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Chapter 5: Frozen EarthPart 1

Chapter 5: Frozen EarthPart 1


Yos.h.i.+no opened her eyes. And she trembled in panic.

Together with the feeling of waking up after dozing off in the dark——a gentle breeze brushed her cheeks and the view of the city flowed into her sights.

"Eh……………, ah……"

Yos.h.i.+no looked around her.

She was inside—a city which she does not know.

The only thing surrounding Yos.h.i.+no was a crater formed from an explosion of some sort that had blasted the area off.

And the sky was cold and raining.

It was the something which she has already experienced many times, an experience that she was starting to get tired of—it was the feeling of the real world.

But if there was something different this time it would be——that her irreplaceable friend was missing from her left hand.


From the sky, she heard a sound that she had memories of.

And over there was—as what Yos.h.i.+no had predicted, a number of humans covered with machines and armor floating above her.

"—Target confirmed. All members, initiate attack."


After that response the humans fired many bullets from their arms and legs at Yos.h.i.+no.


Yos.h.i.+no gasped and flew into the sky by kicking off the ground.

Just like that, to escape the attacks from the humans, she was using complex maneuvering and running away.

"Don"t let her escape!"


She heard such voices echo behind her, and many more bullets were fired at her.

It was the final strike, because each attack held a lethal level of power respectively. If not for the AstralDress, the attacks would have resulted in Yos.h.i.+no being killed over a 100 times; it was the incarnation of killing intent and malice.


While Yos.h.i.+no was dancing in the sky feeling confused, she was also raising inaudible shouts.

Her heartbeat turned rough,

Her stomach started to hurt,

And her eyes were spinning round and round.

Yos.h.i.+no could not tolerate the malice and killing intent targeting her from someone else

Normally it would be—different.

Usually, [Yos.h.i.+non] would talk for her from her left hand.

Since [Yos.h.i.+non] was very reliable, it would act as if this attack was nothing to it.

That"s why, Yos.h.i.+no would feel safe and okay. And she would refrain from hurting everyone else.

But, right now—


Yos.h.i.+no felt a strong impact behind her, and while she was making a soft scream she fell to the ground.

It was not an attack that could pierce through the AstralDress. However, it was a heavy attack that sent Yos.h.i.+no, with her AstralDress"s protection, to the ground.

The feeling of fear was spreading inside Yos.h.i.+no"s heart to the extent that it could not be helped.

*clatter* *clatter* her tooth cried,

*rattle* *rattle* her legs trembled,

*shake* *shake* and her sights was shaking.

The inside of her head was already mushy to the level that it can’t be helped.

"U, a,a………"

*zaa*,*zaa*-----and the rain had gotten even stronger.

"—Okay, let us up this all the way."

At the same time when the leader styled lady said those words, all the humans and their ominous weapons were all pointed at Yos.h.i.+no at once.

And then, from the machines, the most killing intent they have released so far was poured into it, and took shape before it was launched at her.

Just the moment before impact. Yos.h.i.+no raised her right hand high up to the sky.



She swings her hands down, together with the angel"s name.

"——Took her down!?"

Ryouko"s mildly excited voice was heard through the transmitter.

While Origami was making a long and thin sigh, without lowering her guard she looked around the surface of the earth covered with smoke.


It had been almost 30 minutes, after the residents had finished evacuating and the alarm rang.

The moment they confirmed [Hermit]"s figure, Origami and the rest of the team immediately began their extermination plan.

Right now in the area were 9 members of the AST floating on the air, covered with long-ranged equipment.

Together with the wiring suits covering them and the normal thrusters unit as its center, it was extermination equipment that has a whole bunch of anti-Spirit ammunition loaded in it.

Normally the weight of the equipment would be too heavy to move around with but—it was compensated by the gravity neutralizing absolute power field, the Territory which is brought forth by the Realizer.

All of the members were facing the visitor, the [Hermit], and Ryouko was watching the situation.


The voice of someone filled with confusion was, delivered to all of the members ears through the transmitter.

The smoke covering the area where [Yos.h.i.+no] fell dispersed immediately—and from the inside of the smoke, the figure of a doll with a slow-witted silhouette appeared, which was unconfirmed until just a few moments ago.

—On its back, [Hermit]"s small body was tightly attached to it.

"That is—"

The sound of Ryouko"s voice through the transmitter shook Origami"s eardrum.

There was a memory of that doll. It was the weapon [Hermit] summoned from last time—the Angel.

And thus, the puppet took a slouching posture, and when she thought that both its front legs touched the ground, *Guoooo*, a white smoke-like substance was released out of the abdomen part right pa.s.s the four legs, and from the mouth.

The puppet then turned its head and faced toward the sky.


And, it raised a strange roar that left a buzzing in the ears.

When it did that—the doll as the center, a crispy sound came from the ground, and the ground turned white and increased in radius.

"Wha-What is this………!?"

A voice of a team member filled with uneasiness echoed.

But [Hermit]"s doll did not care about the team, and continued letting out an evil cold air and roars.

Each time it did that, the ground continued turning white.


Origami sent her sights to left and right.

The image that was projected in her sights was—the whole city, having the same phenomenon occurring.

Suddenly the puddles made from the heavy rain started to rise, and instantly froze to form countless commercialized-like needle shaped ice.

The frost was creeping and falling around the city"s road and building, the situation was like having one whole city being put into a freezer.

In the blink of an eye—Origami and the others had their vision covered in ice.

And adding on to this terrible situation, the area they are in right now was getting endlessly supplied with water from the sky.

When the large quant.i.ty of raindrops, touched the ground covered in ice, it was immediately absorbed into the ground.

