Date A Live

Chapter 4: MusicPart 1

Chapter 4: MusicPart 1

"------Starting from now, we will commence the 52nd, Tenguu city"s senior high school union festival, the Tennou Festival!"

At the same time the executive committee leader"s declaration coming from the speaker installed on the roof, the whole exhibition hall was covered with claps and cheers.

September 23rd, The start of Tenguu city"s high school students" long-awaited Tennou Festival.

Near the front entrance was Hall 1, Hall 2 had booths related to food and drinks as its main, Hall 3 was deep inside and Hall 4 was filled with simple attractions like research publications and haunted houses.

s.h.i.+dou was currently in Hall 2. It was Raizen highschool"s important location for victory, the food and drink base.

But, s.h.i.+dou who was supposed to be in that important location was right now placing both his hands on the grounds while releasing a dark atmosphere coming out from his body.

"Ou, Oooouu…………"

The reason was something very simple.

s.h.i.+dou raised his head tiredly, and looked around his nearby surroundings. His surroundings were filled with refreshment booths set up. Takoyaki, crepe, and the famous minced cutlet.

But, s.h.i.+dou and the Raizen high school group"s absolute winning plan was not something that simple.

s.h.i.+dou turned his head around and faced towards the signboard placed behind him.

"Maid Café (☆) Raizen"

After that merciless t.i.tle was pondered inside his head, he then lowered his sights. Over there was,

"Ooouu! It"s frilly!"

Tohka who was smiling while pinching on the hem of the ap.r.o.n with many frills attached on it,

"Pu,kuku…………s.h.i.+,s.h.i.+dou, you, look quite good as a girl"

"Defeat. Yuzuru can"t stop from laughing"

They leaked giggles after looking at s.h.i.+dou, he saw Kaguya and Yuzuru wearing the same outfit as Tohka.

After reconfirming that, s.h.i.+dou lowered his sights even further. He looked at his clothes again.

---Tohka, and the Yamai sisters have the exact same clothing design.

On top of a dark blue long dress with a tint of black as a neutral color on it, was a pure white ap.r.o.n with an excessive amount of frills. Incidentally on their heads, they were also wearing a cute headdress with frills decorated on it.

To put it in one word, this is the maid-san style that nothing can top.

"Why………did this……………"

A girl"s school uniform was probably the same but, as expected, s.h.i.+dou had never thought the day would come when he would have to cosplay as a maid-san.

He felt an important part of his man"s heart was tainted and once again dropped his shoulders.

And, on top of s.h.i.+dou"s shoulder, *pon*, a gentle hand was placed on it.-------it was Ai (Maid-san version). Behind her, he saw Mai and Mii wearing the same outfit.

"What"s wrong poster girl. Hora, it"s almost time for the customers to come so get into shape"

After saying that, she made her thumb stand up. s.h.i.+dou stood up on the spot tiredly.

"…………err, this Maid café"

"Aah. It"s nice right? We decided this is the only way to win against Rindouji"

"No, rather……………it"s amazing you got permission for this"

Although the scale of the Tennou festival is huge, in the end it is still a high school festival. It does look unrestrained but it unexpectedly has a lot of regulations. If it is judged as [Not appropriate for students], originally the whole thing isn"t even supposed to get permission. On that point, this type of questionable customer service shop line was supposed to fall under that category.

They probably know about these points manifold; she made an evil face while shrugging her shoulders.

"That"s why image manipulation was a lot of trouble--. Since we submitted hostess at first"


s.h.i.+dou spurt out in reflex. Ai Mai and Mii started laughing.

"We got scolded badly that time"

"Yeah Yeah. But thanks to that, the main Maid café got through"

"Well actually, I wanted the skirt a little shorter though"

While saying that, Mii went beyond s.h.i.+dou"s skirt and draws a line along his b.u.t.t. s.h.i.+dou"s face turned blue and he instinctively pushed his skirt down. Looking at that, Ai Mai and Mii laughed again.

"Well, s.h.i.+ori-chan and other stage members go and stand at the entrance and become our star attraction. The hall staff are seriously thinking about how to serve the customers so rest a.s.sured and call them in"

"Yeah Yeah. We"re counting on you girls to be as showy as possible. In a spirit that can make a line!"

"Un Un, if a day where an innocent and peerless beautiful girl, twins with different type and a tall timid type comes, then the guys that won"t be lured in would be either a mature lady lover or a h.o.m.os.e.xual"


He was categorised as a timid type before he knew it. He made a wry smile in a complex mood.

And, at that moment, s.h.i.+dou [Hnn?] tilted his head.

"Speaking of which…………I wonder what happened to Origami-san?"

Yes. Although all the other stage members were together being a maid-san, Origami was the only one not there.

"Hnnn? Tob.i.+.c.hi-san? Now that I think about it, I haven"t seen her since morning"

"Although her a.s.signed spot was supposed to be the maid café but………"

"It"s not that day right--?"

When Mii said that, 3 of them *ahaha* laughed. s.h.i.+dou didn"t know what reaction to take and made a awkward smile.

"Well, she should come soon. We won"t complain as long as she makes it to the stage"

"I-I guess so…………"

The same time as s.h.i.+dou answered her while scratching his cheeks, they could hear a large number of footsteps coming from the front entrance. It would seem, the customers……………rather the [Goshuujin-sama[6D 1] ]s and [Ojou-sama[6D 2]]s have arrived.

"Now then, we are counting on you here-----!"

"We will call you if it"s time----"

"Ah---, everyone, we are leaving this place to s.h.i.+ori-chan so, listen to orders properly okay---"

After saying that, Ai Mai and Mii withdrew into the shop.

"Eh……, wai------"

The ones left in front of the shop were s.h.i.+dou, Tohka, the Yamai sisters, and around 10 other maid-san from each cla.s.s who were best in attracting customers in their cla.s.s. Every one of them was looking at s.h.i.+dou who was appointed as the customer attracting captain just a moment ago.


After s.h.i.+dou let sweat run down his cheeks while making a troubled face, *Cohon* he made a cough.

