Dark Mage

Chapter 26

Even though he felt sorry towards the holy monk, Dok-gosong thought that he would be able to get over it. Just in case, Dok-gosong opened the paper bag. There were several black medicinal pellets nestled inside.

“These are the sleeping pills.”


“Yes. It has the strength to make one sleep for 4 days and 4 nights, even if it was a bull.”

Dok-gosong looked inside the bag with suspicion in his eyes. He even took one out and put it in his mouth. He wanted to see if the other person was telling the truth. Do-wichung was surprised, but he didn’t make any move to stop Dok-gosong. Instead, he started speaking to him with a smile on his face.

“Young sect master. I don’t mind if you eat the medicine, but we are strapped for time. If you are curious about the taste, then it is fine for you to take a dose of medicine with the Shaolin holy monk. While both of you are asleep, we could take Kongzi-nim and escape the mountain.”

Dok-gosong was able to finally let go of his suspicion about the medicine, because of the other’s att.i.tude.
If it was a poison then he would have tried to stop Dok-gosong from taking it. Of course, he was basing it on an a.s.sumption that he was the young sect leader of the Bae-sect. Dok-gosong smiled after spitting out the medicinal pellet. He had only put the medicinal pellet inside his mouth. He hadn’t swallowed it.

“How much should I use?”

“Use one pellet each. It dissolves well in water, so he wouldn’t suspect it if you put it in some tea.”

“I understand. I’ll go immediately. All of you should wait here.”

“We will carry out your order without failing.”

Dok-gosong left the place immediately with hope of finding a new life. However, he didn’t realize Do-wichung’s gaze, which was looking at his back with sharp eyes.

“What is your business for coming in the middle of the night?”

“I merely wanted to see you, holy monk. Hue hue hue.” (TLN:흐흐흐 creepy laugh)

After watching Dok-gosong, who was leaking a grotesque sound, the Shaolin high monk Hae-jung smiled benevolently. Even though he was a child of a Ma-du, he had warmed up to Dok-gosong. Therefore, the holy monk’s att.i.tude toward Dok-gosong was very warm. He was like this even though Dok-gosong’s grotesque appearance made people crinkle their eyes automatically.

“Go back to you sleeping place. The night is already very deep.”

“I don’t really sleep a lot in the night. Therefore, I wanted to come and have a cup of tea with the holy monk….”

“This guy(TLN:there isn’t an accurate translation but he is saying this affectionately)… What is up with you? You are usually distant, but you came for tea….”

Even at a glance, one could tell that the Shaolin holy monk Hae-jung was an old monk filled with compa.s.sion. Even though he had lost a good portion of his nae-ryuk(TLN:his qi reservoir) after using the Seven Sect’s Beating Gold Technique on Dok-gosong, he was a matchless existence in the Shaolin temple. He had lived for 120 years, and he was a holymonk that had high accomplishment in mu-gong and deeds.
After the Shaolin high monk watched Dok-gosong put the tray down, he made an ambiguous expression.

“Since you are insisting tea during the late-night, you must have put poison in it?” (TLN: ouch joke cut close to the truth)

Dok-gosong smiled at those words.

“Of course. I put a great amount of strong poison in it. Hue hue hue.”

The tray that Dok-gosong put down had two tea cups with steam emanating from them.

“Which one do you want to drink?”

“I don’t know? I have no idea which tea-cup has the poison in it?”

Even though he said this, the Shaolin high monk picked a tea-cup with a wide smile on his face. He didn’t have an ounce of hesitation. Afterwards, Dok-gosong quickly lifted up the other tea-cup.

“Should I test the tea to see if there is any poison in it?”

After finishing his words, Dok-gosong drank all the tea in one gulp. After seeing this, the Shaolin high monks wrinkled his brows.

“Have you ever seen a guy like this? You have to slowly sip the tea while enjoying the fragrance….”

Even though he was scolding, the warmth in eyes never left the eyes. Dok-gosong made an embarra.s.sed expression.

“You already know that I have quick disposition.”

“Then should I start drinking the tea you have made?”

