Date A Live

Chapter 4: Cross-Counter HeartPart 1

Chapter 4: Cross-Counter HeartPart 1

The second day of the school trip began.

s.h.i.+dou arrived at the Akaru coast located at the northern extremity of Arubi Island.

This coast that had been sc.r.a.pped off due to the s.p.a.ce Quake on this island 30 years ago, it looked like a gentle arc from the view from above, and it would seem that it was called a cool name like the Crescent moon coast from guides.


But, there were no signs of any tourist-like shadows there.

However that was only normal. s.h.i.+dou was called and stopped by Reine when he was about to head to the changing room with everyone else, and by using a prepared rental car, he was taken to the private beach located at the edge of the Akaru coast.

It would seem she had purposely prepared it yesterday, since there is a high possibility that the s.h.i.+dou"s capture might be interrupted by the other cla.s.smates when it was in progress.

"Haa……………..this is amazing."

The sky was clear. The intense sunlight reflected on the high-transparent water, and made s.h.i.+dou squint his eyes.

However s.h.i.+dou, in contrast compared to normal energetic young boys playing in a swimming pool, muttered with a tone similar to an old man, he then gently caressed the scratch wounds made on his chest and cheeks.

In an instant, a slight pain ran through his skin and made his face flinch.


Last night, the moment he opened the door in order to run away from Kaguya and Yuzuru, he was attacked by Tama-chan"s slash fang.

Thanks to Kotori"s Reiryoku, s.h.i.+dou has gained a body that could heal itself no matter how serious the injuries he got but, it would seem that the ability is not subjected to injuries that can be healed by his own body"s healing abilities. If he were to enter the sea in his current state, he would probably shed tears because of the severe ocean baptism.

Well, nonetheless——

"Either way, it is not like I can play comfortably…………"

s.h.i.+dou made a sigh. As if to match up with that, a sleepy voice echoed through from the Incam equipped on his right ear.

"…………s.h.i.+n, it looks like Kaguya and Yuzuru finished changing their clothes. Are you ready?"

Hearing Reine"s words, s.h.i.+dou made a deep breath before, answering [Yes].

"………….just as what I had explained yesterday, I handed Incams to the both of them. They seem to have not tried sea swimming before, so I am thinking of giving them many instructions. Try to match up with it as much as possible."

"Un, understood."

"………….in order to avoid crossing our conversation and the advice I am going to give to the girls, I will be closing our communication line for now…………… that okay?"

"Yes, I will somehow manage it …………but honestly, it is a little uneasy though."

Recalling back yesterday"s incident, he made a tired bitter smile.

"………….well, it looks like you had various problem yesterday but, we will be saving to a certain degree today. Now then, mission start. Do not forget to compliment them on their swimsuit."

At the end of those words, the communication connection was cut.

And thus, the same time as that, he heard voices of 2 people coming from behind.

"Kuku…………..So you were hiding in a place like this huh."

"Discover. Found you, s.h.i.+dou."

They were characteristic tones. There was no need for confirmation. s.h.i.+dou slowly turned around.

Kaguya and Yuzuru were standing there just as he had predicted. Kaguya was wearing a black bikini with white lace decorations and opposite to that; Yuzuru was wearing a bikini with a white background decorated with black laces.

To both sides, it was so suitable on them that it was infuriating. If these girls were to walk side by side on a beach, it would probably not end with one or two guys approaching them spontaneously.

"O, ou, both of you. It really fits you two. It"s really beautiful."

When s.h.i.+dou made a compliment to their swimsuits following accordingly to Reine"s instructions, Kaguya opened her eyes wide with a red face as if she was surprised while, Yuzuru blankly looked down at her outfit.

However in a sudden manner, Kaguya folded her arms together.

"Ku,kukuku…………………isn"t that right isn"t that right. But don"t be mistaken. Clothes at this level, would just be overshadowed by my charm."

"Thanks. Thank you very much. Yuzuru is very happy."

Subsequently, Yuzuru made an obedient bow.

And, at that moment.


"Confirmation. Yes."

And when he thought, Kaguya and Yuzuru moved their eyebrows unexpectedly, both of them used their hands and poked their own ears respectively. Looking closely, s.h.i.+dou saw the same type of Incam as his on the girls" ears.

"Kuku…………….I see, acknowledged."

"Roger. Understood."

s.h.i.+dou made a bitter smile unintentionally. Since it was an unfamiliar action it couldn"t be helped, but…………it was not a strange scene looking at both of them being preoccupied with the Incam.

Before long, Kaguya and Yuzuru separated their hands from the Incam, and faced back to s.h.i.+dou.

"Oh s.h.i.+dou. This Star s.h.i.+ne is quite unbearable, to me who has everlasting darkness placed inside my body. I allow you to apply the divine protection of the miasma on my body to repel the holy light."


"Appeal. Please help apply on Yuzuru to prevent getting sunburn."

"Aah……………I see."

He finally understood thanks to Yuzuru"s words.

But, it was only after he realized that it was going to be trouble. That"s because, to apply something to prevent sunburns would mean——

"Fu……………well then, I am counting on you. I am leaving my back to you."

Kaguya was saying something that was obviously not meant for this kind of situation while handing over the sunblock lotion to him. Subsequently, Yuzuru also said something similar to that.

"Request. Please."

He was thinking where on earth did they get something like this from but, he immediately understood. Just nearby s.h.i.+dou and the others, a Resting s.p.a.ce like area with parasols and leisure sheets were constructed. Most probably, Reine prepared it beforehand.

After severely mixing their sights together, both of them lay face down under the parasol shade. They then unhooked their tops and, revealed their white backs to s.h.i.+dou.


While looking at the both of their backs lying side by side, sweat was oozing down the middle of s.h.i.+dou"s face.

Applying this………….would means that, he would have no choice but to use his hands and directly run it around the soft skin of a girl.