"Er, for now, everyone please do your best"


Replying to s.h.i.+dou"s voice, the maid-sans saluted at the same time. It was a pretty greeting with their hands joined properly in front. It looks like they were properly trained for this or that. ……well, there were people like Tohka and the Yamai sisters who raised their hands with a [Oh---!].

In any case, the battle has begun. The customers with pamphlets in their hands started entering one after another.

There were various types of customers. People who appear to be the students" family members, students who have no work now, college students from around the neighborhood with the clear intention to hit on girls, and middle-school students who were deciding which school should they advance to were spotted. Within these groups, there were fan members wearing happi coats with the word [Izayoi Miku bodyguards] embroidered on the back. It looks like they heard of the reports that the phantom idol was going to stand on stage.

Simultaneously, the fierce customer-attracting battle commenced. The sound of cheerful voices echoed from left and right and the exhibition hall was filled with liveliness immediately.

"Come now, enter, it"s fun! It"s delicious!"

"Kuku…………from this way onwards, it"s the iron pot of h.e.l.l. Can you normal people stand it?"

"Bulletin. This is the menu calling system"

On the right side of the maid café"s entrance, there was Tohka (Although it wasn"t really maid-like) raising her voice, on the left side, Kaguya was saying words that were either for attracting customers or repelling them, and right beside her, Yuzuru was carrying a placard with the menu written on it. Probably because of these three, people started entering the maid café one after another.

"Oooh……………Isn"t this a success"

Even when compared with the other shops, it was quite a satisfactory beginning. At the very least inside the shops visible from s.h.i.+dou"s position, he could not see any other place that had as many people acc.u.mulating as the maid café.


"……………Looks like things are going great, s.h.i.+n" Wondering how much time had pa.s.sed since it began, he heard a sleepy voice coming from in front.

He was familiar with that voice. "s a.n.a.lyst official, s.h.i.+dou"s cla.s.s"s a.s.sistant homeroom teacher - Murasame Reine.

"Aah, Reine-san you came-------"

And, when s.h.i.+dou turned over to her normally----------he froze right there just like that.

Over there was Reine as he predicted. Until there was okay. ……………but, that Reine brought one girl wearing a straw hat on her head, if he added that, then things will change here.


Yos.h.i.+no blushed, and averted her sight as if she"d seen something she should not see.

After that, the puppet [Yos.h.i.+non] worn on her left hand, *clatter**clatter* shook its head while letting out a high-pitched laugh.

""Yahahaha, is that perhaps s.h.i.+dou-kun? It really suits you--. Why don"t you just wear the top and take the bottom. There"s demand for that you know--?""


"……………I-I came."

When s.h.i.+dou called her name in a blurry voice, Yos.h.i.+no replied back.

It"s true that, s.h.i.+dou himself invited Yos.h.i.+no the other day. It was nothing strange at all.

But, it looks like she was not told about the matters regarding the cross-dressing. Yos.h.i.+no awkwardly returned her sight to him and s.h.i.+dou"s whole body starting from the top.

"Err……e,err…………you"re cute"

After she said that, she made an awkward smile towards him. s.h.i.+dou turned around and squatted down, covering the back of his head with the menu list he was holding on to.

"Aaah! Stop! Don"t talk to me with those kind words! Don"t look at the stained me!"

In front of everyone"s standpoint, he can"t allow himself to stop using feminine words. s.h.i.+dou shouted with a shriek-like voice.

Wondering why. Whether it"s Tohka, Origami, or the Yamai sisters, he was not like that when he was seen cross-dressing by them during that time but, when he was seen by both of Yos.h.i.+no"s clear eyes, for some reason he was attacked by an illusion that he has done something very bad.

It was like, a vampire"s body trembling when it is being s.h.i.+ned on by sunlight. No, if that is all there is to it, then that example was still better. If a vampire is s.h.i.+ned by sunlight, then it will become ash on the spot and vanish.

"Ee,err, I am not……………"

"……………Listen here Yos.h.i.+no. You should not misunderstand. s.h.i.+n is engaging himself in a very lofty and proud work. It is by no means his hobby"

Without a moment of delay, Reine"s help came in. Yos.h.i.+no opened her eyes in surprise.

"I-is that so………?"

"………aah. He got used to cross-dressing recently, and the posture when he puts on lip gloss could only be seen as a girl but, it is by no means that he is doing it because he likes it"

"What are you putting in her head Reine-san!?"

Unable to stand it anymore, he stood up and shouted. But, Reine tilted her head in wonder.

"………………I was intending to help you……"

s.h.i.+dou dropped his shoulders. In reality, she was probably serious about that. He felt wicked instead.

……………rather, he wondered when he got skilled doing it. s.h.i.+dou made a resolution to be cautious not to fall into the dark ways.

He took a deep breath to calm his heartbeat before looking back at Yos.h.i.+no.

"You"re going to enter right? It"s quite packed but, I think you can enter right now without lining up?"


"…………well then, we will be intruding"

After saying that, Reine took Yos.h.i.+no and entered the maid café.


"Err……………the stage, I am also looking forward, to it"

After saying that, she made a fist with her right hand and showed him.

"Ou, watch me. I"ll do my best"

After he said that, he patted on Yos.h.i.+no"s head through the straw hat. Yos.h.i.+no twisted her body feeling a little embarra.s.sed and ticklish but, s.h.i.+dou could not see her expression because she was wearing the hat.

Yos.h.i.+no made a quick bow and entered the maid café. s.h.i.+dou saw her off while making a small smile.

He gained courage from somewhere unexpected. With this, he has to win no matter what happens.



A few minutes after Reine and Yos.h.i.+no entered the café. The number of customers crossed over the shops capacity and by the time a line started to form, something noisy suddenly started happening nearby.

"Did something happen?"

Feeling strange, when he asked a maid nearby, the maid said [that………] with a face filled with nervousness, and pointed toward the pa.s.sageway to Hall 1.

Over there, a large crowd had formed. Naturally, it was not as though there were many people inside the exhibition hall but, that spot obviously has a different population density.

