Date A Live

Chapter 9: Demon KingPart 1

Chapter 9: Demon KingPart 1

Mana"s vision was full of small missiles.

Needless to say, launching such a large amount of missiles in such a crowded place, not only was the target hit, but the DEM Wizards and〈Banders.n.a.t.c.h〉were also hit, falling to the ground.

", actually hit your own comrades!"

"Hahaha! There"s no way you can dodge that!"

Ignoring what Mana said, Jessica who was carrying a huge airframe, was laughing loudly.

"It seems like she doesn"t even have the normal ability to a.n.a.lyse."

Mana continued flying, frowning in disgust.

Strong magical power, missiles, machine gun bullets and laser swords came firing and attacking continuously. Every attack she received was severe. If she let her guard down, her protective barrier could be broken.

Most likely, Jessica"s brain had been modified with magic.

——similar to what Mana underwent for years, except it was done within such a short period of time.


Mana didn"t know what was done to make Jessica stronger to such an extent within a day. But she clearly knew that this kind of action would inflict a fearful amount of damage to the body.

In fact, Jessica started showing signs of her body being damaged. Perhaps her thoughts were obstructed as she wanted to defeat Mana desperately, hence ignoring her comrades" safety and attacking randomly. Furthermore, she destroyed the DEM facilities around her as well.


"Mana! We will cover you! Move it!"

Kotori"s voice could be heard through the speakers.

Then, Mana opened a small-sized protective barrier while the missile chasing after her exploded in mid-air.

It seemed Kotori sent over several in mine mode and blocked the missiles for her.

"Thank you, it"s a great help----"

After giving a short thanks-------however, Mana stopped talking and turned around.

Next, a torrent of cold air crossed the s.p.a.ce Mana was at.

"This is…..!"

For a moment, she thought that Jessica had fired the Maryoku cannon again without learning from her mistake but…….that was wrong. Mana looked downwards.

Over there, there was a girl in a maid uniform attached to a giant rabbit doll.

"……no, Yos.h.i.+no-san…..!?"

"It"s an order….from Onee-sama. I will get rid, of……the Wizard-san!"

"So close, that"s the way Yo-s.h.i.+no! Ushaaa! Freeze that girl!"


Yos.h.i.+no talked with the giant rabbit- while creating several ice pillars in the sky and shooting them towards Mana.


After Mana twisted her body in panic, she flew while dodging and striking down the approaching ice pillar bullets with the laser blade in her right hand.

But, to interrupt her, a tremendous wind pressure came attacking from above this time. Mana frowned her face, turned her Territory into defensive mode and flew upwards after somehow pa.s.sing through the wall of wind.

"Kuku, oh well, not bad at all. You"re different from those Wizard worms wriggling around there."

"Alert. Kaguya, please be careful. That"s s.h.i.+dou"s sister. I heard she"s strong."

The twin girls holding a lance and pendulum respectively were cautiously looking at Mana.

"That"s the…..Yamai sisters, huh."

Mana said that and licked her lips. It tasted like sweat.

Now that she thought about it, they were being controlled by the Spirit- too. She heard that radars picked up winds thought to belong to the Yamai sisters heading towards the company"s 1st building; it seemed that they were accompanying Yos.h.i.+no.

She had no idea why the girls were here. But, there was no time to think leisurely. While she was just doing that, a red silhouette was heading towards Mana after it charged through the missiles" explosion.

"You"re kidding me……..!"

It was still okay if it was a normal opponent but, Jessica"s brain had been tempered till it was messed up and her Maryoku had been increased to Mana"s level. With 3 Spirits added into the equation, it was going to be tough, even for Mana.

"Kuh----Losing Jessica is………impossible huh. I have to divert the girls" attention somewhere else…….!"

At that moment, Mana found a group of Wizard in the air zone in front.

There was a group of Wizards wearing different wiring suits compared to the DEM Wizards. Most likely, everyone from the JSDF AST was called as back-up.


Mana opened her eyes wide in reflex when she found a familiar face.


"Eh………? Huh, you"re----Mana!?"

The AST captain Kusakabe Ryoko replied back with a surprised face.

"Why are you in a place like-----"

"Talk later! Tag!"


"I"m leaving those girls to you!"

After saying that, she activated her thrusters and pa.s.sed through the s.p.a.ce between the AST members. The members opened their eyes in surprise, maybe because they got stirred up from the wind pressure.

But, something happened a beat after they were taken back. That was only natural. That was because and came attacking at the same time.

"U-uwah!? Everyone, retaliate! Team A target , Team B target !"


But as expected from Captain, she dealt with the sudden situation and fired back at the 3 of them.

Maybe they felt they were going to get attacked as Yos.h.i.+no, Kaguya and Yuzuru changed their targets from Mana to the AST. After confirming that by looking with the edge of her eye, Mana left that air zone.

But, there was no time to take a breather in the first place. All she had done was change the status quo of the situation that had turned into the worst scenario.

Not batting an eye to the Spirit and AST members, Jessica was approaching Mana from behind while pointing the 2 giant Maryoku cannons at her.


"How persistent……..!"

She moved her eyebrows closer in irritation and clicked her tongue again.

But at that moment, a feeling as if her spine was being traced with a cold finger attacked Mana.


For a moment there, Mana thought Yos.h.i.+no and the Yamai sisters attacked her. But-----she was mistaken. This feeling only appeared when a Wizard with radial Territory was getting closer, causing both of their Territory"s to clash with each other.


The same time she noticed that, Mana quickly twisted her body and took evasion measures.

Next, a laser blade around Mana"s height, pa.s.sed through the s.p.a.ce Mana was at a moment ago.

"----Oh my, you dodged it huh. Nice reaction."

With that said, the girl that appeared behind Mana out of nowhere calmly lifted her chin while saying that.

She had blonde hair which was fluttering in the sky and blue eyes. A white CR-unit was being worn over her pale skin.

Mana gasped-----

that was because, DEM industries" prided strongest Wizard- Ellen M Mathers -was there.