An endless invasion and the growing of ice castles.

That was what; Tenguu city was covered up with.

"…………………Kuh! All members! Don"t falter! Shoot!"

Together with Ryouko"s orders, Origami fired that instruction into her brain.

And the muzzle"s equipped onto her whole body, activated all at once.

The other AST members acted the same, and fired at [Hermit] with all ammunition they had left.



Origami stopped breathing for a moment.

Before their ammunitions reached [Hermit], they froze far from it, without even igniting, the ammunition fell to the ground.

Origami immediately sent instructions to her brain, and simple a.n.a.lysis was put into operation.

When she did that, many weak but vast amounts of Spirit energy readings appeared on her view, it was so much that it was scary.

"Wha………what is going on?"

"—It is probably, the rain"s fault."

"Ah, rain?"

In the midst of the team"s confusion, Origami made a short answer.

"Yes, although it is little, the rain contains Spirit power."

The heavy rain left no gaps in her view.

The moment it touched the ammunition, it would get covered in ice and even the firepower would freeze before falling to the ground.

The rain covered in the Spirits power and the cold air. In this curtain of water, and the ice castles that covered the land, acted as a strong protective wall to protect its enshrined master.


And—at that moment, [Hermit] showed some movement while she was attached to the giant dolls back.

Guoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo——and it raised a roar that was like the sound of a moving machine, this roar was larger compared to just now, the doll then bent its body backwards.

That aspect was a little different from usual.

Yes, putting it into words, instead of releasing cold air, it was as if it was sucking in the atmosphere by taking a big breath.

"………….! All members, take cover!"

The same time Ryouko made that order, she sent mental instructions from her brain to the thruster units, and left the airs.p.a.ce where Origami and the others were floating just a moment ago.

That instant, when she thought that, the doll moved its head back to its normal spot, together with an unpleasant sound that can tear her ears apart, from the mouth, a blue beam was released.



In the transmitter, she could hear the voice of anguish from the other members. It would seem that, it was too late to run away.


She made her body spin midair, and took a glimpse downwards.

Over there were 2 ice boulders with a radius of 3 meters, *roll* *roll* that were rolling around.

There was no mistake. It was the owners of the anguished voices she heard from the other side of the transmitter just now.

"…………., Did they get frozen together with the Territory……? This isn"t a joke……!?"


While hearing the other team members voice, Origami brought her eyes to [Hermit]"s behavior without lowering her guard.

And—maybe [Hermit] felt that the AST members were in disarray, it showed some movement once again.

When it thought that Origami and the others had turned their backs, the doll landed onto the ground with its four legs, and just like that with tremendous speed, it ran away like it was sliding on the frozen ground.

"Kuh……….we are chasing her!"


Origami and the others sent the instructions to their own brains, and drove the Thruster units.

Part 2


Tohka was sleeping in the deepest room located on the second floor of the Itsuka house; she immediately raised her face up when the unexpected sound of explosions echoed.


She raised her body because she was surprised by the dangerous situation, *rumble* *rumble*, she opened the window while these sounds happened.

At that moment, Tohka shook her body unconsciously.

Instead of an outrageous feeling of fear, she s.h.i.+vered from the unexpected coldness, of the wind that entered from outside the window.

It was so weird that the surrounding temperature was dropping. Tohka looked around in a bad mood while frowning.

"Th-This is………"

Rain was pouring down on one side of her view , what"s more, the moment the raindrop touched the ground it froze up and turned to ice.

"Wha-What on earth is happening now…………"

And, at that moment, she suddenly remembered something from just now.

During the time she was having an afternoon nap, she felt that something like the sound of Uuuuuuuuuuuu——echoed.

She thought that it was a dream or something, but that was………

"Was that…………the thing called the alarm…….!? Which means this is the……….s.p.a.cequake?"

The image of the explosion and so on was quite different from what she heard from instructor Tama-chan , from what she can see, it was a strange situation. She has to hurry and evacuate to the so called shelter.

And—at that moment when Tohka was about to leave the room.


Outside the window, a strange object pa.s.sed by with tremendous speed.

It was a doll with a body length of 3 meters that had a short and stout form.

What"s more on the back of the doll, it was being ridden by a girl with a green colored coat.

"That was……from that time."

Yes, that was the girl that s.h.i.+dou had met up with.

The same time she confirmed that, Tohka, felt a shaking in her heart.

She does not have any basis. But for some reason—she couldn"t help but feel that s.h.i.+dou might be with that girl.


After biting her lips, Tohka ran out of the room.

Part 3

"Wha………, what the heck, is this………?"

While holding the puppet in his hand, s.h.i.+dou who had just left the apartment opened his eyes wide at the view that was spreading in front of him.

At any rate, the town"s landscape that he was familiar with, turned into a winter wonderland.

What"s more, it was not snow acc.u.mulating on it. The town was purely, frozen.

"—Did you not hear the alarm? It"s Yos.h.i.+no."

From the intercam that had been keeping its silence, he could hear Kotori"s voice from it.

"Leaving that aside. What were you doing before the Spirit manifested? You took quite a sweet time leaving the room."

"…………No, I got caught by a birdlime[2E 1] that was set up at the front entrance."

Yes, when he was trying to leave Origami"s room, his leg got grabbed by the trap; it was something that would slow him down from going outside.

………………But it was a weird trap. Although it would take someone"s time but it was not a trap that was impossible to escape from. If he were to say which it was, instead of catching an intruder from outside, it would be to slow someone down from escaping from inside…


Now was not the time to be worrying about such things. He shook his head and regained his thoughts.

"So this is…Yos.h.i.+no"s doing?"