Thereupon, as expected whether or not they have gotten impatient, Kaguya and Yuzuru touched the Incam and started making soft voices.

"Oi, s.h.i.+dou isn"t getting hooked. Isn"t this different from what you said?"

"Question. Is there something wrong?"

"…………..uh, this is bad."

s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows. Today"s aim was to increase the credibility of Reine"s advice. If s.h.i.+dou were to hesitate here, it would probably mess up the plan.

"O,okay, I"m going to apply it!"

When he said that, Kaguya and Yuzuru faced towards s.h.i.+dou for an instant before making a small nod.


It looked like s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to end it without making Reine"s advice useless. s.h.i.+dou made a relaxed sigh.


"Kuku……… s.h.i.+dou, it might be something that I don"t need to ask but, of course I am going to be the first you apply it on right?"

"Question. Who is s.h.i.+dou going to apply sunblock first?"

"Eh………? No, that"s..."

And, when he thought both of them were mixing their sights while still lying down, Kaguya suddenly grappled Yuzuru and rode on top of her after rolling Yuzuru"s body over. She then raised her voice, while holding down Yuzuru"s body with both her hands and legs to stop her from moving.

"s.h.i.+dou, right now. Bestow me with the divine protection of the miasma."

"Careless. Ku……….."

Kaguya raised the side of her lips as if elated with victory and Yuzuru leaked an anguished voice.

For some reason, the sight of them being in that kind of posture while their swimsuit tops were off and with Kaguya and Yuzuru"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s being pushed onto each other"s bodys was somehow oddly erotic.

"Hurry up!"

"O, ou!"

In a form of being overpowered, s.h.i.+dou folded his knees at that spot and took a good amount of lotion on his hands before touching Kaguya"s back. At that instant——

"uh, Fuaa……….."

While making a sweet voice unheard until now, Kaguya"s whole body twitched.

"!, So,sorry, was it cold?"

"It, its okay. Hurry…………up……."


However, each time s.h.i.+dou moved his hands, Kaguya would twist her body like it was ticklish while making excessively s.e.xy voices like [ah………….], or [Hnn……….].

Yuzuru, who was being held down by Kaguya, also looked at Kaguya"s reactions and [Oou…………] let out an envious voice.

But, Yuzuru immediately moved her eyebrows in a sudden manner and by taking advantage of the small chance made by Kaguya, she then rotates her body.

"Return fire. Chance taken."


This time Yuzuru was the one holding Kaguya down, who was now lying face up. Yuzuru turned her eyes towards s.h.i.+dou. Kaguya, who had taken a position of being mounted, looked like she did not have the composure to retaliate against Yuzuru and was *haa**haa* breathing heavily.

"Appeal. s.h.i.+dou, hurry please give……………. Yuzuru too."

"Uh………………..!? O,ou."

He knew she was referring to the sunblock but, towards that oddly sensational sentence and that pose, he mistakenly had a strong heartbeat.

When s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to calm his heart down, he started applying lotion onto Yuzuru"s back.

"Twitch. U…………….aah,h"

When he did that, Yuzuru let out breaths from her nose in small intervals and made a voice as if she were being squeezed to death.

s.h.i.+dou then nervously started using his hands and while moving his hands accordingly to the muscles around her spine, Yuzuru"s body suddenly sprung up as if she finally could not stand it anymore.


"Admi……ration, s.h.i.+dou, you have……….very good skills."

"N,no fair! Next is me!"

Kaguya, who looked like she had finally regained her breath, raised her body, and reverse their positions.

But when s.h.i.+dou started to apply the lotion again, she would start to raise a lovely voice and shake her body.

"Re…taliation……………..would not let you."

This time Yuzuru was the one who twisted her body and made Kaguya"s back get attached to the leisure sheet. The lotion that was excessively applied was flowing onto the sheet.

"Why you, what are you doing……….!"

But this time Kaguya did not let it end with her losing. She immediately grabbed Yuzuru"s hand and got back into a mount position.

After repeating the same thing over and over for some time, probably slipping because of the lotion, both of them were in a manner where they were respectively in a lying down on their stomach position on the sheet and were glaring at each other.

"Errr, in this situation……….."

s.h.i.+dou joined his hands together to apply some lotion to his other hand and then ran his fingers along both their backs while they were lying face down on the ground and lined up at the same time.

When he did that——

""——uh, A,Aaaaaaahh!""

After the both of them raised a loud voice, they relaxed their hands and legs on the spot completely exhausted and started breathing heavily as if they were sprinting with full-strength.

"Ar,are you okay, both of you………..!"

Both of their vacant pairs of eyes met with each other"s when s.h.i.+dou said that while being confused.

"………..This from, being unwary of it………….."

"Shudder…………….it"s the fingers of G.o.d………….what an unthinkable wolf."


However, it looked like a message had been transmitted from Reine at that moment. After both of them pushed the Incam at the same time, they started to make small nods after rearranging their breathing.

"Fu, fumu, next would be………………watermelon splitting……..? have s.h.i.+dou blindfolded………….?"

"Con…….firm. After spinning around and getting dizzy, wait for the direction………….?"

"Wai, wait a sec! What are you planning to do!?"

Unable to bear it he shouted——s.h.i.+dou moved his shoulders with a twitch.

Different from Kaguya and Yuzuru"s, he felt as if he heard a voice from somewhere.

He thought it was Reine"s voice coming from the incam in an instant but, no. Yes, this is——



s.h.i.+dou called out the name of whose voice he had heard before and he turned around in shock. Although there was only the ocean expanding into his view but, he was certain he felt the voice was coming from that direction.

After looking, he found Tohka swimming towards him from the open sea, while making tremendous splashes.

Although the form was reckless, she was extremely fast. Incidentally coming from behind, he caught a glimpse of Origami swimming with a beautiful crawl.