"I heard that there was a big rat within the a.s.sailants but……it was you huh, Mana."

After saying that, Ellen looked down on Mana.

"How disappointing. I acknowledged you as the 2nd skilled personal before me, inside DEM."

"Hah…. Stop with your joke. You guys mess with one"s body as you please."

After Mana said it like puking, Ellen twitched her eyebrows.

"……….I see. You found out to that extent. It seems it"s true that picked you up."

"Fuun, judging by your unsurprised look, it seems you"re an accomplice huh. An idealistic scenario would have you join me and beat down the president after finding out the truth..."

"Sorry but I will not betray Ike."

"……..Like I thought huh."

Mana distorted her eyebrows while muttering in detest.-----Honestly, a woman she didn"t want to have as an opponent had appeared. The summit of the Adaptus numbers. The strongest Wizard both acknowledged by herself and others. Even though Mana was wearing "s CR-unit--, there was no guarantee that Mana could win.

What was more, currently-----

"Disappear! !"

Mana looked behind when Jessica shouted and a tremendous torrent of Maryoku was shot out from the 2 Maryoku cannons.


Even if it was Mana"s Territory, there was no way there would be no damage if she took a direct hit from "s Maryoku cannon. After twisting her body, Mana minimized the impact by sliding on the Maryoku cannon"s attack with the surface of her Territory before flying backwards to have both Ellen and Jessica fall into her view.

On her right hand, there was the strongest Wizard in white armor.

On her left hand, there was the craziest Wizard with a crimson tank behind her.

"It doesn"t feel right to have a 2 vs 1 fight but----well, I can"t help it if it"s Ike"s intentions. Let"s end this quickly."

"A-ha-hahaha. Mana, Mana, I finally caught up. MaaaaaaaNaaaaaaaaa?"


Being glared by the two of them, Mana clicked her tongue in detest.

Part 2

"-----So, where is Tohka-san? It"s a waste of time walking around mindlessly in this big building"

"Iyaa, err"

Miku asked him while they were walking in the corridor. However, it was not like he knew the specific location. s.h.i.+dou spoke ambiguously in awkwardness.

"Haaa? Did you intend to infiltrate without investigating that? Eh? Is that cl.u.s.ter of ugliness riding on your shoulders filled with over boiled udon, just like a clay doll?"


Actually, it was bulls-eye. He hesitated to talk.

"B-but there"s no way I can easily investigate that, right…..!"

"Heee…….You think so?"

At that moment, Miku *Kas.h.i.+* stopped moving after making a noticeably loud footstep and the group of DEM wizard aligned to the wall looked at Miku when they heard her song.

Within them, she picked a young girl and *Kui* bent her fingers.

"Hey you over there. Come over here for a bit!"

"Ye-yes, Onee-sama!"

The female Wizard walked over to Miku with a nervous face. When she reached there, Miku lifted her face with bewitching hand movements.

"Neee……….Please tell me. Where is Tohka-san being confined in?"

"Th-that"s……..cla.s.sified information………….."

"I will hate you if you don"t tell me, you know?"

"N-no way! Onee-sama!"

After Miku made a smile and said that, the Wizard clung onto Miku with a face as if she was going to cry any moment.

"She"s at the quarantine area on the 18 floor! I-if you use this ID, you can enter! S-so please Onee-sama! Show mercy…… mercy!"

"Ufufu, I like honest girls"

After Miku accepted the ID the girl offered to her, she erected her index finger and touched her own lips before touching the girl"s lips.

"Ah, aah…………!?"

The girl made an ecstatic voice as if she ascended to heaven and collapsed powerlessly. It seemed she fainted from the deep emotion. The Wizards standing at the surroundings were looking at her in jealousy and making postures while biting their handkerchiefs. The males were also taking the same actions so it was a little uncomfortable.

However, Miku did not stop to worry about the wors.h.i.+pers" reaction and looked down at s.h.i.+dou as if she won.

"How about it? There are many ways of doing it you know?"

"………much obliged."

Originally, he should be rebuking at Miku for toying with others unreasonably like what she did in the Tennou festival, but the current situation called for it. s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks with a very complex mood.

But thanks to that, he was able to find Tohka"s location and at the same time, gained the key to get to her. He nodded a little while clenching his fist and looked upwards at the next floor.

"Okay, let"s go Miku."

"Like I said, will you stop thinking I am helping you? Do you understand? I am here to add Tohka-san into my army. We are enemies!"

"I-I get it."

There was a lot of stuff he could think of but, it was a fact that s.h.i.+dou would not know of Tohka"s location if not for Miku"s presence. s.h.i.+dou quietly started walking and followed after Miku.

After that, they went to the next floor and after walking for some time, they saw several Wizards in wiring suits equipped with small firearms and close combat weapons in front.

They were probably informed of the irregular existence-Miku. They upgraded their equipment compared to when s.h.i.+dou was alone and the Wizards had expressions filled with nervousness.

"Shoot! Don"t go easy on them!"

Together with the captain"s order, countless bullets spew out from the firearms they were holding. But at that moment, Miku took a deep breath and,


She released a sound wave in front of her.

The bullets approaching them bounced off an invisible wall and sunk into the walls and floor. The Wizards leaked their dismay all together at once. She might have directed the wall properly, but the atmosphere around s.h.i.+dou was vibrating too and it made him cover his ears in reflex.

"Ahaha, you seriously think you can stop me with that attack? I sure am underestimated huh."

After Miku laughed, the faces of all the Wizards distorted with fear and gasped.

But at that moment, 2 more Wizards appeared from the back corridor and pointed their pistol at Miku"s back.


After shouting, s.h.i.+dou swung with both his hands. Light was shot as if it traced along the blade and blasted away the Wizards" Territory. Several bullets shot from the pistol got scattered to the ceiling.


However, the moment he released "s slash, his whole body hurt starting with the hand holding the sword. s.h.i.+dou fell on his knees in reflex.