He said that while viewing the city covered in ice and Kotori replied back to him.

"It is not a situation where you can take your time leisurely and make plans. The rain water was supposed to be drained originally but even that got frozen up, if this situation continues there might be a chance that serious damage could be caused to the ground and underground shelter."

After taking a deep breath, Kotori continued on.

"—The only ones that can stop Yos.h.i.+no are you, and that puppet. Will you go for it?"

"Of course. I can"t leave Yos.h.i.+no and the city like this anymore."

"……………s.h.i.+n, I have one thing to say too, is it okay?"

And, from the intercam, he heard a sleepy voice. It was Reine.

"………………I did a lot of investigating but—it would seem, your question was not necessarily a misunderstanding."

Speaking of the—Question, it was probably what s.h.i.+dou asked, when Yos.h.i.+no visited his house a few days ago.

Now that he thought about it, he felt that Kotori did mention she would get Reine to investigate it.

"……………Since we don"t have time I will tell you the brief details. Yos.h.i.+no is—"

Reine explained the situation briefly.


The same time when he heard that, a feeling of his heart being tightly squeezed, pa.s.sed throughout s.h.i.+dou"s whole body.

But—mysteriously it wasn"t that surprising.

The only feeling he had was an agreement of, aah, if it"s Yos.h.i.+no then, it"s understandable——

And the absolute conviction of, as expected I need to save the girl.


He looked at the city again and took a breath. He then made his determination by, hitting his chest a few times which was beating violently.

She might have guessed s.h.i.+dou"s intention just by that, Kotori"s voice resounded back.

"—Very well. Run straight to the right, until you get out of the main street. Looking at the speed and the direction Yos.h.i.+no is heading, you will reach there in approximately 5 minutes. If it is from that spot you can reach that location before her."


Receiving his instructions, he swiftly stepped on the ground firmly. But,

"Hurry and finish increasing her affection level, and give her a kiss."


………………It was a specific way to say it out of the mouth, s.h.i.+dou became a little shy from that.

"What"s wrong? Is there a problem?"

"N-No………….Although it is not about that but……..errr."

s.h.i.+dou said that while lightly blus.h.i.+ng, Kotori made a [haa] sigh like she was tired of him.

"Why are you getting embarra.s.sed now? It"s not like this is the first time you"ve done it."

From Kotoris words, s.h.i.+dou remembered what had happened inside the department store, his face turned even redder because of that.

"Th………That, might be true but……………No, how’d I put this? Although it was like an accident at that time but...If I am suppose to do it intentionally, then it feels like a crime or something…"

"—Aah, what is this? Is there a chance that s.h.i.+dou might be a lolicon?"

"…………Th, tha, that"s wrong!"

"That reaction. Bull’s-eye? Is your strike-zone from middle school and below? Kyaa—scary. I have to be careful from now on."

Kotori said mischievously.

"Oi oi."

And s.h.i.+dou replied back while scratching his cheeks.

"No, that won"t happen."

No matter how much he wasn"t connected by blood, Kotori was his sister and they have been brought up together since they were young.

As expected, there was no way such a thing would happen.



"Shut up, hurry up and go!"

It was rare for Kotori, in her oppressive Commander mode, to raise her voice while shouting.

"Wha-What"s wrong with her………?"

While s.h.i.+dou was feeling it was hard to understand her, he dashed in the middle of the cold rain.

He was somehow maintaining his speed, while running on the frozen road.

And immediately he arrived at the main street with no one in sight—he then firmly gripped his foot on the ground.

"—She"s coming."

Right after Kotori"s warning—immediately, he saw a slow-witted silhouette.

It was a smooth and inorganic form. On its head, long rabbit-like ears. There was no mistake. It was the Angel Yos.h.i.+no summoned.

s.h.i.+dou, raised his voice until his vocal cords almost got crushed.



Yos.h.i.+no who was attached to the back of the doll which was moving at extreme speeds, showed some reaction.

It would seem, that she noticed s.h.i.+dou.

that was moving like it was sliding on the frozen road, stopped right in front of s.h.i.+dou.

And when he thought the slow-witted doll bent its body, Yos.h.i.+no who was attached to the back, raised her face that was soggy from crying.

"H-Hey, Yos.h.i.+no. Long time no see."


Yos.h.i.+no raised her body, and *un* *un* vertically swung her head.

At that occasion, Yos.h.i.+no pulled out her hand that was inserted in the hole behind "s back. On Yos.h.i.+no"s finger many ring-like objects were s.h.i.+ning, and from inside "s interior, there were thin treads stretched out. Like a puppet, it might be used to control "s movements.

"Yos.h.i.+no, there is something I want to give to you."


After wiping her tears with her sleeves, Yos.h.i.+no tilted her head as if questioning him.

"Aah, this is—"

And, that moment when s.h.i.+dou took out the puppet that was kept in his pocket.


The same time when Kotori"s voice echoed, from behind s.h.i.+dou a light beam of some sort, was aimed and fired at Yos.h.i.+no.

The shot grazed the tip of Yos.h.i.+no"s shoulder and her cheek, as it continued on pa.s.sing behind her.


s.h.i.+dou"s voice clogged up, and he immediately turned his head to look behind him.

Over there was Origami covered with overly exaggerated equipment, and was floating on air while carrying a large cannon.


And what"s more, it was not only that. Wondering when it happened, in s.h.i.+dou and Yos.h.i.+no"s surroundings, AST magicians were gathering around them.

"—That young man over there. It"s dangerous. Distance yourself from that girl."

With a voice that was pa.s.sed through using a machine, the woman that appeared to be the captain made a practical speech.