Part 2

From the coast, Ellen, who was observing the target Yatogami Tohka, was making sighs while ma.s.saging her right shoulder. Because it had been quite a while since she last did vigorous exercise without the Territory, she got a light muscle ache.

…………In the end, yesterday she was dragged into the pillow fight until late into the night and along the way she had gotten tired and fell asleep together with the target.

Today for sure, pulling herself together, she was going to observe the target. But, as expected, there were a lot of people in the middle of the day, so it didn"t seem like the target would be alone. Waiting for tonight would probably be better——

That kind of thinking crossed her mind. And,


Ellen"s eyebrows frowned doubtfully. The target that was just now looking around relentlessly in panic was unexpectedly heading towards the ocean. [Oo s.h.i.+dou, you are in such a place!] she shouted that and entered the ocean.

No, if only that were the case then it would be fine, but——the problem was, the target (And for some reason, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami too) was swimming in a straight line just like that.


After Ellen faced towards the Incam and raised her voice, the voice of the operator immediately replied back.

"We have confirmation. It would seem, that she is heading to the opposite side of the coast."

"The opposite side of the coast, huh?"

While saying that, Ellen recalled the map of Arubi Island which she was on right now. It was certain that Ellen and the others should be on the edge of the arc coast that looked like a crescent moon. Although she could only see a little, the line Tohka and the others were swimming on, was exactly on the course that connects both of the coast"s edges.

"Is there something on the coast they are headed to?"

"It would seem that it is a private beach. We are able to confirm 3 people, male and female there."

After hearing that, Ellen licked her lips.

Although she did not know why Tohka and Origami started heading there, this was a good opportunity. Unusually, there were less people in this swimming area which was opened to public and she could expect testimonies of the target swimming out to the open sea. This was probably the ideal chance to treat it as a gone missing scenario.

"I will immediately head there too. Please make follow me."


After hearing the reply, Ellen took along the camera that was made into a stand onto her shoulder, and stood up straight on the spot.


"Oo, camera-san! Here here over here, take a picture take a picture!"

Unexpectedly called from behind, Ellen took a single glance towards that direction.

She saw a bunch of boys and girls over there having fun with the sand on the beach-side. There was a boy with his hair hardened up from wax being buried in the sand, leaving only his head and below the bow. There was also a weird body taking a weird pose made out of sand.

Incidentally, the worst thing was, in his surroundings, she saw the 3 girl students from yesterday who dragged Ellen into the pillow fight.

"I am very sorry but, I am——"


"Isn"t it okay, Ellen-san take one picture."

"Aren"t we friends that have gone through a hot night together."


After making an annoyed sigh, she set the camera and carelessly pressed the shutter.

"Is this okay. Well then, I am in a hurry, so."

"Eeh, come on take more—"

"I closed my eyes just now—"

"Rather, where are you going? Let"s play—"


When Ellen was about the walk away while ignoring them, Ai Mai Mii stealthily came from behind and had gotten close, they then took the camera that was being held on Ellen"s shoulder and ran away.

"!, what are you doing. Please give that back."

"Noo—, I feel bad for you having to always take the photos, I will help take some of Ellen-san too."

"Th,there is no need. Please give that back."

"It"s okay— it"s okay—, you don"t have to restrain yourself."

"I am not restraining myself. I have something important to do so——"

"Hai~~, lead our precious customer to her seat~"

The same time Mii said that, all the students from random directions grouped together and lightly carried Ellen"s body. They then brought her to the beach-side just like that.

When they did that, at the same time with that Ai Mai Mii grabbed a shovel with their hands and, *ZaZaZa* when she thought a human sized hole was dug out in the sandy beach in a flash, Ellen was thrown inside it.

"Kuh, what on earth are you……….! Rather, aren"t you people digging a little too fast!?"

"Fu! We practiced high-speed hole digging in the back of the hotel until the ground was full of holes yesterday!"

"Something like a sandy beach, to us now is like digging into tofu!"

"Now then, you guys, do it!"


Together with Ai"s leading command, Ellen"s body was buried with sand all at the same time.

"Uwah Puuh…………..wha, ple,please stop!"

Resisting in vain, Ellen"s body was completely buried under the sand. Incidentally on the piled up sand, a body-like sculpture was made on it.

"Kuh……………….this is troubling. Please let me go."

"Maa— Maa—, don"t be in such a hurry."

"One picture for now, okay?"

"We will add more volume to the b.r.e.a.s.t.s so—"

When she lowered her sight to her body, there was an odd amount of sand piled up on her chest area exactly to what Mii said.

………… was a completely unneeded a.s.sistance.

Incidentally, when she looked at it closely, below on her right side, she was able to confirm the face of the boy that was buried by sand from just now. Forget that——the body made under Ellen"s face was a Queen swinging a whip down and the boys was, a naked man on all four with his b.u.t.t facing her.

And most probably in order to bring both sides together, Ai who was a little further away pressed the shutter.


After Ellen twitched her cheeks, the boy that was buried——if certain, his name was Tonomachi Hiroto or something——his face was looking over towards this side.

"Ha Haa, was it……………Ellen-san. This is a little problematic."


After Ellen gave a spiritless reply, Tonomachi cheek"s lightly blushed while continuing.

"How should I put it——no, haha, I wonder can this kind of things be also, called………fate."


This was the first time in her life she ever felt like spitting on somebody else.

Part 3

After Tohka and Origami reached the coast, they jogged towards s.h.i.+dou.

Incidentally, their outfits were the swimsuits that s.h.i.+dou bought for them last month. Tohka"s was dark colored while Origami"s was a white bikini. Both of them were worth trying on, it matched them greatly.

"s.h.i.+dou, you were in a place like this! I was looking for you!"

"s.h.i.+dou. Why are you together with the Yamai sisters?"

And, Tohka said that cheerful while Origami said it suspiciously. s.h.i.+dou made a wary smile as if to ambiguously deceive them and took a step backwards.