After clearing the Wizards at front, Miku raised her eyebrows while shouting. But, s.h.i.+dou did not have the leisure to respond to her now.

The price for swinging the Spirit sword-----Angel which contained power too excessive for a human body, several times was taking an unexpectedly high toll on s.h.i.+dou"s body.

But, it seemed Kotori"s power dwelling in s.h.i.+dou"s body had not forsaken him yet. At the same time a flame lighted deep inside his heart, the heat slowly spread out to the edges of his body. He could feel the flames healing his organ damages, muscles and bones which could not be seen from outside……..of course, this rough healing method came with the heat of h.e.l.l fire.


Nevertheless, he could not complain. s.h.i.+dou withstood the pain which was strong enough to blow his consciousness away and stood up before dragging "s tip on the corridor while somehow walking.

Miku snorted in detest when she saw s.h.i.+dou in that state.

"…..How pathetic. Why do you go that far?"

"I told you already…………I have to save Tohka. As long as I have no idea what is happening to Tohka, if I waste any time……..I don"t have the time to stand still-----"

s.h.i.+dou said that before clenching his fist------the pain when he did that distorted his face.


Miku twitched her eyebrows and purposely made an expression filled with disgust.

"Aaah-aaah-aaah-. How cold. What"s with that? Did you get drunk with the thought of saving your tragic heroine? You aren"t in the age to be looking up to heroes of justice."

Miku shrugged her shoulders as if to ridicule him and continued.

"Ahaha, is it perhaps that? You can"t retreat because you already told me that Tohka-san"s life is more important than yours? It"s fine actually. I know how disgusting humans are since a long time ago so I won"t be disappointed."


But, s.h.i.+dou did not show any reaction and continued walking in the corridor silently.

"Wait! Don"t ignore me!"

Maybe because Miku did not like that, her voice turned wild before she overtook s.h.i.+dou----and, *Pon* hit her hand as if she thought of something.

"-----Aah, I know. Then let"s do this. Go ahead and tell me you would give up on Tohka-san, here and now. If you do that, I will use my [Voice] and make as many girls as you like into your slaves. How about it? All of them will absolutely follow your words. Theeyyy will do anything for you? Ufufu, not a bad deal right?"

Miku gave him a deal. s.h.i.+dou twitched his eyebrows.

Unpleasantness spread out inside his chest. It was not a good idea to make Miku mad now------he fully knew that but, he could not forgive her for that sentence. He glared at Miku and opened his mouth.

"…….Don"t screw with me! There is no replacement for Tohka!"


When s.h.i.+dou made a stern face, Miku made a slight twitch with her shoulders before increasing her tone as if she lost her temper.

"Fu-fuun, stop pretending already! Your [Like] or [Precious] is just at that level right? I am saying I will prepare a replacement so, that"s acceptable right! Why would you go that far for her…..!"

Miku said it in a forceful tone. Even if this was to tempt s.h.i.+dou, there was no composure in her tone. It was as if she felt that her existence was being denied unless s.h.i.+dou agreed with her.

"You"re mistaken. Not all humans are-----"

"Shu-tt u-uppppp! Humans are my toys! Males are my slaves! Females are my cute dolls! All humans only have that value!"

Miku shouted to reject him.

"Miku, you…………"

s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows. The words that he missed to hear when he was inside Kurumi"s shadow scratched his mind.

"Why-------why do you hate males that much! Why do you treat females like objects! Why do you see humans in that perspective…….!"

"Huh, that"s obvious right? Humans are worth just that much----"

"-----Even though you"re human yourself too…!"

He said it to interrupt Miku"s voice.

Miku stopped her words and gasped.


Miku opened her eyes in surprise and looked at s.h.i.+dou. s.h.i.+dou looked back at her and continued.

"When you were still human, ---the [Something] that has the appearance of a noise, gave you the power of the Spirits……….am I wrong!?"


Miku twitched her shoulders. But-----she did not show any signs of denial.

That was what Kurumi told s.h.i.+dou while they were getting here.

That was the information she read from the objects-----a penname CD and a photo showing a young Miku with a male and female thought to be her parents they found in Miku"s house.

Just like Kotori----Miku was a human turned into a Spirit by someone.

And also, she had a past of being active as an idol with a different name.

"………..How do you know that?"

Miku glared at him with sharp eyes. That reply was proof.

"I had a well-informed friend."

There was no need to explain Kurumi"s powers in detail. s.h.i.+dou said it ambiguously to play it off.

Nonetheless, it"s not like s.h.i.+dou actually knew everything. Kurumi gained many fragmented information from reading CD and photos, and there were many things still left in the unknown.

Yes…………..If Miku really was originally human---

---then why would she treat her fellow humans as objects?

Not only she hated males, she even treated girls she took a liking to, just as antique dolls. She didn"t treat humans as living things like her and it felt extremely strange.

At first s.h.i.+dou thought that her value system became distorted because she was gifted with the [Voice] to make anyone listen to her.

But-----if Miku was human before then...

If Miku was active in human society for 10 years then..

Just what on earth could cause her to harbor such robotic emotions to humans?

"You"re….a human too. Then you should----"

When s.h.i.+dou was about to finish his sentence, Miku glared right at him.

"Don"t joke………..Just, just what do you know about me?!"

Miku shouted hatefully. s.h.i.+dou slowly opened his mouth.

"Miku…..what happened to you?"

"………Fuun, why should I-"


When s.h.i.+dou pressed on with his words, Miku sighed in annoyance.

"How persistent. Fuun…….."

After she said that-----Miku started talking in a vomiting manner.

Part 3

---Singing was the only thing I had.

That was what Miku already felt when she was 9 years old.

It was much faster to count her studies and sports results from below and it was not like she was good in art and crafts. There was only one [Not bad] in her report card during her elementary school and it did not change even when she was in middle school.

But Miku had her singing. She was better than anyone in her cla.s.s, and could sing songs beautifully.

What made her start singing in the first place?……..yes, it was because she got praised by her teacher for being good at singing during her kindergarten game meeting.