In a beat, s.h.i.+dou found out about the ident.i.ty of the group.

At the same time, the crowd split into left and right, and a girl wearing a school uniform with a composed air around her walked through the middle like Moses.

Around her, he could see a group of female high school students wearing sailor uniforms and with the same composed air. Looking closely, he saw photographers carrying television cameras chasing after her.

It looks like he wasn"t mistaken. That is.


He called her name with a soft voice.

It was impossible for s.h.i.+dou"s voice to reach her but, Miku moved the sides of her eyebrows and noticed s.h.i.+dou at the same time as he said that, She then closed in on the maid café and stood in front of s.h.i.+dou, *Nii* she then raised the corners of her lips.

"Good morning, s.h.i.+ori-san. Looks like it"s very successful—"

"…………Thank you. It can"t be compared to your side though"

s.h.i.+dou who was surrounded by the crowd of people, replied that while somehow suppressing the uncalm feeling he was getting.

"Fufu, it looks good on you---- that outfit. It"s nice. When s.h.i.+ori-san becomes mine, it would be interesting to have you wear that outfit forever"

In order to infer the true meaning of Miku"s remark, the people gathered around started making a commotion. It looks like the television cameras started taking photos of Miku and s.h.i.+dou alternatively. …………how do you put it, it was uncalming.

After Miku turned her head irritatedly, she then directed her voice toward the television crew around them.

"-----You"re a bother. Please go somewhere else"


The instant Miku said that, the crowd gathered around Miku immediately scattered away nearby. Not only the television crew, but also the students made to follow Miku also left, and finally Miku was the only one left there.

He twitched his shoulder a little. There was no mistake. This feeling…………it"s the same [Voice] he heard that time in Miku"s house.

"Fuu, I finally feel refreshed. I should have done this faster"

"……………My goodness"

He could not make a reference to Reiryoku here. s.h.i.+dou let sweat flow down his cheeks while saying that.

"……………so? what kind of business do you have here? Don"t you think you"re standing out too much for observing the enemy"s movement?"

""It"s not like that you know---I just, want to give an invitation"


When s.h.i.+dou tilted his head in suspicion, Miku [Yes---] replied back flat.

"I thought of wanting to go on a date with s.h.i.+ori-san a little"


s.h.i.+dou not understanding the meaning of what Miku said opened his eyes wide.


After repeating that word, s.h.i.+dou immediately twitched his shoulders. If Tohka and the Yamai heard this conversation, he thought the situation will get even worse.

Fortunately, since they are separately attracting customers further up front than s.h.i.+dou, it seems they did not notice the conversation he was having with Miku. He made a sigh of relief before returning his sights back to Miku.

"Yes. We can"t----?"

"No, that"s………"

s.h.i.+dou thought about it for a little and then opened his mouth.

Part 2

Inside the JGSDF Tenguu second garrison hangar, an unnatural silence filled the s.p.a.ce.

Even though it isn"t late at night yet, there are no signs of any mechanics or AST members at all. It was like--------someone cleared out the people in it with some kind of intention in mind.

Origami who has infiltrated through the unlocked back door, silently directed her eyes towards her targeted spot.


Her dry footsteps, echoed nearby even though she didn"t want it.

Origami felt her heartbeat and that dry sound getting louder while making a quiet deep breath.

Her current outfit, was not the Raizen uniform neither is it the stage dress she was supposed to wear today, it was the AST basic equipment known as the black wiring suit. It was the magic armor worn by humans in order to oppose the Spirits. It was the battle clothing used to sharpen Origami"s consciousness to its limits.

Although the s.p.a.ce quake alarm hadn"t rung, that didn"t mean it was practice either. The reason why Origami was wearing that was because of another existence.


While silent, she stopped her legs in front of a certain block in the hangar.

From what could be seen, all of the security had been cut off. With this, if anyone tries to infiltrate the hangar, and takes out a CR-unit, no one will notice.

It was such a perfect condition. Origami looked up at the unit soaring right in front of her.


After saying that, she moistens her throat with her saliva.

After hearing Ryouko"s grand [monologue], Origami immediately started investigating Jessica"s and her team"s movements.

Nonetheless, it wasn"t that much of an exaggerated thing. Putting it in words properly, it became necessary to do so.

When Origami asked, everyone in the team started muttering about the [monologue]. Even Mily who missed those words, called in later to complain and talk about the circ.u.mstances.

---hearing the general idea of the plan, Origami was horrified.

Leaving aside Tohka who was a Spirit, why was s.h.i.+dou also being targeted. …………Origami held onto that question only for an instant.

That"s because, Origami has an idea of what it is.

June. In front of Origami, s.h.i.+dou showed "s recovery abilities.

A human that uses the power of a Spirit.

No----putting it correctly, probably, it should be a human that steals a Spirit"s power.

Although she doesn"t know the reason why s.h.i.+dou has that power but…………if that information is told to the DEM industries then, she would get why there is a capture entry for s.h.i.+dou as a target.

And if he was captured by DEM industries, it was not hard to imagine what kind of treatment he would receive.

"…………won"t let you"

After Origami said that in a low voice, she made a step forward.

She looked towards the crystallization of human intelligence that is placed in front of her eyes------the combat Realizer.

If she were to use the CR-unit without permission, she would probably not escape disciplinary action this time. Most likely, she would be kicked out of the team after having her memories disposed of and will never be able to touch the Realizer ever again.

That would mean, it was the same as losing the method to get revenge on the Spirit who killed Origami"s parents.


The moment that thought touched her head, Origami stopped for an instant.

But, she gritted the back of her teeth, and continued walking forward.

During that time in the school trip, even though s.h.i.+dou was exposed to danger, her conscious was filled with a powerless feeling for not being able to do anything.

That time, Origami who doesn"t have the Realiser, the CR-unit couldn"t do anything at all.

But----this time it"s different.

"This time for sure…………I will definitely save him"

Even if she will be chased after by the AST for this act, she couldn"t afford to have s.h.i.+dou be in danger.