"U——ah, ah, ah, ah, ah……"

And immediately such a voice came from behind him; s.h.i.+dou turned his face back to its original direction.

Yos.h.i.+no looked at the AST members figure and, *tremble* *tremble* her body started trembling.


s.h.i.+dou, raised his eyebrows and gasped.

"Ah, aaaah, UAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh---------!"

She shouted, Yos.h.i.+no then inserted both her arms into again.

And while spreading an extremely cold air around it, it slides towards its back direction.

"U,Yos.h.i.+no……….! Wait!"

s.h.i.+dou"s entreaty could not reach.

which was being controlled by Yos.h.i.+no, was *Guuooooooooooooooooo*--------making such sounds while sucking in the surrounding atmosphere.

"Th-That is……..!"

Tohka who had been running in the frozen city, was frightened at the scenery she was looking at.

In the cleared up road, she was able to recognize the figures of s.h.i.+dou, the blue haired girl she saw a few days ago, and also the AST members standing there.

And, the girl driving the doll retreated to the back of the doll and, the doll bent backwards and started sucking in the surrounding atmosphere.


Tohka felt a cold chilly feeling deep down her stomach.

The only level she could describe that feeling was it an instinct of some sort, but somehow she understood what that was. And that thing was—not something good.

It was hard to put into words but, yes, the shaking of the atmosphere and the moment before Tohka uses with all her might to make a final blow, it was extremely similar.

"…………….., s.h.i.+dou!"

Tohka raised her voice.

But, she understood that even if she did call out to him there was no meaning for doing so.

Tohka immediately stomped her heel on the ground.


And, she called that name. It was Tohka"s final sword, the throne. It was the name of the miracle that held a shape.

"……………………………, Kuh—"

But nothing happened. Tohka distorted her face.

It was not like she did not predict this. She did receive many explanations from Kotori and the others, just in case.

Like what kind of existence Tohka was. And what Kotori and the others were planning to do with Tohka.

And following that process, Tohka was also told why her powers were sealed up.

Naturally, it would be a lie if she wasn"t uneasy at first. That"s because the power she had until now, suddenly disappeared all in one day.

Depending on the situation, she understood that it was a necessary factor to lead a normal life with s.h.i.+dou and the other humans.

Honestly speaking—Tohka"s current lifestyle was unbearably fun.

Although she was still intolerant of Origami, and still does not completely trust Kotori or Reine.

But, the days pa.s.sed together with s.h.i.+dou, were s.h.i.+ning radiantly and were flowing with feelings she had never felt before.


"——! ………uh!"

For the sake of saving s.h.i.+dou, right now, she once again sought for the power that was supposed to be unneeded.

She stomped her heel to the floor, over and over again.

But, no matter how much she tried; would not manifest itself.

"Kuh—I beg you……Please come out, ………!"

She clenched her teeth, and her eyebrows approached each other, while she was close to crying, she continued kicking the floor.


Inside her head, the clear scene of s.h.i.+dou falling down from the bullet resurfaced.

His stomach completely gouged out. s.h.i.+dou falling down powerless. Herself not being able to do anything.

She absolutely does not want to experience that again.

—At that moment, the girl"s moved its head back to its original position.


*wobbling* *shaking* Tohka"s mental state, was turning unstable. The tremendous amount of stress which was enough to blow her conscious away was, overrunning inside Tohka"s head.

"Ku—a, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And then, the moment when released the condensed cold air from its mouth.


s.h.i.+dou fell on his b.u.t.t unintentionally.

He was overpowered by "s tremendous pressure.

The AST members that were spread out in his surroundings initiated a barrage of attacks on when it began sucking in the surrounding atmosphere, but all the attacks were blocked by the surrounding rain.

And thus——an extremely strong stream of cold air was released by Yos.h.i.+no’s .


Although he did not know about the details but from the only knowledge he had, it was an attack that would probably rob s.h.i.+dou of his life, and he somehow expected that this would be the case.

Judging from the timing and speed—it was something that was impossible to avoid.


And, he heard Origami"s voice, but it was too late. s.h.i.+dou closed his eyes unintentionally—

After his body was stiff for a few seconds, but feeling no discomfort, he wrung his neck and opened his eyes.

"Thi-This is—?"

And while he was dumbfounded he opened his mouth.

It was because, before s.h.i.+dou knew it, a giant throne was rising in front of him, and it might have protected s.h.i.+dou from Yos.h.i.+no"s attack.


Yes. It was the luxurious throne with the texture of metal. On the steel blue colored armrest, the back of the sword"s handle was popping its face out like it was peeping.

That was, none other than Spirit Tohka"s peerless weapon—.

"Wh-Why is this—?"

"—It’s simple."

From his right ear, Kotori"s voice echoed.

"Kotori…………? What does this mean? Wasn"t Tohka"s power sealed?"

"I told you before. If Tohka"s mental state turns unstable, there is a chance that the supposedly sealed powers would counter-flow back, from s.h.i.+dou to Tohka—Although it is far from her full powers but it was unexpected for her to be able to summon her angel………………Well aren’t you loved, s.h.i.+dou?"

"Huh……….? S-So why is Tohka"s—"

When s.h.i.+dou was flabbergasted, there were movements in the surroundings.

s.h.i.+dou was not the only one that was surprised at the throne that suddenly appeared. Yos.h.i.+no made a face as if she saw something that was out of this world, and immediately controlled and used it to run away with incredible speed.

The AST members activated their thrusters and chased after her.

Origami also took a glance at the luxurious throne in front of s.h.i.+dou, and after making a small frown; she followed the other AST members and chased after Yos.h.i.+no.