To the young Miku, it made her very happy and she felt very proud as if she received a s.h.i.+ning medal that no one else had.

It might be a normal result for Miku to start idolizing singing and dancing idols on television.

The young Miku was engrossed at the girls singing with their cute voice while dancing on a dazzling stage. Of course for lyrics, she could perfectly remember even their style and it surprised both her parents .

And once Miku reached 15, she got the attention of the judges in the audition and was able to debut as her desired Idol with the name Yoimachi Tsukino.

That was the happiest time of her life. She could stand on the place she had been aspiring for a long time. Her song, her voice could be heard by many people. Just thinking of that made her tears fall naturally.

Although her work could not be compared to before, things were going smoothly without any problems. Her CD slowly entered the charts and the audience started to increase in her lives.

The male audience crossed 90 percent of the total audience and although now that she thought about it, this was enough to give her the w.i.l.l.i.e.s………….but to Miku at that time, all of them were the precious audience that would tell her that they loved her singing.

She liked recording for her CDs and radio but Live shows were the most fun for her.

It was the best way to actually feel her song reaching everyone.

Everyone would praise Miku"s singing.

They would say that they loved Miku.

The medal placed on her chest was s.h.i.+ning beautifully even more.

She thought that dreamlike time would always continue.

---But, demise easily came.

It happened around 1 year after Miku"s debut. Around the time she was quite popular, she was told that a producer from a certain department had taken a liking to her from her office manager. If she got along with him then she would be able to get the golden regular or something like that.

Although it was not specified clearly; it was basically that.

Of course, Miku refused politely.

The reason why Miku became an Idol was not because she wanted to appear in TV; it was because she wanted everyone to hear her songs.

But, after a while from that.

A scandal she had no idea about was published on the weekly photo magazine.

What were the contents?.............although she did not read it in details because of the shock she received, she could remember eye raising stuff like her past relations.h.i.+ps, abortion experience, how she frequently attended drug parties, etc.

She found this out later and it seemed like the previous producer got involved in this. He seemed to be in good terms with the president of Miku"s office and-----Miku easily lost her place in the company.

But the most unbearable thing was the reaction of her fans…….no, the people she thought were her fans.

The people that would line up with the [I like], [I love you], [I would die for you], suddenly started changing their att.i.tude like flipping the palm to the opposite side.

It was tough knowing that people would believe rumors spread by some unknown person and not Miku"s words.

(------hey, how many times did you have s.e.x with your previous boyfriend?)

(Abortion? That"s basically killing a baby right? What are you doing even though you"re a killer?)

Each time those types of comments were posted in her blog...

Each time she received heartless words during the handshake and sign events with fewer customers...

Miku"s heart gradually exhausted away.

But Miku did not give up.

Yes. Miku had her singing. She had her songs. She only had her singing from the start.

No matter how much people were going to spread rumors about her, they would understand once they heard her songs.

My songs have that power.

Somewhere in her heart, that confidence with no basis at all was still there.

And thus, Miku stood on the live stage again.

But, it was no use.

Her body was controlled by nervousness and another kind of palpitation, when she saw the people crowding the arena, as some kind of scary monster.

However, she had to sing. Nothing would start if she didn"t sing.

The BGM started. She brought the mike closer to her mouth. She shook her throat.


(…….…! ………..!)

---*Hyuu**Hyuu* Air only came out from Miku"s throat.

She was diagnosed with Aphonia due to a psychological problem.

Like that, the life of Yoimachi Tsukino easily reached an end now that she lost her singing.

Once a girl who only had singing in her life lost her voice, that girl no longer had any value in life.

She knew that from a long time ago. She understood that when she was only 9 years old.

That"s why, Miku started thinking of suicide, and it was only natural for her to do so.

Any method would do. Hang herself. Or maybe, take an overdose of sleeping pills. It was also okay to jump in front a train, and she wouldn"t mind pulling a razor at her hand. With just those actions, it was possible to easily dispose of a girl with no value.

But, just when Miku was about to take those actions,

A [G.o.d] appeared in front of Miku.

(----You"re disappointed of humans. You think this world is hopeless. Neee, do you want power? A power big enough to change the world?)

Part 4

"I------Lost it. Once. Because of those ugly males, I lost my voice because of a psychological disorder-----the voice……the voice more important than my life………..!"

Miku spoke to herself as if to show her emotions, and talked with a face that was close to crying.

"I thought of suicide many times. But, at that time……….[G.o.d] appeared and gave me this [Voice]! The best [Voice] that will make people fall for me once I sing!"

Most likely, that [G.o.d] was the unidentified Spirit called that gave Kotori her Reiryoku.

"………….Is that so."

s.h.i.+dou felt extremely weird of Miku who didn"t treat someone else as a person.

He felt her value system, and life/death perspective was far off from normal humans. It was so far that he might feel hatred to her.

When he realized that Miku might have a human past when he found the photo and CD in her house, that weird feeling expanded even more.

But----he was wrong.

Of course, he had no intentions to accept Miku"s way of dealing with humans. He could not accept Miku"s way of forcefully making someone obey her every word by using her [Voice] covered with Reiryoku, and act like a queen.

However, it was different. It was not like Miku thought of humans as something lesser than her-----

She was just very very scared to treat them equally.

She would definitely be betrayed if she believed them.

She would definitely be abandoned if she went under their care.

She would definitely be tricked if she counted on them.

That was why…….she wouldn"t expect anything from the start.

She would separate herself from humans.

She would think of humans as another type of existence.

She wouldn"t entrust anything to them.

While she was unaware of this, it was her defensive measures to them, due to her disappointment to humans, and because she once lost her precious voice before.

The producer fabricated a scandal to hara.s.s her just because Miku did not become his girl, and the fans that played with and hurt Miku"s heart. She scorned those selfish males and rejected them.

She could not open her heart to girls too and could only treat them as cute dolls that won"t betray her.

"That"s why I hate males! They are vulgar, dirty, and ugly-----just looking at them makes me want to puke!"