Losing both her parents, Origami can"t let her last place of support for her heart be lost.

When she used her palms to touch the Unit"s terminal, the verification started.

Together with the low sound of a running motor, the lump of metal turned into the strongest weapon.

Part 3

"Here, s.h.i.+ori-san. Strawberry cream right?"


s.h.i.+dou made a bewildered nod before receiving the beautifully decorated crepe from Miku.

After Miku made a satisfied smile, she took a bite of the chocolate banana crepe she was holding in her other hand and made a very happy face. "Hnn~~,I can"t stand this--. If this keeps up, it will turn into a shop—"

While saying that, Miku swing her uniform skirt around while bending her body.

While looking at her like that, s.h.i.+dou let one line of sweat droop down his cheeks.

"……………What are you doing, me"

"Don"t daydream. Isn"t it convenient for the other side to invite you"

When he said that, he could hear Kotori"s voice coming from the incam in his right ear.

"Even if the showdown is male or femalesettled on stage, we won"t lose anything if we leave her affection level increased. If by any chance you beat Rindouji and Miku"s affection drops, then you won"t be able to seal her Reiryoku"

"Well, that"s true but………….."

While saying that, *pori**pori* he scratched his cheeks. Incidentally, needless to say whether he is male or female was already decided already but……………he stopped it from coming out from his mouth since he might be abused again.

Yes. Right now s.h.i.+dou, left the maid-café to Tohka and the rest and set out to have a festival date with Miku after being invited by her. It was a very weird feeling going around having fun with the opponent he was going to have a stage duel with but, Kotori"s words were true. It"s best to just quietly go out with Miku.

"Don"t make a mistake this time and say you hate Miku now"

"……………I get it"

"Oh my----?"

When s.h.i.+dou was having a conversation with Kotori using a soft voice, Miku let out her voice thinking it was strange.

"Aren"t you going to eat----?"

"!, no…………I"ll eat it"

He transported the crepe he was holding to his mouth in panic. The sweet taste of the fresh cream wrapped in thin batter and the sourness of the strawberry spread though his mouth. Probably because the batter was cooked properly, although it was simple, it"s true that the result produced has a unfavorable comparison to those sold on the road.


"Ufufu----, that"s more important than anything"

After Miku said that, in the next moment, she took a bite of s.h.i.+dou"s crepe.


"Hnn----, this is delicious too. It"s a good work----"

While rubbing her cheeks, Miku said that in satisfaction.

Probably noticing s.h.i.+dou"s surprised face, *ahaha* she made a laugh while offering the chocolate banana crepe she was holding.

"Here, we will be even with this"


"What are you hesitating for. Take a big bite, a big one"

Pushed by Kotori, he took one bite of the crepe while being urged. ………it was delicious, but honestly speaking he couldn"t get most of the taste.

"Is it delicious---?"

"A,aah………its delicious. "

"Fufu, it"s an indirect kiss---"


Being told the word he was thinking about but was avoiding saying, s.h.i.+dou spurt out in reflex. Although he somehow managed to stop the crepe inside his mouth, he coughed lightly.

"I"m sorry, s.h.i.+ori-san is pure---"

Miku laughed while rubbing his back.

"N-no……I"m okay. I"m just a little surprised"

s.h.i.+dou calmed his breathing and made a small nod.

After Miku made a kind smile after looking at s.h.i.+dou in that state once more, she ate the chocolate banana crepe she held in her hand and pointed towards the a.s.sembly hall.

"Well then, we don"t have much time until the stage begins, let"s walk around more"


Miku pulled his hands quickly. s.h.i.+dou shoved the remaining crepe into his mouth. He then pushed the wrapping paper left in his hands into his ap.r.o.n pocket and followed Miku.

And following Miku"s heart, they pa.s.sed the food and drink booths and headed towards the area with target practice booths and ghost houses lined up.

"………hey, Miku"

Midway, s.h.i.+dou talked out towards Miku who was in front him.

"Yes---? What is it, s.h.i.+ori-san"

"Why is it, that you invited me at a time like this?"

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Miku send her sights to her back.

"That"s because, if today"s results come out then won"t s.h.i.+ori-san become mine----. That"s why, I thought of tasting the rare s.h.i.+ori-san who hasn"t become mine before that happens"


It would seem inside of Miku, her victory was already a fixed case. s.h.i.+dou clenched the back of his teeth and send Miku back a sharp glare.

"Taking you at your words, today we seriously plan on beating Rindouji. Don"t you think it would be best for your side to prepare yourselves?"

"Fufufu-----, will you be able to do it?"

"I"ll have you keep your promise"

"I understand---. s.h.i.+ori-san too, don"t forget"

Miku laughed, in a state where s.h.i.+dou"s words did not even become a significant pressure to her.

Even though they were preparing for the battle, she was in a relaxed manner which is very hard to believe. He somehow felt his mind was getting disordered, so s.h.i.+dou scratched his head violently.

And, after walking for a while, Miku let out a soft voice.

"s.h.i.+ori-san s.h.i.+ori-san, look at that. It"s a ring toss. Let"s go try it out"

She said that and ahead where Miku"s finger was pointing, there was a fair stall-like s.p.a.ce. There were many goodies lined up on a red carpet.

"Ring toss……huh"

"Yes-----. Which one do you want----? I will take it for you----"

"Eh? Eh----……..then, that one"

s.h.i.+dou quickly got lost by that question and, pointed at the cat doll placed relatively before him from his stand point.

"Okay desu. Please leave it to me---"

Miku showed a rolling up her sleeves posture while paying the female student beside her the money before receiving 3 plastic wheels.


She threw the first one together with a weird call. The wheel flew toward the day after tomorrow.

"Haii! Soryaa!"

Not giving up, She threw the remaining two, as expected the wheel didn"t even touch the goods and *Kara**Kara* fell on the ground. …………it was an astounding poor control.

"Oh my----, this is quite hard"

"haha………….." "s.h.i.+dou, what are you laughing for. If Miku can"t, then you be the one to take it and give it to her"

When s.h.i.+dou made a dry laugh, his right ear"s eardrum shook.