"No, well…………….about that, ahaha, truthfully speaking, I got lost……………"

And at that moment, somehow having managed to correct their breathing, Kaguya and Yuzuru, who had their swimsuit tops fixed, let out their voices.

"Hou? Isn"t it Tohka. Kuku……………for you to come to your owner"s side, what a cute fellow. I give you my compliment."

"Wonder. Master Origami, why are you in such a place."

Speaking of which, there was talk about Kaguya and Yuzuru being a burden in Tohka and Origami"s room respectively. It was not surprising that both of them have remembered their faces. ……………..well, whether it was master or owner, he was a little curious as to why those kinds of t.i.tles that did not sound much like what a friend should be using was being used.

"Ooou, Kaguya is also here too. What were you doing?"

"Kuku…………..right now, crus.h.i.+ng something with the outline dyed with darkness and dark green until its crimson red blood and organs burst out, we are about to proceed on playing the devils game."

"Wha, what is that. It sounds scary."

"Explanation. Kaguya is about to play split the watermelon——"

"…………..Wait, for a little longer."

And, in the middle of Yuzuru"s words, a sleepy voice could be heard coming from behind.

Looking back, over there was Reine, wearing a parka over her swimsuit. Probably because the sun rays were too strong, she squinted her eyes while making a shade with her hand and her head was wobbling. She looked like an anemic patient that was about to fall down at any moment but…………………….well, s.h.i.+dou knew that this was Reine"s usual condition.

"!, Reine-san……………….?"

s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows doubtfully. Right now, Reine was suppose be giving out advice to Kaguya and Yuzuru through the Incam.

Kaguya and Yuzuru were probably having the same doubts, they stared at Reine strangely and touched the Incam equipped on their ears with their hands.

"……………….I"m sorry but, I forgot to prepare the watermelon. ——instead, since the number of people increased. There is a court built there. How about beach volleyball?"

Saying that, she pointed towards the end of the beach.

At first, Kaguya and Yuzuru were unhappy but after a while, they seemed to have immediately understood that the objective had been changed.

"Fuun, alright. No matter what I do, it is decided that I will be the on standing on top."

"Consent. Yuzuru doesn"t mind. Yuzuru is the one to win anyway."

When their eyes met after saying that, although it was not a race, both of them started running at the same time.


And thus, Tohka started to run as if she was inspired by them.

Origami was sending her sights towards s.h.i.+dou and Reine as if she was not convinced enough but, she probably guessed that there was nothing to gain from asking anymore and walked towards the beach.

And as if to follow her, Reine and s.h.i.+dou also started walking.

"………………so, Reine-san. Why did you suddenly come out?"

"……………..aah. It"s because the irregulars known as Tohka and Origami appearing has occurred. So I had the plan switched to plan B. We might have been able to do something about this if we were to use the "s organization members but………… expected, there is a limit if I am the only one."

"Plan B, you say."

"……………..aah, by fighting together in the same team, from the unity of you and those girls, it"s a plan where you increase your relations.h.i.+p."

"In the same team……………I wonder will those two quietly team up together……….."

"…………………well, I have an idea for that. Just look."

After having such a conversation, s.h.i.+dou and the others reached the magnificent beach volleyball court constructed on the beach.

After that, Reine leaned her body over and took a tube-like object that was leaning against the pole.

"……………….now then, let"s decide the team separation. 3 people in one team. Please pull a lot."


Starting from Tohka, the tube entrance was pointed towards her and she pulled a rod that was inside it. s.h.i.+dou hit his hands as if he got it. There was no mistake that those lots were most probably set up so that Kaguya, Yuzuru and s.h.i.+dou would be in the same team.

"…………..well, s.h.i.+n too."

"Ah, yes."

Being told that, he pulled one out from the remaining two.

And then, he brought his eyes towards the tip of the lot and——s.h.i.+dou, [heh?] made a stupid look.

That"s because, on it was not a symbol or a number, but a drawing of an overly exaggerated man.

"…………………well then, the people that pulled out Gregor, Jackson, and Spenser come over here, while those who pulled Alexander, Abraham and Anthony, please go to the other side of the court."

"Reine, this one is who?"

"This is?"

Tohka and Origami showed their lots to Reine as if they were troubled.

"……………..aah, this one is Gregor. That one is Spenser."

Next Kaguya and Yuzuru did the same thing and showed theirs to Reine similar to before.

"…………… two are Alexander and Abraham. Please go around to the other side."


He looked at the exaggerated man (most probably Anthony) once more with half his eyes closed. …………..he could not tell the difference from Tohka"s and the others.

Team A…………..Kaguya, Yuzuru and s.h.i.+dou.

Team B…………...Tohka, Origami and Reine.

Kaguya, Yuzuru, Tohka and Origami. 4 people of 6 were not satisfied with the team organization originally but, just by one word [I will tell the winning team a secret about s.h.i.+dou that he would never want to be found out by someone else] from Reine, the match started. s.h.i.+dou"s protest with his almost crying face was not accepted.

"Okay! Let"s do it!"

Tohka raised a cheerful shout, and released the service shot from the edge of the opposite court.



Bohyuuuuuu! The ball easily penetrated the net together with that sound, and progressed like a bullet. s.h.i.+dou immediately moved his body towards the side.

After the ball pierced to the spot where s.h.i.+dou was just now, GyaGyaGyaGyaGyaGyaa! It danced on the beach like a coma before finally stopping.

"Reine! How many points was that!"

"………………0 points."

"Muu, technical skill points were not added huh…………."

"……………..most probably, but I think you are mistaking this with another sport."

Probably after looking at Tohka"s attack, Kaguya raised a low laugh.

"Kuku…………….not bad. It looks like I have to get serious too——"

"No, you don"t have to. You don"t have to!"

If it was going to be exchanges of those types of b.a.l.l.s then, even if he had multiple lives, they wouldn"t be enough. s.h.i.+dou shook his head.

