Dark Mage

Chapter 5

At that time, Dachshund’s body was once again falling endlessly.
Most men who jumped of a high cliff would die before their body was eviscerated by the floor.  The atmospheric pressure, the excessive friction, and the extreme terror fountaining forth usually causes the heart to stop.  It was the sense of relief that allows a person to take his own life.  He had lived his life according to other’s arranging and calculating the path of his life. Dashchund had a meaningful smile as he was able to choose the last moments of his life.


” It’s isn’t too bad to end my life that was full of regret.”

His consciousness was dimming.  A thought brushed by his mind.  He didn’t know what kind of place the afterlife was, but it couldn’t be worse then this place.  He looked through the life he had lived, and he was pretty sure he couldn’t go to heaven.


Daschund tried to awaken his already distant consciousness.  He didn’t want to lose consciousness at the end of his life.

Right then his gaze captured something.


Dashchund was so surprised that the ends of his hair stood up.  Someone was sticking close to his side.  To say it again, someone was falling with him.  Instantly, he thought in his mind that maybe it was Yorkie.

“Per, persistent b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

However after observing closely, the person was not falling.  The unknown existence was flying around like a bird as if he had wings.  Even when his consciousness was going back and forth, Daschund was able to thoroughly observe the ident.i.ty of the figure.  First he had a strange attire with a bandanna covering half his face.  He was not a person from the Zhongyuan.  To say it again, this person couldn’t be Yorkie.  This person was flying through mid-air like a bird…  Daschund couldn’t believe what was happening, but a voice emitted from the flying man came toward his ear.

“Reverse Gravity”

‘River..what?    What does that mean?’ (TLN: single quote means he’s thinking it)

Before he could speak, Daschund’s descent speed decreased significantly.  If an object that was travelling at a fast speed is brought to an abrupt stop then the shock from that method is not insignificant.  Even during this, he could clearly feel someone carry him.

‘Is it an angel?’

After thinking this, Dashchund’s consciousness fell deeply into a bottomless pit.

“What a relief.”

The blue-eyed middle-aged man was able to obtain the target by a hair’s breadth, and he was able to let out a long sigh.  The target was in such a sorry state he made one think he might have been a corpse.  Still he had the ability to maintain the target’s life.  His name was Benitez.  He was from a dimension that was unfathomably far. What he was doing was possible, because he was considered to be the highest ranking magician in the continent.


After a brief shout, his hand emitted a blinding light.  He used magic that had never been seen even once in Zhongyuan.  The light that formed from the healing spell circled once around the wretched form, and it was absorbed into the body.

“I’ve given first aid so let’s hurry back to the magic formation.”

Benitez started casting rapidly.  His alt.i.tude was lowered because of the target’s weight.  But now his body suddenly rose towards the sky.

“Normally it would be safer if I attempted a spatial relocation spell, but I can’t do that since the mana consumption would be too high…”

Benitez was flying through the sky like a bird, and he thought this event was pure luck.
All the warrior here had amazing skills at swordsmanship.  Therefore taking a person from this world to his was not an easy task.  Since they could not understand each other, they didn’t have the ability to convince the person. Even if they were able to communicate, it was unknown if he would follow their design.  Also if they had that much skill in swordsmanship then they would already be treated well in this place so it was hard for them to expect the person to follow them in this situation.  So it was a great coincidence that they were able to see a never-before-seen great swordsman…

The undersized figure was nestled in his bosom. Even through he was from a different dimension, in his eyes, the man was a very unsightly figure. He must have done something wrong to have that many warriors chase after him. However after seeing him in action, Benitez was mesmerized by the man’s skill.

Sword Master.

It was hard to find the ultimate martial artists where he lived, but many exist here.  After seeing the clear light form the blade aura, Benitez knew without a doubt that they were sword masters.  Where he was from, the sword masters would easily be able to enter the ranks of the royal knights.  They were valuable figures, and they were treated accordingly. Therefore the lords with more then a modic.u.m of power desperately wanted to have sword masters as underlings.
In this place, such valuable existences were everywhere. Even that wasn’t sufficient, the man he held in his bosom was able to sweep away numerous sword masters like he was was cutting daikon(TLN: asian radish that looks like a fat leg). In the eyes of Benitez, the man was literally the G.o.d of war. If he came to his world then without a doubt he would be a scary heavy weight that would instantly become an absolute being.  The man was unique in that he didn’t use a sword. He used an abnormal weapon that was a gauntlet with something akin to elongated nails attached to it.  However his skills couldn’t be resisted by the other sword masters.  Therefore, Benitez provisionally chose this man.

“Since they are chasing him like that,  he must have committed a serious crime. Therefore there is a chance we could appease him.”

From that point, Benitez closely tracked the man’s back.  He was just looking for a chance to speak with the man.  He didn’t know if the translation magic would work, but he had no other choice.  He had to incessantly follow the man.  However the chance he was waiting for didn’t come.  The man was in close contests without any chance for a break.  Numerous swordsmen fell spraying their blood by his weapon.  Even then there were endless number of swordsman trying to fight him.
During all this, finally the last moment was approaching.
The man was spreading a bloodbath that made it hard to see him as a human, but he approached a point where he couldn’t handle it any more.  In front of his enemy that had captured him, he decided to end his own life.  When he threw his body off the cliff, Benitez realized that the opportunity that he wouldn’t find a second time had arrived.