"aah…………hey Miku, if it"s okay----"

But, when s.h.i.+dou was about to talk to her, Miku once again talked with the female student.

At first he thought she was going to try one more time but……….it was wrong, the word Miku told the female student was.

"Please give me that cat doll"

It was such a [request].

"………yes, please wait for a moment"

The female student nodded with a blurred face, and took the doll on top of the carpet before giving it to Miku.

After Miku took it, she hand it out to s.h.i.+dou while making a smile with her whole face.

"Here you go, s.h.i.+ori-san"

"………no, what are you doing"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Miku tilted her head as if she could not understand what s.h.i.+dou said.

"Was it not this? Then, I"ll change it------"

"That"s not it………..that not right, that kind of thing"

"eerr, Then what am I supposed to do?"

In an expression that has no accusations of ill intent or good will able to be seen, Miku asked back at him. s.h.i.+dou felt the same thing at Miku"s house a few days ago; he felt a preposterous bad feeling.

"…………The goods, you have to throw the ring and get it properly"

"Eeh----, Then, What am I supposed to do if I can"t get it----?"

"Well……… have no choice but to give up"

"Eh, why is that?"

"Why……………that"s because it"s the rule. If you were to overlook that, then it"ll be bad to the girls working on the Ring toss booth right?" Miku opened her eyes in surprise.

"Bad? Isn"t that girl happy for me to receive it and accept?"

"No, you…………"

"First of all, doesn"t this mean I won"t be able to give s.h.i.+ori-san a present---"

"Just because of that, I can"t receive that, after using such a method"


Miku [Pu--] pouted her lips in dissatisfaction. s.h.i.+dou made a troubled face and scratched his head.

This girl doesn"t think her actions are bad. Following the desire to give s.h.i.+dou the cat doll as a present, she only used the method which was natural for her to do so.

Maybe he was interposed by some time to think, the impression he had felt on Miku a few days ago has changed a little.

Yes------She was a little like Tohka.

Before having her Spirit powers sealed away, Tohka had no chance to come in contact with other humans other than the AST, she would attack s.h.i.+dou and when she sees many people, she would try to eradicate them all.

But, right now she was fumbling around while somehow managing to be doing well with everyone.

In Miku"s case, her problem was because she controls a human"s freedom by using that [Voice].

"It"s okay-----. Since humans are my p.a.w.ns and toys. s.h.i.+ori-san doesn"t have to mind that. Because s.h.i.+ori-san is a special existence that I directly admit you know? The riffraff humans can do whatever they like"

"…………you see"

Miku said that with eyes that shows no worry and let out an unpleasant voice.


s.h.i.+dou gripped his hands hard.

This girl, Izayoi Miku, is by no means a bad girl. The only thing was, because of her ability, her sense of value got twisted.

This will probably take time. It will also take effort. But that was also…………the same as Tohka and the rest, it has enough chances for everyone to coexist together.

In order for that--------he has to seal her Reiryoku no matter what.

If he does not get her to stand on the same place with normal humans, if this keeps on, she will only continue seeing humans only as p.a.w.ns or toys like this. That is just………….too sad.

"Like I expected, I will win you……………in order to let you talk to [Humans]"

"With humans… say. I am already talking a lot with them? You sure say something weird---"

"You don"t have to understand now. But, remember this. Humans aren"t so obedient and convenient to become your p.a.w.n or toys"

"…………what are you saying?"

Hearing s.h.i.+dou words, Miku made a scornful smile.

"Humans are simple things. I can control them to do anything. s.h.i.+ori-san too, its better you don"t concern about it too much you know----? That is something I only use when I want something to the extent of caring for it but no way to get it"

"Hmph, don"t look down on humans. If you think everything is going to go your way, you"re going to end up tripping"


Miku closed her eyes partly in interest.

"Then, I"ll let you try----"

"………………? What do you mean?"

He asked while he frown his eyebrows in suspicion but, Miku didn"t answer any more than that.

"Ufufu-----, Then, although it is a little bit regretful but, let"s end today"s date here. I"ll be waiting on stage---. -----------That"s if s.h.i.+ori-san stands on stage though"

She then flicks the finger she used to touch her lips with, and after facing towards s.h.i.+dou, she turned her heels around and left.

"What was that………"

s.h.i.+dou stared at her back and said it doubtfully.

---But, after a few minutes after that. He got to understand the true meaning of Miku"s words.

The time was 2pm. In the waiting room backstage, the representatives of other famous schools started to gather one after another. In the waiting room, although according to that name, it has surprisingly a wide s.p.a.ce of room even after all of the performers a.s.sembled. That was only natural; originally it was a small hall behind the stage, but it would seem it was opened for it to be used as a waiting room. As if to show the reality of that, musical instruments such as drum sets or keyboards arranged in the inner part of the room.

s.h.i.+dou had the other members take over his job and carried his legs to the waiting room.

But, s.h.i.+dou and Tohka were the only ones gathered in the small hall, and Ai Mai and Mii could not be seen no matter how long it took.

"…………seriously, what are those 3 doing…………"

He groaned while folding his arms and looked over at the clock. It already crossed 20mins after the gathering time. It should be time for the first stage performance to begin.

And what"s more, that wasn"t the only problem. Origami who was not seen from morning also, has not arrived to the spot. Even after he called her many times, it just won"t connect as if there was no power in her phone.

"Muu………..what"s wrong with everyone?"

Tohka tilts her head. After s.h.i.+dou made a [I don"t know] gesture by swinging his head, he then used the only for s.h.i.+ori-chan usage decorated phone provided by Kotori, and called Ai.

After a few second of sound from his phone ringing, Ai"s voice could be heard from the receiver.


"! Yamabuki-san, where are you now? Hurry up and come here! I don"t see Hazakura-san and Fujibakama-san too………………do you have any idea where they are?"

"Ah-----Mai and Mii? Then------"



Coming from the other side of the receiver, Mai and Mii"s voice could be heard.