After s.h.i.+dou has been blankly pre-occupied for a few moments, he immediately opened his eyes wide.

"Oh yeah, I need to chase after Yos.h.i.+no too—"



From behind, he heard his name being called out.

It was a cute tone, and a unique intonation. And what was more importantly, the luxurious throne right in front of him. There was no need to figure out who the owner of that voice was—it was Tohka.

"Tohka………huh? Eh—?"

But when s.h.i.+dou faced towards her, he opened his eyes wide upon Tohka"s figure that he was not familiar with seeing.

Tohka was wearing her usual Raizen high school uniform but—whether it"s her chest or skirt, her most important parts were, swayed with a beautiful light membrane.

"Tohka, what is that………….?"


When s.h.i.+dou said that, Tohka drop her sights down and looked at her own body while blinking in surprise.

"Ooo!? What is this! AstralDress!?"

It would seem that she has finally realized what her current state is after being pointed out. Tohka raised a surprised voice.

And after a few moments, of patting and touching the light membrane, she immediately raised her face and returned her sights to s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"More importantly—s.h.i.+dou, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Ah………aah. Thanks to you."

s.h.i.+dou replied while looking up at the luxurious throne rising in front of him.

And when he did that, Tohka looked away awkwardly and continued on with a shaky voice.

"Err………..about that, I, I am sorry………in a lot of ways."


When s.h.i.+dou replied blankly, Tohka [muumuu] gave a groan.

"That"s why………! I was, irritated by something I don"t know and……err, I couldn"t express my grat.i.tude to s.h.i.+dou………since I caused many problems so—I always, wanted to apologize to you……"

"No……………that, it was my fault anyway………"

Although he was supposed to show some courtesy on denying Tohka"s words but—there was no time, now.

s.h.i.+dou *gulp* swallowed his saliva.

The Angel and also the AstralDress, which belongs to the Spirit known as Tohka.

Even she was not in the complete condition but it does not change the facts of her still having superpower that exceeds mankind.

The Spirit powers that could oppose Yos.h.i.+no"s . And also the AST"s CR units.

s.h.i.+dou immersed himself with his thoughts for a few seconds and fixed his eyes back to Tohka.

"—Tohka, I have a request."

"Nu……? Why the sudden formalities?"

Tohka wrung her neck curiously.

s.h.i.+dou fell to his knees without any hesitation at all, and lowered his head very low.


"—I beg you. Lend me your power. I know asking something like this from you is unreasonable. But, I want—her, I have to save Yos.h.i.+no no matter what…………!"


After she was silent for a moment, Tohka echoed her voice a little.

"The Yos.h.i.+no you"re talking about—is that girl?"



After shortening her breath, Tohka continued on with her words. She was somewhat—sad.

"……………I see. As I thought, that girl is important. —More"

"……………Uh? Who said something like that?"

s.h.i.+dou raised his face, and saw Tohka"s eyes.


"That’s wrong—It"s not something like....that."

"s.h.i.+dou. That"s dangerous. Don"t tell Tohka any unnecessary information—"

He ignored what Kotori said and opened his lips.

"That girl—is the same as you, Tohka."


"Aah, Yos.h.i.+no is the same as you——a Spirit."

"……………!? That girl is?"

Tohka made a dubious voice while raising her eyebrows.

"—That is not all. Because she...also holds powers that she can"t do anything about on her own, just like you, she has been feeling pain all this time…………!"


"I—promised her. That I will become a hero and I will save her. ………But, with only my power, I can"t even chase after her………!"

Once again, he lowered his head deeply.

"I beg you, Tohka. Please lend me…………your power!"


The silence flowed by.

But—it did not continue for very long.

*Suuuu--…..haaaaaaa*, he heard the sound of someone breathing.

"……………Uh, haha."

The echo of the small laugh was also heard.

When he raised his face, he understood that Tohka was putting her hand on her forehead.

And that mouth, started moving.

"…………Aah, I see. That"s right. How did I forget something like this. —The person who saved me, was this kind of man."


Because of the rain, he could not properly hear what Tohka just said. He replied back to her in doubt.

But without replying back, Tohka immediately turned her body around.

"—All I have to do is chase after that girl, right?"

Tohka"s dignified voice was shaking inside s.h.i.+dou"s eardrum, as if it was erasing the sound of the rain.

"…………, Tohka!"

"Don"t say anymore. Time is precious."

After saying that she walked a few steps and, *GAN*! She kicked the luxurious throne that was at that spot.

When she did that, the giant throne fell forward and transformed into a weird shape.

"Thi-This is—?"

"Ride it. You"re in a hurry right?"

When Tohka rode on the back part of the throne, she urged s.h.i.+dou to get on.

"Ah, aah…………"

While being perplexed, s.h.i.+dou followed Tohka and rode on . Instead of a throne, it has the appearance of an awkwardly shaped boat or a surf board.

"—Grab on."

And, at the same time Tohka said those short words.


With incredible acceleration, started sliding on the frozen ground.

His body was attacked by murderous wind pressure and gravity. s.h.i.+dou immediately clung onto the decorations on the back.

But Tohka was barely grabbing onto anything, and was standing calmly on the back of as if she had strong magnets equipped under the soles of her feet.

"If we hold back on the speed we"re going to lose sight of her! We"re going on like this!"


Inside the incredible wind pressure, s.h.i.+dou barely let out his voice.


And, from the intercam on his right ear, a voice as if someone gave up echoed. It was Kotori.

"Although Tohka responded quite well, it was all good but—that was careless, s.h.i.+dou."

"Sorry, I will listen to your preaching later…! Just lend me your power now without saying anything, Kotori……!"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori made a sigh, and continued talking.