"Fuun, boring. Well whatever, next is our service right?"

With that said, Kaguya stretched her hands towards the ball that was dug into the ground.

And with an unexpectedly beautiful form, she shot the ball towards the opposing court.

"Oou, it"s coming!"

"Don"t disturb."

Stopping Tohka"s movement with her voice, Origami received the ball.

Reine who was standing behind her when that happened, made a beautiful toss. During that occasion, Reine"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s which were proud of their tremendous ma.s.s, bounced up and down and s.h.i.+dou"s eyes were unintentionally pinned onto them.

"Warning. It"s dangerous."


Being told that by Yuzuru, he immediately opened his eyes wide. By the time he realized it; in front of him was Tohka who had made an energetic jump high enough to cross the net.


Together with a loud shout filled with energy, Tohka hit the ball with the palm of her hand. Standing there blankly, s.h.i.+dou was grazed on his cheeks by the bullet-like attack coming from that.


"Kuh, Don"t daze away, s.h.i.+dou!"

"Agree. You"re hindering."

Kaguya and Yuzuru"s voices echoed from behind. It would seem, they made a slide in order to get the ball.

However, since they reached the same spot at the same time, both of them *Bam* knocked each other on the head and fell down on the spot. During that time, the ball bounced inside the court and *roll**roll**roll* rolled on top of the sand.

"Kuhaa! Wha,what are you doing Yuzuru!"

"Objection. That is my line. Please do not disturb me."

Kaguya and Yuzuru pressed on their foreheads while glaring at each other.

"……………….Okay Tohka, that was one point."

"Oou! Really!"

In regards, the other side of the court was lively. Tohka and Reine *clap*, made a high five. Although Origami looked like she ignored it but, her hand was taken by Reine and was forced to partic.i.p.ate.

However, not stopping to bother about that, Kaguya and Yuzuru continued their quarrel with each other.

"That was my territory no matter how much you think about it. Don"t do anything extra!"

"Objection. I thought that the simpleton Kaguya would not make it in time."

"Wha, What did you say you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Return fire. What is it."

"O,Oi, both of you calm down……………."

And, at the same time when s.h.i.+dou went between the both them to separate them, Reine from the opposite court, whispered something into Tohka and Origami"s ears. When she did that,

"——Hou, I get it now."

"……………..I will definitely get the promised thing later."

While saying things like that, Tohka and Origami arrogantly looked down at Kaguya and Yuzuru.

"Fuu, what, Kaguya and Yuzuru aren"t that much of a big deal!"

"A let-down. To challenge me when you are at that level, you don"t know your place."


Towards those obvious provocations, Kaguya and Yuzuru responded with a twitch.

And once more, Reine softly whispered into Tohka and Origami"s ears. Although a little……………[more foul languages. You are supposed to do it like that when the time comes] he felt that he heard something like this.

"Kaguya is a weak bug and Yuzuru is hopeless! Both of you two joined together are useless!"

"You x.x.xXX"s. x.x.xx.x.xXX should just x.x.xx.x.xX. This is suitable for loser sons of a b.i.t.c.h."

An excessively childish insult and an excessively bland abuse were falling over from the other side of the court.


Towards those two"s agitation, Kaguya and Yuzuru quietly narrowed their eyes.

"………………hey Yuzuru."

"Reply. Is there anything?"

"………………wanna do it?"

"Agree. Let"s do it."

Both of them mixed their sights together with a glance.

But having the next service, after Origami took the ball with her hands in an extremely calm manner, she shot it towards the corner of the court with a beautiful form.


"Reply. I know."

However, Yuzuru slid by the time she was almost finished and received the perfectly close service.

She then hit up to Kaguya, who returned it back to the opposite court just like that. It was a beautiful combination play, enough to think that the shameful sight from before was a lie.

But the opposing team was not losing. Origami hit up the approaching ball.

"Teacher Murasame."

"………….Aah, I know."

The next thing after that, Reine *ton* lightly toss the ball. It was the exact same pattern from just now. When somehow managing to brace himself in order to avoid being preoccupied by her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he saw Tohka once again jumping high up.


She shouted, and released a sharp attack from far away in the distant sky.

"s.h.i.+dou, stop it!"

Kaguya"s shout echoed. s.h.i.+dou joined his hands while in panic, and prepared for Tohka"s attack.

But, after the ball pierced straight towards his face instead of his hands, it then made a violent bounce high up into the sky just like that. The intense impact attacked his head and made his sight dance with glittering stars.


"Okay! s.h.i.+dou will be taken to this team since the ball hit him, right?"

"………………no, I did not hear of such a rule before."

He could hear things like that from the enemy court. It looked like that was the reason why Tohka"s ball had been aimed at s.h.i.+dou.

"Praise. Nice."

However, it was Yuzuru"s voice that he heard inside his hazy consciousness.

"Establish. Kaguya."


Yuzuru kneeled down on that spot and joined both her hands together and made the palm of her hands face upwards. And at the same time with the running Kaguya stepping on it with one leg, Yuzuru lightly threw Kaguya"s body up to the sky.



He could hear Tohka and Origami"s voice coming from the opposing court. The next moment——


Kaguya, that had jumped high up into the sky, hit down the airborne ball——it pierced towards the enemy court like an attack from an arrow. It was a really splendid attack.

"Okay! Same point! Did you see that b.a.s.t.a.r.dS!"

In a manner as if she had forgotten her usual tone, Kaguya made a guts pose midair.

And after landing and standing on the ground, she exchanged a high five with Yuzuru in an extremely natural way,


"Excited. Yahoo."

"Yaa! That was perfect Yuzuru. Byuun It went up Byuun!"

"Positive. That was a magnificent attack. As expected from Kaguya"

"Nono, that was Yuzuru"s——"

And, both of them twitched their shoulders at that point, and *fuun* averted their eyes away.