The Shaolin high monk lifted the tea-cup to his mouth, while watching the smiling Dok-gosong. Truthfully, he already had a slight suspicion that Dok-gosong was acting this way to erase his suspicion. However, the Shaolin high priest did not doubt Dok-gosong not in the least.
He already had a deep understanding about Dok-gosong’s nature. According to his a.s.sessment, Dok-gosong was very single-minded. He would never forget a grudge, but he would never betray someone who had shown him kindness. The Shaolin holy monk deeply recognized this through his experience up until now.

‘This guy doesn’t have the disposition required to poison me no matter what.’

After concluding his thoughts, the Shaolin holy monk slowly drank his tea. After emptying the cup of tea, the holy monk wiped his mouth with his sleeve and smiled.

“The taste of the teas was better than I thought. Your skill is pretty great?”

“Well, don’t mention it…. This child will leave now.”

“So be it.”

The Shaolin holy monk felt love(TLN: more like familial love) after watching Dok-gosong get up quickly and turn around.

‘Poor child. If only you hadn’t been born the son of Dok-gomoogi, no, only if you had looked normal then you would have become an excellent Buddhist….’

After Dok-gosong left, he shed his stray thoughts and he started his Zen meditation. He had practiced Zen meditation for over 100 years, so he was able to attain a spiritual state of perfect selflessness. However in his surrounding, there was a disturbance that intruded…
There was a faint sound that was heard outside of his residence. The Shaolin holy monk broke out of his Zen meditation. Since the Shaolin holy monk had a profound nae-gong, he was able to identify the sound as something falling down.

“The only person who had left this place was that child? Oong? This life signature?”

The life signature felt outside changed the Shaolin holy monk’s complexion. He got out of the Lotus position, and stood up.

Bbi-guk. (TLN:creak)

The Shaolin holy monk came out after opening the door, and he could see the small body of Dok-gosong crumpled near the entrance. There were 10 unidentifiable masked men surrounding him….
First, the Shaolin holy monk checked the status of Dok-gosong. The Shaolin high monk realized that he was sleeping after his blood flow was suppressed. He called out the name of Buddha in a low voice.

” Amitabha.(TLN:아미타불 阿彌陀佛) What brings the member of the Bae-sect to our headquarters.”

The people who had suppressed Dok-gosong’s blood flow was none other than the experts from Bae-sect. They had an asura shape engraved on their chest, so any person of the Murim could recognize them. After seeing the Shaolin holy monk, they busily got into a defensive position. Amongst them, the black-faced middle aged man called Do-wichung stepped forward.

“We have come to look for someone, our little lord. “

The Shaolin high monk’s expression could only be discerned as shock.

“This old man doesn’t understand. You refused our letter, so why are you invading our headquarters to rescue him at this time…..”

Do-wichung cut off his words with a sharp tone.

“That was then and now is now. I have already received an order from Chong-sa-nim to rescue the young sect leader.”

“Amitabha.” (TLN: in korean it sounds like Ah-Mi-Ta-Bul)

The Shaolin holy monk quickly recited the name of Buddha. To be honest, he didn’t understand Sa-joonhwan’s(TLN:guy who betrays Dok-gosong in the early part of the book) motive. He had already grasped the entire Bae-sect in his hand. In that situation, he had no reason to take Dok-gosong. However, it wasn’t a situation where he could just be a spectator. Even though he had gotten somewhat attached to Dok-gosong, he couldn’t return him to the Bae-sect. After deciding this in his mind, the Shaolin holy monk clipped his words.

“This old man cannot allow that. It would be best if you all left.”
As if they had guessed what the Shaolin holy monk’s response would be, the Bae-sect warriors hurriedly initiated their sword formation.
Do-wichung took out his own weapon and coldly smiled.

“If you won’t send him then we have no choice but to fight and s.n.a.t.c.h him away…”

The Shaolin holy monk couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Even though, the Black Yama Do-wichung was a top expert in the Bae-sect with a formidable mu-gong, he didn’t have the qualification to be thoughtless with his words. Whether it is from the ranking in the murim or skills, there was a large gap between them.
Still he is showing so much confidence…… After he calmed his mind, the Shaolin holy monk continued speaking as if giving admonishment.

“I’m warning you to leave. I beg of you. If you continue to be stubborn, then this old man will abandon my merciful heart out of necessity .”

Do-wichung didn’t pay attention to the advice. Instead, he ordered his underlings to attack the Shaolin holy monk, who was surrounded by them.

“Initiate the Thousand Years Sword Formation. Attack in accordance to Article 1.”