Miku said it as if she was vomiting.

"That goes for females too! I don"t need any other girls other than cute girls that would listen to me! All the other humans should just die!"


s.h.i.+dou gasped when he heard Miku shout.

It was true that he understood Miku"s suffering. It was probably tough to lose her precious voice.


"That"s…….wrong! I do pity your circ.u.mstances……..! That Producer and article writer gets on my nerve! Those fans that took a 180 flip p.i.s.s me off! But, that doesn"t mean that you should hate other humans like them too!"

"What………! Please shut up! All males are the same!"

"Iiyaaa, Let me tell you this! Is it really true that there is not even one person that wants to hear your singing in the first place!? Isn"t there anyone that did not get fooled by the scandal and looked forward to your singing!?"

"Such a person-----!"

At that moment, several footsteps came from the corridor in front. Immediately, several Wizards with pistols appeared.

"There they are! It"s the infiltrators!"

"Be careful! One of them is a Spirit!"


s.h.i.+dou gasped and prepared in his hands.

It seemed Kotori"s flames had healed s.h.i.+dou"s body to the point where s.h.i.+dou could swing the sword. Although there was still pain left, it was not that serious to make him fall.

But, even though the enemy was in front of s.h.i.+dou, he still looked at Miku.

They had to defeat the Wizards now. But, this was the first time Miku would talk about her past. If he let this chance go, he felt that she won"t bring this up again.

The Wizards fired all at once. But, all of it was bounced back from the wall of voice Miku made.

s.h.i.+dou shouted while taking the chance to swing his sword.

"Miku-------you made up illusions of scary humans inside you! That feeling increased because everyone listens to your [Voice] so-----you became unnecessarily scared to talk with real people!"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Miku [Haa!?] let out a voice as if she heard something unbelievable.

"Scared……..!? That"s not a good way to put it, are you saying I am scared of humans!? Forget that, we are fighting right now! Stop with the unnecessary--------Aaaaaaaaaaah!"

Bullets shot from the Wizards approached them when Miku was in the middle of her words. After Miku raised her voice at s.h.i.+dou, she made a wall of voice again to block.

"That isn"t related! I"ll say this as many times as I want! You"ve been surrounded by people who always agree with you and that"s making you scared to have a conversation with a normal person! But-----even though you reject humans that much, somewhere in your heart, you still feel the urge to have a normal talk with them!"

"How random……..! Just what do you know!"

Miku raised her voice and s.h.i.+dou swung .

Both of them quarreled with loud voices and advanced down the corridor while sometimes kicking down the Wizards that appeared.

"I know! That"s the reason why you wanted the human that can"t be controlled by your [Voice]---[Itsuka s.h.i.+ori] right!?"


Miku gasped and distorted her expression.

Yes. While Miku said that she didn"t want any humans that do not listen to her, she displayed some kind of weird attachment to s.h.i.+ori.

"Som-something like that----"

"Also, when you started your debut again after getting that [Voice], you did not use [Yoimachi Tsukino] or any kinds of nickname and used your real name [Izayoi Miku] right!? You………Doesn"t that mean you want someone to find out!? That you are here! You wanted to be acknowledged right!? By none other than those humans………..!"

Miku‘s face*Ugugu*……….turned red and made a hysteric voice while advancing down the corridor.

"SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Quiet! Quietttttttt! Don"t talk like you know! Stupid! Idiot! Blockkheaaaad!"

It turned to insults halfway in her sentence. But, it seemed her voice had dense Maryoku put into it. An invisible wall was pushed towards the Wizards that appeared in front and got blown backwards.

"Yo-youu……! Just because I hit the bulls-eye……."

"You did not get any bulls-eye! You"re wrong! You"re just an idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!"

"Aaaaaah forget it…..! Like I thought, I can"t leave Yos.h.i.+no, Kaguya and Yuzuru to you! I will definitely seal your Reiryoku, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d……….!"

After s.h.i.+dou shouted that, Miku twitched her shoulders.

"I won"t……….I won"t let you do that! If you seal this [Voice] then, again, I will------"

Miku clenched her teeth before continuing her words.

"Are you……are you telling me to go back to that again!? To the time when I couldn"t sing…….to the time when I was worthless…….!"

"I did not say that!"

After he shouted, he swung again. The sword slash turned into light and cut up the Wizards Territory.

"I….I just want you to sing with your real voice, without covering it with the power to deceive others, that"s all!"

That was his true feelings. Miku"s singing voice that people used to hear at the Izayoi residence. She was so earnest and was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a charm different from the current Miku.

But, Miku distorted her face in detest.

"Please don"t talk like you know…..! If I have this [Voice], I can be the best Idol! Just who would listen to my singing once I lose this [Voice]!!"

"You got me------here……..!"

Miku"s whole body slightly twitched when s.h.i.+dou shouted.

"W-what…….don"t spout randomly! You have not even heard me sing before anyway!"

"I heard! It"s just one song though! Its earnest, filled with hard-work and cool! I like it more than your songs now! No one would hear you sing…….? Hah, don"t be stupid. -----at the very least, you will have one devoted fan no matter what happens! And that would be me!"


"Your Reiryoku does not matter…………..even if you lose that [Voice], it"s impossible that you will become worthless…….!"


Miku made a face close to crying------however, she immediately swung her head to regain her composure.

"Those…….those words----I won"t believe them! All the fans that said them did not believe me! When I was having a rough time…………no one extended their hands to me!"

"I don"t think so! There has to be a fan believing and waiting for you! But-------if what you say really is true then! At that time I will! I will definitely extend my hands to you!"

"Don"t say things that convenient…..! Then what, will you risk your life to save me if i was in a tight situation like Tohka-san!?"

Miku pointed at s.h.i.+dou and shouted. Most likely------she was trying to see s.h.i.+dou to be at loss for an answer.

But, s.h.i.+dou shook his throat instantly without any hesitation.

"Of course!"


Miku stopped for a moment when she heard s.h.i.+dou"s words.