"Fuun…………..don"t get conceited you lowlife. Think of it as an honor to be stepped by my foot."

"Unpleasant. The smell has sticked onto my hands. It stinks. It smells like dried mackerel, natto[5D 1] and surstromming[5D 2] mixed together."

"I, it doesn"t stink like that!"

And, they started quarreling as if they remembered. It was not a strange aspect at all.

However, s.h.i.+dou did not have the pleasure to carefully observe them right now. While hearing shouts like [s.h.i.+dou! Are you okay!?] echoing inside his head, the remainder of his consciousness sank into the darkness.

Part 4

"Ouch Ouch……….."

s.h.i.+dou was rubbing the made on his head while walking sluggishly towards the toilet established at the beachside.

Incidentally, the moment when s.h.i.+dou said he was going to the toilet, there were a few of them saying that it was dangerous for him to go since he was out-cold just now, so they said "I will follow" and tried to help him but, he vigorously refused by politely rubbing his head against the sandy beach.

"……………..Are you alright, s.h.i.+n?"

And thus, he heard Reine"s voice coming from his right ear. s.h.i.+dou opened his mouth while making a wry smile as if he were tired.

"Well………..somehow. How is it on the other end?"

"…………honestly, I still can"t say anything. What"s left is to agitate their opposition as much as possible but——"

And, Reine suddenly cut off her words.

"Reine-san? What"s wrong?"

He asked while raising his eyebrows but, he immediately found the reason out.

It was because right after Reine shortened her words, Kaguya popped her face out from the side of the toilet.

"Kaguya……….? What are you doing here? Weren"t you supposed to be waiting where the others are?"

"Kuku…………I who holds the divine protection of the hurricane, that kind of distance has no meaning to me."

"……………well that might be true. I was asking about the reason though……………."

When he spoke until there, s.h.i.+dou immediately was taken aback. He slouched forward while shouting.

"I, I told you I don"t need any help!?"


Kaguya"s face turned red right after she went blank for an instant.

"Wha, I said that following the flow at the time! Don"t take it seriously!"

"I, is that so…………?"

"Isn"t that obvious!? Wh, why must I, your………..errr…….."

Kaguya hang her head in shame at that point and shortened her words.

"Aa! Anyway, I am here for another matter!"


He nodded unintentionally. s.h.i.+dou then lowered his voice and sent his question towards the Incam.

"Reine-san, is this an instruction from your side?"

"……………, I have not said anything."

And, while s.h.i.+dou and Reine were having a conversation, Kaguya called out to him as if she had gotten irritated.

"Hey, don"t ignore me."

"Aah, my bad."

After s.h.i.+dou returned his posture back to normal, in panic, he then faced back towards Kaguya. But………speaking of which, there was one thing that he was wondering about. He stared at Kaguya"s face while scratching his cheeks.

"By the way………..are you going to continue using that tone?"


Kaguya made an "Oh no face".

She then made a cough and cleared her throat awkwardly and took a cool pose.

"Kuku…………….you have been deceived by my antics. I find you dancing on the palm of my hands very humorous."


"………….what is with those eyes."

Kaguya made her lips go *buu* in displeasure. s.h.i.+dou made a powerless wry smile while scratching his cheeks.

"No……….I was thinking about why you would especially force yourself to use that tone……………."

"I did not force myself! This is normal!"

"It"s back it"s back."


After he said that, Kaguya made a shocked face, she then made a sigh and muttered softly.

"………..that"s because, it"s that. Since I am a Spirit. Aren"t I like super powerful? Then there should be some dignity similar to that, isn"t something like that needed?"

"…………is it something like that."

s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows together and *u,un* groaned. He had met many Spirits until now but, he felt as if there were no such girls before.

"Well isn"t it obvious. Since I have a cool origin of birth and, I have tragic circ.u.mstances prepared you know? Then I have to have a personality around that level."

"Well…………..if Kaguya is okay with it then it"s okay. So? What"s the matter?"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Kaguya [ahh] nodded before continuing.

"It"s kind of troublesome so I"m going to continue like this, right now me and Yuzuru, are having a battle for you right? So, it"s about tomorrow"s conclusion."

"Aah……..I guess so. Wait, you, don"t tell me. As expected isn"t that kind of sneaky?"

He frowned, thinking that Kaguya was here to set a groundwork for herself.

——but Kaguya, spit out a totally unexpected line.

"——s.h.i.+dou. Tomorrow——choose Yuzuru."


Towards those words that were not in his a.s.sumptions, he blankly opened his eyes wide.

"Don"t, heh."

Kaguya shrugged her shoulders while continuing.

"There isn"t any point to worry about, right? That"s because, she is super cute. Although she is a little unsociable but, she"s obedient, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are big, and she is like a super Moe-like character shaped from guys delusions, isn"t she? And what"s more, if you choose her, she would most likely give you lots of services, right? There is nothing worth not choosing. That"s why——"

"Wa, wait a second!"

s.h.i.+dou was sorting out his confused head while stopping Kaguya"s words. He couldn"t understand what she was saying. No, he could understand the contents of those words. But, choosing Yuzuru tomorrow would mean——

"Kaguya, you……….said that the winner of this match would become Yamai"s main personality right."

"Un, I said that."

"………. You said the loser, would be consumed by the winner and be erased right."

"Un, yeah."

"Then, why——"

When s.h.i.+dou said that as if he were squeezing it out from his throat, Kaguya scratched her head while making a troubled smile.

"Hmm………well, even I don"t want to disappear. But, more than that——I, want Yuzuru to live. I want her to see even more things, and go all out and have fun in this world."

"……………uh, you."

Although s.h.i.+dou groaned painfully, Kaguya did not bother about it and continued her words.

"Rather, everything would have been solved if you had not barged in at that time. I was going to make a flashy clash and I would [Get defeated] get downed and everything was supposed to end."