"—Of course. It is our mission to save the Spirits. We will not waste any effort when helping you."

"I"m in debt to you…………!"

And, at that moment "s speed increased. s.h.i.+dou put strength in his neck, and somehow put his foot on the back of , and while being supported by Tohka they continued advancing on the ice.

Part 4

"——B team, go on ahead! We"re going to trap [Hermit]!"


From the transmitter, she heard the voices of Ryouko and the other AST members responding to her.

Origami together with 2 members of the AST, delicately changed their direction, and withdrew from the main team chasing after [Hermit].

The target location would be around 1 kilometer ahead from the intersection point.

While the Territory was neutralizing the G force, which was strong enough to normally make someone"s consciousness turn hazy or make it impossible to open their eyes due to the wind pressure, they reached the targeted location.


And with the feeling of kicking the air she used the brakes, and diverted to that direction.

In her sights, she already caught a glimpse of the [Hermit] advancing in her direction.

At the same time the 3 members as the B team confirmed the sighting, they dispatched themselves to left and right, they made an instruction in their minds and 2 anchor units which were equipped with the thrusters under their armpits, were shot out to the ground.

From the total of 6 anchor units light threads were stretched out, and entangled with each other to form a net.

"——Deployment of the laser web completed, machine Beta and Gamma tied together confirmed."

"Okay, we"re going to corner her!"

When Origami said that, she heard Ryouko"s shouting voice through the transmitter which was chasing after the [Hermit].


[Hermit] finally arrived and seemed to have realized that an ambush has been set for her.

But——it was too late.

From the front, and both the left and right the light of an entangled net with magic barred her way.

From behind, Ryouko and the A team were pursuing her.

And from above, Origami and the B team were floating with the completed Laser web.

"A———ah, ah, aah…………——"

The [Hermit] who was attached to the back of the doll, opened her eyes wide and let out a voice filled with despair.

"All members—attack!"

However, the AST did not show any sympathy or mercy to the opposing Spirit.

Together with the orders, all of the AST members pulled out the laser blade which is a standard high-powered close combat equipment, and charged at [Hermit].


"U…….a, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh—!?"

The same time with [Hermit]"s scream, there was an incredible turbulence occurring in the surrounding.

And the raindrops that were pouring down froze up and turned into hail, swirled around and covering [Hermit]; it became the shape of a blizzard dome.

Origami did not care about it, and swung down the at the ice storm barrier protecting [Hermit].

However, there was an immediate change.

From the point that touched the barrier, the "s blade and Origami"s surrounding Territory were making a cracking sound and begun to freeze up.

Origami immediately, made the sword vanish, and de-activated her Territory.


The weight of her body and the equipments she was wearing, suddenly returned and the scenery which she was clearly visible until now turned blurry and she became unable to see.

In addition to that, the piercing cold air that was filled in the city and the cold raindrops pouring down from the sky, attacked Origami"s body for the first time.

In the blink of an eye, from the greenhouse environment it became something like climbing a snow mountain in the middle of winter. Her heart made a big leap as if she got frightened, and it made Origami"s breathing painful.

"Basic Territory re-activate."

Inside the exhausting feeling close to making her fainting, she somehow managed to get that language out of her mouth.

When she did that, an invisible barrier once again manifested around Origami, and gently made her body float. She activated her thrusters, and somehow managed to escape from [Hermit]"s barrier.

"Kuh…………Everyone, are you alright!?"

Ryouko"s voice was heard. They might have used the same method as Origami to escape [Hermit]"s barrier too.

But when all the responding voices were counted, including Origami, the total was only 5.

2 more people probably got frozen together with their Territory.


Origami brought her eyes to the blizzard dome that was born on top of the frozen road.

Goooooooooooooo——it was making low howls while winding up a whirlpool, it has a hemisphere of an estimated radius of 10 meters.

The ice bullets imbued with the Spirit"s mana raged, and formed a fortress of cold air.

Plasma blade and the Territory which normally has no substance were also frozen, it became obviously clear that this isn"t a normal blizzard.

"Tsk…………this is annoying. What are we going to do about this?"

"—It is not like there is no way."

She having said that remark, she sent the data of the barrier which she had scanned earlier ago to the other members.

"This is……"

"Yes. The value of mana covering the barrier is not a big deal. It will react to the magic output of our Territory, and would temporarily focus its defensive power on that one spot."

"Which means……in a de-activated Territory condition, we won"t get frozen?"


When Origami said that, Ryouko groaned with difficulty.

"That doesn"t sound so realistic. No matter how much we can escape getting frozen up, it is still a barrier with lumps of ice bullets whirling around it. Although the wiring suits has some bullet-proof properties built-in but…………I don"t think our body would hold out until we reach her."

Ryouko said that, and another member raised her opinion.

"How about—a bombardment of attacks using a gun with no magic applied to them."

"…………That would also difficult. Even if by any chance we were able to pa.s.s through the barrier, the Spirit still has its AstralDress you know? Using a physical attack which is not covered in magic, we wouldn’t even cause any injury to the Spirit after all."

That is true, what Ryouko said actually does make sense.

The Spirits" AstralDress, can only be broken by the magic output released by the Realizer.

However, the barrier of this blizzard that is covering the surrounding has that kind of magic readings.

It is a 2 layered wall of different attributes. That was a troublesome thing.

But, Origami activated her thrusters and, flew up to the sky.


"Doing it like this is okay."

Origami muttered that, cast her eyes down and prepared her breathing, to increase her focus.

And in her surrounding, the territory that was deployed which normally has a radius of 3 meters instantly expanded to nearly 10 meters.