But, she immediately distorted her face unpleasantly and followed after s.h.i.+dou.

"I won"t believe you! It"s going to be a lie anyway…….! It"s definitely a lie!"

"Why you-----"

At that moment, one Wizard appeared in front of them when they climbed the stairs and reached the next level. It was a large male. Different from the Wizards until now, he was carrying a giant Gatling gun which was clearly not meant for indoor battle.

"Stop! It looks like you two were doing whatever you liked but, that ends here! From here on out, the building"s guardian entrusted by executive chief Mathers- Andrew Kersee Dunstan Francis Barbirolli will----"

""Shut up!""

Right in the middle of his speech, s.h.i.+dou and Miku shouted at the same time. The Gatling gun dented due to the strong voice and his Territory got split into half by a slash from .


Andrew so-and-so let out that cry as he fainted on the spot. Miku then continued talking in a manner as if she was kicking a rock at the roadside.

"In the first place, why must I even help you! Please know your limits!"

"Noo, you"re the one that said you would help me!"

"Fuuun, I don"t know that!"

Miku *Tsuuun* looked away. s.h.i.+dou twitched his cheeks.

"Why you……!"

But, at that moment. s.h.i.+dou noticed the floor was different from the others.

There was a stretch of tough looking wall and there was not even a single window nearby. It"s like-----yes, a quarantine facility.

"Is this……the place?"

He frowned his eyebrows and looked in front.

A strong looking door was installed on a part of the long stretching wall.

Part 5


The situation was not favorable.

Ellen and Jessica, both had received Maryoku treatment. Mana was probably taking on two of the most powerful opponents in DEM. If she wasn"t in , she would probably have been done for a long time ago.

While flying in the sky with high speed to dodge the group of approaching micro-missiles, Mana used her Territory to confirm both of their positions. Behind was----Jessica. But, Ellen"s readings could not be detected.

In the next moment, a different Territory touched Mana"s Territory. Mana quickly responded to it and swung her right arm"s laser blade.

When she did that, Ellen"s laser edge was swung down at that position and violent sparks scattered.


"Magnificent response. But, do you think you would win in a power fight?"

After saying that, Ellen swung the laser blade with incredible speed.

She can"t follow with her body vision. Mana concentrated all her nerves to increase the Territory"s density and responded by swinging her laser edge to the area getting slashed.

But, there was not only one opponent. When Mana was dealing with Ellen"s early-summer rain of slashes, a large amount of Missiles was released from "s weapon container- and was shot at Mana"s back.

Instantly, a part of the missiles exploded before reaching Mana. Most likely, supported her using the . But, the amount was too much. Several missiles escaped the chain explosion and exploded behind Mana.


"Kyahahahaha! Hitttttt! You caaaan"t do thaaat, you muuust be careful of your baccckkk!"

Jessica"s unpleasant loud laugh shook her eardrums.

Even though she had a Territory up, all of its energy was directed towards Ellen. She could not kill off all of the missiles impact. Her brain was shaken mercilessly and she was close to fainting.

But, after managing to maintain her consciousness by clenching her teeth, Mana made an order in her mind to activate the thrusters and left from the place. She had to regain her posture for now.

However. Right when Mana flew backwards, her path of escape got obstructed by an invisible wall.


Mana opened her eyes wide------and immediately knew its ident.i.ty. It was a limited Territory generated by . A type is able to generate a Territory towards someone else other than its user s.p.a.ce.

"You"re naïve you knowwww? This is the end, MaNaaaaa!"

Jessica made a gruesome face and laughed.

"Why you……looking down on me!"

Mana made an order in her mind and blasted off Jessica"s Territory.

But, Ellen did not let that chance go. For a moment, Ellen made an unsatisfied face because her match got disturbed, but she shook her head to regain her composure and swung down the laser blade .


It was not a distance where she could dodge. Mana switched her Territory to defense mode and stiffened her body in preparation for the incoming impact.

But----at that moment.


After Ellen distorted her eyebrows dubiously, a shot from a laser cannon was targeted at Ellen from the right side.

Ellen used the laser blade she swung up to hit down the Maryoku light. Mana took this chance to blast off Jessica"s Territory and backed off.

"That was-----"

For a moment there, Mana thought provided support but----she was mistaken.

When she looked over to the direction where the attack came from, she saw a doll-like girl with hair set to reach her shoulders floating there.

"Ma-Master sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi!?"

Mana shouted in reflex.

Yes. The outsider that suddenly came rus.h.i.+ng at Ellen to hit her was Mana"s old colleague-----Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.

"You okay?"

However. Mana felt a little weird at Origami"s appearance. Origami was wearing a wiring suit and a CR-unit, but the suit"s design was different from the usual basic AST standards.

The navy colored wiring suit had a big slit opened at her chest and she had several equipment that had no sense of unity. It"s as if she forcefully gathered them because she was in haste.

"Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami………..? You should be having medical treatment now. And that equipment, that"s not AST"s----"

Ellen frowned her eyebrows dubiously and mumbled softly. However, Origami did not reply and looked at Mana.

"----Where is s.h.i.+dou?"

"Eh? Nii-sama……….huh. Yes, he is safe."

After Mana said that, Origami"s mouth slightly relaxed.

"Where is he now?"

"Errr, at the first building."

"I see"

After Origami made a small nod, she activated the thrusters and flew towards the 1st building.

But, Ellen flew in the sky with tremendous speed to catch Origami.

"Did you think I would let you go?"

"………I will force through."

Origami exchanged glances with Ellen and their Territory clashed. Maryoku sparks scattered around.

"Master Sergeant Tob.i.+.c.hi!"

After Mana shouted, she made an order in her mind to support Origami.

The difference in power was clear already. On top of that, Origami should still be damaged from yesterday"s battle. It was the same as watching her get killed.

However, just when Mana was about to fly to Origami, a high powered Maryoku cannon was shot and it blocked her path.----There was no need to think who it was. It was Jessica.

"Where are you GoInG? Your opponent is me RighTtttTTttT?"