Kaguya pointed her fingers at s.h.i.+dou while saying that.

s.h.i.+dou"s face distorted. A detestable pain as if his heart was being pulled out, was swirling around his chest.

"Th,then, the first one to make me fall for them is the winner is——"

"Aah, that? Well that, isn"t it obvious, Yuzuru is the cuter one. With this match, there should be no mistaking that Yuzuru would win, right?"

"But, that"s………….."

When s.h.i.+dou was about to finish, Kaguya moved in front of s.h.i.+dou in an instance and used her index finger to block s.h.i.+dou"s lips.

"I did not really ask for s.h.i.+dou"s opinion. All you have to do for tomorrow is say Yuzuru is much cuter, lovely lovely Yuzuru-tan hahaha. ………..if not, I will blast this island away together with all your friends."

Kaguya narrowed her eyes in the middle of her words and said it in a low voice.

s.h.i.+dou *gulp* gulped. The threat that he had forgotten until now, was revived by that sight and words.

When s.h.i.+dou was standing there nervously without moving, *Fuu* Kaguya loosen her expression and pulled her legs away.

And then *turn* she turned her body facing direction and took on an excessively cool pose.

"Kuku……………well then, I"m off human. The exchange right now was a blood pact. Know, your body will be scorched by the Flame of purgatoryFeegefoia franme right down to your medulla if you fail to keep the pact!"

She said that, and Kaguya ran away.

s.h.i.+dou could only stand still on that spot.


After a while. He twitched his shoulders from Reine"s voice echoing through his right ear.

"Reine-san, that was——"

"………aah, I heard. This has……..turned out into something difficult. If those were Kaguya"s true feelings instead of a strategy…………….then tomorrow, there might be a chance Kaguya would not react to the kiss even if you stir her up. ——in order to let Yuzuru win."


s.h.i.+dou clutched his fist.

It"s true there"s that. It is a grave situation.

But, more than that.

Kaguya"s determination to let herself die in order to let Yuzuru live——was heavily hanging onto s.h.i.+dou"s heart.

However, he couldn"t let himself continue getting dumbfounded here. s.h.i.+dou started walking by dragging his heavy legs. If he were to stay missing any longer, Tohka, Origami and more importantly Yuzuru would get suspicious——

"Stop. s.h.i.+dou, please stop."


Suddenly a voice came from his back, and s.h.i.+dou twitched his shoulders.

That was unmistakably Yuzuru"s voice. For an instant, he thought that it was an auditory hallucination but……….that was wrong. Wondering since when she was there, Yuzuru was standing right behind him.


"Reply. Yes, is what Yuzuru replied."

With a voice that had no accent. In a calm behavior. In an extremely calm manner, Yuzuru nodded.

"Wha,whats wrong?"

When s.h.i.+dou asked her while having sweat flowing from his forehead, *Fuu* Yuzuru turned her face towards the direction Kaguya ran off to and quietly opened her mouth.

"Question. ——with Kaguya, what did you two talk about?"


s.h.i.+dou gasped. His heartbeat that had calmed down was once again throbbing roughly.

"What did………….errr."

And, when s.h.i.+dou was being immersed in his thoughts, Yuzuru made a small shrug with her shoulders while sighing.

"Take back. No, as expected, it"s okay. Yuzuru could guess pretty much."

"uh, I,is…….that so?"

"Affirmative. Most likely——in the occasion for tomorrow"s selection, she said to choose her, right?"

"No…….that is."

When s.h.i.+dou was about to release his words, Yuzuru used the palm of her hands and stopped him.

"Question. Although Yuzuru doesn"t care about that but, did Kaguya do anything during that time?"

"What………….as in?"

"Example. Yuzuru is asking whether, for example, hugging s.h.i.+dou and crawling her tongue around s.h.i.+dou"s nape, or putting s.h.i.+dou"s face in between her chest, or putting her hands into s.h.i.+dou"s swimsuit and touching your groin."

"Sh, she did not do something like that!"

Towards those unexpected words, s.h.i.+dou shouted unintentionally. Yuzuru *good grief* shook her head as if she had given up.

"Disappointment. Kaguya, that"s not good. You are too naïve. If Kaguya were to seduce properly, you would easily drop s.h.i.+dou to the level of a monkey in mating season."

It felt like he was somehow being insulted but, more importantly s.h.i.+dou felt Yuzuru"s way of speaking was out of place.

That"s because, Yuzuru"s words were as if——

"Appeal. Yuzuru has a request for s.h.i.+dou."

And, as if to interrupt s.h.i.+dou"s thoughts, Yuzuru let out her voice.


Hearing a word like that, there were chills running up s.h.i.+dou"s spine. He unintentionally swallowed his saliva.

His throat hurt and his heart started to pump faster. ** **. His blood vessels quickly expanded, and the feeling was like his whole body was being poured with blood vigorously.

However s.h.i.+dou"s mind was contrastively, as if intoxicated, getting hazy. But inside that, there was only one——the words he heard just a few minutes ago, were vividly brought back into his mind.

"Consent. That is correct."

After Yuzuru made a deep nod and continued her words without getting enthusiastic.

"Appeal. s.h.i.+dou, this match, please by all means choose Kaguya."


His voice did not come out.

Most likely, at the time Yuzuru appeared, he could already somehow predict this outcome.

Looking at s.h.i.+dou"s reaction, Yuzuru tilted her head in doubt.

"Question. Yuzuru feels that s.h.i.+dou"s reaction is out of place."

"uh, no, nothing at all……………"

"Request. More importantly, please. Tomorrow, s.h.i.+dou must pick Kaguya. It"s a promise."

"Wh-why…………..something like that."