After receiving the order, the men dressed in black moved without hesitation. Up down left right. They blocked every direction that the Shaolin holy monk could evade towards, and they approached while quickly unsheathing dozens of blue-hued sword.
Thousand Years Sword Formation. It was an attack that ignored defense and only focused on attacking. It was Bae-sect’s unique attack type sword formation that only focused on killing the opponent. After seeing these figures, the Shaolin holy monk realized that he had no choice.

“Amitabha. This old man has no choice anymore.”

He didn’t hesitate to pull his nae-ryuk up. He would initiate the Ho-shin-gang-gi(TLN: circulate qi to make force field/armor) to block the initial attack then he decided to use his strength to counter attack. However right before he could pull his nae-ryuk up, he felt pain roll over him as if his intestine were being severed. The Shaolin holy monk could only open his mouth after feeling the extreme pain. He was in so much pain that he wasn’t even able to use Yungong. (TLN: another jargon of this genre, technique allows free control over qi)

“This, this is.”

He had no way of pulling up his nae-ryuk. His whole body wasn’t responsive, because he was feeling pain as if he being cut into pieces. The blue blades skimmed by the frozen Shaolin holy monk. HE was defenseless, but none of the swords. .h.i.t its mark. It seemed like their objective wasn’t to kill him. Next he heard a sudden sound from one side.

“Ku-hahaha. We succeeded.”

The Shaolin holy monk’s face had an expression as if he couldn’t believe it.

“This, this is. That, that can’t be right…..”

Do-wichung’s face started smiling.

“Believe it. Holy monk has already taken the Seven Step Dispelling Heart. (TLN: 칠보단장산 Chil-bo-Dan-Jang-San… I rearranged the name and made some part up)
It is the most potent Power Scattering Poison(TLN: 산공독(散功毒)) we have made so far.
Even if your nae-ryunk is profound, you won’t be able to pull up your nae-ryuk for 15 mins.”

“How, how were you able to make this old man eat p..poison?”

He spoke haltingly as if he was feeling a lot of pain, and the Shaolin holy monk’s complexion changed drastically. His expression indicated he had realized something. His gaze fell upon Dok-gosong, who had fallen far away.

‘The ch..child gave me poison?’ (TLN: single quotation = what he is thinking)

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t believe it. Looking at his understanding of Dok-gosong’s nature, he couldn’t even think about Dok-gosong betraying him. Do-wichung continued speaking while approaching the Shaolin holy monk, who was standing dazedly in place with a hint of distrust on his face.

“You’ll have to die now. Holy monk. You, honored sir, is an existence that is the biggest stumbling stone in our sect’s plan”

Do-wichung held a somewhat black knife, which didn’t look like a weapon. It was not something most people of the Murim would use. It was a blunt cleaver used to cut meat or fish.
Do-wichung had found this knife from Dok-gosong’s sleeping place.
Do-wichung was meticulously following Sa-joonhwan’s secret orders. No matter what happened, he was supposed to make it look like Dok-gosong had killed the Shaolin holy monk.
The Shaolin monk, who was at the precipice of death, found peace. The Shaolin holy monk watched Do-wichung raise the knife before he started speaking in a low tone.

“In the end, it was all your doing.”


“The child is a person who would not harm me. You probably tricked the child into feeding me the Power Scattering Poison.”

There was a nervous light that pa.s.sed through Do-wichung’s eyes. Do-wichung feared the Shaolin holy monk’s insight, which he had used to clearly see through the plot. However, he was someone who never forgot about his mission. The cleaver in his hand headed towards the neck of the Shaolin holy monk at a frightening speed. Of course, he didn’t insert any nae-ryuk into the cleaver.  (TLN: no nae-ryuk since he is trying to make it look like Dok-gosong did it)

The gruesome corpse of the Shaolin high monk was found a full day after this event. A young monk found the body of the Shaolin holy monk, and this event turned the Shaolin temple upside down. The Shaolin holy monk was touted as the Shaolin’s top expert. His limbs were brutally detached and it was done with a blunt knife. Moreover, it didn’t look like the limbs were cut, but it looked like it was ripped off. This discovery about the corpse shocked the entire Shaolin temple.
The elders and leaders all went out on a fact-finding mission. However, it wasn’t necessary for them to investigate about the villain.

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