"What are you doing! The stage performance is about to start!?"

When s.h.i.+dou shouted, Ai and the rest [Hnn----] replied back lifelessly. "We"re sorry but-----, we give up going out on the stage performance"

From hearing the unexpected words suddenly, he unintentionally gasped.

"Wh,why is that? Didn"t all of us worked hard and practice for this!"

"eh----? That"s because……………Miku Onee-sama, told us to stop it---"


At the end of her words, Ai"s phone line got cut.

The sounds of *beep* *beep* fruitlessly shook s.h.i.+dou"s eardrum.

"s.h.i.+dou, What did Ai say?"

Tohka asked in curiosity. s.h.i.+dou somehow managed to squeeze out his shaking voice.

"They said………they are giving up, going on stage…………"

"Mu!? W,why!?"


s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth tightly.

Most likely-------Ai Mai Mii were [requested] by Miku.

It was the [voice] that was enough to make s.h.i.+dou"s consciousness go into disarray even though he has the Spirit protection. If Miku were to whisper to them in close range, then it was impossible to those 3 normal humans to resist.

In an instant, he thought Origami was also caught by Miku"s poisonous fangs but…………if that"s the case, then coming on the phone would be okay, and it would not explain the reason why she was gone from morning.

But whatever the reason. The situation is very grim. That"s because 4 out of 6 members-----ba.s.s, keyboard, drummer, and most importantly the vocal has left. The only ones left were only the guitarist and the tambourine. There is no way they can make a proper musical performance this way.

"Kuh, what on earth should I…………."

And, when s.h.i.+dou scratched his head while letting out a groaning-like voice, he could hear a happy laugh coming from the front direction.


Suddenly Miku who has changed into her stage costume, was standing there with a cheerful smile. Probably an image of a mermaid princess, the dress was tinged in a color that makes you think of a sea, and has accessories of designed scattered on it.

"What"s wrong-----? Your cute face will get ruined you know----?"

"Miku, you…………!"

He shouted in reflex but somehow controlled his anger.

Even if he blames Miku now, nothing will change. Even if he called Miku"s action unfair, there was no way he could explain about her [Voice] filled with Reiryoku.

Miku probably knows that too. After she made a happy smile, she *spins* waving her skirt.

"It"s almost time for my stage performance. Please look carefully----"

She said that, and walked away.

"Guh…………, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d………"

He gritted his teeth in regret, and glared at Miku"s back.

But, it was already known that even if he did that, the situation wouldn"t change for the better.

"Wha,what happened…….?"

Tohka asked suspiciously. s.h.i.+dou scratched his head and ignored it.

"…………let me think for a bit"

After s.h.i.+dou said that, he placed his hands on his chin as if to show he is thinking and walked towards the wall. He then used a soft voice and sends it towards the Incam on his right ear.

"……Kotori, Kotori"

"------Is there anything you want? Do you want help you loosen your nervousness before the stage performance?"

Before long, he could hear Kotori"s frivolous talk.

"No…it"s not that"

s.h.i.+dou briefly explained how, Ai Mai and Mii were fallen into Miku hands, and Origami has withdrawn from battle just before the real thing.

"I see………d.a.m.n Miku, using such a sneaky method"

Kotori made a long sigh before replying. He can"t see Kotori from there but, he could easily imagine her shrugging her shoulders as if she given up.

"It doesn"t take even 2 hours before our turn. What on earth should I…………"

"There"s no choice. Let"s overcome the vocal with the first lip sync plan"

"Is that okay……….."

"At least, I think its somewhat better than displaying s.h.i.+dou"s beautiful voice during the real deal"

"Well…………that"s true. But I didn"t bring the tone generator"

"It"s okay. We already slip in few members of our members for the operation. If it becomes s.h.i.+dou"s turn, just relax and match up with the music we broadcast"

"…………as expected"

A sister that is ready in everything. s.h.i.+dou put in his admiration and muttered that.

"But, we are still short on members. Since I think Tohka can"t play any other instrument…………" "That"s true………fumu, even if the full team is impossible, 2 people could be arranged. We"ll send in replacements so please join up with them"

"Replacements………………wait a second. Even if you send skilled people here, won"t we be disqualified if they were found out not to be Raizen students?" "To be still worried even after I told you I will do something about it, s.h.i.+dou sure has gotten great huh"

Kotori snort as if she was scorning him, and said that. Since s.h.i.+dou *Guu* sound didn"t come out, he tried to say [scissors] but, he decided to shut himself up for now.

"But even so, she did something to underestimate us. I have a mind to deal with her since the other side has this intention"

And, after giving her instructions to s.h.i.+dou, Kotori said something improper. s.h.i.+dou had sweat ooze out his forehead.

"O,oi. Didn"t you say you weren"t going to obstruct her"

"That was originally the plan but, honestly speaking if this goes on I can"t say we are going to win for sure now. The one who started this was the other side, so we"ll have you let us help out without hesitation"

"wai, don"t use violent…………"

His hands were pulled from behind about the time he was about to reply Kotori, and s.h.i.+dou"s body direction changed. When he looked over, he found out it was Tohka"s work.

"Uoo? Wha,whats wrong Tohka"

"Umu, Miku"s stage performance is about to start"


Now that she mentions it, s.h.i.+dou and Tohka were the only one inside the waiting room that was filled with performers just now. It would seems, everyone went to see the stage performance.

"Since we"re at it, why don"t we look at the enemy"s true strength. It will take a little more time for the replacements to reach. She"ll probably just be out there groaning Un Un and didn"t come up with any good plan"

Kotori said that through the Incam

"………I guess so"

After s.h.i.+dou made a small nod, he exited the waiting room together with Tohka.

And after climbing up the long dark stairs, a road that looks like a cat walk was arranged parallel to the ceiling wall on the central stage.

There were staff members mixed over there and the performers that were in the waiting room just now could be seen.

"Around here should be fine………….."

"Umu, special seats!"

Tohka eyes innocently glittered. The stage performances they are about to see right now, is going to be a performance that exceeds any other and they were about to be forced to know about it but………………does she really not know that?