"Explanation. Kaguya is much more superior to Yuzuru. There is no room for worrying. Even s.h.i.+dou should also know about Kaguya"s cuteness. Although Kaguya somewhat pretends to be tough, she is earnest, and has a fragile body that looks like it would break when touched and the feeling when hugging it could only be described as heavenly. Most likely, if s.h.i.+dou chooses Kaguya, Kaguya would do a lot of things for you. By all means, Kaguya——"

"But, if Kaguya wins, then Yuzuru will——"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Yuzuru cast her eyes downwards and nodded. s.h.i.+dou only used words that he carefully thought over and over again.

"Kaguya is the spirit most fit to be the true Yamai. Even s.h.i.+dou clearly knows that after this one day, right? Kaguya is very charming. There is no reason not to choose her."

"Tha,that"s because, both of you, were so compet.i.tive…………"

"Explanation. Although Kaguya looks like that, she is a shy girl. Unless Kaguya were stirred up, she wouldn"t appeal to you like that."


When s.h.i.+dou became silent, Yuzuru walked closer to s.h.i.+dou and whispered towards his ears.

"Reminder. Tomorrow, please say s.h.i.+dou would choose Kaguya. If not, misfortune will be brought to s.h.i.+dou"s friends."

After leaving threatening words similar to Kaguya"s, Yuzuru ran off.

Part 5


Reaching gathering time, Ellen, who was finally dug out from the sand pit, was sitting along the coast on the floor, grasping her knees while viewing the sea.

The target had already come over to this side of the coast and had gone to the changing room in order to change her clothes. She had also pa.s.sed by Ellen who just now was buried in the sand (The part of the body made by sand was changed and improved into the shape of a body builder), and unmistakably should have laughed while holding her stomach.

Incidentally, the boy Tonomachi who was dug out one step earlier than her, extended his hands in a respectful manner, but since it was irritating, Ellen threw him into the hole she was dug in, and filled it up once again with sand.

"…………….Miss executive officer, errr."

Coming from the Incam, the awkward voice of the operator echoed.

"……………….I"m okay. Don"t worry. This is nothing. I"ll use my favored method during the night. There is no problem. I will catch her properly in the hotel."

"I,I guess so……………"

The voice of the kind operator was somehow the one that sounded tired.

Part 6

That day, the dinner didn"t taste like anything.

It was not like the hotel chef took too much consideration on the guest"s health or s.h.i.+dou"s sense of taste being dull. It was just simply because his mind was wandering off somewhere.

After finis.h.i.+ng his meal without exchanging any conversations with the others, he was immersing himself in his thoughts absentmindedly while sluggishly walking in the hotel corridor.

The words that Kaguya and Yuzuru spewed out during daytime were still swirling inside his head.

——In order to let their other-self live, they chose to eliminate themselves.

The moment s.h.i.+dou heard that, he was unable to understand those girls in an instant.

But, for example.

If s.h.i.+dou would not sacrifice his life, his sister Kotori would die.

Most definitely——he would respond to that by shaking his head without hesitating.

It was not like those types of narcissistic motives, like self-sacrificing or devotion.

But simply, without consideration, that was the only choice.

There wouldn"t even be any options to choose from, his head would simply make its own judgment.


So, he painfully understood Yuzuru"s feelings for wanting Kaguya to keep on living, just as well as Kaguya"s wish for Yuzuru to survive.


No, not only that. Rather——s.h.i.+dou might even be happy knowing that Kaguya and Yuzuru think of each other to this extend. But——

"Oi, s.h.i.+dou!"


A loud voice was released at his ears and s.h.i.+dou immediately opened his eyes wide.

"Seriously, you finally realized s.h.i.+dou?"

Saying that, not knowing since when she was there, Tohka, wearing a yukata, *Puff* bulged her cheeks.

"To,Tohka…………how long were you there?"

"I have been walking beside you for quite a while."

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Tohka stared at s.h.i.+dou"s face.



After Tohka *Fuu* averted her sight, she made a small smile with her lips and held s.h.i.+dou"s hand tightly.

"s.h.i.+dou, if it is okay, why don"t we go outside for a little?"


"The sea in the night——I want to see."

She said that and pulled s.h.i.+dou"s hand.

"Ah, wai, wait a sec………….."

s.h.i.+dou braced his legs in panic and stopped Tohka"s progress.

"No, isn"t it bad going outside on our own accord. The teachers should be coming to patrol about now too…………….."

When he did that, Tohka stuck out her lips while *Haa* sighing.

"…………sorry, s.h.i.+dou. I said a small lie."


"That is…………how to put it, even though we came to the school trip, but for some reason……….we haven"t been talking with each other, right? That"s why——together with s.h.i.+dou, I wanted the both of us to talk."


"I am……….not allowed?"

After saying that, she made an upward glance while looking at s.h.i.+dou.

"………………, that, is."

If there were a guy that could say no after that, by all means he wanted to meet him. In the next instant, s.h.i.+dou was pulled by Tohka who had a smile on her face.

"Haai! It is everyone"s long awaited Trump tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!..............and, aree?"

Ai who jumped into the room while shouting, looked around the room"s interior while tilting her head.

Inside the room were only Mai and Mii.

"Aree, where"s Tohka-chan? And Kaguya-chan too."

When she asked, Mai who was lying down and flipping through the travel guide and Mii who was having a boxing match with the string coming down from the light, faced towards her direction.

"Un——, if it is Tohka-chan then she was together with Itsuka-kun. Isn"t she getting cozy with him?"

"I also saw Kaguya-chan. She was hiding behind the walls and looking at them."

Towards both of their words, Ai [HoHoo…….] patted her chin.

"You"re kidding; don"t tell me it"s a love triangle? Kyaa——it somehow smells like an afternoon drama."

After Ai made a mischievous smile, she then dropped her sights towards the trump on her hands.

"But well, if that is the case then we don"t have enough people. I was thinking of playing Daifugou [5D 3] though."

When Ai said that while shrugging her shoulders, both of them *ahaha* laughed.

"If that is the case then we need 5 people."

"How about calling Yuzuru-chan?"

"No, I did head towards her roo

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