The radius of the territory, the more it expanded, the lower the density would become which causes its ability value to drop.

The territory now which had now expanded to a 10 meter cla.s.s radius would probably not be able to stop the Spirits attacks.

But—right now this was okay. Just like that Origami got close to a residential apartment nearby.



The top part of the building that enters the range of the expanded Territory got twisted out, and was grabbed mid-air.

The concrete of the outer wall was peeling off, the heat insulated materials were shredding, and a sound that was painful to the ears sounded and the concrete foundation of the building was forcibly twisted out. It might be the furniture of the offices inside the building, whether its personal computers or doc.u.ments these things were leaked out of the Territory, and falling away separately.

It was quite heavy. Her brain started to get the intense burden and a violent headache attacked Origami.

"O-Origami………!? What the heck are you doing?"

Origami didn"t care about her and continue making the top part of the building float, she then flew above the [Hermit]"s barrier.

And then, after taking a small breath she said,

"Crush her, with a good amount of materials. With this, the barrier should de-activate for an instant. And we aim that."

"…………Seriously, you"re always so reckless……!"

After Ryouko said that with a sigh mixed in it, she gave her orders.

"Everyone, did you hear that!? Although it is rough but there seems to be no other way. All members, charge output to maximum and standby outside the barrier"s range! Everyone is going to attack at the same time when the barrier disappears!"


The remaining AST wizards, were readying their stance with all of their equipments and activated their Realizers.

Origami prepared by breathing, and swung down the hand that was carrying the building.

The lump of metal and concrete that has an incredible weight, dropped right down towards the blizzard dome.


Origami distorted her eyebrows a little.

On the building parts that she had just dropped, she was attracted to one line on it, and following along with the line, the giant lump of concrete got split into two.


No—that was not all.

The separated debris was chopped finely into pieces and what"s more it all happened in a flash.

By the time it touched the ground, all of it turned into fragments and smaller debris.

And the [Hermit]"s barrier was—still, going strong.

"This is—"

And the moment she made that voice, from her ear *Beep* *Beep* an ear hurting buzzer got delivered.

"Origami! Th-The Spirit readings increased! This reading is—"

Before Ryouko could even finish, Origami made the Territory which had expanded to almost 10 meter cla.s.s, condense to almost 2 meters which is smaller than her usual one.

The large-scaled equipments that were struck outside the Territory field followed the laws of gravity and fell to the ground.

At that moment—in front of Origami, night colored hair danced.


At the Territory that was jammed together to increase the defensive characteristics, an intense burden was forced on it.

There was no need to even think about the reason. It was because the girl that appeared right in front of her, came slicing at Origami with her sword.

"Fuun, you defended against that huh?"


Origami said that name like she was groaning, and drew out the laser blade from her hips, and released a sword strike at Tohka whose body was covered here and there by her thin AstralDress.


After Tohka dodged that in a flash, she rested her legs on top of the rooftop fence on a nearby building.

"What are you doing here?"

While facing the sword of light at her, she asked the Tohka that suddenly appeared.

While flipping her front hair that was wet from the rain to the back, Tohka made an inappropriate smile.

"—Fuun, sorry about that, I will not let you disturb s.h.i.+dou."


Despite wondering why s.h.i.+dou"s name came up, Origami fixed her grip on .

"Kuh—why did [Princess] appear here? Did she come here to save [Hermit]?"

Ryouko said that irritated.

Yes. The Spirit with an AAA rank—codename [Princess].

From the girl in front of her, the Spirit reading which usually can"t be detected was now, giving out a weak signal.

"——Kuh, we"ll deal with [Hermit] later. All members change your target to [Princess]!"

Ryouko shouted—it might be the most appropriate decision.

It might be the chance to shoot [Hermit] but they would be helpless if [Princess] attacked them, when they are focusing on shooting.

The barrier was certainly a problem but as long as they take some distance from it, the [Hermit] would not commence an attack on her own, it was a natural decision to postpone her attack.

But—she wondered why.

Ryouko and the others floated up from the ground, and looked at Tohka who was looking in their direction; she felt that Tohka made a small nod. It was like—her expectations were going along as planned.

However, there was not enough time for careful consideration. When Tohka kicked the building fence, she once again lifted her sword and approached Origami.


Origami fixed her grip on her sword of light and, kicked the sky to accept her challenge.

Part 5

Going back 3 minutes before the, situation.

"—What is that!? s.h.i.+dou!"

On the that was riding on the frozen road with super speed, s.h.i.+dou was supported by Tohka and was barely holding on. When Tohka said that, s.h.i.+dou raised his face accordingly.


It was quite a strange scenery.

On the ground a whirling blizzard, it was a beautifully made hemisphere—and surrounding it were the AST wizards, who were preparing themselves with their exaggerated weapons.

"What the heck—is that……….!"

"………………It"s the barrier Yos.h.i.+no constructed. Fumu, it was made quite well."

The moment s.h.i.+dou said that, Reine explained briefly the a.n.a.lytical results on the dome of cold air.

Magic—which means, it was a fortress of ice that commences an auto-counterattack when it reacts to the output of AST"s CR units magic attacks.

From Reine"s information, s.h.i.+dou simplified it even further before explaining it to Tohka. Tohka [muu……] put her hands under her jaws and groaned difficultly.

And, this time, Kotori"s voice was shaking his right ear eardrum.

"Things have become troubling. With it like that, no one can get close to Yos.h.i.+no."

If thinking normally, it was true.

But—*Gulp* s.h.i.+dou drank down his saliva and, [No] moved his lips.

There"s one more. There was something that was still bothering him.

"Although it is something that we have to test to find out but……but it might not be exactly necessary."