"Why you…..!"

Mana distorted her face and wriggled her right hand"s laser edge.

Origami switched her posture mid-air. Maybe it"s because it was a unit she was unfamiliar with, the movements were still unstable; Unfortunately it couldn"t be helped. She extended her hands to her back and took the laser cannon equipped behind her before pointing it forwards from below her left side.

The wiring suit Origami was wearing right now, didn"t belong to AST.

>--------it was the official equipment used by the United Kingdom"s anti-Spirit team.

On top of that, she had an equipment set consisting of a big mouth laser cannon, an a.s.sault Rifle set with Anti-Spirit bullets, a Gatling gun, and several types of close combat equipment.

This was the [Method] Mikie talked about.

It was a CR-unit with no ID management, which was hidden under an empty apartment.

This was something concealed by a terrorist group formed by old SSS members, who performed an a.s.sault at AST a few months ago.

All the main equipment was retrieved but-----it seemed Mikie found one spare hidden in a hide-out she found.


Origami fixed her posture mid-air gracefully and looked at her enemy.

When she did that, the enemy flicked her beautiful blonde hair elegantly.

"-----Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. I never would have thought that you would appear."

Origami remembered the face of the girl that said that. If she was correct, it was the cameraman that accompanied them to their school trip.

Now that she thought about it, there were several suspicious points during the school trip. Just when she was about to change her route-----a DEM mechanical doll appeared in front of Origami.

That"s why, even though she saw Ellen Mathers attacking Mana, her understanding was stronger than her surprise.

"I heard that you used in a battle with Bayley and exceeded its activation limit causing you to lose your combat capabilities. Even though you were treated with a Medical Realizer, you should be in a condition where you should stay still. I will tell you this in my concern for you; you will die if you force yourself."

"That does not matter."

"Is that so?"

The wiring suit different from the one she was familiar with was probably hidden away from the army and it was joined with previous generation weapons which were not maintained properly. That was all the cards inside Origami"s hand.

But----she could fight. No matter how hopeless the difference in strength was, she was able to point her blade at the enemy.

The opponent was a DEM wizard with the latest equipment. Origami might die here. Even though she might survive if she was lucky, she might not be able to fight any more in her life.

However, even if she turned out that way, she still had to save s.h.i.+dou. Just for that reason, she didn"t mind to rely on any coincidence, any kind of trick or any kind of surprise move to achieve it……..!

In addition to that, the Maryoku value of Ellen"s strong Territory was increasing. She was probably preparing for battle.

Nonetheless, Origami did not need to see its value. Judging by the feeling of the Territory when they clashed, she could somewhat estimate Ellen"s strength.

She was stronger than Mana, who was overwhelming during her mock battle with Origami and the other AST. She had never touched such a dense Territory in her life before. If she carelessly get to a close distance, Origami"s body will definitely get stopped.


She made a quick move right after she made an order in her mind. Origami took the Anti-Spirit Rifle in her right hand while she took the Gatling gun on her left hand before pulling the laser cannon"s trigger with her Territory and used an all-out attack on Ellen.

Her ammo was limited. Forget that, the Gatling gun in her left hand was not one of her original equipment; it was picked up beside a filled with holes when she was heading here.

But, as long as there was no chance to win in close-combat, she had no other choice but to continue attacking from a distance. She restrained the recoil with her Territory while focusing the bullets covered with Maryoku at one point.

Not long later, the rain of bullets stopped. Of course, it was not Origami"s will to do so. It was simply because she ran out of ammo.

However, after the wind blew away the film of smoke, Ellen was floating there calmly in a undamaged CR-unit.

"Did you seriously think that would work? It seems I am being underestimated."

*Yare Yare* after sighing in a tired manner, Ellen pointed the laser blade she was holding, at Origami.

But, at that moment, Ellen twitched her eyebrows.

The wall of a building filled with holes because of Origami"s attack collapsed and was falling right at Ellen.

Yes. She did not think that the attack just now would work on Ellen from the start. Origami made Ellen focus on herself while she hollowed out the wall behind Ellen.


But, Ellen did not move at all and stopped the approaching giant debris right before it reached her head.

Nevertheless, that was also within her expectations. After Origami released the connection of the a.s.sault rifle in her hands, she filled the body of the rifle with Maryoku and threw it towards Ellen with full strength.

Of course, it was blocked and stopped right by the Territory before it reached Ellen"s body. However, an explosion blasted out from the back part of the a.s.sault rifle.

"Wha----This is……!"

Ellen frowned her face and covered her mouth with her hand.

Origami attached a grenade on the rifle beforehand and set it so that the pin would be pulled out at the same time it pa.s.sed through her Territory.

Nevertheless, it was not like the gas had poisonous properties. It was a teargas used to subjugate riots. The worst possible symptoms it could cause would be causing itchiness for the eyes and nose.

But, Ellen didn"t know that. As long as there was a chance that she might inhale a poisonous gas, Ellen either had to use her Territory to neutralize its composition or shut out the gas by re-surrounding herself with her Territory.


Next off, Origami took a stun grenade from her hips and threw it at Ellen. A strong light and sound was spread to the surroundings.

She then made an order in her mind in a flash and converted the micro missiles equipped behind her before shooting every one of them at Ellen.

The Basic Realizer installed on the wiring suit was the part maintaining the Territory. And the part used to control it was none other than the human brain.

Right now in Ellen"s mind, she should be multi-processing thoughts such as blocking the debris, neutralizing the gas, and blocking against the sound and light. On top of that, she was being showered with flaming micro-missiles which had Maryoku processed in it. A normal wizard would cause a mistake on one of the processing because the brain might be overheating and would accidentally release the Territory for an instant.


"-----You"ve put some thought into it huh."


Origami heard that voice from behind and gasped.

But----it was too late. The same time when she quickly turned back, Origami"s neck was grabbed. The operation of her Territory levitating her body weakened and gravity pulled her body down.