And, around that time, on the center of the stage that was illuminated, *Click**click*, blue stage lights were exposed in many directions.

Right in the middle, Miku held the mic near her mouth and let out her voice mixed with a quiet melody.

---In an instant.

*Zap*. A feeling like gooseb.u.mps ran across the surface of his body.

The next moment, the melody slowly turned lively, the light pouring down on the stage turned brighter------and the back dancers preparing in the back were exposed. Miku"s swinging also turned very violent. And together with that, the tension in the hall slowly increased.


s.h.i.+dou muttered that half dumbfounded.

That much------s.h.i.+dou who practically has no interest in idols or whatever, has his consciousness taken away in an instant, that was how much Miku"s stage performance was overwhelming.

Costume, dance, back dancers, act, on top of that it resulted in the audiences swinging their glow stick and raising their cheer, all of this was perfectly joined together and it made a perfect atmosphere.

If it is right now, he could understand a little of the feeling of fans that faints in lives. Wild enthusiasm. From the number of audiences in a row he can see, according to that word all of them were getting wild thanks to Miku"s song, they were getting crazy.



The moment when that craziness was about to reach its peak, s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows.

Most probably Tohka also, rather all of the humans in the central stage were probably making the same face.

That"s because, when the song was about to come near the second part, the lights suddenly turned off and the stage turned completely dark.

No, that was not all. The song being broadcast from the big speakers also stopped at the same time when the lights turned off.

Inside this bizarre situation, a commotion spread in the audience seat.

However, within everyone who was confused, only s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide at the possibility he thought of.

"This is, don"t tell me………."


Faster than s.h.i.+dou calling out, Kotori replied back. "We fiddled with the hall"s equipment for a bit. Well, we are going to restart it when things subdue moderately. And of course, if things get heated up again I"ll turn it off again"


s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks. While being my sister, she sure thinks of heartless methods. It"s true with this; it is possible to cause a result involving everyone to cool down from the hype. No matter how amazing the stage performance was, if it cannot be seen then there is no meaning to it. ---But.


s.h.i.+dou lightly shook his throat, and once again send his sights back to the stage.

On the center of the completely dark stage, a dim light appeared.

Next, as if to control everyone"s noisiness, a clear voice could be heard.


At the same time with that voice, a pale light coiled about Miku"s body------and made a dress of light.

Running along her body line as if it was coiling up her upper torso. Sleeves that have volume. A light bolero sash unfolded to wrap all of it together. And------a dazzling dress that has several layers of light frills lying upon it.

After all of that had manifested, a moon-shaped accessory glowed on Miku"s hair.

Yes. That was, the real Miku he saw in the empty arena.

"Don"t tell me……………manifestation of AstralDress……….!? At a place like this!?"

Kotori"s voice hit his eardrums so loud that it hurts.

But that was a normal thing. AstralDress. An absolute s.h.i.+eld and castle that protects the Spirit. A strengthen armor knitted by dense Reiryoku strings.

Manifesting it means, that the Spirit was ready for battle. Actually, the Spirits until now only wear their Astraldress"s, when there is enemy presences that will harm them appear.

But, there was no way the audiences would understand what that outfit signifies. At the world that appeared in front of them, they don"t think the scenery was strange, and inside of them there were some that perceived it as a performance that uses a lot of advanced technology. The cheers filled in the hall was increased by one fold.

"---------Let"s make this livelier---. The real thing starts here!!"

Without using the mic, Miku"s clear voice echoed throughout the hall.

And as if replying to that, the hall once again was swallowed into a whirlpool of madness.

From that point onwards, it was already Miku"s world.

The speaker was dead. The lights were turned off. The amplifier can"t be used if the mic can"t.

Despite all that, Miku"s musical performance, her voice, that appearance, spread throughout every corner of the hall.

There is no one in this hall that thinks the case just now was an accident. All of that-----was a performance. It was in order to make Miku more prominent. In order to make Miku"s voice more impressive.

All of it was, to digest Miku"s existence.

She was a perfect, until it was overwhelming------[idol].

---At the same time as Miku spread both her arms apart, the song was over.

The biggest cheer until now filled the hall.

"-------Fufu, thank you very much"

Miku wiped of the sweat on her forehead before, taking a bow. After she did that, this time a round of applause broke out and was congratulating Miku as she left the stage.


"Umu, That was amazing!"

s.h.i.+dou silently placed his hands on his forehead, and Tohka expressed her carefree impression.

Even after Miku left, the round of applause did not stop for a while. s.h.i.+dou and Tohka climbed down the stairs and returned back to the waiting room after going through the round of applause that was similar to the ground rumbling.

There was no one in the waiting room. Maybe the other performers were going to check out the next following stage performance…………no, maybe, after seeing Miku"s overwhelming stage performance, they might be dazed.

"What"s wrong, s.h.i.+dou. If you"re not in high spirits, then you won"t be able to win even if it is something winnable you know?"


He made a powerless smile. Tohka tilted her head not quite knowing what he meant.

No, what Tohka said was completely correct. No matter how magnificent the opponent"s performance was, if he was swallowed into it then, it"s another problem before the match.

But, no matter how much he tries to shake it off, the bad feeling won"t clear away. Even though they made a subst.i.tute plan for the singing, but in the current situation where he does not know the ident.i.ty of the replacements to fill in the hole Aii,Mai and Mii opened, it was no wonder he would worry-------

And, at that moment, when he thought the waiting room"s door slowly opened, on top of s.h.i.+dou"s head who has his head hanging down, and heard a voice he heard somewhere before.

"Kuku, aren"t you making quite a gloomy face. It"s like you got your legs captured by the dead"

"Disappointment. There is no ambition here. If that"s the case, then it"s like losing before the fight even began"


As if he was flicked by their voices, s.h.i.+dou immediately raised his head.

The ones standing over there were two girls wearing maid uniforms on their bodies.

"Kaguya! Yuzuru!"

Tohka opened her eyes wide in surprise and called both their names.