"What did you say?"

And, a change appeared in the scenery further in front.

When he thought that Origami floated to the sky, she tore out the top part of a nearby building, and transported it above Yos.h.i.+no"s barrier.


"—Tsk, is she planning to shatter the barrier like that? That"s quite a drastic way to do it."

Kotori, said it irritatingly.

"Wha-What should we do to—"

And, the moment s.h.i.+dou said that.


Tohka who was standing nearby him shook her throat a little.

"s.h.i.+dou is going to use that method of some sort...that you know save that Yos.h.i.+no something?"

"…………No, err………I don"t know whether it"s possible or not—"

When she said that, he clenched his teeth.

"—No, there is a way. I will do something about it……definitely."

"I see."

When Tohka said that, *grin*, and she raised the edge of her lips.


"Then, I"ll leave that problem to s.h.i.+dou. Leave the AST or whatever to me. I definitely won"t...let them disturb s.h.i.+dou."

Tohka left those words, and ran on forward from the that was still moving—when she grabbed the handle of the sword that was sprung out of the pointed end at the back of the throne.

She then kicked the back of the chair just like that, and flew in midair—she flew towards the direction of Origami, who was still carrying the building.

"Tha....that girl……….!"

While s.h.i.+dou was still clinging onto that was still moving, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

But, he immediately bit the inside of his mouth and fixed his thoughts, and sternly faced forward.

The thing she was going to do now was dangerous, but he was not going to shout on how reckless it was.

The Spirit Tohka. The girl that had finally managed to escape the endless cycle of battles.

That girl was now—to save Yos.h.i.+no—and also to support s.h.i.+dou"s determination, has once again jumped into the battlefield.

Other than repaying back that resolution, there are no other existing actions that s.h.i.+dou could do now to be forgiven—!

s.h.i.+dou lowered his body, and while clinging onto , he rushed towards Yos.h.i.+no"s barrier.

And in the middle of going there, to make his final confirmation, s.h.i.+dou asked Kotori a question.

"—Kotori. There is something I want to confirm with you."

"What is it?"

"Since it was something that I was not really worried about, there was one thing………I had forgotten to ask. I...on the day when Tohka"s power was sealed—was shot by Origami right?"

Yes. If s.h.i.+dou memories are correct. On that day, s.h.i.+dou was mistakenly sniped by Origami.

And then, he was injured, with a wound that a normal person would not be saved from.

After a silence of one beat, Kotori replied back.

"Yes. —That"s the truth."

"What on earth……was that? Is that also, among my abilities that is unexplainable?"

"…………That would be, half correct and half wrong."

"And you"re saying?"

When he asked back, after Kotori made a groan like she was in a dilemma, she then continued her words.

"It is exactly true that it is among s.h.i.+dou"s ability. By any occasion when your body has received a life-threatening damage, your body will be ignited with fire and, once again be revived. It is a shameful undead monster cheat ability. —It is not like, we are, letting it remain unexplainable."

s.h.i.+dou stared into wonder.

But—there is no time for that now.

"—Right now, I will not ask for what the reason is for now. But there is something I want to ask again. Even if I get injured by a life-threatening injury, I can recover from that. There are no mistakes there right?"

"—Yes. That is an affirmative."

Kotori replied back, s.h.i.+dou took a deep breath.

"………That"s great. If that was my imagination then, I would be heading to my death right now."

"…………s.h.i.+dou...Don"t tell me you plan to..."

And—by the time Kotori was saying that, the building that was floating on the sky was cut into pieces by Tohka, it became fragments of concretes and fell to the ground below.

Immediately, the AST members in the surrounding area, changed their targets to Tohka, and floated to the sky.

With that distraction, the that s.h.i.+dou was riding on, managed to reach the base of Yos.h.i.+no"s barrier.

Or perhaps—with an overly excess vigor, the pointed end of the throne thrust into the barrier.


*Gakun* a strong trembling attacked s.h.i.+dou.

But, he could not remain surprised for long. The part which touched when it touched the barrier, while an incredibly high pitched shriek was sounding, it was getting frozen too.

It definitely, must have reacted to "s Mana.

"This is bad…………"

When s.h.i.+dou got off in a panic, he was standing right in front of the ma.s.sive blizzard in the shape of a whirlpool.

It was a barrier of raging ice storms. When he saw it right in front of him, the intensity of it was a huge difference.

"Yos.h.i.+no—is inside this."

After mumbling, he moved the puppet from his pocket to his clothes.

He then bent his body forward to cover it—and s.h.i.+dou took one step forward.

"s.h.i.+dou, please stop. What are you planning to do?"

From his right ear, restraining words entered. But s.h.i.+dou did not stop his legs.

"—Uh, are you planning to enter the barrier with just your body? And only by depending on your recovery powers? It’s too reckless. Stop it!"

From those admirable words that make him think that it was not from the Commander mode, s.h.i.+dou made a dry laugh.

"Oi oi………During the time I was shot, I heard that you weren"t even a little agitated you know?"

"The situation at that time was different. In the area where the blizzard is blowing in, the outer circ.u.mference of the internal barrier is 5 meters from the target. It"s 5 meters you understand? In that distance, it"s like advancing while getting shot by a shotgun, you get it? And what"s more, if Mana is detected inside that radius, you will be frozen like Tohka"s "

And going on and on, Kotori continued talking.

"Do you understand what I am saying? I am saying during the time you are in the outer edge of the barrier, your wounds will not heal. The difference is huge compared to being shot by one bullet. If your ability runs out half way, there is no mistake you will die!?"

"……………Mana— So my recovery abilities, is the powers of a Spirit huh?"


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