if it hurt again, I immediately went to touch the other side.

I clenched my teeth as I finally ripped it off and sand quickly adhered to the wound, exacerbating the pain. At this time, however, I suddenly found that all the pain in my body was relieved, and the feeling of being bitten had disappeared instantly.

Then I saw the sand around me begin to boil, and countless silkworms began to pour out of the sand, away from me.

This movement was very big, and the huge miluotuo hanging up top was immediately alerted. It watched the silkworms quickly move into the distance, and immediately chased after.

I understood that this may be the effect of my blood. I didn"t know whether I should be surprised or happy, but I immediately called to Fatty. He looked at this sudden change in surprise, leaned out, reached over, and pulled me onto the stone platform again.

I looked at my bleeding wound and couldn"t help but darkly scold. Fatty said, “d.a.m.n it, if you continue like this, you"ll become half a Little Brother.”

“Don"t talk nonsense, can you get up?”

Fatty shook his head: “The bronze door is too strong to open with our strength. But I have a plan. I just have to sacrifice you. “

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