"Not dealing with the Territory itself but rather to cause chaos to the brain generating it………huh. I see. It"s not a beautiful way but, it"s effective."

After saying that, Ellen, who appeared behind Origami, strengthened the hand grabbing onto her neck.

"How sad. If the opponent wasn"t me, then it would have been your win. But------how regretful. That isn"t the method to use against the world"s strongest Wizard."

After Ellen said that, she raised the side of her lips and smiled.

15000 meter above DEM j.a.pan branch. Right now an extreme battle in the office city was shown on the main monitor of bridge.

"A Wizard is approaching Mana from behind! It"s at 1"o clock!"

"------Make No.3 and 4 head there"

"Understood. No.3 and 4 finished setting to Mine mode."

The same time a crew voice echoed, a small explosion occurred in the sky of the city of buildings shown on the main monitor.

"-----intercept confirmed. Target Territory erased."

No one probably noticed since it was slipped in the battle"s blast and noise but, the group sent all of their automated unit- to the ground to support Mana.

As long as their communications can"t connect into the building, this was the only thing Kotori and the group could do. Even though Kotori was feeling impatient, she was performing her job with ease.

"Co-commander! Look at that!"

A voice was raised by a crew member. After Kotori looked at the monitor, the situation of the war zone was shown.

There were 2 girls floating in the sky. No-----a correct way to say it would be; a blonde girl in white armor was strangling a girl covered in a navy blue suit while being suspended in mid-air.


Kotori raised her eyebrows dubiously.

"Ellen Mathers is fighting Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami…….huh"

Kannazuki standing-by beside her put his hand on his chin and said that.

Yes. Although she was wearing unfamiliar equipment, the person being strangled right now was s.h.i.+dou"s cla.s.smate/ AST Wizard- Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.

DEM and AST should be organizations working together. Actually, the AST joined the battle just now and they were working together with the DEM wizards to fight against the group of Kurumi.

But----she immediately recalled back.

Yesterday. In the sky of Tenguu square, an unknown AST group appeared to target the Spirit"s and Origami used the Annihilation armor- to prevent them from doing so.

Nonetheless, it was hard to think that the Spirit hater Origami would protect Tohka and the others. Most likely……….she moved to protect s.h.i.+dou who was in the Tenguu Square.

"Don"t tell me………."

Kotori looked at the monitor while erecting the rod of the Chupa Chups in her mouth.

The reason why Origami was fighting against the DEM wizard. There was only one plausible answer for that.

"-----Prepare the convergence Maryoku cannon . We"re going to support Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami."

"Is it okay?"

Kawague from the bottom bridge asked. Kotori glanced at him and made a small sigh.

"…………it"s a complex feeling though. Seeing her die is going to cause nightmares. Also-----no matter what reason it might be, I can"t ignore someone that would try to save s.h.i.+dou."

After saying that, she took out the candy from her mouth and pointed at the girl in the monitor.

"AR-008, parallel activate No.5 and 6. Start Maryoku charge. At the same time, point the 3rd muzzle downwards. Switch one part of the control to manual.----Target: Ellen Mathers."

After Kotori said that, Minowa raised her voice difficultly from the bottom bridge.

"However, commander. The target is in contact with Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. Even if we lower the output, isn"t there a chance we might drag her in too?"

It was a normal reason to worry. However, Kotori snorted before making a sigh.

"That"s why I said this. Switch one part of the control to manual. ¬----Kannazuki."


Kannazuki nodded when he heard Kotori"s words.

"Prepare the headset. I"ll leave the aim to you. You can do it right?"

"If it is by your orders, I could even shoot an apple riding on someone"s head."

Without a moment of hesitation, Kannazuki bowed his head down. After the crew gulped, they started operating the console under Kotori"s instructions.

"-----Well then. Originally, I would like to fight you but, sorry I am in a little hurry."

Ellen said it in a soft tone while strangling Origami. She then slowly raised the giant laser blade held by her right hand and pushed it onto Origami"s cheeks.


"Ike took an interest in you, so I don"t really want to kill you but……….it seems you"re quite smart and it"s not desirable to ignore that"

After saying that, she switched on the sword"s blade. While making a *Jyuuuu* sound, a sharp pain was felt on Origami"s cheeks.


But that moment.


A sparkle like a glittering star appeared in the sky colored in darkness, and a tremendous torrent of light poured down.


The light poured straight down as if it was going to suck in Ellen"s head------and the moment it touched Ellen"s Territory, Maryoku light sparked around.

That was... The super high energy Maryoku cannon blast was on a level impossible for an individual"s equipment. Most likely, the pillar of light excelled even "s .


This was unexpected even for Ellen. Ellen looked painful for the first time. Maybe because she could not respond to such a sudden event, Origami could feel the power obstructing her Territory weaken.


Origami took the chance to turn her body and escape from Ellen"s restraints.

She poured her strength into her right foot and stretched the leg. A 10 centimeter blade showed itself from there.

She then generated Maryoku on the blade and swung it at Ellen.

"Hah, guh……..!?"

Her feet felt a response and Ellen"s anguish voice echoed.

In the next moment, Origami"s leg was grabbed by an invisible hand and she was thrown towards the building"s wall.


She could not decelerate and slammed at the wall. Although she somewhat killed off some of the impact, it made her cough violently.


"…………now you"ve done it."

Having survived through the mysterious Maryoku cannon, Ellen frowned her eyebrows in detest while looking at Origami.

Her wiring suit was torn from her chest to her stomach and a painful wound was carved on her white skin. Maybe she managed to stop the blood with her Territory, but the blood that splashed out when she got the wound left a red bloodstain on her white armor.

Ellen pointed her sword at Origami.

"Even though an unnecessary interruption got in, you are the 2nd human to ever hurt my body………..Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. You are a wonderful Wizard. Be proud of yourself.----However, you will have to do so in the next world."


Origami was floating in the sky while supporting her painful body with her Territory. Even though she managed to return a blow, the hopeless difference in power got opened even larger.

But, after Ellen twitched her eyebrows, she moved her sights as if she w

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