“If I lose this moment then there will be no other chances.”

He immediately initiated the spatial relocation spell.  It was a dangerous method because he didn’t know the exact coordinates.  To say it again, it could only be seen as a gamble. He guessed the G.o.d was looking after him since the gamble succeeded.  Benitez was able to safely appear next to the man that was falling. Afterwards the palace magician Benitez was able to use the essence of high-level magic without any regret.  He reduced the speed of the man using Reverse Gravity, and he controlled using Aviation(flight magic) to embrace the man.  A normal magician could not even dream about doing this, and it was an acrobatic feat that required a high level of skill.
Benitez looked down to see the man’s face while flying.  The man’s face was hideous enough to make his face automatically cringe, but to Benitez he was more trustworthy then any other man in this world.

“I hope he would hear our request.”

First we have to take him to the other world while he is unconscious. Then he would have no other options.  Benitez increased his speed while travelling toward where his companions were waiting for him.

The valley was covered by trees.  In that place, several people were gathered.  All of them had their body covered in a black robe, and it was plain to see that their intentions were to hide their ident.i.ties.  However the appearance that was visible between the bandanna was very alien.  Overall, they were light brown with blue eyes and just by looking at their facial features, they were not from Zhongyuan.  They were unique in that they had a strangely large magic formation between them, and they were alertly in line.  Particularly the middle of the formation had a jewel that gave off a mysterious light.  The jewel’s red light was like blood. It gave off an indescribable feeling while shining brilliantly.  Right afterwards one could here someone swallowing their saliva.


They must have been very nervous since all of their complexion had hardened.  One amongst them slyly looked towards the sky.

” This is bad.  If we delay any longer then we won’t be able to return.”

The voice of an elderly man echoed. The old man smelled of secret, and his robe had a flame printed on the robe.  He did not seem to be from the priesthood.  Their eyes were about to fall out waiting for someone.  If they went past the appointed time then their bones would have to buried here so they were unspeakably restless.

“If we were found by this place’s swordsmen then it would be the end of our fate.  We can only hope that Benitez was able to rescue that swordsman.”

The old man sighed as he felt mixed emotions.  His name was Shrekheimer.  He came from a completely different time and location from this Zhongyuan.  They had come to this place to save their own countries.  Even now their countries were fighting a heated war.  They shifted dimension to this plane to overcome the progress of war that was turning against them.
Originally dimension shift was a magic that only existed in theory.  Until now there had been no human in recorded history that that had come here shifting dimension.  There have be occasional dimensional doors that have opened and occasionally a person from this dimension or monsters have shown up before.  But it was only that.
However there was one item that swayed them to try the dimension shift.  This was the existence called dragon’s heart. The dragon’s heart was able to store a vast amount of mana. This item was able to provide the incredible amount of mana needed to dimension shift.  This adventure was attempted when the odds were almost nonexistent.  Shrekheimer’s luck must have reached the heaven, because he was able to succeed the most difficult of difficult dimension shift.  However that wasn’t everything…  Originally they thought they were going to stay in this place for a brief time to convince an expert, and ask for their help.  Therefore they had dispatched a delegation comprised mostly of magicians and scholars.  This was but an empty dream. The warriors of this place were very warlike and cruel. The delegation revealed themselves, but the warriors didn’t even hesitate to slaughter them.  They weren’t even given a chance to talk.  Therefore the members of the delegations had to continuously hide their bodies and observe the situation.  Finally they decided the only method that could be used was to kidnap someone.

The dimensional shift used way more mana then expected.  The expenditure exceed 10 times the value calculated by the magicians, and related to the large use of mana, the whole plan started disintegrating.  Even now the dragon heart’s mana was continuously dispersing, and in the worst case scenario, they would never be able to step on their home country’s land again.  It was unknown if the dragon’s heart really had the required mana to send them back.

Still Shrekheimer forcefully consoled himself.

“I’m sure Belhazel-nim will look over us.  I wonder what happened to the other delegation that went to another place?”

They weren’t the only delegation that used the dimension shift to ask for help. Total of five delegations went through the magic formation, and they all moved at a different time.  Of course there was no grantee that the dimension shift worked.  In the worst case scenario, if their coordinate was off then they could be dropped off in the demon world or the spirit world.  If they did go there then it couldn’t be helped, but their lives would end immediately.
Inwardly, Shrekheimer thought that they were very lucky to be in this situation.  Out of the five delegations, only his delegation was able to arrive here.  In his thought, he was sure that this was the destination they were aiming for.  It was confirmed when they saw an overwhelming number of master cla.s.s swordsman that were able to use the aura blade.  They stayed here for only one day but Shrekheimer was able to confirm his belief.

“I’m sure that this is the place Crossen Magnus lived before.”

Right then a magician yelled loudly.

“Benitez-nim is coming.”

Shrekheimer’s head turned around like he had been slapped.  His eyes saw a dark shadow that was approaching like a bird flying in air.  In Shrekheimer’s farsighted gaze, the light of approval was spreading.

“Did you succeed? You were very lucky.”

He had a sharp vision because of the holy magic.  He didn’t miss that Benitez was hugging a dark shadow.  He hurriedly gave order to the magicians.

“Please hurry up and get ready to leave.  We have no time to spare.”


The magicians started to nosily move.

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