"Both of you………why are you two in a place like this"

When s.h.i.+dou asked them, both of them folded their arms.

"Kuku, we heard it from Kotori. It looks like you are in trouble from not having enough members"

"Support. If it is okay with s.h.i.+dou, would you leave that role to us?"

"Eh……? The,then, the replacements Kotori was talking about are…………"

When s.h.i.+dou asked, both of them nodded perfectly in the same timing.

"Yes, it"s us. Kuku…………you are able to borrow the power of us Yamais. Feel honored right?"

"Affirmative. Leave it to us"

They said that and in a very confident manner took a hard to understand pose.

"Wai,wait a sec both of you. Well, I thank you for the consideration but, even if you say it"s that easy to join, there is no time left until the real thing you know? You girls haven"t practiced either--------"

Right in the middle of s.h.i.+dou"s sentence, Kaguya and Yuzuru looked at each other, and leisurely walked towards the instruments placed deep in the room. And then, Kaguya sat in front of the drum, while Yuzuru grabbed the ba.s.s.

In the next moment, both of them started performing without making any signals.


By reflex, he let out that voice.

To say it simply-----both of their performances, were incredibly good.

Pa.s.sionate and yet powerful while not losing harmony. It was a melody of drums that carves a rhythm that leads everybody, and a ba.s.s played fluently due to flowing-like fingering.

Even to an amateur"s ears, intenseness could be easily understood. It was a jam session to the level that if there were someone from the entertainment production here, they would immediately hand their business card to them.

"Well……that"s about it"

"Sigh. Fuu"

After finis.h.i.+ng the performance, both of them walk closer and exchanged a high five.

"Wh,why are you so good, both of you"

When he asked, Kaguya and Yuzuru glanced at each other before lifting the side of their lips.

"Kuku…………Don"t belittle me human. A match like this, we already finished it up"

"Confirm. It"s true we did that on contest Number 72 [Storm calling drum battle] and, [Best ba.s.sist award battle. Incidentally Kaguya won the first one while Yuzuru won the latter one"

When she said that, s.h.i.+dou remembered something.

Now that he thinks about it, both Kaguya and Yuzuru a long time ago before meeting s.h.i.+dou, both of them had repeated many contests. He heard they got tired of only fistfights and decided to try various types of matches but…………to think something like this was also included.

"………hey, s.h.i.+dou. Thanks to you, both of us can be together"

"Pet.i.tion. This time by all means, let Yuzuru and Kaguya save you"

Kaguya and Yuzuru said to him.

Naturally, Miku was a formidable enemy. Adding on, Miku fans were filling the hall. After finis.h.i.+ng such a perfect performance, she was not an easy opponent that will let them s.n.a.t.c.h away her win that easily.

But-------s.h.i.+dou swallowed his saliva

After taking Kaguya and Yuzuru"s hand respectively, he immediately lifted his face.


Part 4

After turning her eyeb.a.l.l.s to the lower left while giving an order inside her head, a small number was projected on her retina. 14:55-----------there are 5 more minute before the operation starts.

Jessica Bayley who was floating in the air of Tenguu Square, *Perori* licked her lips.

"Well then…………it"s about time ne. Everyone, are you ready?"

"Yes Ma"amRoger"

She heard the voices of her subordinates from the headset all at once. Jessica nodded in satisfaction.

Right now deployed in the sky above Tenguu Square, there were 10 members in the 3rd battle team with Jessica included, and 20 remote control war doll s, an extremely extravagant line up.

What"s more, right now on Jessica and the group"s bodies, starting from a 10.5cm laser gun , the micro-missile pod , and a Laser edge built-in single element cutter , they were wearing DEM industries" latest equipment, all of them not yet distributed to any other countries.

No matter how much the opponent is the AAA rank , there is no way she could handle being showered by all this concentrated fire.

*Nii* Jessica made a broad smile, and looked down toward Tenguu Square"s eastern block spread out before her eyes.

After a few minutes, the target Yatogami Tohka will stand on the central stage.

First off, they will destroy the ceiling of the central stage from their current position, then the dispatch team s will infiltrate and seize the target.

They will then start their attack once again towards the target that was seized by the s------ they will then injure the target first with damage before the target is captured, that was the plan.

Of course, Jessica wasn"t someone who kills for pleasure. It was not like she does not feel any sympathy toward the considerable number of casualties that will appear from her own attacks.

But, that slight sentimental feeling was completely erased by the sweet sound of Westcott"s orders which imply capturing the spirits is for the greater good. Right now, Jessica only recognizes the stage audience as a group of potatoes or pumpkins.

And then. The buzzer rang on the headset. Time 1500. It was time to start the operation.

"------well then, it"s time. Adeptus 4 to 12 move to the designated spot. Prepare for attack. s also get ready. 20 units below Outer 1, prepare to infiltrate.

"Yes Ma"amRoger"

The same reply as just now echoed, and the fully equipped wizards and s followed Jessica"s orders and deployed.

"Well then……let the party begin"

After saying that, Jessica pointed her laser gun toward the Tenguu Square central stage.

Part 5

At the same time, 15000 meters above Tenguu Square. In the bridge of the airs.h.i.+p uses, a loud alarm rang.

"What on earth is the problem!"

Kotori who was sitting in the commander"s seat raised her eyebrows at the sudden alarm and brought her eyes to the monitor spread out in front of her. But, there were no particularly strange changes happening there. Miku"s mind parameters shown on the side monitor were also not showing any big changes that could be seen,

"Re,Reading in the radar! Above Tenguu Square, there are readings thought to be AST around 20……………30!"

"What did you say………!?"

Hearing the crew"s report, Kotori"s face distorted further.

Simultaneously, the main monitor showing the image of s.h.i.+dou and the group was immediately switched to images of the sky.

There were 10 wizards wearing exaggerated CR-units around their whole body, and 20 strange machine dolls, all of them floating above and looking down towards the Tenguu Square central stage.

"These guys are…………"

After looking at them, Kotori bit the chupa chups she was licking on.

Clearly not a j.a.panese team. And th

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